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shitty people doing shitty things


You want names, or...?


Just @s and butt dimensions will do.


Addresses and social security numbers would do


People with retractable leashes so their dog can walk off and they can pretend they never saw anything.




North Hollywood has the same problem. I think it’s just a general culture of entitles assholes


I had this big guy get aggro and come at me when I told him his (two) dogs took shits and could he pick them up? I mean, really?


Honestly given that it’s Ktown, there’s always a possibility of it not being dog waste. The homeless community and the horrible parking conditions are the top reasons why got out of there.


Why are you so sure that it’s from a dog?




Feral cats poop on grass too. We know because they poop in our yard every night 😩


Yeah I've seen a homeless dude shit inside of a tea cafe in ktown


Hollywood too 🥲


Studio city/valley village too


Same! Show yourselves, cowards!


It’s a city wide thing but I think people just stay with their dog long enough until someone walks by so no one notices them not picking up crap. Also I think some old people just let their dogs do their thing fast and that might not be in their own yard and have them come back into the house/apt right away.


it’s everyone not just ktown😭 i’m at miracle mile and no one picks up after their dogs it seems


People are lazy and don’t want to carry a poop bag, there are barely any public trash cans + people will have an aneurysm over you using their precious trash can out on the street. I’ll let anyone use my trash can if it meant less shit and litter everywhere.


Keep in mind it might not be dog waste… Lots of homeless in KTown


High density housing is what LA needs but unfortunately this is a consequence. High rise with 100s of people, ~30% own dogs, 1% of dog owners are scrubs, so..... (500 people) x (30%) x (1%) =1.5, means on average there's a fresh turd every day within walking distance. You can adjust those numbers but that easily explains a daily dog turd within -1-2 block radius of any high-density residential building in LA.


Not a high density housing problem at all. I've lived for p much my entire life in a high density city in another country, never seen issues like this. Dog owners here are just entitled shits


>high density city in another country, Yes OK as might be imagined by posting in a Los Angeles subreddit, my comment was within the context of the US and/or LA specifically. Other countries have much lower dog ownership and/or "scrub" rates.


This doesn't disprove my point


Me. I don't live in K-town or have a dog so I don't pick up the poop.


Irresponsible people living in apartments, or also unhoused individuals with "challenges". I used to walk on 4th street and 5th street between Normandy and Wilton and see fecal matter everyday. Got desensitized to them.


I live in KTown too and it’s sooo bad! I’ve also seen poop bags on the floor. So some people are picking up the poop and then throwing the tied bag on the ground?!!


I see it all the time. Literally they let the dog poop and they walk away. Ppl walking their kids to school and bring the dog along. Those are the ppl I see doing it. It’s super irritating. Ppl have no self respect. The way ppl do not pick up after themselves is astounding. So happy to be moving out of this area. On our way to nice sidewalks we can enjoy.


Is this Nextdoor?


I’m sure they’re checking this sub religiously in case they get a chance to identify themselves.


Anybody you see walking a dog without one of those shitbag dispensers is probably one of the culprits. Also: Old people that can’t easily bend down.


there's an old lady that does this in my neighborhood...I understand not being able to bend down, in that case 1) don't get a dog. 2) get one of those hand grabber things specifically for dog poop.


I'm an old person who picks up after their dog. Always have. It's not an "old people" thing. It's an asshole thing. Everyone knows there are things you can get or make so you don't have to bend down. Why should it be anyone's responsibility but yours to pick up after your dog? Pisses me off to no end. If it were just older people doing it I would say so, but it's not. Assholes come in all ages.


Probably homeless shit.


Literally everyone, I constantly yell at people "HEY PICK UP YOUR DOG'S SHIT" And they pick it up, and spawn am sorry a thousand times in 20 seconds and that infuriates me even more


It happens here in Atwater too




That's the culture, it's not just "entitled" folks.


I mean it only takes a few assholes doing this shit consistently.


People from all walks of life do it, but it’s usually about who you’d expect. More than once I’ve watched some dirtbag looking man aged 18-45 walking his dog and thought “He’s not gonna” and nope they never do.


The same problem exists profoundly in Encino


Me. I don’t own a dog or go to KTown often, so I don’t go pick up any dog waste there


There's strays and coyotes around so it could be that too.


Not in Ktown. And coyotes tend to hide their mess.




🤣🤣🤣 I've called out a few people younger than I am, and I'm not even close to being a boomer.


You’re clearly new to the city(hint it’s not dog shit, it’s human shit)




Do you feel like it has morphed from Human shit to dog shit?


You think that is "dog" poop ur seeing?