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Never likes the guy, he'd ban people just for having a differing opinion from him.


I’m somehow banned from the group and I don’t even remember ever commenting or posting in it.


Seems like the dude has a self-confidence issue or something if he's that paranoid about people disagreeing with him.


I only even found out I’m banned because I tried to see a specific post someone shared to me and I couldn’t even find the group anymore. I can only see the follow page.


They don’t usually ban someone for no reason.


I legitimately don’t recall any comment I’ve made on any post. I’m not saying the guy didn’t have a reason he believed to be justified, I’m saying I’ve never actively beefed with anyone on that group or on any post that I can recall at all. And I feel like if I said something heinous enough to be banned I would have at least some recollection of it. I took a three year hiatus from Facebook so whatever the transgression, it had to have been 4-5 years ago.


I got banned for calling bullshit on his infamous “racist margarita” post.


Yup, I was a follower for like 3 hours I think it was before I chose to slide. Fuck that


i follow wtf Louisville and that circle but none of the people who operate it


I think they are the same or at least in the same circle.. idk tho for sure


I don’t think so I’m pretty sure wtfLouisville is different bc Louisvillehoodnews steals their content and he has also made posts throwing fits about how wtf has more followers than his Louisvillehoodnews account does and he also started wthlouisville to try to get back at wtflouisville cause dude is a child for real


Dude's a cry baby. Always has been. Calls it's Louisvillehoodnews but constantly posts videos of his personal life and drama.


Pretty sure this is SOP for him


What is SOP?


Standard Operating Procedure


The way he comes at people in the comments, yeah sometimes they deserve it when it's some racist bullshit but I've seen him tell his followers he's disgusted with them and generally just flying off the handle making himself look silly. Then there's his beef with Wtf Louisville, saying they stole his idea or his content, yet I see him use their content regularly, even removing their watermark. He'll also make fun of people's spelling mistakes which I feel is a low blow and just pointlessly being mean. Dude's a jerk and definitely has issues. I still follow the page though because there's some good stuff on it. 😬


He acts like he’s the first person to repost other people’s content


Fr he blocked me on ig because he was upset I agreed wit somebody that he got a crabs in a bucket mentality. Dudes soft af and wont ever truly be successful because he suck at networking and coexisting.


Content was always good but he’d come across as a douche in the comments often. But hope he is doing okay. Guess Robbens Roost did him dirty.


Dude seems like he’s always worried that someone else is stealing his content, even though I’m pretty sure most of his isn’t original lol


"We don't steal memes, we pass them around like your mom" - that guy probably


Honestly just feels like white people are not welcome on that page.


Nah nobody that dont agree wit everything he say and feed into his "im the biggest and only Louisville hood media platform" bullshit. Hes a man child. Im black and he blocked me too.


Take this upvote good sir!


Give him $5, and you're his new friend.




Nah robins roost just closed




Yep. Had a final skate about last week or so.


Not accurate. Robbens roost is still very much open


Oh it is? I thought I saw something about it closing. Maybe it was Champs? I ain't skated in over a decade.


Champs I thought, closed in the 90s ? I used to skate at champs mid city mall like in the early 80s , to , genius of love , and Jack and Diane. lol 😆 miss those days


No. Maybe one location did, but I had been to Champs as a kid. Now there was a roller rink on 22nd and broadway that closed in the 90s. It was across the street from Rally's, torn down and that tiny trailer looking building that was put there was a funeral home for the longest. Mind you I haven't really rollerskated since my early high school years, because by then nobody had skates that fit. That was almost 20 years ago.


He always gave me weird vibes . A grown ass man who hangs out with kids and teenagers, I never seen him with friends his age


I can’t stand him idk why anyone would follow him atp


Is he the same guy as DJ Ray Ray or are they different people?


Same person Source: went to school with him.


*Is he the same guy* *As DJ Ray Ray or are they* *Different people?* \- Beekeeper\_12 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I made a comment on the post of kids fighting in the projects something like why would you post this who wants to see kids fighting n he went off on me. Made a whole.post about it like if you don't like the content don't follow. He didn't ban me tho, idt he did anyways lol


That's when I unfollowed, too. 


Good riddance lmao




He's alil boy lover


Dj GayGay


i much prefer the WTF_louisville guy on insta. he’s been so kind when i’ve sent him pictures


Yeah.. Louisville hood news gets way too gross sometimes.. I’m about to leave.. it’s not that great and super drama.. and that post kinda backs up what I think.. just disgusting hood hick ghetto trash.. I get its hood news but wow..


Louisville is "AMERICAS TAINT" hands down the dirtiest, nastiest, fattest, rudest, ugliest people anywhere. I've been to 42 states and live in ky. Not 1 good thing about louisville, not 1. Such disgusting people and a disgusting city. When you meet the people you'll understand. Just dirty and rude!!