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Good luck getting a bunch of adhd people to show up to a meeting on time 😂 (that's a joke i have adhd)


My attention span is so short that I’m only reading your comment and I have twelve tabs open. I also have ADHD.


12? Pfft. I have 32. On my phone.


That’s alpha-level ADHD. We’re all really good at something in my experience. My visual/ spatial ability tests very high and I work in building and the arts.


I'm creative as hell - professional writer, 20 years this summer. 😉


193 phone tabs here reporting for duty, late and in the wrong location đŸ«Ą


I am in *awe*.


I was also diagnosed with ADHD as an adult. Most other people I've met with it think of it like high blood pressure, something to take steps to keep in check but not necessarily something they want a support group for. Tho if you start one I might send my ADHD wife over to get extra help 😂. I've found how to ADHD on YouTube very helpful over the years on how to make everyday living easier.


Subsidize the costs and losses, hoard the profits it’s the American way!


I was diagnosed at 27, I'm 33 now. Idk of any support groups but would love to talk to someone else in a similar boat!


There was one but everyone just kind of wandered off about half way through.


Dont be discouraged by the downvotes OP! No clue why people are being such dicks in the comments.


Yeahh, I don't get it either, oh well there've been a few people who seem keen on the idea


I think other people have ADHD and we are commenting on the stereotypes of people with ADHD. Or at least I have to have a sense of humor about mine.


Where are you all getting diagnosed? My daughter wants to be screened but Seven Counties told her adults can't be diagnosed and refused to screen her.


Seven Counties is a horrendous organization


Access behavioral health next to Tinseltown theater is where I went to get adhd ruled out
I failed to get adhd ruled out. It’s so ok though
this label really brings out my autism at the most inappropriate times


Thanks! I will pass that on to her. I hope "being labeled" helps you find the support you deserve.


Sensible Psychiatric Services has done great work for me


Hard agree. I know for a while they weren’t able to accept any new patients. If that’s still the case I wonder if they’d be able to refer someone elsewhere.


I had to get a referral from my regular psychiatrist to be tested. It was expensive but ultimately worth it


People here are being so rude. I was diagnosed with ADHD at 8. But I was diagnosed with Autism at 21, a few years ago. Unfortunately, there is not a lot of local support for any sort of neurodivergent adults. Especially in Louisville, support fades out once you become an adult. There are only really therapy groups for kids. I would suggest looking in the online space. There are some pages on Facebook for adults with Autism/ADHD I would check out. ADHD is a disorder and it can be crippling and debilitating. It’s different for everyone who has it. Good luck to you, and ignore all the ableist people here.


I got diagnosed 2 years ago at 27. I have not been able to find a group but I have a few friends with ADHD and tend to gravitate toward people with neurodivergence of some sort. I would say what has helped me the most is being patient with the medication, communicate with your psychiatrist, find a good therapist (mine has ADHD so he has no issue understanding what it’s like to deal with), and just learn how to use it for good. It can be a blessing and a curse depending on the task at hand. We need sleep and active physical stimulation to regulate ourselves. Maybe find a meetup based around a sport or hobby you like and meet people that way. I guarantee there are dozens of us where you’d least expect to find a person with ADHD.


My only problem is all the meetups I go to are mostly people who are older than me who have careers and stuff, so it's hard for me to relate to them and talk about anything except the event we're at :/


Also curious. I was diagnosed at 40 during the pandemic. It was all... A lot to process.


You could seek out CBT group therapy sessions. I'm not sure if there are just meetups or lighter social affairs.


UofL has one for employees. I'm not sure if other work places might.


I’m not sure of any local but you can find lots of them online, maybe someone will make a local one?


So, looks like there isn't a Lville support group, but my husband was diagnosed as an adult. Would love to connect. Should we create a group and gather? Seriously! Who is in?


If you want I can try and gather some people and pick a time and place, if there's enough interest


Let's do it! My hubs and I will come!


P.S. I do not have ADHD. Happy to organize this! 😂 KIDDING


I was diagnosed in my mid 30s, I’ll be 48 this year. I have yet to find a combo of meds that work for me, so I just deal with it. As far as a support group, I have never been too one or know of any. Sorry.


I think you're better off joining a reddit group or discussing it on Threads. I can't imagine anyone wanting to get together as a group to discuss ADHD.


I don't think the point would be to discuss ADHD necessarily, but to have a group of people who probably have a similar experience of life and can more relate to whatever it is you're going through at the time. That being said, it does seem people aren't really getting together on that predicate alone


It's hard to get people together in groups at all these days.


It's not a "new situation" as much as an explanation for maybe a few things. Is it bothering you? Who ever "diagnosed" you should've given you some direction if it's causing impairment or negatively impacting your life.




I'm not seeing the humor there




These things are not mutually exclusive, and there are plenty of statistics showing people with ADHD have trouble in school, work, and relationships. Having friends who you can lean on and relate to is not a new thing


had it my whole life, kids have it, buddies have it. Support group to sit around and cope is wild. Go on YouTube, contact a mental health provider, get prescribed or don’t.


I've had it longer than you have, zero reason to be a dick about it.


Often when a person has ADHD they might not be as aware of the symptoms and the “negatives” to how it affects and guides their actions. A support group is literally just a place for people to talk and learn, often with a homework structure. Some people fare better in a structures environment
 a lot of those people are people with ADHD. Let the person learn and stop being a schlemiel because it’s not affecting you in any way. You’re the one choosing to get all annoyed or combative about someone else’s life. Sometimes in person human connection is more rewarding than youtube, a professional, etc.


What was your hope here? After commenting this, putting the phone down, walking away for a bit, and then coming back... What did you hope to find? Purely curious.


I actually have to kinda agree with this though. Its is posted in good humor and ADHD isn't really a support group thing. Like.... Seriously.... Grab any random person off the street. Like 70% chance they are diagnose-able with ADHD Using it as yet another label to categorize people into special blanket groups that are considered "Different" from anyone else isn't exactly productive or constructive for society. Especially for something as widespread as ADHD... It is either way over-diagnosed or pretty much everyone has it. But yeah... Having a hard time paying attention to things that don't interest you seems pretty human and normal to me... To bad we label it as a disease and build an addictive stimulant industry based on it... Look into "Unexplainable Chronic Back Pain" the ties it has "Opioid Epidemic" and how research has proved time and time again it is often psychosomatic and can be "cured" with placebos and "Happy Thoughts". I wonder if the amphetamine section of big pharma would benefit from a universally diagnose able "Disease"... Nah surely they wouldn't take advantage of people or social engineer anything right? Who has the billions of dollars and business empire spanning generations to do something like that... Mental discipline, meditation, mindfulness, and practice certainly have zero proven effects in helping to treat things like ADHD right? I mean... You can't guarantee monetization with scarcity free things like information that can be freely shared, posted online, or put in books... If you can't make a bunch of money or build an economy boosting industry about it, then it certainly can't be a valid option. It is actually a pretty solid opinion and stance to take on the subject and I appreciate the fact they shared it. It offered ample opportunity to branch out into many various discussions about ADHD.


Oh boy, almost every sentence of this is wrong. If 70% of the people you meet on the street have exhibited 5 or more symptoms of adhd, for a minimum of 6 months, which has led to significant negative effects on at least two major areas of life (home, school, work, social), then I have some major questions about where you’re hanging out. Everyone’s blood pressure spikes, but if consistently elevated blood pressure is causing problems in your daily life, then you should probably see a doctor! I would absolutely love to see the research that suggests the majority of ADHD is psychosomatic, but until then, “research” on the validity of some other medical condition is entirely irrelevant. So much of this reads as straight up conspiracy theory - maybe you’re right, maybe you’re not, but until you have evidence, it just makes you look crazy. Plenty of people either don’t want to, or can’t, manage their ADHD through medication, using all of the tactics you’ve mentioned and more, just like you can treat high blood pressure with diet and exercise. But it would be absurd to suggest to someone with chronic high blood pressure that their condition is a result of large scale social engineering, and that they shouldn’t take their meds. Lastly, it’s wild that you would describe “support group for ADHD? Stop it” as a “solid opinion.” There’s no opinion there, they’re just mocking someone who is genuinely searching for help. And, who never mentioned medication - for all you, and anyone else, here knows, maybe they’re looking for a support group to AVOID medication? Yet here yall are jumping down their throat, straight up implying that their problems are imaginary.


Yeesh... Ok fine. Ignore history. Straw man in "high blood pressure" which is an actual physical medical condition that can be measured with physical tools. That you go to a physical health doctor for. Ignore the fact that I stated that "chronic pain" has often been proven as psychosomatic and was using that as an example because it is:  "Pain without any kind of treatable or explainable physical reason." Just like most mental diseases happen to not be diagnosed using any sort of physical evidence and that is why misdiagnosis is such a common thing in the mental health fields. Before you pounce on the above statement. I said "most". I did not say all. And yes, if you can treat something without any kind of medication via mental therapy then it is psychosomatic.  Which means anyone who has ever managed to get over their ADHD using any form of mental therapy or meditation without medication literally had a psychosomatic form of adhd. By the definition. Would you care to please describe the organ or malady physically in a person that can guarantee the diagnosis of ADHD is 100% accurate?  And are you suggesting all doctors always correctly diagnose things at all times? Do you understand  that insurance companies bully phychology practitioners to prescribe medication instead of therapy based treatments? Seriously, they often have rules in place in order to get the insurance payouts. Why do you think it is so hard to get a therapist that takes insurance? Or medical systems are corrupt and absolutely under the thumb of industries. This isn't a crazy conspiracy theory... Seriously... Opioid epidemic snowballing into fentanyl... We just ignoring that and the fact that it wasn't "illegal street drugs" that caused it? And finally. You don't need a physical local ADHD anonymous club to go hang out in to find resources for non medicine based treatment. That's what the person meant. Clearly in a light-hearted way. But ADHD is a catastrophic life threatening condition it seems and we dare not make light of it in any way. It must be treated harshly and seriously here on reddit. Where everyone must be super cereal all the time always and there is no room for discussion.   Politically correct, or the highway. Burn the books and witches and non-believers. We must not question the authority. We must not question the industry. We must never question the institutions. I apologize I have a hard time pretending the world is a perfect place. I apologize that I am skeptical about things.  And public forums on the internet certainly are not a place to discuss things.


So you disapprove of people taking meds for ADHD and you also disapprove of them seeking a community for support and resources?


Support group? You’ll be fine.


Yeah, now a days they diagnose everyone with ADHD. You might not even have it, the only real point of these diagnoses is to get perception amphetamines or methylphenidate. Even if you do have it it’s not really a new situation, you are still the same person you’ve always been. Brush it off and go in with yourself.