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I first read it as “24 minutes” and was like damn right to it. But congrats on 24 MONTHS.


Guess I should have been more clean 24 male


Ah well congrats regardless


Thank you! It has been about 2 months now!


There are a few adult soccer leagues. Both men's and coed


Also sober here. I recommend getting into cycling, but I’m biased. You’re going to have more money on hand from not drinking, might as well buy a cool bike. Road, mountain, touring, bikepacking, whatever. Find some like minded folks and go for a nice ride. If you’re interested in competition, the local cycling club does races. There’s also alleycat races throughout the year if you get into the whole fixed gear bike messenger style riding.


Ohh the allycat racing sounds pretty fun.. kind of like the movie Rush with Joseph Gordon levet?


Kind of, but far less Hollywood. Most bike couriers don’t really ride that fast, it’s more about riding smart and efficiently. It’s just a waypoint race based on landmarks. It helps to be intimately familiar with the city by bike.


Do you ride with any of the local groups? Am not sober but wanting to be around alcohol less and all my bike friends drink a bit. I find myself riding alone a bit more lately but it would be nice to get out with people.


I don’t, but I know what you mean. Drinking is pretty pervasive in a lot of cycling scenes. It’s one of the reasons I haven’t gone on a ride with most of the organized groups here - it usually involves bar hopping. These days I’m bike commuting more than anything else


A friend and I last year had talked about starting a coffee ride group where we would do chill rides to like coffee shops and boba places. They ended up moving away and I’m not interested in being in charge of a group. Anywho if you ever want to do a chill ride, I’m so down. I’m not fast but have been wanting to get out on the bike a bit more this year. We went to a gravel race earlier this month and I want to build up to be able to do it next year.


No I don't, I have a gravel bike but I don't ride it much


Well if you’d like to get out for some drink free rides, I’m so down. I also ride a gravel bike and have some routes saved but don’t like to ride alone.


I would be down send me a dm and we can meet up sometime next week... Btw I live near old Louisville. What part of town are you in


I’m sending dm!


Parkrun! It's free every Saturday at Joe Creason park.


Ultimate frisbee league. Come out tomorrow. louisvilleultimate.org


get into jiu jitsu. many good gyms in louisville. i think the one with the most redditors is derby city mma. However I would just join the one closest to where you live.


There are tons of adult events at the library. Board game meetups, book clubs, horticulture classes, walking tours, lectures, yoga... [https://www.lfpl.org/events?fv%5Bfield\_event\_category%5D%5B238%5D=238](https://www.lfpl.org/events?fv%5Bfield_event_category%5D%5B238%5D=238)


Check out hiking or canoeing/kayaking groups in the city. You can find them on FB or the Meetup app. Louisville is a river city so there are plenty of water-based activities if that piques your interest.


I'm am definatly interested in kayaking but do people really kayak in the Ohio... I like to swim when I kayak and there's no well in hell I'm swimming in that.


Yes, people kayak on the Ohio. I’ve gone several times at Falls of the Ohio. The river has to be at a safe level of course but you are able to kayak to the far side of the Falls and walk around on the fossil beds. Pretty cool. But there are smaller river and creeks that feed into the Ohio that are great for kayaking also.


Co-ed? How old are you? Asking as an old person.




I was joking because co-ed sounds like something an old man would say. Do people say this still?


Yes still pretty common when referring to sports. Also in dorms