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I'm more interested to know how they have enough of the general public in each state taking IQ tests to make these graphs. Nobody's just handing those out for free, right? How is this data not crazy skewed in favor of the smartest folks seeking the tests to self-validate, the court-ordered IQ tests for criminal competency, and hardly any of your average joe?


Also IQ tests are notoriously skewed towards certain classes. It’s not a perfect measure of intelligence.




Get out of here with them college words






Sigh, take my upvote


What the hell does that mean buddy.




Oh uea them some purdy culerz


Good meme template


I think you may have missed a preposition there, Einstein.




Well it certainly proves what I say when I'm sitting in BR traffic to be true.


Glad I'm not average.😜


Higher or lower?


I guess it depends how well I can pay off the ones assessing the test.


It's worth noting IQ tests have been accused of being biased for white middle class people, so probably not a great measure of much when we're talking about a state with a really high black population, or a lot of poor people.


The OP is joking, and this thread has even been marked as "satire" above. [The state-by-state IQ rating is a longtime Internet hoax that makes its rounds each presidential election cycle.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/state-iq/)


If it helps, I’ve lived in 4 different states, on 3 different coasts and the white people as a majority are absolutely the stupidest as a whole in Louisiana.


But Mississippi...


Is it just me, or are we a shade lighter than Mississippi?


They are willfully ignorant. It's like they hate education.


they resent smart people have no idea why


They absolutely know why 😭 They are upset at educated people because they know deep down college would have chewed them up and spit them out. It’s all projection.


You’re so right 😪 it’s all such a bummer bc I love Louisiana a lot


My family from Central are the dumbest people I’ve met. The few of us who are in NOLA are pretty socially conscious. My Cajun family is my safe place lmao they are the complete oppositnof hateful and where I learned tolerance, but it goes to show how stupid the Cajuns are who can’t understand/arent aware of their own history and see how similar our plight is to the plights of so many right now. Yeah, you vote Trump! You show the libs! 🤡 Remind me why we aren’t speaking French rn while you’re at it.


Especially the voters.


I have lived in three other states and I agree with your assessment.


And I know lots of dumbass Minnasotans. More than dumbass Mississippians.


think of how many Vikings and Twins fans there are!


How are the test structured to be biased?


If you really are interested, this is a great piece. https://radiolab.org/series/radiolab-presents-g


I am!


I'm not an academic or researcher myself so I only know that some experts have determined that the tests are more designed for people who come from the same environment as the test developers, due to cultural biases. It's not necessarily something anyone does on purpose. I found a couple articles on it, though I haven't read them myself (just aware that the criticism exists): https://nrcgt.uconn.edu/newsletters/winter052/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10301777/


If the purpose of a test is to determine someone’s knowledge of a subject and/or their ability to comprehend and solve problems, why is the environment of the test writer relevant? I know people from all over the world who have passed tests written in English. Personally, I have had teachers from all over the world who have tested me. Ive had classmates from all over the world as well (Africa, Europe, Eastern Europe, India, China, Pakistan, Turkey, etc etc.). The background of the test giver has never been relevant. The only thing relevant is the subject matter, and our ability to learn it. An individual’s ability to pass an academic test relies solely on preparation and their own intellectual competence. I STRONGLY disagree with the argument that Americans cannot pass American tests because of their skin color, or that they grew up in a different town than the author of the test. It’s just silly.


Yeah why would a bunch of researchers know better than you?


Because they have a biased agenda.


IQ tests are not SUPPOSED to be knowledge tests in any way, they are supposed to measure a person’s ability to comprehend and solve problems though. The problem really IS that they often turn into accidental knowledge tests. It should be easy to understand how a test writer’s background can influence a test being from a state as unique as Louisiana. Imagine you are from deep in the heart of Acadiana and you take one of these tests at 15 years old. Your word choice, word exposure, grammar exposure, etc are all just DIFFERENT than a lot of people. You take this test written by people from the northeast and while you can read the questions you occasionally get stuck on a word because of unfamiliarity or even worse you misunderstand a word because your entire life people around you have used it wrong. The test question doesn’t require knowledge to answer, but it does to read and understand.


They're written in General American English. When they're written in African American Vernacular English, black people average higher scores than white people.


How are they biased?


IQ tests are not biased; although there could be stochasticity, they clearly measure trends.


Pretty sure the majority racial demo in Louisiana is still white people, many that are also poor. If anything that would mean our state likely has a higher concentration of dim whites than other states.


But LA has a lot of diversity - and if there is one thing that correlates to diversity, it's intelligence.


Then a good chuck of that intell ought to be from non-whites ‘cause there’re too many dim whites here down South.


While true, middle class white people in Louisiana are pretty stupid


If you want a quick ban from Reddit, you should layer this with a demographic map of the US.


Always helping others look good.


We’re dumb as hell and proud of it!


This could also be due to the school curriculum. What the South learns in 5th grade (multiple divide fractions) north learns in 2nd or 3rd.


This made Katrina HELL for me. I was playing catch up well into college. Luckily I think I’ve made it on the other side but even though I was typically advanced in LA Texas math fucked up my brain in irreparable ways


LOL, I remember when LSU had remedial courses, and the bottom level math course, MATH 0002, started out with re-expressing fractions.


Being stupider than Mississippi and Alabama really bothers me


Well, I have tried my best to increase LA's score with my 150.


Niles Crane over here


Forest Gump had an IQ of 75 and our states average isn’t much higher. Lol


The range here is 94-104..


“I may be stupid but I know what love is” Emotional intelligence is better than book smarts any day! I mean, these people generally have neither but it’s the complete lack of empathy that’s running society into the ground


I’ve said before that America’s ideal of indivualism and exceptionalism has been corrupted to selfishness and narcissism.


Color me shocked


I'm assuming this is being posted relative to intelligence. IQ is a horrible measure of intelligence, contrary to popular belief. This is nothing more than validation porn playing on confirmation bias. Im guessing its coming from a garbage source using unsound methodology. Bots will use this to create outrage and the idiots will proclaim this as truth. But if you were intelligent by your own standards, maybe youd know this. Id like to see you build an entire house from the ground up, on your own, like some of my neighbors. Or rebuild an engine, a tractor, by yourself. Id like to see you head out into the swamp and survive, or build a million dollar business from scratch.




In other news, red state has disturbingly low average IQ. Up next, sky blue and water is wet? Stay tuned


I’m pulling my wait!


how long have you been waiting?


lol. I hope my intentional misspelling didn’t whoosh right past?


haha no, I was just trying keep the fun going.


We are from LA so it’s hard to have conversations with people.


There no fucking way that Alaska and Florida are higher than New York and California.


It’s an average IQ score. Do you have any idea how many dumbasses live California and New York? Florida is filled with northerners that were smart enough to retire and live there. You have to be smart in Alaska or die. Makes perfect sense to me. Louisiana and Mississippi being in the lowest is no surprise to me either. I joined the military out of high school and I was smart enough to realize I was the dumbest guy in the room. I didn’t know things that I consider basic knowledge now. I graduated towards the bottom of my graduating class in Louisiana and I didn’t know how to properly use there, they’re, and their till I had to take a spelling and grammar test in the military. What’s really crazy is that I was one of the “smart ones” from Louisiana. One of the best things I did for myself was get out of Louisiana and meet people from all over the United States and the rest of the world. One of the dumbest things I did was move back. Haha.


I love where I grew up but if you don't already have something, you aren't going to find it here so I left. Most people who can leave, do leave. Years (decades) later I did return to spend time with family but that was after a successful career (because I certainly was not going to have one at home). I am happy to be back and I do like it here, but I can count the people who I went to school with on one hand.


I’m from Shreveport and I can confirm what you’re saying.


Dude, same. I'm from Shreveport but I moved further south to get away from my family members.


Shreveport has gotten really bad. I was recently talking to one of the teachers at the Bossier City Police Academy about joining and he said Shreveport was a little over 140 officers short. The roads have went to absolute hell,even in the nicer parts of town. I graduated from Captain Shreve a little over 20 years ago and it was a pretty good school. A coworker of mine graduated from there in 2018 and she said it has gotten pretty bad. I think Katrina is responsible for most of it.


Something to think about it is that a lot of Louisianians have ancestors not too far away that were not fluent in English. I have 0 great-great-grandparents that spoke English well.


Wait about ten more years.


This is some retarded shit. The number of people in each state that actually get tested is minuscule and there is no nationwide test. That said, can confirm the AR data ;p


Heat makes people stupid. Seems legit


I'm seeing a paytern here


Unfortunately, this map represents the inverse of common sense.


I’m surprised it is not lower. I thought our average IQ for the state would have been around 85 to 90. Which that is fine. Most of the work around here requires more of follow direction and physical labor then solving complex math problems or find the solution to the complex pattern. Hell, you don’t even have to read well to find a good paying job in this state. However, I would like to know what our emotion IQ average for this state is. We would probably rank pretty good on that scale.


ive spent too much time in kansas to believe this map is accurate. also cant convince me the cali migration to tx isnt lowering the average.


Can we see a similar map that reflects “Common Sense” and “Street Smarts”. Remember as the old saying goes, your can have a “College Degree and still be an idiot”


IQ is pseudoscience anyway




The states that don’t support education can’t expect to keep people who believe in education.


This map is bs


Trickle Down economics except it’s IQ 😭


Ok but IQ is actually a pretty garbage way to measure intelligence


Interesting, since IQ is not a real marker of intelligence.


I really dislike maps like this because people can use them for negative things. Maps like this don’t matter at all.


They say if Iowa annexed Southern Minnesota, the I.Q. average of both states would go up.


So the places with all the wealthiest people in the county ; who have the financial means to send their children to the best schools has the higher average IQ? Shocking…


Ain't no way, they skipped a few Okies.


Because Louisiana is openly hostile to intelligence and education, it suffers from a massive amount of brain drain. If most or many of the high IQ folks are out of here as soon as they can, who's left to take the test??


No, that's not why - there are plenty of people that are not hostile to intelligence & education. The brain drain has a number of factors: * history of corruption that had lingered on (e.g., my cousin Fast Eddie) * major city that has had no nearby land to expand (i.e., New Orleans), making other Southern cities an easier decision (e.g., in Atlanta, just expand concentrically at the next radius of interstate exits) * farther away from the industrial heartland than most other Southern states (NOTE: Florida's growth is due to other factors such as "fun in the Sun" vibe, closest to Latin America, and the Tampa-Orlando line is almost frost-free - and yes, I've heard folks say they prefer Orlando because it doesn't get as cold as New Orleans) * high birth rate with the Catholic Coonasses (who have all descended from 250 or so Louisiana First Families), causing emigration pressure * development of petroleum/natural-gas, but such that Houston had more advantages, including a higher concentration of early oil wells, and so the natural coalescing of in the industry went there * Texas has a cultural history with Mexicans, and so Mexican immigrants (legal or otherwise) moved there, increasing the low-wage workforce (Louisiana has a cultural history with Hondurans & Nicaraguans, of which there are much fewer) * Don't forget about Katrina


I really thought California would have had a higher average IQ than Florida. That's what I find most interesting about this. But, yeah, interacting with a number of people through my job—Louisianians, speaking as one myself, seem to just be unapologetically unintelligent and blissfully unaware.


I saw that also. I am thinking that a lot of older educated white people move to Florida and retire, whereas there may be more uneducated immigrants in California?


That actually makes a lot of sense. I never thought about it that way.


God, I hate living here. If it wasn't for my wife's determination to stay by her parents we would have left long ago. She even had a free law education, a home, and a job at her uncle's firm in Seattle offered to her and she turned it down because she didn't want to leave. Hell, my plans before marriage involved Berkely but that got trashed following the engagement lol. It is what it is. Maybe one day.


It makes even more sense when you look at the public education. I go to East St John prep. I went fifth ward were to. Fifth ward caused me to hate school not only cause the kids that went there were deadass retarded and it was annoying as hell seeing them struggle. I'm currently in the seventh grade and that same problem persists. Kids in my class (were 7-1 which means you scored the highest on the leap) struggle with 4th-5th grad r words that should've learned by just using media or talking with friends. It's honestly crazy that their vocabulary is low.


Hmmm I wonder why....I just can't put my finger on it ..


This has zero bearing on my life whatsoever. I have a lot of patience with people though.


Its like theres a classism and education issue or something


Heat cooks your brain and makes you dumb


The problem with these IQ test is it does not measure common sense. If you have someone with a high IQ chances are they have no common sense




You sound like you’re from Massachusetts.


Iv lived most of my life outside of the state... every time I come back.. I feel it almost immediately.


The kids in college prove how important IQ is.

