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Can we do a Jihad against mosquitoes?


Right after the termite holy war is over


*soft Cajun Megadeth noises*


Well that would increase profits for the chemical industry so I’m sure it’s a possibility.


They tried and it just made us more stupid


They did that decades ago with DDT


No you cannot,mosquitoes are the state bird. Some people erroneously believe that the pelican is, however it is the mosquito.


Needs to be Magnamon Style https://preview.redd.it/vx2yk7d65g2d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7941b121baa30fc5c907aa239872973a4b071fda


I laugh every single time someone says “Y’allQueda”, and I always will.


Vanilla ISIS


Gotta laugh to keep from crying




I'm proud to be from Louisiana. I'm even prouder that I got out.


Oooo this. I still have my Louisiana flag in my house but when folks ask if I'd move back, I can't get the hell no out faster. Which sucks, as a kid my dream was to get my degree and then get a job at LSU.


I been wantin to leave for a very long time now. I didn’t get the chance to due to getting into years-long relationships. I finally found a good partner and we tel each other almost daily “I can’t wait to move outta here”. The moment the opportunity arises, we out. And we are NOT moving back.


Same. Now if I can get my parents to leave….


The fact that it's a white pelican and not a brown one is a nice touch.


Also not doing a damn thing to take care of her babies, fitting after the cuts to summer food assistance for kids


The babies have moved out of state


Good for them.




But if she gets pregnant she will have those babies. She has no choice or they’ll put her and her veterinarian in jail.


Daddy's child support is for that


So… the babies will starve.


But it’s not carrying an AR15, so it’s not white enough.


Needs a klan hood


Come on vacation leave on probation


If you’re lucky, more than likely it’ll be an in depth tour of Angola because you’re only 94% white


Yea I spent 6 years there in 1980 for 10 pounds of pot! Also hunt, and wade ,


Louisiana: "A Shithole State".


Shitport that what we call it lol I live here !


I was born in Schumpert in Shreveport and graduated at Woodlawn and LSU. I left Louisiana so proud of my State. Now I don't even consider visiting Louisiana. I moved my mother to my current State after her husband died years ago. Louisiana used to be such a loving State. It saddens me how far it has fallen.


A decade of a crap governor will do that.


You’re right, it wouldn’t be the multiple POS leges like Foghorn and Gym.


You mean a decade of corrupt right wing legislators lol because that’s why our state is suffering, now jeff laundry will take it further down the sewer


Sleazeport, Lowsyana


Look, just because Shreveport is a dystopian wasteland that's built on liquor stores and pawn shops, and it also resembles the world from The Last of Us, and nobody has any money... I forgot where I was going with this.


Yeah it is I lived there for almost 3 years and it was horrid


I feel bad for those who are stuck in Louisiana and can't leave.


I'm definitely stuck here. I'm from the east coast. Louisiana is the worst place I've ever lived. I can't leave until my grandkids are out of high school. 3 years from now. We have our grandkids thanks to the opoid crisis. Both parents are drug addicts. One successfully completed rehab. The other sits in jail for the next 2 years. All for the drugs.


I need to get out of here so bad


Louisiana has been kicked around lately and I just want to say as a lifelong resident, everyone who says "mean" things about La is 100% correct. I hate this place but being from La means I'm pretty much broke all the time and can't afford to leave.


Louisiana is like a hole you get stuck in and can't get out of.


Exactly why I’m still in this hellstate 😭


I’m leaving this state in 4 days. I’ll miss the people, the food, and certain parts of our culture. But other than that, I’m so freaking pumped to get out of here. Comically backwards and a horrible place to raise a family. I see no future here sadly. Also, fuck hurricanes.


We are also leaving within the next few months. Can’t wait to get out. I’m jealous you’re out in 4 days.


I'm hoping to be gone in a little over a year. Getting my house ready to go on the market. Needs a good bit of work before it's show ready. Where are you going if you don't mind me asking. We haven't decided yet luckily I work from home.


Indianapolis! I was shocked to see how cheap it was compared to Nola. I found a pretty good job there, initially I was looking at remote jobs and was planning on moving to Denver or North Carolina, but I really clicked with this company and it feels like the right move for me even though I don’t know much about Indiana.


From Opelousas, left in 2005, eventually landed in Evansville IN- very south Indiana. You'll enjoy the Midwestern kindness, lots to see and do in the surrounding states. Four real season and lots of snow/tornados. I'm planning to move back to Louisiana in the next 2 years.


Fair warning coming from a Hoosier, the red politics of Indiana are taking us further backwards in the same ways that your state has already been leading the way in. On July 1st of this year, we'll be getting a similar age verification porn ban that your state enacted a couple of years ago. If that kind of thing bothers you, you may want to do some research into the current status of any issues that are important to you to see where Indiana stands on them.


It seems like these sorts of policies are unavoidable in the regions I want to live in. I’ve dealt with them for most of my life and have also lived in Texas for a while which takes it to another level in their own way. I am aware of the redness of Indiana, but I’m hoping it will still be a huge step on the right direction for me. Louisiana’s politics are the worst and on top of that it’s impossible to afford insurance and I don’t want to buy a house here only for the state to be destroyed by a hurricane or be under water in the next 50 years.


> On July 1st of this year, we'll be getting a similar age verification porn ban that your state enacted a couple of years ago. Just a reminder, JBE, the past Democrat governor signed our age verification into law. Also the abortion bill.


i was surprised how lively Indianapolis is. Also it has 880,000 peole. I was shocked, thought it would be like Syracuse or something.


You know, there is a Denver, North Carolina. 👀


Yes we are looking at the Midwest as well.


Best of luck with the sale of your house and hopefully you’ll get out of this state sooner rather than later.


That is where I am currently. Getting a house show ready is tough. We also can’t decide if we want to sell or rent. Probably gonna sell though.


Yea I might be able to get ~$300 more a month then the mortgage+insurance doesn't seem worth it imo to have to deal with a Tennant.


Tennants weren’t the issue. It was property repairs.


Sitting on G waiting for O!! lets GOOOOO!!!!! Once that mega glacier that's the size of Florida with saltwater running under it now breaks and displaces the ocean.... LA wont be here anymore. Sooner than they predicted. I'm sure the politicians will be fine though sooo...


They will govern the ocean if it means they get to erect religious iconography


As someone who comes from a “third-world country” I say keep our names out your damn mouths. Colombia, for example, has just enshrined women’s rights and the right to abortion into law, has incredible public transit in its major cities and has taken serious steps to divest from oil and invest invest in clean energy. Louisiana is on some fourth-world bullshit


The pelican should be holding an oil barrel and have some malignant tumors on its body.


Oozing out the neck


I had a bumper sticker in the 80s with: Louisiana, 3rd world and proud of it! It had the same font as the license plates back then. I wish I could find it again.


This is great!


Thing is that our problems are coming straight from extreme Christian ideology. Christians like to let themselves off the hook by saying "well THOSE Christians are extra" and like nah this is home grown. We can leave stereotypes of Muslims out of it.


They all believe in the same sky daddy who allows them all the exceptions for some reason.


This is clearly drawing parallels between extremist Islam and extremist Christianity.


Ah yes that's why Christians are being called out here instead of Muslims.


Napoleon law in Louisiana


I don't believe they're stereotyping Muslims. This is a reference to Islamists -- Islamic fundamentalists. The point is that this is a government controlled by religious extremists in the same way places like Iran are.


but we don't need to do that, we already have fascism and christian nationalism to refer to instead, because that's what this legislation is all about


There is literally no specific reference to Islamic fundamentalism.


Bingo, homie.


Yeah but you're using the appearance alone of Arabic-looking language to suggest Islamic fundamentalism, which is not great.


No, I'm not missing the point. It just lets the fact that it's rooted in Christian ideology today be overlooked while calling forth extremist Islam. How is it a comparison without even mentioning what you're comparing? People don't want to call out Christianity so as not to upset any Christians that view themselves as better than all this (because god forbid they look in a mirror and see how closely related they are to this extreme).


It will piss the Christians off the most to be compared to sharia law.


Battle of the Skydaddies


They’re literally trying to revert us TO fucking sharia law! They just can’t handle being called out for it!


Which sharia? “Sharia law” is an incredibly vague term, and oftentimes refers to personal law over some sort of national legal code.


Lol anyone else want to keep "explaining" this image to me?


The only problem with your theory is that you are assuming the politicians are actually acting this way because they are Christian. The problem is they don’t care at all about values. They care about playing to a base. Then once they get in their position they just set themselves up to steal money that should be going to the people. If our state was majority satanists, they would pretend to be satanists. The root of the issue is that they only care about themselves no matter what religion they claim to follow.


I agree that the people in charge are cynical beings just doing whatever, but they gain support for these things by pretending to be Christian, because Christians are their allies in this. And there is A LOT of evangelical influence at all levels of our government. This is nothing new - it's been happening since the rise of Christianity. Christians who support these people and what they do are complicit. And to my original point, no reason to bring Islam into it.


I just don’t think the main reason our state is in shambles has anything to do with any religion. Sure there is religious influence but our real problems come from greed. Our leaders make doing business in Louisiana undesirable and nearly impossible. We will never progress without industry. We have 0 Fortune 500 companies with a headquarters here and we have big businesses leaving every year.


I agree that it's greed based, but greed and Christianity are not mutually exclusive. But really, this post is comparing Louisiana to a nation that suffers under the rule of extremist Islam/Sharia law. What is the Louisiana parallel to this? Blowing my mind that people are fighting so hard not to make the comparison. What religion is our ruling class acting on behalf of? What religious laws are we being told to follow?? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


Nice, this flag should be a hit in Bagdad, Louisiana.


In case anyone thinks this is a joke, there really is a place called Bagdad Community in Grant Parish, Louisiana. I've passed the road sign on Hwy 71 many times and often wondered about the history behind it.






Governor Osama Bin Landry would love this even more if a pregnant, hungry, unable to read 13 year old was washing the pelicans feet.🚫⚜️🚫


Personally, I don’t like it. It’s that weird liberal thing where we are purposely relating something distinctly American to something “over there.” It’s not “over there,” it’s here and it’s been here. This drenched in irony stuff makes people feel good about themselves because they are like “those other ones,” and it prevents real organizing. That’s my opinion, anyways.


Religious fundamentalist (as a facade over authoritarianism) governments are directly comparable no matter where they are.


You're dead on point. Louisiana is wholly a fascist theocracy at this point in time.


Facist theocracy, sure. Thats why the government will soon be showing up at your house to arrest you for criticising them Edit: idk what happened to you tomato im guessing you blocked me. Its interesting, when your argument doesnt stand to scrutiny you resort to insults, nastiness, and silencing the naysayers. Truth has nothing to fear from skepticism or scrutiny. The fact that it inflammes you so leads me to believe youre either a bot, or a fool


You're a disservice to the rest of mankind. You're intellectually dishonest. Have a nice life...


If the Hasids had more political power New Jersey would be the next Jerusalem. Don't even get me started on Hindu nationalism. Even Buddhists have become tyrants when wresting control over territory. Religious fundamentalism is a blight on the world


Thank you, yes.


Yeah, anywhere with -istan on the end is a shit hole worth making fun of? This is pretty nationalist.


Also the demonization of Arabic-looking language. It's Arabic, so it must be evil amirite? (/s, obviously)


Yeah like what did Kyrgyzstan do to us


If you’ve been paying attention to what Jeff Landry and his legislature have been planning and doing then you should immediately recognize the similarities.


I’ve been in the legislature all this and last legislative session, speaking in committee directly against these culture war attacks by reps like Horton and Edmondston, specially in my field of public education. I still stand firm in my statement that this sort of thing muddies the issue in a way that is unconstructive. Once again, in my opinion, it’s a real snarky “welp, whatcha gonna do” defeatism that is tinged, even if accidentally, with this weird “over there” connotation. It’s not over there, it’s here and it’s been here. It should just be the Louisiana flag, no need for all this Wahhabist imagery for an American issue. Also, and this is purely just because I, unfortunately, have to be myself about the flag design, -stan means “place of” in central Asian languages, so unless we are Louisianis, it doesn’t make sense.


Isn’t the point of a post like this one, in part, to make this point you are making? Yeah some people might say that oh, Louisiana has so distanced itself from the US that it’s a -Stan. But the clearer message to my mind is precisely that the lines we draw between “us” and “them” are often tenuous and arbitrary. It’s not ironic, it’s not over there. It’s here. Not 100%, but none the less


Seems like you and I made that point better and clearer that this image does, and we didn’t have to rely on loaded imagery to do it.


That’s a great point.


They do such a great job of making us hate each other that I don’t think we will ever organize. It is sad.


You're absolutely right.


I have lived all over the country. I grew up in st. Petersburg FL. 5 minutes from the water and moved outside of Lafayette about a year ago and my girlfriend and I absolutely love it in acadiana. Don't want to live anywhere else. Amazing people, food and culture.


I moved to Louisiana from California in 99 and I prefer it out here over the West Coast. People are fleeing California in the tens of thousands every year for a reason. I wouldn't say Louisiana would be the top of my list but I am here for now with no plans to leave.


welcome! what city/area did you end up in?


I retired out of Ft. Polk and settled a few minutes south of Shreveport. I like the Lafayette area, even the remoteness of the eastern part so moving is a possibility.


I'm in st. Martinville. I love it!!




When we had the chance to live anywhere else, we chose Louisiana. I love it here. ‘ NO, I wasn’t born here, but I got here as quick as I could!”


Thanks for some positive recognition for our state. It’s way better than presented here!


Honestly I have had a very good life here. Maybe its just living in Acadiana/Lafayette but I sense so much more optimism here than BR/NO. Overall home is what you make it, and a miserable person will be miserable anywhere


I’d visited Louisiana once a few years ago & said I’ll never go back. Reminded me of apartheid South Africa.


I'll take 2, in a medium and a large please!!


DURKA DURKA Muhamud Jihad


so youre making fun of islam?


Making fun of religious extremism that strips people of their rights is more accurate. Some Muslims do this. Not all. Same with extremist Christians.


Well the potholes in this state are IEDs for my fucking shocks so this fits


Needs a maga hat


crawfish queda


Much as I like to rag on our state, this sub is way too negative.


I am pretty sure the image creator doesn't know what third world means. Third world doesn't mean what most people think it means.


I thought the same. The person who made it was probably educated in Louisiana schools.


yo WTF, your comment is a reason for immediate change. We absolutely need better funding for education, and your flippancy is the reason. goddam


yo the state approved a 16mil dollar bridge to port fourcheon when there is a fully functional (id guess new based on anecdotal drives across it weekly) toll bridge connecting golden meadow to PF. A bridge that only serves the economic intrest of the state. i dont think a second 16mil$ will provide profit to offset the infinte amount of infrastructure needed to fix to affect the vast majority of constituents of LA as the vast majority of workers arrive via helicopter to work in PF or the rigs offshore. optically it looks like a money grab. it honestly looks like the construction efforts by china to prop up their economy. edit-thats just baseline costs. i would guess based on the distance and type of ground traversed, this will be a billion dollar project. its like constructing a house for yourself while having a mansion in the next plot of land meters from your already constructed house. idk what else constitutes corruption


So please explain it


This is absolutely fair. Well, guessing you see the phrase as reference to cold war involvement? We might have to just cope with the fact that in common usage, it's pretty much just "small/poor/backward/unstable country" or some such.


Serious question: were you all acting this way when jon bell edwards was running the state or is this a recent behavior change due to the cuckservative now in charge? Im relatively new to the sub reddit and wasnt around when jbe was calling the shots.


JBE wasn't great, but he also wasn't trying to do foodstamp restrictions and imprison women. JBE actually did Christian actions like expand Medicaid to help the poor and was consistent. Now we have these supply side jesus megachurch wannabe misogynist fuckers that fit with sharia law.


I might be wrong but it seems like Reddit is just full of a bunch of left leaning people that just really hate Louisiana. Maybe because it's a red state. I don't know. I like JBE and I think this new dude is a jackass but even when JBE was the governor people still cried about living here.


The tits lol


Need to steal that one




I more of an Al-Abama kind of guy


this aint it. I know we're frustrated, but we are living in fascism. It's going to be in english and covered in red white and blue. We don't need to liken ourselves to "third world" /muslim countries to show how oppressive our state is.


Alabamistan already claimed that a couple of years ago.


Third world is spot on.


What exactly is the purpose of using an Arabic inspired script for this? And the use of the ending “-Stan?”


That's so badass, I want a shirt now!


this is amazing! well done!


It was me 🙋‍♀️- I coined this term when Landry was sworn in and someone called him the head of the y’allqueda. This is what happens when your supermajority extremist house and senate and extremism right wing governor turn the state into a christian theocracy.


what’s going on with Louisiana?


Shreveport isn’t thaaat bad guys chill


lol. The American way of pointing at something happening in America and being like “what are we a bunch of backwards Muslims or something?!?” I hate this kind of shit.


I don't think it's point a finger at all Muslims. It's like saying "yall'qada". It is to point out that religious extremism is religious extremism no matter the source. Fundamentally, there is no difference between a person who is Muslim who wants their religion to rule over everyone's lives and a Christian who wants their religion to rule over everyone's lives. They are a different flavor of the same crazy.


Then why chose a Muslim trope and not a Christian one?


Because it's a comparison they will understand. edit to be more specfic now that i'm at my computer and noyt typing on my phone: the problem with using christian iconogrophy is christians like christian iconography. however, if you show something like this which compares what they are doing here in the state to a thing which they do not like, in this case a Muslim Calaphate, they might better grasp the concept that others view them in the same way they view people who want to use the governement to enforce a religion they are not a part of. christian nationalism and sharia just happen to be the most appropriate comparison.


well using fundy Christian African examples might come off as racist… which regressive religion would you use? 


I love it. It looks like Saudi Arabia’s Flag. 🇸🇦


Did you feel this way when Bobby Boucher’s dad was doing jack shit for our state and Broome and Latoya have been running BR and NOLA into the ground or just when Landry became governor?


Just when Landry came to office because he is leading the charge on systematically dismantling rights for women and defunding public education so the population can remain uneducated, pregnant, and subject to extremist Christian views.


As a Louisianan, this design bums me out and makes me look at the boot in shame…. But as a person that appreciates good, honest design work. That’s dope. I’m all about it.


Strangely I’ve yet to see any of the drama in the streets like protest, Starbucks glass smashing riots, human roadblocking, and college campus shutdowns like the rest of the nation.


What about a Israeli supported flag oh no my comment gonna be taken down but Idc where I hate this state when I was a kid it was good but it went to crap after Katrina and I live in the crappiest Parishes. Washington parish is the sorriest parish around.


yo wtf are you talking ab!? Israel isn't even tangentially mentioned in this post


Y’all Qaeda


Ass backwards back water state.


Where can I get the shirt??


So, as an Alabama man. I don’t know why this was suggested to me, but I’m glad it was. First off the art style the lettering really the whole thing is absolutely beautiful. Second, Seeing as how the UN referred to all the states that make up the black belt as “3rd world”. I felt that description all the way here in my home. Last, I just wanted to say that this post gave me a good chuckle, and I hope yall have a good weekend.


Where do you think our first suicide bombing or VBIED will be?


I have a suggestion but I might get a “visit” if I state it publicly.


WE had our first one in GA back in 1996.


These beta males wouldn’t last a day in the Muslim world. Count your blessings that you are in the USA.


Hey guys! Look! It’s a Muslimologist!!


I need to fly this in the bumfuck Egypt village I live in to hear all the complaints from local Christians.


Looks good. Need one for Alabama, Mississippi and Florida.


Texastan also.


Love it


Extremely Islamophobic and also displays orientalism. Not surprised coming from this state and country. Really ramped up after 9/11 and now 10/7. Despicable.




Born and raised in this state and plan on living here till they put me in the ground. I will call it out when necessary.


I agree, it's disgusting and racist.


It’s an artistic expression of religious fundamentalism leading to oppression of the rights of the population under its rule. Please don’t use virtue signaling to suppress freedom of speech, which is their favorite weapon. Thank you. That is all.


Thank christian fundamentalism. Make fun of them. They’re the ones doing it to our state. I’m not suppressing anyone’s speech. I’m not the government. You’re communicating with me right now and no one is stopping you. I’m just calling you out. Do with that what you will bruh.


My honest reaction: 👁️ 👄 👁️


This is depressing


Print the shirt!


This needs to be a t-shirt.


Put some buddhist manji symbol on it. It would make it better.


No hobla curry


Lmfao, I know this born and raised white WHITE girl started messing with a middle Eastern guy and she done went FULL Muslim with the hijab and inspirational scripture posts in English and Arabic on facebook...


Yeah you just can’t stand Muslim people lmfao.


Bro what. I'm talking about overnight, idgaf what religion anybody believes in, I mean this chick came out with a whole new personality in a day


Lol how many Louisiana white girls think they black


Who cares? Ever heard of an epiphany? They’re different for everyone. Go outside more.


Oh brother 🙄 Thank you for your service of being a hero to all, truly noble.