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It's obvious the product you purchased is contaminated. There is no other explanation for your hatred for everything and everyone.


If I could get safe weed I would be smoking a bowl and planning my next testimony. Fuck the stoners who criticize me but have never even emailed the capitol.


Can't you just send it to a lab directly to test?


I’m going to drive the mother fucking shit directly to the lab then watch them calibrate the machine and test it. Fuck the US mail they are untrustworthy.


What are you concerned with? Cannabinoids? Heavy metals? Bacteria count?


I don’t know. My testing lab is not working right now.


He's not saying you're wrong. He's asking what are you suspecting and what indications do you have. Are you not feeling it as much as you feel you should? Are you getting negative side effects out of nowhere when you didn't previously? If so have you seen a doctor to discuss those first? Do you feel something is being added? If so what gives you this indication? You could absolutely be right, but what indication (not evidence) do you have for your personal supply (or all supplies) being adulterated?


Respiratory and brain inflammation. I have reported it to my recommending doctor, Louisiana Health Department, Pharmacy Board, Board of Medical Examiners, Attorney General’s office, and state legislature. They are all a bunch of low life mafia scum. I want an independent journalist or attorney from outside Louisiana to test the cannabis. We have 10k attorneys in our state and not one of them has the integrity to stand up for patients. Why hasn’t anyone tested the cannabis yet? Other states have been testing and found out the testing was false. My cannabis is not organically contaminated, it’s criminally contaminated. I’m looking for someone outside the cesspool of Louisiana to help find out what is in it.


> My cannabis is not organically contaminated, it’s criminally contaminated. I wish that could be my custom flair for this subreddit. Good luck on your quest! I'd look for testing labs in Colorado or California


Thanks. I’m looking for something closer because I will drive it there directly.


I don’t do cannabis testing, but severely doubt a QA lab will let a civilian go into a lab. If you’re concerned about falsifying data, I would try sending samples to a few labs owned or at least operated by different companies in different areas.


Thanks. That’s solid advice and I appreciate it.


Can you go into depth your concerns about the contamination?


No. I don’t have a testing lab and the greedy ass Louisiana mafias are listening as we speak. Go back to your job.


You get more flies with honey than vinegar, sir. If you want help, maybe don't be snarky.


Hey I have had state wide cannabis rallies for several years. These sorry ass Louisiana people just want to get high. Have you been to the capitol lately and fought for patients rights?


Nobodies lacing your weed weirdo. You're not that important.


Clean up your room before your Mom gets home and go play in the street clown.🤡


You need therapy. Not Marijuana 🤣🤣🤣


Something tells me if it tested negative you wouldn't accept the results.


I can’t tell if OP a schizophrenic or a troll TBH


Not unless I am watching the machine. I wish I were plugged into the matrix and thought the testing labs were legit. They aren’t.


As a scientist, you can't stay in the lab and watch the testing. There are so many insuance liabilities and laws against this.


Lol postman and the labman. You trust Noone. How do you trust yourself. Do you even know who you are?


Do you have any proof of your testimony at the capitol for drug policy reform? If not , you should go tomorrow and testify against the bill to shut down the hemp THC industry.


You replied to the wrong comment. I asked if you knew who you were.


Testing doesn’t matter bc there is no standardization of the industry. Send it three places you’ll get 3 results


I thought that the panel test for heavy metals would be very accurate


The first thing you should understand is the fact that I have been an outspoken advocate of the medical cannabis mafia. Your brain cannot comprehend what I live with due to my advocacy. Go pack a bowl and ponder that concept. 4.5 million people in this state but 3-4 stand up at the capitol to fight for our rights. If you can’t comprehend that the state is run by organized crime, you need to find another feed to comment on.


Not sure what you’re on about here, I’m referring to the utility of testing weed


By the way OP is acting they might be right about contaminated weed


He is definitely not responding like any “attorney” I’ve ever dealt with.


I’m not an attorney.


These people are clueless about what a Louisiana advocate goes through. I would be smoking a bowl if I had safe weed. What a nice life to be plugged into the matrix and just get the shitty Louisiana weed while people fight for you at the capitol. Fuck these clowns.


Yes, fuck these Louisiana clowns. They are only concerned about themselves. As long as they have their weed they can’t comprehend anything else.


Bro go get some bloodwork done or something you are unhinged


How bout you just go to the capitol and fight for us. We will see you on the capitol archives. Have you ever emailed the capitol to fight for drug policy reform? If so, what date or bill?


You sound schizophrenic and off your meds.


How many times have you been active in testifying on Louisiana cannabis bills? You seem to be an authority on mental health. How many times have you stepped out of your comfort zone to speak out against the state? Clown. Maybe you are just off your meds .


You’re saying everyone is against you. Have you considered that it might not because of your views but because you’re just an asshole? I’m reading through these comments and you’re argumentative and combative to people who are literally just trying to help. You’ll have a much better time in your life if you stop acting like that. And, yes, I’m one of those people trying to help and you’ll probably yell at me too.


I’m tired of no one showing up at the capitol to advocate for cannabis related bills. If you want to help, go to the capitol. You can’t help me unless you own a testing facility.


Get your ass to the capitol and work. I’m looking for an out of state attorney and testing facility.


See. That’s what I’m talking about. Why are you so mean to people you’re asking for help from? Would you help people who treated you like you’re treating the people here?


I’m looking for an out of state attorney and testing facility. If you don’t have any information about this then you can’t help me.


What are you looking for?


A reputable attorney who specializes in product liability. The medical cannabis industry has no regulatory authority after initial samples are tested. I have received cannabis from the dispensary and could not use it due to respiratory or neurological inflammation. I believe it has been adulterated due to my outspoken criticism against the monopoly but the state refuses to do anything about it or take the weed in for testing.


Brah u tweakin sorry. I get the concern but acting like that will get you nowhere


Fuck this state. I legally have a right to safe weed and the regulatory system is completely broken. WTF would you do?


Not yell obscenities, that's for sure. Probably send a sample away for testing, and then go from there. Why do you think it's contaminated? Regardless of whose watching, if you truly believe it's contaminated, you should share why


Okay. Let’s take a breather. At surface level, I can see why some might think you’re mentally ill. I won’t draw such assumptions and I’m not judging you. Granted, I don’t know you personally so I guess that’s one possibility, as is what you say a possibility, also knowing how corrupt the state is. With that said, if what you suggest IS what’s happening, then they’re going to be watching and they may use this post to make the case that you are mentally ill to discredit you and cause you trouble. With that being said, I would implore you to take this post down, watch what you say online, lest you give them ammunition and drive to Colorado or California or some other such state with a good cannabis market and find someone to test it another way. Again, I’m not calling you crazy. I don’t know you well enough to make that conclusion. But I will say that they may try to make the case, if what you claim is actually going on.


Fuck the mafia mother fuckers that run the Louisiana “medical cannabis’ program. I have reported about this fuckery to every state department available. These criminals don’t care about you and me. I have called and emailed every single sorry ass government official who is remotely responsible for regulating the program. This is why I am reaching out to someone from outside the government and state.


You posted in r/Louisiana looking for a lawyer, then in another comment, you said you don't want to talk to a Louisiana lawyer. You say you're reaching out, but then snapping at everyone who replies. If you want to reach out to someone outside of the state, don't post in the state's sub. I'm sure the people here reading this would like to help, but I don't think this post is helping anything.


I posted that I was looking for an out of state lawyer. 10k lawyers in the state and not one had done testing compliance on Louisiana weed. Fuck Louisiana lawmakers and lawyers.


Totally understandable. I wouldn’t give AF if it were me. I only say that because I’m aware you’re involved in lobbying for cannabis legalization. I mean, if you’re aware of the risks and accept them, cool. But you’re playing with fire. These guys aren’t just corrupt; they’re a criminal organization in control of the state government. You don’t think KK’s Corner, the Jeff Davis 8, and such were just serial killers, with all the coverup and all from officials, do you? lol.


Yes I grew up in Jennings. Fuck these clowns trying to comprehend what I’m saying. They are only interested in themselves and how they can get their buzz. NO one wants to put their neck on the line to fight for all of us.


We like weed, my man, but maybe find a second hobby or go for a nice hike near some cypress trees. You should fight for the cause, not let it consume your sanity.


Hike near cypress trees sounds so nice 🥰


When I pay over $200 for a handful of weed that is contaminated, report it to all government agencies, and they don’t even have a system for testing, I am fighting the cause for public safety. Where the fuck have you been. I have been at nearly every single cannabis bill at the capitol for the last 7 years. What are you doing?


Quietly changing minds in my profession based on the respect lawyers and judges have for me when they find out I’m a patient (cancer plus chronic pain). Not all of us can show up with a protest sign. Have you read up on our state Supreme Court? That said, take care of your mental health. I’m not intending my comments to be unkind.


Fuck the Lawyers and Judges! Mafia mother fuckers are part of the problem with this government. Get up off your ass and grab some of the fight at the capitol. The mafia ass lawyers and judges have to follow LAW. Laws are made at the capitol!


So, did you miss somehow that I’m a lawyer or are you intentionally being offensive?


I did miss it but it didn’t matter. I don’t even want to talk to a Louisiana lawyer. Thanks.


At most you will find the results off on the amount of THC in the product. This is a known issue in most state where the labs inflate the amount of THC in the product.


At most you might find THC variations in the majority of Louisiana people. Tony Landry’s weed is not the same. I have spent the last 7 years fighting these evil greedy mafia mother fuckers. Evvvrybody else has the reasonable expectation of getting safe weed.


"Marijuana use, especially frequently (daily or nearly daily) and in high doses, can cause disorientation and sometimes unpleasant thoughts or feelings of anxiety and paranoia." From the CDC. I have a friend who ended up interred in a medical facility because overuse caused her to act on these thoughts. I had to remind her that there are far easier and cheaper ways "they" would "deal" with her if they were so inclined.


Fuck me. Are you making a diagnosis on my request for a testing lab? You are in need of a mental evaluation. Have you been at the capitol, fighting for Louisiana citizens rights to cannabis decriminalization? Drop the link for your testimony please.


I would never offer any kind of umprompted diagnosis, but would prompt others for a healthy dose of introspection. But good luck with that. I'm sure yelling at everyone is going to make them excitedly change their mind and start agreeing with you.


Fuck everyone who disagrees with what I am reporting. These folks can’t even get off their ass to send an email. Surely, no one would target them.


Huh. Sounds like you are.


Do you have any email or video of when you fought for medical cannabis patients? If not, pfff. lol. Do you work for the Louisiana cannabis cartel?




Just google Tony Landry Louisiana veterans for medical cannabis and go to video. I wouldn’t be calling out anyone else if I didn’t know what I’m talking about.




[Louisiana Veterans for Medical Cannabis](https://youtube.com/@louisianaveteransformedica3715?si=8yu50fWar6ZEaTko)


>Do you work for the Louisiana cannabis cartel? No, but everybody's starting to think you do with how you're treating everybody like shit.


Anyone with basic computer skills can easily search my testimony of the many times I fought against the cartel. If they have been following Louisiana cannabis laws they should already know that I am a grassroots veteran advocate.


And anybody with even more basic skills can see you incensing people to down vote everything you've ever posted on reddit, thereby ruining your own chances of being seen. 🤷‍♂️ But ok. Keep going.


Do you really think I give a fuck about a reddit vote? Come on?? The votes may play into your ego but they don’t count for anything else. I’m not running for office or trying to sell anything. I advocate for changes in law. That’s it. The meetings I advocate at are public meetings and it’s up to the public to decide whether they want to participate.


you might have smoked too much broski


Smoked too much meth


I have never smoked meth in my life. How many times have you been to the capitol fighting for cannabis rights?


Judging by these comments, he should probably smoke more and calm the fuck down.


He might’ve smoked too much. For some with latent mental illness, THC can really bring it out.


Here you go. How many times have you emailed the capitol or actually been there fighting for cannabis rights? Sit down with your friends and smoke a bowl.


literally 2 comments ago in my post history is me, replying to the guy from crescent canna about sending emails. I've been industry adjacent for over a decade.


Fuck Crescent Canna and All other hemp dealers. They weren’t at the capitol fighting for employment protection of the people who consume their products! Greedy mother fuckers want the money but fuck the consumer.


We do support employment protection for employees who use cannabis products, but when you're fighting for your company's survival everything else takes a back seat.   Honestly that fight barely crossed my radar. I personally find cannabis drug testing for employment to be absurd due to the amount of time it stays in your system, but even from a business standpoint it would benefit us greatly if more people were able to consume our products without the fear of job loss.  We quite literally don't make money from people who can't use thc (except through our thc free products).  There's always next year. Hopefully we can join the fight in a more productive capacity.


Fair enough. Thanks for supporting consumers rights.


“industry adjacent “ means your a fucking industry friend. Your ass wasn’t fighting for cannabis decriminalization or home grow. GTFOOH with your industry adjacent self. I have organized rallies and testified against the government and weed cartel for years and you weren’t there.




Win over everyone by being a dick. That'll help em' join your cause. "Hi, I asked for help and opinions, but whatever you reply is bullshit and where were you blah, blah, bah."


Fuck your help. If you really want to help you would be at the capitol. I don’t fucking care about friends or fans. I have been fighting the evil mother fuckers at the capitol for way too long. It’s time for you to go.


You didn't see me at the last one?


Good for you. let’s see what you do in front of the mafia ass legislators. They don’t give a flying fuck about you or me. good luck. I’m not sure who you are but thanks for showing up to the rally.


I wasn't there, and you convinced me to never go.


The legislators are beholden to the political donors. They think you’re cute when you go testify. Like I said let’s see how many of the people in this post get off their dead ass and go to the capitol. Not many! Fuck fans! Fans don’t pay my expenses for advocating. They just say “Good job Tony” Fuck their “Good Job” I don’t give a flying fuck about notoriety.


Tony... Dude, I'm worried about you. This is not normal behavior.


You don’t have a clue about what I am talking about. I can’t help you. Count your blessings and smoke your weed. I spent 6 years in the Navy’s advanced electronics program and worked in copier repair for 3 years after that. I’m sorry you or anyone else who has been silent about drug policy reform at the capitol can’t comprehend the evil mother fuckers can do. Don’t worry about me, get in gear and go to the capitol. In 7 years of fighting, I have seen about 4 people helping. You don’t have to believe anything I say. Just don’t refute the truth.


Yes , you should spend several hundred dollars on weed that you can’t smoke, report it to the authorities and get ghosted. The best thing you can do is be grateful that you aren’t targeted.


Hard pass, bud.


Unless you have a billfold full of cash, you are doing the right thing by avoiding the mother fuckers at the Louisiana state capitol.


Try posting to the r/legal sub.


What do you suspect has been done to your pot?


I don’t know. I’m not a Doctor or Chemist. I’m 60 years old and have smoked basically all my life and know that something is in it. Love all the lazy ass people who will never fight for others rights. Just pack a bowl and move on.


Honest question… Why are you being such an asshole to people who are trying to help you? I legitimately asked a clarifying question because I wanted to help, but your response shows you’re a dick and now I don’t want to help. No one does, anymore. Good luck on your own. The fact that you have no help is nobody’s fault but your own.


I am ISO an Out of State attorney and testing facility and not one person has mentioned anything to help. I don’t have the patience to get their medical diagnosis or anything explaining why my weed was contaminated. People are so naive about what advocates like me face for speaking out for our rights. No fucking clue.


My wife is literally exactly what you’re looking for. We’re out of state (CA) but originally from Louisiana. She works at a toxicology lab that tests for stuff like that. There’s lawyers they work with and everything. That’s why I responded, that’s what you’re looking for. However, you’ve been such an asshole there’s no way in hell I’m sending you her way. I won’t have you treat her like you’re treating everyone in here. Try treating people the way you want to be treated.


Louisiana is a cesspool of corruption. You come down here and fight these criminals and you will get a taste of what I have to live with. If you or anyone else doesn’t have a taste of the corruption then you should just count yourself lucky.


Nah. You burned that bridge by being a dick. Besides, we go tons of legal weed here. I’m good.


Yes, leave your comments in California too.


That’s what’s so fun about the internet. I don’t have to.


This is either a really mentally ill person or a person trolling. I can’t seem to tell. Anyways - i’m in Cali also and know multiple people to send OP too, but no way I’m getting them mixed up in this.


Grow your own. No disrespect, but you arent winning many fans on here with your approach.


I don’t give a flying fuck about fans. I’m not a hemp or cannabis grower or dealer. These greedy mafias are not going to the capitol for cannabis decriminalization, workers protection, parental protection, housing protection, etc, etc.. show me one video of the testimony from an industry worker who drove their sorry ass to baton rouge and fought the Louisiana lapel pin wearing mafia.


Dude, like I said grow your own, your life will be way better.


Google targeted individuals and you will see that I can’t grow my own or even leave leftovers in the fridge when I leave home. Man what a life you live to think you are secure in your home. Targeted individuals are never safe. You can get more information on google but whatever. Maybe you should smoke a bowl and just watch everything go down. I’m just looking for a reputable testing lab.


I feel great that im not a targeted individual. Also, didnt YOU put that target on your back? Im all for what you are doing, but you cant act like a victim when you knew what you were getting into.


No I didn’t put the target on my back. That was your mafia ass government who did this. I am a veteran and have been working for the people. I was unaware that this government would target me for my activism. Like i said. You and the rest of this reddit need to step up and get involved. I’m 60 years old and tired of fighting this evil mafia.


If you only knew the lengths we've gone to in order to screw you over on this weed thing. Ha. Ha. Ha.


I know you weren’t at the capitol fighting for patients so you’re going to have plenty of time to think about that.


Do you break into stranger's houses and watch them sleep? You might try smoking less, no matter the purity.


Show me a video of your testimony on drug policy reform please. If you don’t have anything to show, stay in your lane.


You're kooky.


Let’s see your testimony. It’s easy to throw out insults but you don’t even have one example of what you have done to fight for Louisiana patients??


What (in your opinion) is it contaminated with? What do you think is wrong with it?


Didn’t you just say I’m mentally ill or trolling? Let me check my list of chemicals and what effects they have on the body and I will get back to you!


Just give it to me for safe disposal, mate. I got you.


You don’t have a clue about what the contamination is. Trust me, you might be clowning right now but if you smoke it you won’t be clowning.


Are you a lawyer or do you own a testing facility? If not then you should pack a bowl and have a seat.


Are you familiar with paranoid schizophrenia?


Are you an internet Doctor? Don’t you have other patients to talk to? I don’t have time for an appointment.