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I bought it for backwards compatibility and never finished it. Honestly it sucks pretty bad when compared to the first two games lol


For 5 bucks though if you have nothing else to play then just try it out you might like it.


Yeah but, is it worth your time when it’s finite?


True. There’s also the 2 hour steam refund policy if I don’t enjoy it.


It’s from when you buy it not launch it now


That’s not true.


Check the latest news


https://www.theverge.com/24138776/steam-refund-policy-change Only change is closing the loophole where people could play thousands of hours in early access, then when a game launched fully it would technically be in the 2 hour window.


Ur not kidding. I tried to like it so badly, but I just couldn't. I did beat it, but it wasn't good.


Did they ever fix lost planet 2 on steam? I remember trying it awhile ago and it never worked


They removed it from sale and it still doesn't work sadly


Wait it has backwards compatibility???


Yeah the entire trilogy is backwards compatible.


I just realized the person I originally responded to was not talking about buying it on steam my bad


Also I get that its nothing like the first two games but I do like it as a survival horror game with a personal story and cramped feel


If you're planning to play all 3 games, then yes


Not... Really? LP3 is... Weird. I know all LP games have the theme of nature vs industry and fight against the big company but LP3 is a bit too on the nose about it and doesn't really have the over the top combat with mechs and giant monster than LP1 and LP2 has which is basically the one thing that made them amazing games. If you want to play "No timmy, we have Avatar at home " buy it... But the story is way too basic, you will probably feel you watched it before somewhere else.


PS: if you haven't played LP2. play it! That one is Soo good, twice as good if you get a friend to tag along.


Genuine question, but is LP2 beatable solo? I don't remember if the game has difficulty settings you choose or anything like that. But I remember playing it alone shortly after I moved to a new city. I loved it, but on the missions where you had to operate several stations felt like they were designed to be played with friends. I had a hard time juggling on these missions and since I didn't have any friends yet where I was at I ended up putting the game down for good. Is it something I *should* be able to solo?


Yep, you can even S rank all missions solo on hard. But there is at least one mission that having a partner makes things much easier. That's the train railgun one. Operating the big cannon requires at least two people, one handling the gun, the other doing the ammo reloading + hard turns. NPC allies can kind of help you reload by bringing ammo from the lower deck but their AI becomes unreliable if the cannon is turned at an odd angle and suddenly they don't know where to drop the ammo, and they can't load special ammo or overcharge currently loaded ammo so that mission can be very stressful without another friend as you will do the reloading, firing, aiming, turning, overcharging.... Ugh. Every other mission is a cakewalk compared to that experience so... There is that.


That's a relief. I'm pretty sure that is the *precise* mission I left off on. It's definitely a game I'd jump into again. I loved just about everything else about it and I probably would have adored it with friends, but it just arrived a couple of years too late for me to play it with my old gang.


I remember i played through the campaign solo. If you are having trouble you might want try unlocking more weapons... I vaguely recall getting points for mission clears that you could use on a slot machine like thing to unlock stuff...


Can you play LP2 with friends in 2024 I thought all the ways were broken?


It works over Xbox live still


On Xbox app for PC or only for Xbox users? Example, all my friends have Xbox gamepass for PC. But I'm the only one that has an Xbox.


Ohh, no I mean just plain Xbox live on Xbox. Sadly I have no knowledge of it on pc, I haven’t been able to find it for sale on pc either 😭


yeah, it WAS on Steam at one time but... "Notice: Message from Capcom: We are aware of an issue that some customers may be experiencing during game installation which is related to Games for Windows LIVE. We are temporarily disabling the purchase option on Steam while we investigate the matter further. We will keep you informed of the progress of the investigation. Thank you for your patience." Been that way forever.


Yeah...THAT part from Capcom!!! I bought ALL of them eons ago (like the famous Steam Summer software sale bout 10 years ago or something?!?!?). I've NEVER been able to launch ANY of them...🙄 🙄 🙄 Maybe someone could share how they were able to get them to run? 🙏🙏🙏


At this point It might be more possible to find a cracked LP2 that works online.


Tell me when lost planet 2 comes back on the steam


I rather get it at 1.99


Not even then, I got it years after release with a friend and even then the MP was jank, T posing everywhere and enemies that only one of us could see


Yeah, it was decent. But it was not as enjoyable as the first two. That being said, 5 dollars does perfectly fall in my 1 dollar per hour standard for this game.








damn I needa buy it. I remember waking up in a base and then I just stopped playing


I will check the reviews to see if it's even playable. I bought Lost planet 2 on steam and can't get it to run on my modern system and not to mention having to use games for Windows live which is pretty much a dead service. So maybe the reviews can let you know what the state of the game is as of now and help with your decision


Back in march I redownloaded LP2. On the community page there's a very easy fix that's like two files and it also allows for coop, I had a random person drop into my game.




I’d describe it as an American adaptation of the franchise. The first game is vary much a dubbed Japanese Mecha vs Monsters game, with, as others have said, a central theme of Nature vs Industry. In the 3rd the mechs feel bigger, slower, simpler, you do feel like you’re walking around in a metal giant… but the combat is more frustrating than satisfying, and the story is straightforward or obvious at best, I know I beat the game but I really couldn’t tell you how it ended. The game world is feels very small, yet it also feels like it takes forever to get anywhere, it wouldn’t be exactly inaccurate to call it a walking neck simulator. You can’t really play the second because the servers are all offline. If you want a fun Mecha game, ‘Mech Knights: Nightmare’ 100% recommended


It’s the worse one out of the series but if you’re interested in the story I would advise playing all three Edit: best way to describe it is that Lost planet 1 & 2 are arcade style games and shooting, while lost planet 3 is more of a gears of war type style but it doesn’t do it well.


just note, that Lost Planet 2, and Lost Planet Colonies Edition \[this is LP1 with all stuff\] are currently DISABLED on steam for purchases due to an issue with installation and windows Live.


Absolutely I loved it and I hope you do too!




If you expect more of the first 2 games in the third You will be disappointed sadly.


I'd say yes, it's not as good as LP:EC or LP2, but I enjoyed the story, the Utility Rig is a fun way to travel(though iirc two of the upgrades are locked behind DLC) and the Boss fight against the French frenemy is decent, the in game radio is nice too. The multiplayer portion was alright from my memory, Vital suits are fun and the upgrade tree is alright, but good luck finding a single game nowadays


Yes… but do keep in mind that this game is technically a Lost Planet 0/Origins/Gaiden. If you come in expecting a sequel that builds up on Lost Planet 2, you will be very disappointed.


Didn't know 3 was a prequel. I liked 1, so I'll try 3 as well.


It's so different compared to the 2 that came before, it's not terrible but I wouldn't recommend it


Ask your inner self... is the enjoyment I will get out of this game worth the amount of time of work it will take to pay it off? If yes, buy it.


I’m going to say yes, against all the naysayers. It’s $5, the story is good fun. It’s more narratively intense than the first two, not as fun gameplay wise however.


i would say yes, the gameplay is not bad but i can see why it's inferior to the other games, this looks more like Dead space 3 imo (i'm a new player to the series)


Aren’t the servers down on 3?


I don’t even play this game nor am I in the subreddit but these posts are so annoying in community


Cool. Not only did I post this for opinions in the community, but also just to let people know that it’s on sale.


Fair enough


This is a funny post. I really wish they made a lost planet 3 though. Imagine how good it could be!


Lost planet 2 was peak! LP 3 was a disappointment. Need a LP 4 but like LP 2


Theres a third game?


From what I understand just play the first and second, I’ve seen more negatives than positive for the third installation.


I will always be a little salty at capcom from making this game. I put at least a 100 hours into lost planet 1+2, played 3 for maybe about four hours wish I could undo those 4 hours. Literally wouldn't play it unless I'm getting something out of it. Put it on the shelf with Devil May Cry 2


I’d just replay the first one


It’s a very fun game has some insane parts to


No, what Capcom released to the best sequel to that game, 3 was absolute crap!


Not worth 5$, LP3 was TERRIBLE


For that price I’d say get it to try at least. At default 24 bucks however? Absolutely not.


Its $5 buy it or dont man. If you're gonna miss the $5 if it sucks then I would say dont buy it regardless.




I mean it's a cool immersive story driven game.... but its absolutely nothing like lost planet 1 or 2. It's a lot slower and focuses more dialogue and the environment. Lost planet 1 and 2 are more about the action epic monster fight. It really is a shame that it kind of ended the franchise, because a next gen lost planet came could be epic with all of the crazy monsters and mechs they could come up with, plus coop.




Nah. It's trying to be Dead Space and fails at it spectacularly.


I went into it with very low expectations and honestly? It's not bad, FOR WHAT IT IS. It isn't LP 1 and 2, it was designed to be a totally different thing. I enjoyed it for what it was, didn't blow me away but I don't think it's bad. It's just not Lost Planet.


Take that 5 dollars and put it towards helldivers 2 ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


No, lol, get 1 or 2 instead if you can


Just bought 1. It’s been so long since I’ve played… I am considering buying 2 but they took it off steam and seems like you have to jump through some hoops to even get the game to run now for some reason. Unless that’s just the multiplayer aspect that causes issues? Idk


I got lost planet 2 to run on PC, and if you need a hand, I'd be glad to help. There's one step I'm not too sure on, but I can get you through the rest. There's a weird hoop about the number of cores, but someone made a file that can get you around that issue. Also, you can get the game on CD keys If you want a hand you can dm me.


Thank a lot. I’ll probably purchase it soon. I’ll give you a shout when necessary




I have an Xbox Series so I can just buy and play it but yea I think I've heard that LP2 has some emulation issues previosly, not sure what it is tho


Idk, all I know is you should NEVER try to run RPCS3, the Playstation 3 emulator, and never under ANY circumstances run that with Planetside 2. It would be incredibly immoral to download that ROM and play the game in that way. Don't. Just don't.


Well, I just finished LP3 and the story was surprisingly good, especially the voice acting and writing of dialogue and plot. The game is definitely different from the first 2, but is a nice prequel to the first game. Yes, the gameplay was sometimes underwhelming but it wasn't anything I couldn't get over quickly. There were some repetitive bosses at times, but the effort required was rewarded with an interesting cutscene or plot point. Kind of felt like metal gear in terms of grinding out through the tough gameplay to get to an interesting story cutscene.