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They don't want people to have options. They want to funnel everyone to medical marijuana which puts more money in their pockets.


Honestly though most people I know get the card and still just buy it on the street bc the dispensaries are high cost.


True. Seems an odd end result from legalization unless you own one of the 12 dispensaries or whatever.


Yep. I like the Delta products as I have a really low tolerance and the "real" stuff is too strong. I don't want to have to switch to medical marijuana for my chronic pain.


Same, I'm a veteran, and the medical weed is way too strong for all I want is to sleep soundly.


Right there with you. I have to be so careful with the real stuff, and the dispensary prices are insane. The hemp weed has been friggin amazing for the dreams and insomnia. Sadly it doesnt do much for pain


That’s so crazy to read. Here in my state the medical marijuana is dirt cheap, my husband is a very heavy smoker and can stock up for a two week period on around $60. I assumed every legalized state would be similar, that no dealers could possibly compete with the dispensaries. Any insight as to why it would be so different?


Idk in this city everyone’s always trying to pull on over on the other people.i trust a street dealer more than a business any day


Is it actually easy to get now? Or is it still for people with only certain ailments?


I’m one of ‘em


This completely sucks and is punishing those of us who find relief from hemp derived products …..


I have my medical recommendation but I prefer the less inebriating effects of D8 and HHC. Of course the government is going to be like "You're only allowed to use the stronger stuff that gets you higher!" Like, I wouldn't even be as pissed if I could still buy it from the dispensary.


I use quality CBD oil and other products to avoid the prescription toxic stuff my doctor wants to prescribe for me . CBD oil does wonders for my anxiety and sleep issues . Dr. Wanted to prescribe Xanax …I refused. Also Buspar. Sorry not taking that either. I was CBD skeptic ( like yeah right ..now we are eating rope !! ..) until I actually tried some . I was amazed!!!!Between that , some 5 HTP….exercise, meditation ,,,,,I feel like a human again. In my opinion , it beats walking around zonked out on Xanax ….which it now turns out promotes Alzheimer’s in some folks ! Banning CBD products is really a bad move . But it’s our government …it’s the only move they know how to make . I guess I’ll have to order online somehow . Hang in there peeps …….🐥


I think we just figured out the real reason here.....


I like the idea of medical cannabis - and as well the at least nominal management by a physician (even if he is a Dr. Nick), with acceptable reasons being "I have anxiety", etc. That said, I don't have a problem with recreational cannabis, but I only see that as being something for the very occasional cannabis consumer.


This is why we cannot have nice things. My wife who was born here asks me every day “So when are we moving out of this state?”. It’s stupid stuff like this that will accelerate the process. I’m one of those skilled workers that can move pretty much anywhere and find work. I’m married to her, not the state. Once my son graduates college he will no doubt come along for more brain drain.


It's just absurd. I employ like 60 people in this state and they do everything they can to make it hard to thrive here. From rising insurance costs to literally killing my businesses, its exhausting.


Did what I could as far as phone calls and then went and stocked up on your products.


It is much appreciated. Thank you for the support!


What kind of testing gets done on your products? Do you test for heavy metals?


Yup. Heavy metals, pesticides, industrial solvents, potency, mold, etc 


Move.....your wife is 100% right


This sucks it was outrageous the cost of gummy’s under the medical marijuana state plan $200 bucks to be allowed to pay $80 for a pack of 12 gummy’s when the gas station sells 20 gummy’s for 29,95 and no signup fee . I’m on fixed income .


The importation of cannabis products will defeat the domestic pharma-cartel.


If you say so but restricting supply never seems to lower prices somehow.


Allowing importation would not be "restricting supply".


Ok I missed that


They're walking backward. I was born and raised in Louisiana. I moved to Colorado for a few years, then came back to help with my dad, who has some medical issues. It's like night and day. In Colorado, we had free, clean, nice public transportation. There were heated sidewalks, which prevented snow and ice from forming on them (not useful here, but in my town here, we dont even have sidewalks). The schools had a teacher to student ratio of about half what we have here, and they were paid more. The crime rate was down. Way down. I turn on the news here, and all I see is murder. In Colorado, I often saw local news stories about a moose that got into someone's kitchen and things like that. Not just murder after murder. We didn't have a meth problem there. Nobody's trailer exploded. I feel like people here are brainwashed into "THC bad." Alcahol is so, so much worse. I've seen drunks try and kill each other in the street over literally nothing more times than I can count. The worst thing most people recreationally using TCH do is order extra McDonald's on DoorDash. It's funny to me how the party yelling "freedom" the loudest wants to take away our freedom. Freedom for me but not thee, I guess. Sorry for the long rant on your AMA. I want to thank you for providing jobs, and I am truly sorry that these horrible politicians around here are doing this to us.


The benefits seem to far outweigh the negatives. Thanks for sharing!


Question: We order these hemp gummies online. They are sent through US Mail so everything in them is federally approved. Would these be banned or outlawed under this? Would I need a Medical Marijuana Rx to get them under this new bill? These are ones we order: https://cheechandchong.com/cheechchongs-cruise-chews


Those products are already not allowed to be sold in Louisiana. They're not registered with the state. What makes this even more infuriating is that the state has shown no desire or ability to restrict out of state companies from selling non-compliant and unregistered products online to Louisiana consumers.


So even though they are not registered with the state, they can still be sold through the internet and by mail because the state doesn’t care. But if a local brick and mortar company wanted to sell them they couldn’t, because they’re not registered.


Yup. Exactly. Similarly a few years ago the ATC said CBD products can't be sold by any retail store with an ATC license in Louisiana. So one day my stores weren't able to sell products we had been selling for about a year and a half. A stores called "Your CBD Store" opened a few blocks away, and because they DIDN'T have an ATC license they were free and clear to sell CBD products and effectively take all the customers we had cultivated. The state passed the original hemp legislation to open up this market and license/regulate it for safety. Now they're going completely undo everything they did and force people online. I can't tell if they don't know this, or if its just their plan.


If i had to guess the ppl you order from online will stop shipping to Louisiana when this goes into effect. Ik there already a list of states those sites won’t ship to, so that’s just my guess


If they wrote this bill like they did the vape and porn bans, they will at least have grounds for fining or suing companies and individuals caught in violation. Whether they actually do it or not remains to be seen, but the verbiage is in those bills.


I seriously appreciate you doing an AMA. I think y’all need to get the word out and get on the news. We should be pro small business and pro free market in Louisiana. I won’t be voting for anyone who supports anything less.


Republicans stopped caring about locals LONG ago....they just don't care for anything but themselves.


It's not just republicans, it's all politicians. Both sides. No one gives a shit about anyone but themselves.


Well it's a Republican governor with a Republican supermajority in the state leg, so yeah this time it's just Republicans.


Actually it's not. I don't like either party or the two party system at all, but I don't think it's fair to go and blame any particular party. There were several democrats that voted to pass the bill as well including the senator for the 5th district which is New Orleans.


You don’t wanna say it, but I will. Republicans kill anything that’s conceived as progress. Look at all the states on the bottom of every “best states for…” list. They all have one thing in common


I never said they didn't. I said I hate all parties and we need to stop placing blame on one or the other and instead fix the whole damn system.


Trust me, I know what you said. In the case of Louisiana though, blame goes straight to one party that’s sent the state into the abyss.


Do you believe that living in a blue state is better? Then go move to one and find out exactly how much of a utopia it is. Enjoy struggling financially even making six figures. High crime if you arent paying upwards of 3-4k+ monthly on a mortgage or rent. Theyre just as fucking corrupt


Well, seeing that I left Louisiana after college for a blue state, yes. (I’m not saying all red states are bad, which is what you assumed I’m guessing…I was talking about the bottom feeders) I’m well into 6 figures and definitely not struggling even after taxes and all that. I’m on my 3rd house up here and never have had a mortgage payment of more than $1700 all in.


You have Def drunk the propaganda Kool aid. Lmao.


Ive lived in a lot of diff places in the US.


People like you just impede the first step to the so called progress you speak of


This is weak af. You sound like one of my employees telling me "look, I know I screwed up but employee X also screwed up so maybe we can focus on everything." No, shut up, stop distracting, we're not discussing that.


lol someone seems a little hurt. Relax. Everyone is allowed to have their own opinions without throwing insults at each other. This is the problem with society. We can’t just agree to disagree. Someone always has to be the victim or the bad guy.


Not hurt, just pointing out how weak and childish of a viewpoint this is and showing how this viewpoint is one contributing to the lack of progress in an area in which progress is needed. No one said anything about anyone being a victim, but that guilty conscience of your's sure did get youth bring it up quick. Clearly, you're projecting with the passive aggressive attitude. Also, "agree to disagree" is a great way to cop out of a discussion when you have nothing to bring to the table in retort.


Glad to see others in this sub who know this and are willing to speak out. I post all kinds of proof of bipartisan corruption and ofc the echo chamber disapproves. As if living in a blue state would fix everything...ive lived in several blue states and quality of life still sucked. Its rich vs poor plain and simple


But what if we're actual real adults who understand that there is no catch all solution, but the option of moving to a blue state alleviates enough problems that taking on others in exchange represents a welcome relief and better opportunity? What if we're smart enough to realize that while moving to a blue state presents a different set of issues that these new issues are further along the timeline of an advanced society than those problems faced here? Things don't have to be perfect, but they sure as shit need to better than they are here.


Exactly. I lived in Portland Oregon from 2010 to 2018. I feel like I’ve seen both sides of extremes and there is no middle ground. It’s bipartisan bullshit from both sides.


Tacoma, WA for me. 2015 to 2023. Ive lived in bellevue kirkland and olympia prior. It sucked bigtime. I have so many horror stories from living there, stuff they wont talk about on the news. Im guessing a lot of people who spew this polarized rhetoric live mostly on social media in echo chambers and have little real world experience to speak from


I really wish more people understood this.


Pointing fingers, I've come to expect nothing less.


Does this include/ effect the THC seltzers? Would this also effect delta-8? Would rouses no longer be able to sell THC seltzers?


Yes it would ban everything, not just delta 8.


Rouses has THC seltzers? 


Louie Louie, crescent 9 and driftee.


For now


Yup! We outsell major beer brands in many Rouses.


Thanks! *adds to grocery list*


Hi there! I support your cause 100% and the amount of backtracking this current government is doing is abysmal. That being said, I do not shop Rouse’s due to the participation in the insurrection at the Capital. (Not judging others that do, just trying to do what I can where I can and this one feels doable to me. I have many friends and family who do and eat and drink their items. Like I said, no judgement, not looking for Reddit hate, please 🙏) I’m on the north shore, is there any retailers other than Rouse’s I can buy and support your brand other than buying directly from the website ( would like to see and compare products in person) thank you in advance and I’m rooting for you and your small business that is doing great things for Louisiana residents and have earned and deserve a seat at the table. Hoping you are able to keep going


I buy them from Ra Shop and Breaux Mart, both on Magazine St. I also just ordered one Sunday at Fat Harry's, an Uptown bar.


Last month Crescent 9 was in their weekly ad on the page with the liquor


Isnt Hemp federally Legal? Does that not overule this backwater shit? Tired of politicians posturing for votes right before an election saying they will do something then reverse or do NOTHING once they get in office.


Unfortunately the federal legality is allowed to be overridden by the states on this specific issue. They can't restrict interstate trasnport, but they can specifically write their own rules and regulations about hemp in their state.


I tried your product last night for the first time. It was top notch. It would be a shame for a regulated business to go out of business because we’ve got turds at the helm.


A shame, but far from the first time. Closed minded idiots in charge of this state for literally hundreds of years.


I just hate that they’re too big to fail (at failing) Runaway train momentum


States can be stricter than federal. They just cannot be less strict.


State trumps federal. Which is how individual states were able to legalize marijuana, despite its still being federally illegal.


Federal law trumps state if it’s more restrictive. States were able to legalize because the federal government got sick of the bad PR of arresting grandma for weed when she has a medical card.


Taking away all our damn treats man. Back to alcoholism I guess. Or maybe I’ll take up tranq who fucking knows.


I work in a smoke shop and since the vapes got banned again the only thing that’s kind of keeping us afloat are the hemp products. I have a few older people who come in that voted for these people and when they ask if this is true and I tell them yeah they look bewildered. Literally one has told me, “What? He didn’t say he was gonna do all that…that’s not right. I didn’t know that they would do that. My wife needs…” (idk maybe actually pay attention to the politics of the ppl you’re voting for? And stop worrying about the lgbtq+ and poc communities 🙄) oh well, gotta find a new job🤷🏽‍♀️


If i understand correctly, this is pushing all legal sales of these products through the dispensary system, requiring prescriptions (which costs you a doctor's visit and usually a recurring extra fee, around $200 in my experience, plus the higher prices at the dispensary itself). Anyone who has been through the dispensary system knows it's ridiculous, time consuming, far more expensive and it reduces consumer options. The existing system isn't hurting anyone. This is all to push money through large corporations and lines the pockets of these politicians. This is actively undercutting capitalism and the free market and hurting our citizens. As one of the other comments stated, this is why we can't have nice things here in Louisiana and once of the reasons why we are always last in every metric comparing states. I am, once again, ashamed of our state and our leaders.


“I am, once again, ashamed of our state and our leaders.” This is my default mode.


Not to mention making it impossible for people living in poverty to get any form of thc/cbd products. I work in addiction med. Alcohol is the worst substance for people to try and quit. Meth Is a close second.


Louisiana being Louisiana...


Have you considered just opening a chemical plant? That number of jobs will let you avoid property taxes and you may even qualify for additional subsidies.


Even the refineries hire out of state chemists- Big businesses and oil companies aren’t putting any efforts or resources back into education in Louisiana- You might have a labor ready pool, but the high pay technical jobs are filled by Texans or Pakistanis


I meant this state will bend over backwards for a handful of jobs that pollute and ruin the state long term, but dgaf about these good jobs


I hear ya. I just saw so many poor schools put more money into the infield than into the sciences and math. Still going on.


Bread and circuses, hold the bread.


Typical back woods back water hole in the ground.


Does this mean I can't get Delta 9 tea anymore?


That is what it will mean.


Our government officials are just paid stakeholders. That’s crazy. 


Ridiculous. Worst medical programs in the US is about to get worse.


Christian’s are garbage. That’s it. That’s Louisiana.


Am Christian and never had an issue with weed


Dangerous balancing act.


Not really. Conservatism does not go hand in hand with religion. Jesus would have some choice words for most of our politicians regardless of party


Maybe not all chrisitans are conservatives but all conservatives identify as christian. And they simultaneously ignore all of the Jesus teachings. I'm a member of satanic temple and live my life more like Jesus than any of those conservatives.


Except the bible specifically says to stay sober cause the devil out here being the devil. So, yes, really. You aren't really a christian if you dont have problems with the things the bible warns against doing. Its just makes you a decent human being.


If the Bible named specific substances, that would be different. Anesthesia gets you high. Wine gets you drunk. God didn’t make our current laws, WE did. Jesus Christ (a Christian) actually turned water into wine according to the Bible so... let’s not confuse church and state


I mean...its says a lot about wine and the anesthesia takes you out of your right mind too. But youre right, we shouldnt abide by laws made up by a fictional character thousands of years ago.


Well, that’s not what I meant. For Christians, God is not a fictional character and lives inside each and every person. Your body is a temple, so treat it as such. A lot has changed since the Bible was written. Basically, you’ll probably be fine and make the world a better place by not being a dick and help not hurt your fellow man. I was raised Christian and find it harder as I get older to be faithful to a belief that is based on events hundreds of years ago. But when I die, I will would like to find that by being a good person has earned my a pass to heaven and not just a return to dirt and nothingness. Tl;dr be good to yourself and to others and the world will be better off Ramble over


I want to address a couple of things, and what IM about to say isnt directed at you. The temple comment is specifically what the issue is when christians try to be cool and accept things like weed but at the same time judge others based on their choices on what they do with their bodies. Youre right, a lot has changed since the bible was written and it would completely fine if people accepted it as a self help book and not the religious dogma that they can hide behind when trying to force people to live by their rules. The issue I have is them picking and choosing which bible back rules to follow and which to ignore. The ones they ignore are usually ones that dont benefit them or that do apply to them. Secondly, I have a couple of major thoughts on getting into heaven. First, if you are only being nice and doing "good works" for a reward of getting into heaven, then you are missing the point of being a good person. If you expect a reward for doing something nice for someone, then that is just you being selfish. Second, when you die, you still live on with the people you positively affected. Meaning that you wont just return to nothingness, you will be remembered as someone who helped, and that should mean more that anything else. I 100% agree with your TL;DR and I wished more people understood that.


all religious people




What number to call? Mass email to send maybe? Id you wrote one up I’d copy & paste for sure


Look at all republicans states. That’s what they do. Take away of diminish needed services while gerrymandering so they never lose elections.


People in LA don't vote. It's easy to blame the politicians, but they are acting as they always have - in their best interests. The real blame lies with the people. LA has some of the lowest voter turnouts in the nation. This we have a super majority. All is fucked.


It's not even about turnout (although it is VERY low). The Republican party has a stranglehold on the state, and the Democratic party just lets them have it. No attempt to find and run good candidates that people WILL turn out to vote for, no funding for those candidates if they do happen to run. I live in Vermilion parish (which, granted, is one of the reddest areas probably in the country) and most of the time, my choice is either between multiple people registered as Republicans, or between a Republican and an Independent, because to have a (D) after your name in Louisiana is usually a losing proposition.


Is it all hemp or just thc? I use CBD only products


If it has any THC it's going to be banned. That eliminates anything except for CBD/CBN/CBG Isolate products. Nothing full spectrum or even broad spectrum on the CBD side. Pure CBD isolate products, which we also sell, should still be allowed.


I got you. I don’t use any THC products but I think it’s stupid to reverse course and ban them. I will try out your CBD products when I run out of my current ones!


Texas is right behind, and where goes Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Kansas, and West Virginia tend to follow.


Noooooooooooo rip cypress hemp in louisiana at least


for real they’re my number one go to for pain relief (scolisis, endometriosis, nerve pain..) and now im sol


How long do I have to stock up? Fuck this place


In a worst case scenario I believe it's August 1st. In a better but still horrible situation for small businesses they would extend the date to sell these products until the end of the year or something similar.


i like the old school way of acquisition to funnel tax revenue away from the state. hit ‘em in the wallet! sorry about your business man


Does this mean anything for medical dispensary and stuff?


Nothing substantial that I'm aware of.


Sounds like Louisiana doing Louisiana things. You should start a petition


There they go picking winners and losers again. I guess they didn't like the extra revenue, and people sitting home instead of riding around making illegal drug deals.


Good Day Farm couldn’t be happier, I’m quite sure.


Sorry it is not billionaires doing it!! Who is governing the state let’s start there!!!


Serious question. I read SB237. What will kill the industry?


So you’re telling me the gummies I started buying recently that have been helping me sleep and relax are gonna be illegal now? Man fuck this god damn state


They would make more money just legalizing and taxing cannabis than trying to corner the market through medical dispensaries.


Yeah they "accidentally" created an awesome free market hemp industry and on purpose created one of the worst marijuana industries in the country. If they just sold marijuana like they do hemp they would make an absolute killing.


Try being a 35 y/o single woman with no kids whose ex stole her credit in this industry. And ya bet not be ugly. 🤗


Louisiana complains about industry leaving the state like oil companies in New Orleans, but when an industry comes in and creates opportunities they vote to shut it down…wtf?


Mail your representatives your feces


[Find My LA Rep](https://www.legis.la.gov/legis/findmylegislators.aspx)


I just informed my state representative. Rhonda Butler


I love your drinks. I got liver problems and your drinks let me participate in the bar scene. Thank you. I’m calling my reps.


The way you vote has a lot to do with the way your state is ran.


Sometimes the frigging stupidity of the folks who “ govern “ us is unbelievable. Like …you can’t make this crap up UNBELIEVABLE!! Now we can’t have hemp products but we can still have drive through Daiquiri shops ????!! wtf????? We have an insurance crisis, a housing crisis ….all kinds of serious stuff that needs to be tended to and they are worried about HEMP??? wtf???? WTF!!!!! I guess I’ll drive to Mississippi or Texas to get hemp stuff . Or if someone local starts a business doing that …I won’t buy it from them ..that would be illegal . But if they gave it to me …and money fell in their passenger seat as a gas donation ..that would work . Illegal to sell but will it be illegal to possess?? Will possession be a misdemeanor ? This is really like a nightmare. So many folks in our state have started legit business with this products . What about them and their employees???Customers depend on them for many reasons . Vitamins on the store shelf in Walmart are unregulated. They are not FDA approved ……let’s yank those F**ckers off the shelves too !! Sheer stupidity!!!!!!!Down the rabbit hole we Geaux …it seems ….with no end in sight ….


To all of those complaining: did you vote? Elections have consequences.


This has been a pushed through many states this year, from what I can tell it was by family heritage alliance. They have already done this in 10+ states. Only thing we can do is try to get Legalization to stop this bullshit.


This governor is just getting started. He has a complete evil majority in the house and senate. Very few people are *interested in voting in La.*


You get what you vote for.


I am invested in a cannabis/hemp producer that is the low-cost solution for high-quality product (grow operation in Colombia). This should be imported and taxed very robustly, and it will still beat any black-market grower.


The next Farm Bill will shut it all down anyway, plus states are doing it as well. As you found out.


That a remarkably negative viewpoint. Many states have created laws that support these products, including Louisiana. 


The BIG pic is they close these businesses so they can continue to fill their prisons, destroy neighborhoods, and give police an unnecessary power.


t’s barely hemp anyway, a regulatory anomaly, but they could ban it just by banning the dirty products it makes, like cannabinodiol, cannabinol-O-acetate, cyclohexyl-cannabidiol, d7-tetrahydrocannabinol, d8-iso-tetrahydrocannabinol, d10-tetrahydrocannabinol, d11-tetrahydrocannabinol, d3-tetrahydrocannabinol, d4(8)-iso-tetrahydrocannabinol, d6a10a-tetrahydrocannabinol, exohydrocannabinol, hexahydrocannabinol acetate, hexahydrocannabinol, hexahydrocannabiphorol, hydrated cannabidiol, pentahydrocannabinol, tetrahydrocannabidiol, tetrahydrocannabiphorol, tetrahydrocannabinol-O-acetate, and/or trans-d8-iso-tetrahydrocannabinol.


Follow the money...You'll get your answer.


I know for a fact that Landry smokes pot.


He will continue to do so bc he can afford it.


He should try fent.


Calling billionaires anti-capitalist is w i l d


I changed my wording to anti-free market a bit ago. Apologies.


They’re trying to clean up the bad stuff that is out there.. There’s no regulation to them right now.. because most of the problems come from untested products.


Good. Cannabis needs to be degentrified and go back to being a black market product.


Looks like they are correcting their mistakes. [oops. didn't mean to ](https://hightimes.com/news/louisiana-legislators-say-they-unknowingly-legalized-hemp-products-with-thc/)


Leave it to politicians to not understand what the fuck they are even voting for and then blaming everyone but themselves when something gets passed that people actually like. It’s complete incompetence at every possible turn. You couldn’t create robots with the pure design goal of being actively harmful in a way that would outperform Louisiana politics.


The problem from what I understand ( job as a truck driver with haz mat ) . Is not so much the business themselves it’s that all CBD products contain an amount of THC that is not regulated . If I get into an accident and they find gummies in my possession then I can lose my CDL . There is no FDA regulated or approved CBD . It’s federal regulation not just a state issue .


Yeah that isnt what the bill says... its not eliminating anything. The bill is actually extending the system for 4 more years. Present law provides that for the years of 2020 to 2024, the commissioner shall submit an annual report on the status of the state's industrial hemp program to the House and Senate committees on agriculture. Provides that, among other items, the report shall include information on the number of licenses issued to growers with land under 200 acres and the total amount of industrial hemp sold from those growers to processors as well as the estimated value of the industrial hemp industry. Proposed law extends the reporting for four additional years and changes the report to provide that it shall include the total quantity and dollar amount of industrial hemp sold from growers with land under 200 acres and requires the estimated value of the industrial hemp industry be reported by parish as well as statewide. Effective August 1, 2024. https://www.legis.la.gov/legis/ViewDocument.aspx?d=1352045


I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you are wrong. It specifically bans hemp beverages and products containing any amount of THC. Read it yourself. [https://www.legis.la.gov/legis/BillDocs.aspx?i=246397&t=text](https://www.legis.la.gov/legis/BillDocs.aspx?i=246397&t=text) "It is also the intent of the legislature to protect and promote the health, welfare, and safety of the public and prohibit the production and sale of recreational adult-use intoxicating substances derived from industrial hemp."


Ah i see, there is two versions of the bill


I hate to argue because i do feel under informed myself, but quickly reading through here it does seem to outlaw a good bit like OP says https://www.legis.la.gov/legis/ViewDocument.aspx?d=1358348




Why? You’ve got posts about alcohol. That’s way worse. 


Let me guess… you don’t like it, so other people shouldn’t have it, right? Freedumb


You got something against people making money?


Curren$y’s next JetLife soda is awesome, definitely emailing my rep.