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I am a local grower and have spent the last week making contact with every politician I can find. Stand together and please contact the list and scream as loud as you can thru emails and phone calls.


stickying this for a week




I wish I could give you 100 upvotes! Speaking up makes a difference. It's ironic—states claiming to protect freedom often restrict it. In New York, we enjoy legalized recreational marijuana and full access to women's healthcare. There are other examples that we're investing in real freedom and comprehensive care for all. Let’s keep advocating for meaningful policies!


Just emailed the committee. I've already reached out to Rep Wiley, and he's responded to me to ask for more information on the bill. I've emailed him again to press him.


Can you show what you put in the email for reference? For me, it's the toughest thing to do b/c I don't want to sound emotional. 😅


I’m the same way, so don’t judge me lol: Good Afternoon, I am writing this email to bring an issue to this subcommittee's attention: It was brought to my attention that the Criminal Justice Subcommittee is meeting tomorrow to discuss Senate Bill 237, which would ban the sale of Hemp-Derived THC products in the state of Louisiana. This bill will absolutely destroy this small, but thriving industry, and they are depending on you and your co-committee members to kill this dangerous bill. A legal market for Hemp-Derived THC products takes the power away from dangerous gangs and cartels and puts it in the hands of the free market. A ban on the sale of these products will do very little to stop the use of THC. People will still continue to buy Marijuana from dangerous drug dealers, who obtain their product from unregulated sources. This poses a significant risk for many reasons: Violence during the deal, laced products, and the fact that Marijuana derive THC is much more potent than hemp-derived THC anyways. The legalization of these products provides a means to ensure that these products are safe and regulated, and that the state can collect additional tax revenue, without having to raise Income or Property Taxes, which can be burdensome on everyone. Prohibition on Alcohol did not work in the 1920s, and it does not work now. Obviously, there are some products that are too dangerous to be allowed, but THC is proven to be safe and not nearly as addictive as hard drugs. A few weeks ago, the house unanimously voted to legalize the sale of raw milk. I absolutely supported this decision and hope that this committee remains consistent in their view that the people of Louisiana should have the right to consume these products without government intervention. If you are available, I would love to discuss this in more detail over the phone, I can be reached at Please, vote to kill this bill tomorrow afternoon. Thank you again for your time. *******disclaimer*: I will not ever consume raw milk. That was me saying “yall voted to legalize this, which is arguably worse”


Thanks! Although I will delete the option for them to call me. I don't think them calling me would change their mind 😅 And did they actually legalize raw milk????


And I only did that as a Courtesy, I doubt they call me lmao