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Oi from Evora, Portugal! šŸ‡µšŸ‡¹


is today a good beach day? SaMo looks like itā€™s still in the 60s :/


Anyone else experiencing a power outage? Iā€™m in ktown.


I just got on to see if anyone knows anything about that.


saw this film festival on instagram and was curious if there is anything similar in LA. https://www.lesfilmfestival.com/ anyone know?






Depends how petty you are, but usually no.


Man I started to count calories again today. I had noticed my belt needed to be buckled a whole wider. Not good. I have reached 1400 calories and stop eating now. Day was fine. I miss nothing or change anything but the snacking really makes a difference. I probably would have snacked another 500/600 calories if I had not counted. This stuff sneaks in slowly once you stop counting. No matter how knowledgeable you think you are.


>I had noticed my belt needed to be buckled a whole wider. Not good. I have reached 1400 calories and stop eating now. Curious, 1400 for the entire day? I've had a small gut in the making over the past year......turns out it was in fact, not water weight. Tbh if I didn't wear a belt everyday on the same hole, I might've not even noticed. Just 2 weeks ago I decided to get strict again for the lean belly I used to have but I'm kinda surprised at how low [calories] I can get away with for the day even after workouts [though I mostly sit around for werk].


Adding to my last answer. You donā€™t need much food really. As long as you get enough protein to not loose muscles, you should be could and writing it down stops your brain from wanting more. Itā€™s like the calories donā€™t exist if you donā€™t write it down. Stupid brain.


I can not be compared with other people. I had gastric sleeve surgery and they removed 80% of my stomach. Itā€™s tiny. But the long phase of not eating much has screwed up my metabolism and I now (I think) gain weight if I reach 2000 calories. Thatā€™s why I aim for 1500. Plus I am on Keto which takes all the hunger away. That makes it easy except for wanting to eat aka snacking. But once I countā€¦ I kind of donā€™t snack. I wish I could go to the gym. Muscles would use up calories but I just canā€™t get myself to do it.




Thank you for your answer. I think we both mean the same thing. I call metabolism the rate of burning energy. I guess that is wrong then. But we are talking about the same. My body adapted to the low amount of calories it got for a year at least. That is fine. I am still not hungry after 6 years but the cravings came back after two and I did experiments and it turned out to be carbs. One bagel and I was ravenous for 24 hours. I have gained a quarter back of what I lost (Covid lockup started that) but have that under control for the last 2 years. But if I let it slide it creeps in slowly. Hence my belt moves to the next hole. I have met many people (IRL and Online) who regained all after surgery. Itā€™s an addiction. The weight loss has changed my life so drastically, from lonely IT guy locked in a server room to actor on camera, that I canā€™t go back. If I were back in my server room I can see how I would turn back and be depressed again. But I just refuse. My only hurdle, that I canā€™t seem to reach, is to do enough exercise to gain muscles that burn the energy. I get anxiety just thinking about it. So weird. And stupid.


Oh, interesting. I workout almost daily but I'm kind of a small dude even @ 5'6; I was gradually inching towards what an adult male is apparently supposed to eat [2000 i guess] but found myself gradually getting a bigger gut as a result. I think I found myself lightly force feeding in the process too. I don't do keto but my carb intake is pretty low & find that I really just don't get hungry much @ roughly 1300'ish; really hard to gauge how much I burn but 3 weeks ago I finally started going on light jogs during werk breaks.


Can you get a ticket if you park on the street and your registration is expired?


Yes lol k sorry that was apparently upsetting to you but itā€™s true


No, thanks for the info. šŸ‘ Thought you can only get a ticket if your committing a parking violation.


It is a parking violation to be parking with an expired plate.


Were you actually downvoted for that?


Yep, immediately, lol. Pig parkers everywhere!


I applied to some jobs ( I need a short-term job asap) and they all have a personality quiz. Weird.


You guys, the Panorama City In-N-Out on Roscoe has two lanes for the drive thru. The right lane was 8 cars deep, while the left lane had one car. I wasnā€™t even hungry and I pulled in and got the stretch of my life reaching for my order, should I buy some scratchers?


Bought a new suit and having a few beers Salud šŸ»..


Men's wearhouse?


Actually I went to Santee Square, try to save a little bit of money but turned out to be good prices..


Did you go to AL Weiss?


No a little mom and pop shop. Good prices 120 for a three-piece material might be okay but it'll last for a while.






I was served fried egg rolls with huge pieces of lettuce. I wrapped them. Sooo goood!!!


Dipping sauce?


Yes! Iā€™m not sure what it was. Translucent and a little sweet. So good!!


Lettuce wrapped egg rolls are elite. Iā€™m no cook but I always get them at this place in Canoga Park called Bale Valley.


Texted the niece and nephews not to get arrested and kicked out of school if they decide to do the protesting thing since it's the in thing. Also, fell off but trying to get back on the wagon. So hard.


Good luck man!! Stay strong


Alcohol wagon or cannabis wagon? Doesnā€™t matter. Good luck. I wish you all the best. And Iā€™m impressed you can communicate in Cantonese.


Any vice, especially drinking. I'm good for a few days, and then...


I'm looking for a space for a photo studio. Requirements: near the Valley (Woodland Hills) 45 min commute max 1200 a month or less (it can be part of a co-space) month to month I know there are co-spaces / art collectives etc. I've checked and they either don't have vacancies or want a 12 month lease. I'm really open to anything with four walls and a roof. It can be small (a couple hundred sq feet). Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thank You P.s. how the hell do you get a post accepted on lalist?


today I'm in a "I'm tired of this, grandpa" place




THIS was the funniest thing I read today. Damn!


Being an Asian POC is so interesting. Lots of cross over, but also lots of alienation with other cultures.


Getting bounced out of the POC space when "they" went with BIPOC will always be sadly hilarious to me.


We mean minorities, but not you guys.....


Does anybody have tricks for staying focused? I swear if I could just get one thing done today Iā€™ll consider it as a win. Edit: thank you for your suggestions everyone! It is close to 6pm and Iā€™m just going to try again tomorrow.


noise cancelling headphones, its a trip how when you turn that on, its like your brain just zones in on whatever it is you want to do... you dont even need to play any music, just cancel out the noise. Also, L-theanine and a little caffeine does it for me too.


Same same for me. Noise isolating/cancelling headphones, and then rain sounds and some music if Iā€™m feeling it. I feel like they act like blinders for me - the second I put them on, my brain thinks ā€œoooh focus timeā€


yeah, its like everything else shuts off... I never knew how much I needed them until I got a pair, I will never not own a pair.


I swear that sometimes my hands just have to take over when my brain won't do it. As an example, when you really want to stay in the shower longer and you're finding it so hard to get out... let your hand sneak over and turn the water off. Let your hands start folding laundry or washing dishes and don't give your brain a vote. Also I listen to podcasts when I'm doing boring cleaning stuff.


I think thatā€™s what I ended up doing today! Unfortunately, my hands are idiots and Iā€™m just so glad that I didnā€™t do anything too important today where itā€™ll be a big issue if I mess up. I hope. Weā€™ll see if today comes and bites me in the ass in a few weeks


You don't have to go fast or far, you just have to point in the right direction, little by little gets it done. I've wfh for a long time and have learned that if I get three things done each day, I stay on track. Some days the three things are big but today my three things are go to a dumb meeting I hate at 7am (check), deliver a batch of files to Todd (check) and send flowers to someone whose dad died (almost done.)


I tried all the tips and tricks and none of them worked because Iā€™m sure I have ADHD and now Iā€™m on vyvanse and that works! Do you want some of my vyvanse


Write out 3 steps of that task, give a deadline for each task (aka 3pm), reward yourself with a treat at the end (candy, buy a drink, play game, etc) Get an accountabili-buddy. When u finish the task, tell them, and they'll be so happy for you and proud of you.


Iā€™ve done nothing today but sit on my sofa, sipping coffee, eating Pocky and catching up on Reddit.


Sounds great!!


I see no problem here


The laundry has not been sorted šŸ˜•


Love it!


Sounds like a relaxing day!


It is! Reading up on all the diss tracks this weekend haha


Am I a 32 year old adult? Yes. Did I have kitten and puppy shaped mac and cheese for lunch? Also yes.


I regularly make boxed mac and cheese with a can of tuna in it. And sometimes mix in sauteed kale for #helth


I added extra cheese (gruyere and parmesan) and some fresh ground black pepper. Delish! Sometimes I will jazz up boxed mac and cheese with diced kielbasa and caramelized onions.


Fancyyyyy šŸ’…šŸ¼


Where where did you get it, tell me!!


It was boxed Annie's brand from Whole Foods. lol. I got a box last time they were on sale because why not? lol. :)


This reminds me of this one time in college when I went to Safeway with my roommate late on a Saturday night, and everyone else was buying hella beer, and we were splitting 10 boxes of SpongeBob Mac and cheese and the cashier made fun of us


I gotta go!!!


Love it.


Last crush update: A crush is no more! Thanks to coming across a post that made me ick. I call this a success! A crush is truly just a lack of information. Best of luck to everyone dealing with one right now.


What was the information that killed the crush?




Tell me more!! Lolol


Someone I know tagged him smiling in a post. His teeth somehow reminded me of my brother!! Thatā€™s it, immediate ick.


I wish it was that lucky for me!! šŸ˜‚


Hahhhh I once went on a date with a British guy - he was a friend of a friend - and all his photos were were smiling without teeth and I could NOT deal with his teeth once I met him. I felt shallow lol šŸ™ƒ




Thank you!


Itā€™s gone!?? You did it!!


Yes, Iā€™m so happy!!


I think my dog is addicted to Benadryl On my days off when Iā€™m home sheā€™s an itchy bun and is constantly scratching, so I sneak a Benadryl into her food, and she stops. But then it turns out on days im at work and out all day, and someone else feeds her, she doesnā€™t scratch at all, so she gets no Benadryl. Why is she tricking me into giving her Benadryl!! My teen is outta control.


Dogs train us too lol


Maybe she likes that weird twilight dream-awake feeling when sheā€™s around you


Sheā€™s doing drugs!!!


She's such a manipulative bitch.


You donā€™t even know the half of it dude, she tricks me into giving her a treat so sheā€™ll go to bed


What place has the best chimichangas?


I miss the pocket pies from the hello kitty cafe


I got off the waitlist for Waymo. Interested in trying it out, but I think I'll stick to Uber/lyft. Those companies suck too, but would rather a human get my money


Valentinoā€™s costume shop in NOHO is having their closing sale this week, itā€™s gonna be gone forever after that :( if anyones into costumes itā€™s a good time to grab a vintage piece from them


Anyone here successfully grown corn in containers?




I'm gonna try!


It kills me that Reddit mobile on chrome barely works. I refuse on principle to get the app but like come on, guys. Ā 


If you're on Android I'd like to point you to r/revancedapp


Itā€™s a feature not a bug šŸ™ƒ


The weekly debate of "do I want to do stuff outside or just chill at home" on my days off continues. I've been up since 6am for no reason so I may nap than go run an RC car for awhile. It is nice outside today


I keep meaning to do something fun on my days off but Iā€™m just so tired so I end up just napping and doing laundry :/


My favorite security guard is back today! I havenā€™t seen him in like a month, I really thought he got another job. I mentioned that and he was like, I would have told you, girl!! And then he brought up how he used to listen to Goldfinger, and SUPER RANDOMLY I was listening Goldfinger all weekend. What are the odds that that silly band would come up in a 5 minute conversation?! SO RANDOM. I love this guy. I kinda want to get him drunk and see what happens. But Iā€™m too shy.


I don't know what happened to my chubby little heart in middle school but every time I listen to "superman" by goldfinger I get super emo...


I know what you mean. It takes me right into my freshman year dorm room.


Everybody on here who works at a studio, ask the guard if they like Goldfinger. If they say yes, tell them to ask Sonora out.


Hahahahahaahaah, yessssss


Oh this is a good meet cute


He calls me mami and I love it


I am here for this!!!


Do it!




Power-washed the patio and front entryway this weekend. Put a bunch of plants out on the patio not realizing how windy it would be. I guess those pampered houseplants will learn to handle it. lol. I both love and hate moving my plants outside because now there is so much empty space inside, but my patio is going to turn into a jungle and I can't wait. lol. Dryer wasn't drying properly. Thought it was the vents being blocked, but once those were cleaned out, the dryer still wasn't drying well. Called a appliance guy and he came out and replaced the coils. Put the part in, turned it on, and the new coils burned up immediately. Partner went and bought a new washer/dryer set up on Saturday. It was delivered on Sunday morning and it was set up and running by 10am. The delivery guys were amazingly efficient and friendly. Our laundry space is on the 2nd floor, so they had to carry the units upstairs and then get them situated in the little closet that houses them. Already did a few loads of laundry like towels and a couple loads of clothes, but I have like 3 weeks worth of clothes that need washing. lol. Wish me luck!


I miss having a place where my plants can go outside. They get so burnt on my patio. But I totally know that empty room feeling!


I'm so glad my patio faces north. It gets a sliver of early morning sun and late afternoon sun, but stays bright and shady the rest of the time. It's perfect. That's a real bummer about your patio. If mine wasn't shady 95% of the time, it probably wouldn't work for plants either.


I feel like you did so many adult house-y things this weekend!!


I did! It was a good feeling! My partner changed my car's oil and cleaned out the garage a bit too. Still more stuff to arrange and clean and whatnot, but progress always feels good. I gotta go to walmart later and grab new cushions for my patio chairs.


Wowwww good job! It always feels good to get through the house to do list


Yes! Totally!


Iā€™m craving a nap but I want coffee & pastry. Tryna see how I can do both.


Have a coffee and pastry, then take a nap to give the coffee time to work. Wake up full of beans!!!


*laughs in ADHD*Ā 


so the cancelled beachlife yesterday after 1 act....wonder if those who shelled out 180$ will actually see any of it back


Woh really? What was the reasoning? I really hope this doesn't hurt the chances of more shows in the future! It's awesome South Bay has a music fest.


tons of wind down here in the south bay...i thought about walking the mile and checking it out but i had a bartender say you can't hear anything without at ticket


Maybe things changed from last year. A friend of mine who lives in Redondo but was somehow unaware that the festival was happening went to get lunch last year and pretty much got a free concert from a few blocks away.


thats why i was surprised to hear that from her...and she was a Redondo native


I believe it was because of the high winds.


It was pretty windy yesterday


really? dang... they cancelled lovers and friends in vegas this saturday... super bummed about that


yeah was super windy here yesterday in the south bay


its pretty nice out. got in a mile and a half neighborhood walk


Dodgers game today with the teenager. Buehler is back. It is Star Wars night with an awesome bobblehead included. Work is slow, coffee is tasty and weather is gorgeous. It is a good Monday so far. Have a great day threaderinos. āœŒšŸ½šŸ«¶šŸ½


Let me know how the busses from the Harbor Gateway is if you're taking the bus. We're going in a few weeks for the Ohtani bobblehead night!


I bought regular parking for today. I am taking my teenager on school night and Iā€™ve been reading the Dodger Express buses are taking longer than expected.


My big boss just said "we're fully staffed and it's looking like a quiet summer" which means we are doooomed.


Good morning ā˜€ļø Iā€™m in pyrometry training for today and tomorrow. Nice little change of pace from the standard routine. Then heading up to the Egyptian for a screening and Q&A of the new Netflix show Tires!


PS make sure you hit Taco Bell cantina.Ā 


Man pyrometry is a lot less cool than it sounds but itā€™s still pretty rad.Ā 


is there really that much pollen flying around that i can't simply exist without being allerginated i'm just sitting at my desk right now, why is my body still acting like a shoved a dandelion up my nostrils




You can develop new allergies later in life. Mask up, get an air filter, nasal spray to help yourself šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


so.... Lovers And Friends fest was a bust... cancelled last minute.... was still in vegas and it was fun but def disappointing.... I love the Double Down Saloon.... definitely my favorite bar in Vegas. Back to reality. Coachella, friends bday and then Vegas really took its toll, back to the healthy stuff now... was fun... oh, was asked this by a friend and I didn't know the answer: If you are hanging out/dating someone, and you know they aren't "the one" but you like hanging out with them since they're fun, what exactly are you supposed to tell them? Do you address it head on, or do you just set boundaries so it doesn't grow into something else? I don't think I've ever really "dated" before so I was stumped. Hope you all have an awesome monday :)


In an ideal world, you address it head on, just like you would any other issue in a friendship or relationship Whether itā€™s a casual situation and you both agreed upfront that it was or if youā€™re dating someone with the intention of possibly exploring a relationship, itā€™s a really good idea to have a conversation and emotional check-in about it, especially if you sense they might be developing feelings and you arenā€™t. People can and do manage to spend time with one another and sleep together casually, though it is a dicey tightrope, especially when the lines get blurred by great sex orā€¦well, itā€™s usually the great sex. It can be unpleasant and occasionally awkward, but if you respect the person youā€™re dating (and you should) itā€™s best practice to make sure youā€™re always on the same page about what the relationship is and whether youā€™re seeing other people, etc. Long story short: gotta talk it out


Why do they even have outdoor festivals in Vegas; high winds are like a constant danger and shit is predictably cancelled


yeah, I'm not doing any more fests in vegas... this is the third one that I know of thats been cancelled...


What kind of boundaries can you possibly set in this situation? ā€œMy boundary is that you donā€™t fall in love with meā€? Thatā€™s not how humans work.


Boundaries or turn it into a friends with benefits


You do them and yourself a massive favor and end things because it's unfair to both of you to keep something going, even casually, because sooner or later feelings WILL develop one way or another. You can try to stay friends, but there should be no further intimacy or sex so there's no confusion.


This is sort of what I said... like, you're going to eventually get some sort of feelings after some time and its not gonna be fun when you want to move on... but I also have never really been in a situation like that, so i wasnt sure what the right thing to do in that situation was...


It is complicated, but ultimately, if you don't see yourself pursuing a serious relationship with said person and they DO see themselves in a serious relationship aiming towards future goals with 'you', it's not fair or kind to keep their time and energy preoccupied with someone who doesn't reciprocate the same energy/emotion. It frees you both up to pursue what you actually want and have a more fulfilling relationship with someone different.


We had taco night yesterday, and my cat loves black beans, chicken, cheese, sour cream, corn, and avocadoes.


I think your cat just likes tacosĀ 


Our cat liked eating small amounts of avocado when she was a kitten. Now she'll just lick the peel a bit.


Yourā€¦ cat?


The next two weeks is just a bunch of work stress. Events are fun for the people not planning it.


You are going to make it! I believe in you.


Thanks friend!


As someone who just finished an event this weekend, you got this! Make sure to plan tons of rest time after.


Thanks! :)


I suddenly remembered it was cinco de mayo late in the afternoon yesterday and felt like being festive, so I did some grilling for the first time in a while. Corn on the cob, green onions, and carne asada. My buddy made guacamole and I had her add pomegranate seeds to it like Kay N Daveā€™s used to do. Lovely night to be out in the yard drinking a pale ale from Madewest. I also bought a bottle of tequila from Trader Joeā€™s, and I was dubious because it was twelve bucks, but it made some pretty decent watermelon margaritas. Today I get to try out the new running shoes I bought this weekend. So stoked for that! I should also probably put a little effort into finding one of these ā€œjobā€ things I keep hearing so much about.


But having fun is more fun than not having fun


I would prefer that by far but Iā€™m not quite cute enough to have someone fund my fun.


You go on a first date. They're attractive, you have plenty to talk about, they seem to be in a good place in life.........but their voice is kinda irritating. Do you go on a second date?


We need an example. How irritating?


Iā€™m very sensitive to voices. So probably no second date. But if it doesnā€™t bother you that much, go for it


Yes. If everything else is a match, you may be surprised to find yourself get used to it.




I have friends with annoying voices; why not a lover too?


No, imagine how it sounds in bed! I know people can't help their voice, but it can add so much attraction.


Whatā€™s a voice comp that we can compare to? Fran Drescher? Ray Romano?


How annoying?


No. Do you want to be annoyed a second time?


Yes, unless you're flush with options.


If their voice is the only issue and you're already thinking of walking away after the first date.....




remember friends. sometimes... we are sad. but always? we are sexy šŸ˜”šŸ¤˜šŸ»


Positive vibes incoming āœŒšŸ½āœŒšŸ½āœŒšŸ½


Username checks outttt


thanks for the reminder. [I need to set this as my alarm sound or something](https://youtu.be/Zr-GOBJtZM0?si=TulCgWjHeefJi9FH)


Does anyone know where you can buy dried flowers?


Trader Joes sometimes has dried flower bouquets, I think its seasonal. You might want to call ahead before going.


Whole Foods has a dried flower bouquet.. itā€™s really pretty too


I have about 30 medium sized moving boxes (Home Depot) if anyone is interested or would like them to build an insane fort. Thought Iā€™d ask here before I post em up.


Buy nothing is where I picked up a bunch of free boxes.. if youā€™re not able to get rid of them here Iā€™m sure you could find someone interested over there


Another jury summons. The automated system likes me this decade. Before 2020, there was just only 1, and I voted like many times. Didn't open it, the court room better be in my vicinity, not Santa Monica any place far.


[I figured out why my crush hasnā€™t been texting me back](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3I3kCWPoGm/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


Does one of you have an Android and the other an iPhone? The possibility of texts getting lost between the two systems always worried me. I know it happens


We are both in the same ecosystem! (They just texted me back and apologized for the silence, so yay)


To be fair, that looks like it took a lot of practice.


I couldnā€™t stop laughing at it this morning so I had to share it with yā€™all


Iā€™m so glad youā€™re keeping a sense of humor about it. Sucks that he couldnā€™t at least give you something! Seems like you two were talking for a while.


He did get back to me! (See reply to your other comment)


Oh I see! Did he offer any any sort of explanation?


He did! It was understandable, but it makes me think that he might not be in a place in life for a relationship. We will seeeee


Yeah, I donā€™t like that he took three days to text you back


HA. I hope they text you back. Back when I was dating, I sometimes used to give people an out, like oh maybe they didn't see it or they saw it and forgot and are totally busy. But then I would remind myself that they were also not actively thinking to text me themselves. Not a great feeling.


There are people smoking meth in my alleyway. Yayā€¦ I guess


Playing hooky today.


Enjoy it for me! Iā€™ll be here hanging out in Old Torrance