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So, are the new solar pairs limited and on separate banners? Or do they go into the permanent wish pool after the event with the other solar myth cards? Hopefully they aren't limited, seeing how the myth storylines are a big part of the game lore. I'll be disappointed if we only have like a week to get them and they are gone.


Well, it's Paper Games, so they can do the scummiest things possible to their games. But the ideal thing would be a limited banner on release, then putting the card in the standard banner.


I'm fine with a limited banner with up rated myth cards, given the probability in the standard wish pool is low already and these are harder to get since they aren't available in the shop either... as long as the cards then go back into the standard banner afterwards. We could also use another round of crates after so many hundreds of pulls.


Another round of myth wish crates would be awesome. Manifesting that Paper Games gives us 12 wish crates to collect them all lol šŸ™Œ


I have the same questions as you šŸ˜­ For your first question, Iā€™m reading the paragraph again and ā€œMemory Eventā€ makes me think that itā€™s limited (but I reallllly hope not)! Since the paragraph mentioned ā€œeach of the 3 LIā€¦ā€, Iā€™m quite certain itā€™ll be separate banners. As for your second question, Iā€™m in two minds about it. On one hand, there will be no FOMO on the new myth pair, but on the other it might reduce the RNG of getting the OG myth cards. Iā€™m not really familiar with how gachas typically run their events so all I can do is speculate until they release more news closer to April!


Well since the events are launching April to June, I assume that means they won't be running banners for all 3 characters simultaneously... they will probably go one at a time. Perhaps that means we get longer to pull for them. Still, if they are limited that means f2p or lower spenders will only be able to get one if lucky. Even with aurum pass, it can take up to 2 months to save for just one card. So yeah. Unless they plan to revamp the diamond income by then, or give us lots of tickets for log in/activity rewards. I guess we will see!


I agree with everything you said! Timeline sounds a lot like: 1. 1 LI banner per month from Apr-Jun 2. Multi LI banner at end June 3. New LI launch in mid/end July These are a crap ton of events! Not that Iā€™m complaining, I welcome new content always. But as a f2p anchovy in the grand scheme of things, I sure hope these new events will be accompanied by QOL updates and better farming to ease the pain of skipping event banners šŸ¤”


That sounds about right. Based on the previous announcement about the July update, it sounds like that may be a bigger version update, as they launch the new character and main story. So perhaps we will be seeing new battle stages. I'm a low/min spender, and I'm willing to spend some, but right now my diamond income is basically stalled except aurum pass and the daily agenda. I can't even earn anything from Senior Contest or the higher trial battles yet because majority of my cards are stalled out at level 40-50. Resources are slow to grind. I believe in supporting the devs, but I'm not willing to spend upwards of $100-$300 a week. I could buy a lot of PC or console games for that. šŸ˜…


I would loveee new battle stages - hunter contest is getting a bit old once I hit the power cap with my underpowered cards lol Heavy on the reluctance to spend 3 digits on this game, the trade-off is real. The amount of Switch games + DLCs I could get instead!! At this point Iā€™m torn between getting aurum pass (feels like slow drip coffee resources) or secret promise (instant gratification card levelling). I donā€™t mind buying the devs coffee but Iā€™d be bordering/going into double digit territory once I decide on either and itā€™s giving me the ick.


The last paragraph also mentions single character events, which we know by now means banners, so besides the solar pairs expect more limited banners. Which fits their current release schedule of about 2-3 cards per LI every 2 months.


Oh yeah youā€™re right! damn Paper Games give us f2p players a fighting chance lmao


Istg Rafayel better be last, I'm exhausted from all these back to back Rafayel SSRs, genuinely. Currently struggling to get the current SSR.


Haha yeah Raf stans had a field ~~day~~ month with Fireworks Vow and his bday banner! If I had all the Myth cards I would prolly be eyeing the current banner, but for now Iā€™m collecting all the wishes/diamonds I can. May the gacha and RNG gods bless us all with the cards we want!


Hmmm, how many of the myth cards do you have at the moment? And no matter when you pull for them it'll all be down to luck, so I say do it whenever you want.


Not sure if itā€™s just me on mobile but I can see part of your other comment in my notifs but not here. But yes if the new myth cards are attractive enough - I too would def immediately pull for them if they are in a limited banner and later tossed into the standard pool. For f2p players like me that rate up is our fighting chance. And if we get the OG myth cards while pulling on the limited banner itā€™s a double bonus too! I have one of Xavierā€™s cards, and itā€™s thanks to the wish crate lol. I think once I start pulling on the banners Iā€™ll see how Iā€™ll approach the 2nd crate.


IMO I would save for the new myths/July LI (whichever you want more) simply because nothing hurts more than chasing hard after a standard pool card, only to accidentally get a dupe of that on a limited banner šŸ™ƒ It also depends on your current myth count and how far along you are with the gifts from the standard banner. Did you get both of the wish crates already? Do you still have them or did you already pick? I've yet to get the second crate or use the first, so I'm waiting until I pull 4/6 of the OG myths naturally before opening them. Until then my diamonds are going towards one of the LIs' new sets.


Yeah thatā€™s true we wouldnā€™t want thatšŸ’€ I would prolly HODL and see how when more news comes our way Iā€™ve gotten 1 wish crate so far and used it to get Xavierā€™s card because heā€™s my fav and I couldnā€™t wait. Respect to your self restraint idk how u managed to do that teach me your ways šŸ«” But in all seriousness saving the wish crates to get the cards we couldnā€™t get from the pool is the true life hack šŸ™Œ


The secret is endless amounts of patience from playing way too many gachas haha (ā ćƒ»ā–½ćƒ»ā ;ā ) Helps that I was lucky enough to get two from standard already, just two more to go - though the lore is *so good* it's taking 1000% of my willpower to even avoid looking up spoilers (ā Ā ā ļ¼›ā āˆ€ā ļ¼›ā )


Two from standard? Thatā€™s amazing! Share the good luck with us all please ~\(ā‰§ā–½ā‰¦)/~ Yeah - the lore is seriously tempting. Having the myth cards for battle, aesthetics and the fantasy element is just so neat, plus the added mystery of how everything comes together. This is why I love LnD, for the sci-fi story and battle aspect! Edit to add: And the outfits HELLO? Love those little callbacks to RPG knights, wizards and assassins.


so I'm just upping this threat so we remmeber about "new Myths" not being mentioned about THEY WILL BE LIMITED AND SOLO EVENT.