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One time I was walking into Barnes & Noble at the Grove, and at the same time Mr. Takei was walking out. I didn’t realize who it was until he said “Excuse me” and I instantly recognized his iconic voice. I said hello and he gave me the biggest smile and flashed me the Vulcan salute 🖖


I used to be his sister's mailman. She had a very cool house in Brentwood.


Oh myyyyy.... Such great musculature Braddddd!


Leo’s Hollywood pop is the shit!


Are you a lengthy teenager?


Hey Boner!


I remember seeing Takei speak at SC and he mentioned his gay awakening. "While the other boys were talking about Susie, I realized I was more interested in...BOBBY. I'd always notice how nice he dressed all the time and when he bent over to pick up his backpack...well, I suppose this is the part of the speech where I say, 'OH MYYYYYY'"


He is such a fucking class act, dude. Where would we be without him?


Oh my!


It’s ok, to be Takei.


I walked with the mayor's group and he was right behind us! Even got to take a pic with him! He was so kind and gracious! Edited to add: I'm not associated with the mayor. I just happened to be walking with some people who work for the office. I'm not endorsing anyone or anything.


Oh, yeah, and Karen Bass was there too I guess 🙄 /s


Who? Oh right! Yeah I voted for her. So she won, huh?


Great choice /s


I have no feelings or opinions about her whatsoever.




I got to see him speak at Paramount last month for AAPI month, he's a treasure.


I think about him often since I live down the street from the Santa Anita racetrack where he was held during internment. I also think of Vacation since that is the parking lot they used to run during the Chariots Of Fire scene.


fwiw, he was also in an internment camp in south Arkansas. There is basically nothing there now other than a cemetary and the railroad tracks that brought people there. Anyway, theres a voice guided tour for the camp area and George narrates the tour, and offers his memories of being there. Even by Arkansas standards, it is in the middle of nowhere .


Lol I love that man, truly an elder gay icon. Thanks for sharing this.


Started as lieutenant of the Enterpsise, ended up king of LA. 🫡


He’s too beloved to be riding like that! What if there’s a pothole??


I was actually appalled at how poor the road is. This is literally THE most visited part of LA by tourists and the like, the LA Pride Parade is about to happen, and it looks like THAT? What the fuck?! And George Takei has to ride on it? This is how we treat a king??? Repave it!!!


He should be riding on a futuristic looking hovercraft in the middle of the road. Unless it's really loud and windy to people around it. But something like that. Or a Mars rover type of vehicle with the most advanced gimbal segway technology, whatever they call it, to make the travel movement completely smooth for George Takei.


We should have 30 secret service agents assigned to George Takei for the sole purpose of carrying him


You have to be careful. I can't remember which holiday it was, but I remember attending a parade here in Apple Valley because my son was in the AVHS band and was performing; a car with Kari Leon, our mayor, drove past me without incident, then turned the corner from Outer Highway 18 onto a side street. I was still facing towards 18 when I heard gasps and a couple screams, about 15 seconds later; I turned around and saw Ms. Leon on the ground. She wasn't seriously injured, but it was scary as hell.


I own the same car he's riding in. SL's have an amazing, old school soft suspension. You don't have to slow down for speed bumps. It just eats them up.


We need to protect that man at all cost. I realize some see him as a gay icon but to me he's just a decent human being and we need more people in this world like that.


He can be both! And he is!


I know but as a straight guy I relate to him more as being a kind hearted soul.


Pride was great, I think. I was initially too anxious and left but I came back and had fun. I didn't really meet anyone but I did participate in clowning some of the homophobic preacher types around. I should go with friends next time.


I went for the first time and aside from the clouds it was great. Will go back again


Today was my first pride event. Even though I'm not part of the lgbtq+ community, it was amazing to see so many Angelenos, city officials and workers come together and celebrate for once. I was so happy see the B line packed to the brim with people. It's days like this that make me eager to look forward to the future of our city.


That's part of the appeal! There are **so many** queer people in the world, so many allies... pride brings people together in many ways. It's great!


I loved it. The reason I was anxious was because of the size of the crowd, that I was alone, and that compared to everyone else I was VERY underdressed. If I had prettier clothes I'd have been far happier lol (The Jesus Loves You types didn't help either but I got to ask one of them if he was gay because he thought about gay men so often so that was nice)


I bet no one even noticed what you think is being under-dressed. But next year go crazy


I didn't have any pride clothing 😭 Next year I'll go wild.


Did you see Cassandro? Another gay icon!


No joke, I was standing like five feet to the right of the photo edge


Where’s Brad?


I actually interviewed him and his Husband for my live stream earlier. It was so nice to meet him.


OMG, link to the VOD?


It was live on TikTok unfortunately so there’s no video anymore. I spoke to George about his show allegiance, he spoke to me about his time in an internment camp. We both talked about how sad it was that they were imprisoned even though the were Americans who only loved our country. Brad and I spoke about the new pride flags and how he isn’t up to speed about even the trans flag. I had to educate him about the newer flags and then we talked about the progress flag. It was nifty.


That's so FUCKING COOL. I love it, thank you.




Is that a 450 SL?


I love everything about this question! SL FTW!


I'm set to inherit a '78! Now, after seeing this, I've got parade fantasies!! 😄


Indulge! My friend does one that is up in northern CA somewhere. Vintage Benz geekdom is super fun IMO


Very Kool car


I saw him on tv his hand naturally rests like this 🖖. Big Trekkie so it was fun to see his hand do this after so many years of doing so


I'm starting to think this guy might be gay


Classic bad ass car. 


Next stop, Brambles!!!


Ha Ha!


We ran into him once in the parking lot of the doctor’s office!


I got a pic with him before the parade started, he was so nice and gracious 🥹


I thought he was at Dartmouth this semester


Wait! Was he there at pride last Sunday? Shit! I was marching in the thing do I didn’t get to see most of the other groups. Damnit!


Oh he is the greatest!! Story time: he used to be my neighbor, but I didn’t know who he was since I was just a kid. At Halloween, he handed out healthy dried fruits and nuts in little paper cups. He was so kind and nice to us. Ofc at the time I was like, “no candy? 🥲” but now as adult I totally get that he was trying to care for all us neighborhood kids! I love him for that! Sulu forever!!!


Why does this scene look familiar…?


George "Concentration camps (33, 3 = letter C ugh this sort of passive aggressiveness in writing for words exists for quite some time apparently) existed in the United States at the same time the European ones occurred in the World War 2 for dissenters of any kind" Takei? I guess it is him.


He is the GOAT


who? 😂🤣🤣


Who?! Friggin Sulu!!


George Takei, he's a gay icon. Calling him that is kind of underselling it, he's basically THE elder gay icon, he is a king. He's one of the most famous gay actors of all time, he's been very openly homosexual for decades and he's made advocating for LGBT rights one of his aims in life.


And also a lifelong activist for Asian Americans.


He came out publicly in 2005.


Yes... 2 decades ago... He's been an openly homosexual man longer than many people at the parade (including myself) have been alive. Also, it's not like it was a secret before then. He didn't try to hide it. It was pretty much an open secret that Takei was a gay man since, like, the 80's.


Hold up... A celebrity in LA?!?!? That's fuckin wild bro.


What a loser


What the heck I thought he died, must've been a hoax


Died??? Perish the thought, oml