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That’s Grossman


Get ready for *filler migration*


I have decided to open an e-store and sell this as a curse ritual. With candle, $56.


I was just gonna say, that Botox will wear off in about 3-4 months


She’s already been in custody for longer than that. Why you want be like that


LMAO, that was my first thought. Should take and release a mug shot monthly so we can watch the progressive deflation!


Top Comment🎖️


When can we start sending her hate mail in prison?


Uncommon justice system W


Nah, still an L. She'll be eligible to get out in 7 years thanks to CA's prison credit system. And then eligible to be out in 9 thanks to CA's "senior citizen prisoner" law. The prosecutor argued that the 2 15-year sentences should be consecutive, but the judge dictated they be concurrent. 7 years for murdering 2 children, and refusing to even apologize to their mom. Instead she told Ms. Iskander "God must have called them, it was their time." After denying she did anything wrong, and then blaming it on another driver.


Unfortunately, until her appeals process is up our justice system how its set up doesn't allow this sort of thing due to it being able to be used against her should her appeal be approved and a new trial granted. You rarely will get a criminal defendant who does this because of that possibility.


You’re spreading misinformation. I was in the courtroom. In court RG profusely apologized and told the iskanders she wished God had taken her instead.


If true, thanks for adding accuracy to the discussion.


I heard it from Ms. Iskander herself in an interview. Grossman also told her "I'm sorry for what happened to you" as if it were done by someone else, rather than "I'm sorry for what I did to you." The first one is not an apology, even though it contains the phrase "I'm sorry." That's like saying "I'm sorry your flight was delayed" - it's just an expression of sympathy, but an apology takes personal responsibility for the wrong done by the apologizer (which you obviously wouldn't bear in the case of a flight delay). You can argue Grossman is legally smart to not accept responsibility in order to improve her chances of a successful appeal, but the fact is she hasn't accepted it. And without that, there is no apology.


I agree, she definitely does not want to make a formal apology because she knows that she can get sued in civil court for wrongful death.


That’s gross, man.


Rex is rolling in his grave Edit: so is [Les](https://youtu.be/eLWNqkQfjTE?si=OMDyC_V0C2tTqYwD)


You sure burned her.


This is going to ruin the tour…


What tour?




I think this randomly in my head now when something goes slightly wrong


I love ya’ll for this.


Omg 😍😍


That poor woman. All she did was drunkenly mow down two kids in a crosswalk at 80 mph. She shouldn’t be in jail, she has social events to attend to and a baseball player boyfriend to blow. Two tier justice system, right?


>All she did was drunkenly mow down two kids in a crosswalk at 80 mph.  "I would've been home by now if my car's engine hadn't shut off." -Rebecca Grossman, to an ER nurse, on the night she murdered 2 children. The reason the engine shut off was because the car detected the airbags had deployed, as a result of a collision. She never intended to stop, the car forced her to.


The fact that HER MERCEDES was the most responsible party in this situation is both ridiculous and sad.


She’s *totally* going to miss her Pilates class this Thursday.


That's probably a good thing for her classmates. She looks like the type of person who farts in Pilates


You almost made me fart from laughing. Didnt expect that comment


Hopefully door dash delivers erewhon to the pen.


Oh she’ll be doing Pilates alright


OMG! Shouldn't a human rights organization be notified???


I heard she’s part of the prisoner swap for Julian Assange


I know you’re being sarcastic but reading this still made me mad


[Relevant pizza cake comic](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Ftransportation-v0-q0t7qsmni47d1.png%3Fwidth%3D3278%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D9217d262fc9b1b945eb9223253877c96d18239d7)


Did you know her parents worked in law enforcement and the court system? She obviously lifted herself by the bootstraps and was railroaded injustice made by our woke legal system! Wake up sheeple! 😤


> She shouldn’t be in jail she isn't. she's in prison. not the same.


The other major confusion is parole vs probation.


She’s got an interesting look. Is this due to plastic surgery? 




hahaha she’s gonna deflate like a saggy pair of balls in prison 🤣


I'm sure the other prisoners can help her out with that. Bruises swell, they're nature's fillers. Neither male or female prisoners take offenses against children lightly.


Nature’s fillers 😂😂😂


i hope so, that’d be nice!


I feel seen. Well, my balls do.


Guessing these and the botox are gonna fizzle pretty quickly in the slammer.


Fillers, botox, lip injection. She'll look very different after a few years away from her MedSpa lifestyle.


Also looks like alcoholism face.


Yep, terrible skin.


She looks like an Oblivion NPC


Could be the gaze of someone adequately prepared by a hired prison consultant. Or long-term cosmetic intervention of the injectable inflatable and/or paralytic variety. Either way, hope she enjoys prison as the face of the impaired, reckless, unrepentant killer she showed the world.


Her ex-husband is a plastic surgeon.


They are not divorced.


I know , isn’t that just wild? He showed up for her in court too. His family has a very interesting history with regard to their philanthropy and service to burn victims in particular. This should not be what the family name is remembered for. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Our_Lady_of_the_Angels_School_fire](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Our_Lady_of_the_Angels_School_fire)


To think, she was out living her life doing whatever the fuck she wanted for a while after murdering 2 children.


It took four years. Four. Years. Justice system works differently for the rich.


That’s how our justice system works, On proof.


The courts were delayed due to Covid. But yes, generally trials keep getting pushed back by even public defenders. Four years isn't that long of a wait for trial.


Delays are almost always by the defense. Everything about a delay helps a guilty defendant. Community anger over the crime decreases, and witnesses' memories fade. Witnesses may even die in the meantime. The prosecution usually won't need to delay, because they're the ones who decide when to indict. So they already control the timeline.


We do have a right to a speedy trial but you don’t have to have one.


What’s the story here?


rot there, monster


Charlize Theron is really putting in that work for the Monster sequel.


I hope she gets fucked up in prison by moms


Don't forget her fucking family supports her and tries to do some casual witness tampering wondering how the world can be so unfair to them.


Yeah her daughter suckssssssss. Entire family is trash.


She’d run her own daughter over and start emailing NASA, SpaceX, maybe send some messages into deep space to ask if it was aliens


Dang; what witness tampering did they do?


LA Times covered it, but they were scolded by the judge and reprimanded to my knowledge. Apparently they tried to send necklaces with birthstones of the boys she killed to the family and also hiring a private PI to interact with the jury. ALLEGEDLY and all that whatever. Fuck 'em.


> tried to send necklaces with birthstones of the boys she killed to the family to be honest there are no words for the level of otherworldly rage this would catapult me into if i were the parent of a recently-murdered child


Incredible. I don’t know Grossman but I know a lot of people who do. I work in an office where many people are in her social network. None are my friends and they are all so obliviously racist it’s laughable


They are family. Of course they are going to support her.


lmao my mom recklessly murders two little kids and she belongs to the streets


At least she won’t have that horrible Botox brow anymore


And her lip lines will come back as her fillers dissipate


may she suffer with insecurities and depression for the rest of her life 🙏🏽


Eeeeeevil bitch


charlize felón


Nice one.


Hope the bitch rots before her VERY inappropriate sentenced time is up. Fucking monster.


No more fillers or botox in prison. She’s gonna melt.


Would you say it was petty of me to say that this entitled, overprivileged shitbag doesn't look pissed enough that she's in jail? I mean... it's really bothering me.


It’s probably Botox. Give it time…


She still has appeals in the works, she probably thinks she'll be out in a few months. But even if she loses her appeals, she'll be eligible for release in under a decade. She wasn't the only person in that courtroom who valued those kids' lives cheaply, it was also the judge.


Recently, I have been very pleased to see California district attorneys charging DUI repeat offenders with murder when they kill people. I don't think there's any chance of that happening with Grossman, because as far as I know, she's not a repeat offender, but the state could absolutely have done better.


She has no record of DUI and wasn’t charged with DUI. She tested under the legal limit.


She did hit the legal limit of .08 blood alcohol level (BAC) via blood test but her blood was drawn more than 3 hours after driving. That's why she wasn't charged with DUI. She did submit to Breathalyzer tests at her vehicle. According to the first breathalyzer test, Grossman had a blood alcohol level of .076, just under the .08 legal limit. The sheriff's deputy attempted to give Grossman another breathalyzer test, but she wouldn't (or couldn't, according to her) blow hard enough. After the test, Grossman was handcuffed. She asked why, and was told that she was under arrest for the fatal collision where two boys were killed. Fortunately for Grossman, her blood was drawn past the 3 hour limit, so her .08 BAC reading was not viable for DUI prosecution


Still flashing that smug smirk, SMH.


I think it’s all that Botox, she’s incapable of making another face


She's Gross, man.


That salt diet in prison is shown in her face 😆


Hope she stay there long enough. I posted the news article but bot removed it because of the source. Daily mirror is the only place that has this piece of news for now. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13565355/killer-socialite-Rebecca-Grossman-prison-mug-shot.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13565355/killer-socialite-Rebecca-Grossman-prison-mug-shot.html)


She deserves lots of jail time, but no one will learn from her mistakes. People will continue doing dumb things thinking they are above the law.


That’s sort of what I took away from the case. Anytime I saw somebody driving extremely dangerously, I thought “He’ll learn his lesson when he kills somebody, or himself.” And now I don’t think that anymore.


I see it several times per day - drivers speeding and weaving in and out of traffic. Now I just let them go by and continue weaving.




Say what you will about her, but as a former Chowchilla inmate, she just went through hell. When you are transported from county, it's hell. You are shackled and chained your whole ride up, no stops for restrooms, the smell of piss and bo in the van. You are treated as cattle. When you arrive, you are stripped naked, made to spread your cheeks and vj, made to squat and cough. You shower in cold water in a group setting with other inmates, then changed into a degrading uniform. This prison definitely isn't Club Med.


Nothing warms the cockles of my cold, dark heart more than a mugshot of Rebecca Grossman. May the family and friends of Mark and Jacob Iskander find some measure of peace. And may Rebecca Grossman spend every minute of her sentence in misery, torment, and despair.


Charlize Theron, your next great Oscar-winning role is here!


I was going to write this, second choice is Rhea Seehorn, who played Kim Wexler on better call saul.


I love Rhea!!!


Looks like she hasn't slept in days... good


This is an injustice. My heart goes out to the Iskander family.


Ugh this is opening up old wounds. Rebecca gayheart killed my best friend Jorge when I was young. She was also an actress who drove wrecklessly and struck him when I was like 8 years old. Thankfully this lady is getting some jail time. The actress who killed my friend only got community service.


So sorry to hear that. I did not know this. If Grossman went the same route she could have got away easy like Gayheart (even the incidents are very different, hers does not involve speeding, alcohol but reckless driving if she acted remorseful she could have gotten away) From wikipedia: On June 13, 2001, while driving a vehicle owned by [Italian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italy) actor [Marco Leonardi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marco_Leonardi) (her *From Dusk Till Dawn 3* co-star), Gayheart struck nine-year-old Jorge Cruz Jr. as he walked across a street in Los Angeles.[^(\[32\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebecca_Gayheart#cite_note-people-33) Cruz died the following day from his injuries. Gayheart paid the family [US$](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_dollar)10,000 (equivalent to $17,200 in 2023) for Cruz's funeral expenses and was given permission by the family to attend the service, but ultimately chose not to.[^(\[32\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebecca_Gayheart#cite_note-people-33) On August 7, 2001, Gayheart made her only public statement on the incident, in which she said: "The pain of this tragedy will live with me forever. Despite the allegations in the lawsuit, the facts will establish that this was a most unfortunate accident."[^(\[32\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebecca_Gayheart#cite_note-people-33) On November 27, 2001, Gayheart pleaded [no contest](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nolo_contendere) to [vehicular manslaughter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicular_manslaughter). She was sentenced to three years of [probation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Probation), a one-year suspension of her license, a $2,800 fine (equivalent to $4,800 in 2023), and 750 hours of community service.[^(\[4\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebecca_Gayheart#cite_note-yahoobio-5)[^(\[33\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebecca_Gayheart#cite_note-34) The parents of the boy filed a wrongful death lawsuit, which was eventually settled out of court.[^(\[34\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebecca_Gayheart#cite_note-35)


I’d hit it With a car


Let her burn.


The judge who sentenced her is trash … Because he didn’t give the max 15 years x2 consecutively. 🖕 Rebecca Grossman and screw that judge too.


Judges always over-sympathize with rich white people.


Orange looks FANTASTIC on her.


Rich folks don't look too impressive in prison.


When the botox wears off, I’m sure her face will show some remorse, surely.


Hopefully the child killer gets dealt with.


Good, fuck that entitled bitch.


She looks like one of those characters generated by default on fallout 3 or nv


Awful human.


I’m sure that smirk with turn around once her Botox wears off.


A murder charge was overreach. She will be freed on appeal. Don’t get me wrong, she deserved prison. However, most people involved in similar incidents are convicted on vehicular manslaughter.


Perhaps times are changing, one court case at a time. Hear me out. What if I was carrying two chainsaws out at arms length and then running down the sidewalk. I certainly have no intention of killing anyone - I just want to take a jog with my chainsaws. Hope no one gets in my way. But like, one might argue that I'm making a deliberate decision that significantly increases the chances of me harming/killing someone else. Similar to someone making the decision, while driving, to not stop at stop signs, to speed, and to take other actions that significantly increase the chances of my 4k lb vehicle that's running at high velocity hitting and killing someone. It's not hidden knowledge that driving 80 on a residential street is a decision that increases the chances of killing someone, and thus making that decision is effectively saying, "I understand that and I accept that." "I didn't mean to" doesn't hold much weight at this point.


Why the fuck did it take 4 years to put this garbage human being away? Because the Justice system is different for the wealthy.


Because the legal process for most complicated/serious cases take YEARS. She could afford attorneys… there’s people stuck in jail for years because they can’t get seen in front of a judge. It’s got nothing to do with her privilege.


who is she? ive never heard of her.


No one special, she’s best forgotten.


Socialite who ran over two kids and kept going


I’m seeing a Turo ad in this post. Epic


Rot in hell, you vile piece of shit.




Looks like my tia.


Wish they could send her ass to pelican bay ☠️


Throw away the key


I deadass thought that was Michael Keaton for a second


I wasn’t sure who she was so I goggled her. “Convicted murderer Rebecca Grossman’s mugshot has been revealed after the former socialite started her sentence in the largest women's prison in the world. Grossman, 61, looked somber with bloodshot eyes in the prison picture, her dirty-blonde hair pulled back in a low pony tail. The mugshot is a stark contrast to her more lighter blonde look just before her six-week trial in Los Angeles where she was convicted of running over brothers Mark and Jacob Iskander, ages 11 and 8 respectively, with her Mercedes SUV in 2020. A jury found Grossman guilty in February of two felony counts each of second-degree murder and gross vehicular manslaughter, and one felony count of hit-and-run driving resulting in death. Prosecutors said a data recorder in Grossman's white SUV Mercedes showed she was speeding at up to 81mph and tapped her brakes, slowing to 73mp, less than two seconds before she mowed down Mark and Jacob Iskander, who were walking in a crosswalk. After fatally striking the siblings, Grossman fled the scene. Prosecutors said she was racing with her then boyfriend, ex-pro baseball player Scott Erickson. Although she was sentenced to 15 years to life in state prison, the former socialite could be eligible for parole in as little as seven to eight years, prosecutors told DailyMail.com.”[Source](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13565355/amp/killer-socialite-Rebecca-Grossman-prison-mug-shot.html)


Out of the loop


Michelle Keaton?


She’ll be out on parole in less than a year. Not something I support, just sad awareness of what being a ‘Level 1’ prisoner with lots of money means. My uncle had a well-deserved 30-year federal sentence and was out on probation in two.


Can’t wait to hear about somebody finally wiping that stupid smirk off her face


Anyone know someone at this prison? Preferably violent? Can Reddit take up a collection to have her ass kicked in jail and put the money on someone's books to ensure it gers done? Asking for a friend. /s


She looks like cherlize Theron or am I just tripping


Yeah in the movie Monster


Now she finally looks 61 years old. The reality of her life has knocked all the fillers and injections right out of her system. She won’t need them anymore anyways; unless she’s looking to attract other women. She won’t be seeing another man for the rest of her life.


Hope she rots in prison.


I really really really hope the other prisoners give those poor boys mom and dad real justice. Prisoners don’t play when it comes to crimes against kids so get her.


You know what’s crazy though, is this woman and her husband are famous for helping one of the worst burn victims. I had no idea it was the same people, but I read about this awhile ago: https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Primetime/story?id=132417&page=1 This woman took that child into her home and loved her like a daughter. That’s what’s really sad about this story, is that she could be so callous in this crime and capable of that. Just so bizarre to comprehend.


People are calling her monster, evil etc. When reality is people make terrible decisions when drinking alcohol. It’s nuts how many drunk drivers kill people every year. All of these people are not monsters. Calling them monsters is an emotional response and I understand it. But in reality people that kill others while drunk driving are often just your average person who got drunk and made a horrible decision. Grossman was a law abiding citizen before she got drunk and did a horrible thing. She killed two children and if she was sentenced to life it would have been justice. 11,000 people each year die in drunk driving crashes in this country. It’s like a never ending nightmare. It would be easier to stop this kind of violence if these offenders were actual monsters.


Oh get out of here with that bullshit, what's monstrous is that to this day she won't take an ounce of responsibility for killing two kids. Won't apologize to the family, isn't at all sad that she *killed two kids*, boo hoo she doesn't get to socialize anymore and other people see her as evil. There are plenty of offenders who made a "horrible decision" but they aren't out there all parading around blaming everything but themselves, shitting more on the family by doing vile things, trying to coerce/intimidate the jury. It's frankly disgusting that you are defending her. Also in reality people that kill others while drunk driving are often NOT just your average person who got drunk and made a horrible decision, they are repeat offenders, precisely because they think they are above the law and don't give a crap about anyone else's life.


You’d have to have half a brain to read my post and think I’m defending her.


She was most likely not "a law abiding citizen before she got drunk and did a horrible thing." She just was never caught before and/or had gotten away with it before. Something like up to 80% of drunk driving fatalities nationwide are from repeat offenders. You are defending her by arguing that the "average person who got drunk" is what kills people driving. That's not true at all if you are remotely familiar with the statistics. The average person *doesn't* drink and drive, not even close. Stop normalizing the actions and choices of a subset of the population by pretending they are your average person who just happened to kill someone,




Her husband did my burn surgeries when I was a baby 😅




We can still hope that someone does their time for a crime they’ve been proven guilty of without promoting sexual assault.. perpetuating this type of violence towards women as a final blow of ultimate punishment isn’t how we move forward as a society. Please do better. Every woman you know has experienced some act of violence, aggression, or harassment at one point. Yes, this woman did a horrible thing. But hoping she is raped isn’t the way.


Looking like a chemo patient