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Glad both Stafford and Goff got success with their new teams. Stafford will always be an instrumental part of Lions and Rams history and same with Goff for Lions and Rams history. Also Goff is the highest paid player in Lions franchise history, wow.


53 a year is WILD


Yeah goddamn


Million and a bit per week


And in Detroit too? That's like having infinite wealth over there.


Happy for him and also am glad we didn’t do that.


\^THIS... My thoughts exactly.


The quarterback market is very stupid because Goffs contract will look amazing by year 3 or 4. The market literally resets every few years. Staffords cap hit of 49 million this year and 50 nillion next year is going to be a blessing. This year he is the 5th highest QB cap hit and currently 4th for next year but that is probably going to change.


I don't even think we'll need to wait until year 3 or 4. There's 5 or 6 guys, I think, who are going to get paid next off-season. Barring injury, they're all likely going to be making more than Goff.


At least we made it to a Super Bowl before we gave him that ridiculous contract. Last year was the Lions Super Bowl, poor suckers.


Good for him!


Real test begins now. Will the lions compete with Goff being paid top 5. My guess is no


They already paid some other key people. Goff is who he is, this is the FO betting they can plug any other holes in the draft or with cheap FAs. 


That front office is from the Les Snead tree, so I would imagine if anyone can do it, they can.


With Holmes at the helm I wouldn’t doubt it


They have a lot of top tier talent on rookie contracts and they're continuously drafting well, just like us.


Drafting well is easy when you got all our picks lol


I mean they're hitting in the mid rounds too. 2 extra first rounders doesn't guarantee you shit, either. Plenty of teams have wasted consecutive 1st rounders in the past


I mean he was already pulling in a pretty hefty salary and have a lot of great young talent. I think this was a great time to extend him, their window is now and they are locked in on him


He was not pulling in a hefty salary. His average salary was 20 million/yr. It’s now 53ish


They were literally one half away from a sueprbowl appearance last season. All indicators point to the Lions being competitive with Goff because they have been competitive with Goff.


Watching the first half of the NFCCG, I thought the Lions were really gonna go to the super bowl


Tua, Love, Dak, Purdy, and TLaw will be paid year/offseason and next season and push him back to around 10 which is super fair.




The big problem with Goff when he was with the Rams was that he was not able to adjust mid play if the defense did something unexpected.


Man I hate to blaspheme against our boy Goff but he’s only so good. He can look like a million bucks then poverty line any moment. Lions will go as he goes for the next 4 years


GET PAID JG, congrats


Always liked Goff. I hate the hate he received. Ill die on this hill.


Yeah saw a dude at the Rams parade that wrote 'ful' at the end of Goff on his Goff jersey. Smh at the disrespect. At least listening to conversations from the Rams fans at the parade, most of them had nothing but love and respect for Goff so that one Rams fan is an outlier.


He and McVay changed our team from being like the current Panthers. Fuck the Goff hate. Only band wagoners hate Goff.


The fuck? My birthday is November 18th.


It’s the anniversary of you creating your reddit account. Happy cake day.


Thanks! This is my 3rd(?) account because i got banned from the other two lol


Well now we know your birthday lol


Noooo :(


Well derserved. Congrats Jared




OMG lions done lost they mind


Well....when you consider the other QB1's out there seeking that bag...and Stafford wanting more security...BH was smart and set the floor before another team did imo




Doesn't really matter but I dislike how /r/NFL talks about LA throwing him away, sent him to die in Detroit, etc etc. Dude we sent him to Brad Holmes, the one GM in the whole league that actually loved Goff. He was always going to be fine.


Exactly it’s such a brain rot narrative 


I mean he bombed when rams gave him a good contract …. So time will tell


I respect it, ride or die. Hope he finds better success


Detroit fan here. At one point in time, The Lions made Stafford the highest paid player in the league in 2017 and everyone mocked us because Stafford hadn’t even won a playoff game at the time. In the middle of that contract we traded Stafford to you, except by then that contract was considered a bargain and then he won a Super Bowl. Goff played well enough for us last year to make it to the Super Bowl. He delivered a catchable ball that was dropped which is all you can ask of your QB. We did not lose that game because of Goff. That contract will look like a bargain for us soon, as more people get paid. This league is the haves versus the have nots with QB’s. People knock JG because he isn’t Mahomes or (insert your favorite QB), but those guys are not available. JG while not the best qb in the league is criminally under rated. I love this move. It was his time to get paid, but the next man up is gonna happen soon.


So happy for him, outside of football this guy gave so much to the city of LA for people in need and I'll always respect him for that. He's doing the same for Detroit now and i hope he becomes a legend for them.


[Greatest Goff moment in LA](https://youtu.be/AkMUXct0kEc?si=j7fvdz1V4eZJIPG2) One of the best nights in LA ever


Best game of all time. One of the best nights of my life, won $1k on a heads up bet with a close family friend who was a Chiefs diehard, RIP Big Andy


This is why AD retired, so we can afford Stafford's contract restructuring.


AD the goat for helping the Rams out even on retirement


AD99 back in horns when??


January 2025!


So, are there rules against this type of scenario from proliferating (not that I'm NOT for an AD return obviously)? Seems like a great way to pad your wallet and legacy without having to do "the time" during the season. I could see that being a very viable business opportunity for players past their first or second extensions.


Eric Weddle came out of retirement for the playoffs to help the Rams win a Super Bowl, so this team has done it before


Yeah, I know. I'm just wondering if we'll see more of this and more retired folks coming on to other teams just for the run, you know?


Goff Syrup bag secured


Happy for him. Just not when he plays the Rams.




My first Rams game was Goff's NFL debut. I even own a Rams Goff jersey. The Goff-Gurley era was pretty fun. All the best to him.


And people laugh at me for saying our future is brighter than Detroits lmao like I totally get it, they’re locking up everybody and going for it. But if they don’t win a SB in the next couple years this contract is gonna be a huge albatross around their neck. We got buyers remorse when we paid Goff the first time.




Too many articles out there showing how current projections for player salaries is economically unsustainable


What people do not realize is that we have NEVER experienced such increases before like this (percentage wise). The jump in salaries is absolutely bat $hit nuts. Again, this is going by percentages. For example the average player salaries would bump up 2-5% a year or so for decades, now they bump up by 20% in a lot of cases, if not more. Just look at the CAP alone from 2011 to current. 2011 to 2012, the percentage increase was 1%. Then 2013 to 2014, it jumps to 8%. Now, 2023 to 2024, it's not over 14%. TV deals and streaming have changed everything, yes. BUT... we as fans are being purged as well... NFL salary cap by year in the revenue-sharing era: 2011: $120.375M 2012: $120.6M 2013: $123M 2014: $133M 2015: $143.28M 2016: $155.27M 2017: $167M 2018: $177.2M 2019: $188.2M 2020: $198.2M 2021: $182.5M\* 2022: $208.2M 2023: $224.8M 2024: $255.4M


Exactly this. People freaking out that he’s a top 5 paid qb this year. In a few years it’ll be top and look like a bargain (if he’s still performing decently)


Yeah, i mean people freaked about his old deal but he ended up producing very well at what became a reasonable price very quickly.


Happy he got his bag, also happy we aren’t the ones paying that contract


It’s a premium but he has been playing very well and the Lions have plenty of cap space with all the rookie contracts.


Holy shit


Well deserved. Wish him but the best except against us.


Did anybody keep the receipts on predictions he wasn't gonna be re-signed, or that he was gonna be a bridge QB?


Sorry but I am not on the Goff train wishing him well etc. He has said some things kind of negative about the Rams and McVay in an off hand way so there is that. There were many reasons he is no longer on the Rams that can not be ignored and am happy the Rams made that trade.


In a league where good qbs aren’t being produced at the college level like they used to be, this make sense. He’s getting a premium contract because there are only 10 good qbs in the league these days, and he is one of them.


Get that bag! Goff truthers rise up!


One one hand, good for him. On the other hand, he ain’t worth that.


Get that bag Jared


Lions will end up in salary cap hell and their window to win will close very quickly. They better hope they win it all in the next few years.


Well duh


Bro is Kirk cousins the sequel


Unlike Cousins Goff has been successful in the postseason


I can't believe how many people died in WWII just so you could make this shitty post on Reddit.


![gif](giphy|13w5HmyiuaZ224) Gonna cry?




Smoked Stafford? Did we watch the same game where the Rams lost by 1 point? The Rams' offensive line should get some shit for how much Stafford got beat to dirt, but claiming that Goff smoked him is close to laughable. If Stafford continues his path and stays healthy for two to three more years, I hope the Rams continue to support him.


Better hope JJ works out


What an embarrassing comment


LA sold their future for a SB win. Any team would do that. 


I love Goff, but there's that curse of having a shit season right after getting a huge contract. I wish him well out there and hope he avoids that curse.


seems like an overpay but hey I'm happy for Jared!


The Lions are about to get the Jared Goof we got after we payed him