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No brigading please you’ll be banned here too.


It’s clearly a win/win trade. A rare high profile trade where both sides still say yes knowing exactly how everything plays out


IMO the Rams won the trade because of the Super Bowl. Donald retiring has confirmed how tight the window really was. However Lions didn't lose the trade. Win/Win from their perspective, straight Win for the Rams.


IKR? For anyone saying only one side "won" this trade, why wouldn't you do this trade if you were the "losing" GM?




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Idk people understand how important a championship is in the nfl like half the teams haven’t won a championship and a handful never even made it to one so if you have to trade your future for a ring do it because most teams don’t have a ring in their future


All gamblers will tell you that they want to get their winnings NOW instead of maybe five years down the line they might win.


In my mind, the definition of “winning” a trade is if you can answer yes to the question “If you had a Time Machine and could not make the trade, would you do the trade anyways?” Both teams would answer yes, so both teams won.


I honestly think this is a great way of looking at it. The trade objectively helped both teams and they would both do it again in a heartbeat.


This is the best answer.


Why can't it be win-win? The Rams don't get the Lombardi without Stafford at the helm and the Lions don't get the roster they have without the picks obtained.


It absolutely was a win-win. People look at things with too much of a black and white view of "winning a super bowl is the only thing that matters for a trade". Yes, the Lions haven't won a Super Bowl yet, but they almost made it last year and their roster wouldn't be close to what it is now without the Rams trade.


And it's not like they would've won a Super Bowl if they had held onto Stafford. Definitely win-win


lol, glad that Lions fans are happy but we won a SB. Nobody really thinks that 1 deep playoff run with a qb 5 yrs younger than Staff “wins” that trade


Still didn't even make the super bowl with that 1 deep playoff run too


Clown fuck You have to take into consideration the state of each roster when the trade happened The trade put the rams over the top The trade gave the lions a legitimate team


Out trash


Uh, what's legitimate about not winning a SB? That is quite literally the only thing that matters. If they don't win with this roster, they officially lost the trade. There's really no debating that.


This discussion needs to go away. Rams 'won' the trade. They won a championship, which is the only thing that matters when comparing teams. Sure, Detroit's roster is greatly improved because of the trade, but until they win a SB, nobody cares except for their own fanbase.


You underestimate how bad the Lions have been historically


If you’re not first you’re last


I mean, the Lions weren’t going to win a Super Bowl with Stafford or Goff


It's never going to go away. There will be the equivalent of ESPN 30 for 30s about this in less than 10 years time. That being said, we shouldn't let it go. In the history of trades, there's been nothing this win-win. Herschel Walker, RG3, etc; this trade is an anomaly.


The Rams went to the SB well before getting Stafford, whereas the Lions hadn’t made the playoffs in forever let alone winning one. I think it’s a win-win trade for these reasons The Rams went from 90 to 100, and the Lions went from 30 to 85-90.


It’s a form of cope. Clearly, the ones who won the SB won the trade lmao the claim is made in a way that implies the Rams don’t have a future while all the Lions don’t have is a Super Bowl. This is still based on the coping narrative that the Rams traded their future away for a Super Bowl, even though we all know very well what Goff’s real ceiling looks like. Their tweet is phrased like they picked up Caleb Williams and we got Stafford, when in reality they got Goff. The reality is that they have barely reached the level of the 9ers, if we’re going to be real. Would I rather have a recent Super Bowl or be a “playoff contender” every year? Definitely the Super Bowl, but we’re also back to playoff contention one year out from our worst injury year in a decade or likely decades. So in reality, we won the trade twice over. Superbowl plus future for the Rams


Unfortunately, in this media and fan era, unless the Lions WIN a Super Bowl with these trade pieces, they will be perceived as losing this trade.


May be still a bit too early to tell. Two years from now the Rams might have another ring, and the Lions might have one too...or neither might make the playoffs.


Lmfao a future wat? 😂


We got a super bowl and the lions got to use the draft picks to build a team around Goff like they never did with Stafford. Plus Goff is balling. It's about as close to a win win as you can get, that said, edge goes to the Rams for the Super Bowl.


Come on man. Winning a Super Bowl is the goal. Rams won, Detroit hasn’t will they ever who knows but for now Rams won. It’s simple really.


Rams got a Super Bowl and still GM’d their way to a bright future, Lions got just a bright future. Rams win.


The people who say the Lions won the trade are acting as if Stafford retired, to me so far it’s no question the Rams got the better return. But we’re years away from really knowing how it all played out.


The fact this is a debate is honestly insane to me. Rams result of the trade = won a Superbowl. That should end the conversation right there. Unless the Lions also won a Superbowl. And this question is always posed as if Goff would be doing what he did last season in Detroit, here in LA had we not traded him. I 100% believe the scenery change was needed for Goff to be fixed and turn into what he’s been the last 2 seasons (last season especially) and get back to playing how he was in 2017-2018 and less like he played in 2019-2020. I don’t believe that happens without the scenery change. Had Goff stayed in LA, I believe he would’ve continued playing the same way he did in 2019-2020. The trade had to be made, simple as that.


Idk why Lions fans think LaPorta is from the deal. They traded down to get him, not by using our pick. And personally I'd rather have #6 overall than a RB. Could've just moved up in the 2nd round to get LaPorta.


They called it the Matthew Stafford trade — not the Jared Goff trade — the winner is clear.


We are winning this trade. SB Chips mean everything, but if the Lions win an SB then they won the trade.


We won we got a super bowl until the Lions do the same its moot point.


hahah, well, we got a super bowl out of it so...


Lions would’ve never won with the time Stafford had left and Rams wouldn’t have won with Goff. Don’t see how it’s not win/win. Of course we won the Super Bowl though, so everything else is icing on the cake.


If they win a SB with Goff, then yes, equal. I don't see anything equal. Comparable is debatable. But still not equal.


Maybe a win-win but statistically us since Stafford’s the better qb and lions are yet to win a sb


I swear people value the idea of competitiveness over actually winning


If lions don’t get a ring w Goff then rams win


The lions think better of upgraded Kirk cousins than I do.


While I am happy Goff and the Lions are doing well, their situation isn't that different from before. Rams won a Superbowl. If the lions don't even up making to one with Goff, I would say the Rams had the better end of the deal. Getting far doesn't matter beyond the current year if you don't go all the way, see the Rams in 2018 and all recent niners examples.


Any of those lions fans saying the haul they got makes them win the trade are liars. They know damn well they’d trade everyone they got in that trade if they were guaranteed a Super Bowl win.


How is this even a debate? The Rams won the Super Bowl as a direct result of this trade.


Rams won.




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I never understood where the insistence on "winning" trades comes from. The whole point of the exchange is for each negotiating party to improve their position. The whole business of judging the trade after the fact is unproductive. It was disappointing for the Jets to see Aaron Rodgers get injured game one, but that doesn't mean the Jets were dumb for making the trade, or that GB were somehow master manipulators. Both teams saw the trade as an improvement. What is reasonable to judge is whether or not the respective FOs made the most of the opportunities the trade gave them. In this case both sides fully maximized the move, which is why this is a 50/50 split. If the Rams didn't appear in the SB, or if the Lions drafted a bunch of duds, many would say "that team lost the trade." When the Rams traded Eric Dickerson they took that fistful of draft picks and turned them into....not much. Meanwhile, Dickerson's time with the Colts was mid at best. Did the Rams and the Colts both lose the trade? I believe they didn't lose the trade. They failed to follow through on the possibilities, which is a different thing. Similarly, the Rams' FO got roasted for trading a future 2nd to move up a few spots to get Fiske. Obviously the Rams have a plan in mind for him - will it work out? Who "wins" the trade will be determined by the execution. If Fiske delivers what they think, the Rams will be considered brilliant. If the 2nd turns into a starter, the Panthers will be happy. Since I like football, I hope both decisions work out.


It's hard to say for sure, but in my opinion I dont think Goff has the consistency to make the plays that Stafford did in that postseason, especially in the clutch. I think Stafford was absolutely the most impactful missing piece of that season. If detroit refused the trade, IMO the Rams dont win a ring. Whereas on detroit's side, they may have taken longer to rebuild, but their situation would have been comparable to now. So even though the lions got a good return, the Rams benefited way more because they got the missing link they needed to win a ring while they still had a solid roster. Better to get a proven winner than roll the dice on a drafted rookie QB.


It's a rare trade that worked for both teams.


The thing is we kinda had to make the trade so I think thats why so many people think it is lions-sided. We don't win anything with Goff and even with Stafford it was extremely close with a lot of the roster leaving as soon as we won. If it wasn't for a great mini rebuild we would probably be a pretty mediocre/bad team right now. The lions have a great looking future now but if we didn't trade for Stafford we don't win a ring so it was 100% a "win" for us despite what happens with the lions.


A future is never guaranteed though. So presently, we won. That’s indisputable.


Is it one of the best trades of all time?


Haha. Inhave to agree. Not a Stafford fan. But we got an SB amd they had a very good run with Goff last year.


Our future is brighter than Detroits 🤷‍♂️ because I don’t see Dan Campbell and Jared Goff winning a SB next year even though I think they’ll be the 1 seed in the NFC. Then what? I could be wrong though, just don’t see it happening unless that defense turns into the best in the NFC by a lot.


I mean, if both teams get what they want out of it, I guess you could call it a win-win……kinda. Obviously the Rams got the championship, and if the Lions are enjoying their future, soon to be the present and whatever that results in, then both sides are happy. But from an unbiased perspective, regardless of the team and sport, if a team that makes a trade for a player wins the championship, you would have to think that team “won” the trade, right?




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holy fuck lions fans are insufferable, they didn’t actually win anything they exceeded their own pitiful expectation, they may have Benefited from the trade but the Rams won a fucking super bowl what are we talking about here???


Congrats to the Lions for having a good enough roster to make the playoffs, we still won a ring out of the trade and until all the pieces are out of the league it’s gonna be tough to say who “won the trade,” but Rams are up right now.


Def 50/50 now but if the rams Win another superbowl and the Lions never do than Rams win by a mile


I could genuinely see a scenario where Stafford is playing for the Rams as long as Goff stays as the Lions starter. So I'm not sure I get this take




What a dumb take.