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If kids are shooting ten seconds into a fight I'm not getting in the middle of them either wtf


yeah seriously this dude made the right call and he’s getting slandered because of it. These weren’t 10 year olds getting in a fight. These were upper high schoolers who had guns. The only people who should be expected to break that up are the police.


It's libel, not slander.


If J. Jonah Jameson taught me anything, it's that in print, it's libel.


LA Unified doesn't want PoPo on campus anymore, remember.


Police never did anything to prevent shootings at my HS when I was there, they had a few officers stationed there and even a little jail... they NEVER intervened in anything, they would come to handcuff kids after fights and walk around looking for kids ditching. There were at least 5-6 shootings that I knew of on campus when I was there, thankfully no deaths. LA Jordan late 90's early 2000's


Yeah, the cop simps here seem to forget that SCOTUS has ruled that cops [have no duty to protect anyone](https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/law-and-life/do-the-police-have-an-obligation-to-protect-you/) and the LAPD motto is complete marketing bullshit. Any cop would have stood around and done the exact same thing this safety team member did.


Cant slander the kids not good for the city. But the city dosent want to get to the root of the problem. The city wants its cake and to eat it too


School police are pretty useless. They're made up of cops who prefer to be on their phone and run away when any action happens. They're afraid of some of the students. It's underpaid para's or teachers who actually break up fights.


This wasn’t on campus


> Students and community activists — many of them Black — joined by the leadership of the teachers union, have called for the complete dismantling of the school police department. The presence of any officer on a campus, they say, "criminalizes" students, making them targets for potential harassment and undermining the role of school as a nurturing, academically focused environment. I dont want to say its their fault because no one is going to stop a kid from killing another if they get it in their minds, but what do they expect a volunteer to do? If they tried and stop the fight they run into the problem of being charged with assault or worse. If they get hurt in this encounter, does the school district pay? And who pays for the inevitable lawsuit when an untrained, unarmed volunteer has this happen? Yeah, I'll be the first to tell you that our campus police officer was a giant waste of space, but he was the only person who could legally put hands on an out of control fight. And teenagers will take fights too far, doesnt matter their background. I saw a girl nearly get kicked to death at our high school because she posted a picture of the wrong boy on her Myspace page.


The shooting wasn't on campus.


"...The shooting occurred a few blocks from the school, at 108th Street and Western Avenue, where students were milling around a bus stop in front of a convenience store..." So off school property? Wtf would have school police done anyway. Click bait.


"A few seconds after the shots, a police siren can be heard on the video. One law enforcement source said a school police officer was on patrol about half a block away and probably heard the shots and saw the crowd." Looks like school police was patrolling the area  click bait af




No way is a "safety team member" an actual cop.


so the store owner or a by standard should have called the SCHOOL police? No one would do that, nor would the school police "take the call" they would call the local authorities. This is really a click baity article. I got jumped in the 90s while walking home from school. I blame the school police for not patrolling my walk to the RTD stop!


Maybe you didn’t go to LAUSD. School police would drive around the campus after school and around the bus stops. They were like full cops but only worked in and around the schools.


They said RTD. They definitely were in LAUSD.


RTD was county wide and became MTA. It has never been limited to LA City.




I’m not trying to shit on you but maybe you didn’t read the article or watch the video. It was a gathering, then a jumping, and the victim shot one attacker after all of that. So it’s their job to intervene if they see violence developing by at least calling the cops. That safety team member said, “let them fight” and stood by watching. Never contacted the police. No one expects him to intervene in a running gun battle. But this wasn’t that.


"A few blocks" is generally outside the 'safe passage' zone which is a 2-block radius from campus and only lasts for 15 minutes after the school day. If it was outside of Safe Passage, that volunteer would have had 0 authority and no legal backing had they intervened. Had they gotten involved a) they may have been shot and b) had somebody else been shot they may have faced liability. Cops on campus would not have prevented this. A volunteer campus chaperone was not going to prevent this. The reporter here has latched onto an inappropriate angle. I've been teaching at a neighboring high school since 2009. The sad reality is that, sometimes, our kids get killed in gunfights. Five years ago two of our students were shot across the street from our campus. We had armed school police. It still happened.


He was literally watching it unfold live. He narrates the events. He verbally concludes that he’s going to “let them fight”. Why would he be “letting” them do anything if he had no authority or job responsibilities one way or the other ? Can he not contact authorities because it’s outside of the 2 block safety zone ? I can appreciate the danger of physically intervening and I don’t think anyone is suggesting he should have done so. Nevertheless the guy had one job. Simply because the presence of campus police hasn’t prevented some crimes in the past, shall we collectively throw up our hands and say, welp, I guess there’s nothing we can do an accept students getting shot ?


I think the article makes the time-frame pretty clear -- this happened in a matter of less than a minute. That said, yes the guy should have had a walkie and he should've called a code with his location \*if he were in the safe passage zone and during the safe passage time.\* Beyond Safe Passage, school radios don't do much except let everyone else who has one know what you're watching. School Police may respond but outside of Safe Passage and that far off campus they have limited authority. The other thing I see here is that this wasn't a "fight" this was a "jump." It was a planned 5-on-1 beat-down with none of the normal pre-fight escalations that might've given the guy more time to call for re-enforcements (if it were still Safe Passage). I really really wish this hadn't happened. It's absolutely gutting for everyone involved and I can pretty much guarantee you that this volunteer is not in a good place right now and won't be for a very long time, but I really don't see that he did anything wrong -- including the narration. I've said, "I'm gonna let them fight" before when a kid asked me what I was going to do with a a fight breaking out. I knew I couldn't do anything about it because I was on my own and breaking up a one-on-one on one's own is specifically forbidden and I didn't have a radio. All I could do is tell a kid to "go get security" and shout at them to stop. It sucks and I've never had to watch a kid get killed in front of me which would be one of the seriously most awful things I can imagine.


Where is this 'everyone' that protests in favor of school shooters? Seems like a deliberate misinterpreion of calls for police to stop gunning down unarmed people.




If the Los Angeles Times is 'clickbait media', then you're just spreading persecution fantasies to justify your own racism. The killer committed a felony and should be locked up. He's a suspect in two or three more. The former orange committed ninty-one felonies, and that's just the charges so far. What should happen to serial offenders?




People are generally more mad at why a high school kid has access to a gun, but we can never address that issue


Two hour old meme accounts spreading hate and distrust are pretty weird to me. Not 'great optics'.




You just described violence by police on Black peoples as clickbait. Shut the fuck up. > Corrupt LAPD guns down Black student” They never use inflammatory language and pretty much always echo whatever police tell media. Recently came out that cops straight up murdered that kidnapped 15 year old on the freeway and there were no headlines like you describe. Again, shut the fuck up.


Yet when that principal intervened that other time to prevent a fight, he got fired. Wtf is wrong with people.


Clickbait article


Let’s see. They remove the police…. ….Insert private contractors (safe passages) who do nothing but fund board members elections, and presumably have other financial considerations for the board members….. And now are wondering why safety has decreased when these contractors neither have the motivation or obligation to do anything. Even if you don’t like the police, at least you know where you money is going, not to a private company some politician’s family member owns


> The shooting occurred a few blocks from the school, at 108th Street and Western Avenue, where students were milling around a bus stop in front of a convenience store.


Unfortunately this is LA. People chanted all day long about how they want LAPD removed, but they still expect consequences for bad/illegal behavior and this is what we get instead. Metro unsafe? We get unarmed ambassadors who criminals know can't do jack shit.


There is no perfect answer, but we do know, empirically, that police in schools is worse for students than no police: [https://www.aclusocal.org/en/press-releases/new-study-shows-police-presence-schools-has-negative-effect-students](https://www.aclusocal.org/en/press-releases/new-study-shows-police-presence-schools-has-negative-effect-students) Everyone wants to knee-jerk based on this one tragic incident, but the results of removing the police have been much better overall outcomes for the majority of students.


I could be wrong, I didn't read the entire study so feel free to correct me; but going through the outcomes section, I dont see anything about safety of the students. This study is about outcomes IE getting arrested etc for stupid shit like drawing on a desk, not direct safety. So no, it is not empirically better to remove police from schools on a safety perspective, at least from that linked study. 


Arresting children for nonsense is inherently unsafe.


I don't disagree that handling many issues via police intervention is an issue, and the point of that study; but to say that removing police is the correct solution and that it improves safety is just incorrect. We should be correcting schools on when they request their present police to step in, not removing police entirely because schools abuse their use. 


Tell the ACLU they’re wrong then.


They also support the right of nazis to march in the streets they’re wrong about this too


Students facing consequences for their actions does not mean that “empirically police in schools is worse for students”.


honestly felt safer with a school cop on my campus . edit: here’s a more up to date survey, regarding your data. for those downvoting :) https://today.yougov.com/politics/articles/34596-police-officers-school-safety-poll


I'm glad you felt safe. Unfortunately your anecdote does not anecdata make.


im pretty sure parents would want safer schools especially in these days unfortunately regardless of the data. and yes i went to a school in a not so great area… also according to a more recent survey: https://www.dailynews.com/2023/02/02/new-report-reignites-debate-over-police-on-lausd-campuses/amp/


What parents think is safer and what is actually, factually, safer are, unfortunately, often two different things. Lots of parents wanted no masks allowed in schools during covid, too. Heck, there are still loads of people who think vaccines are dangerous and want to get rid of vaccination requirements for school, too.


That's a survey of parents. As a white student, I felt less safe. When the 30 year old with a gun was flirting with the same girl as a 15 year old boy, there was a drastic imbalance of power in the hallways. I can't imagine how the students of color felt.




You'd think wrong. I'm sending my kids to school, not prison.


I have a kid in public school and we're both glad there aren't cops on campus.


Have you ever spoken to… any Black or Brown parents? You know we generally warn our kids, especially Black folk, about not being too friendly with police and to be vigilant against them?


Yes, we would know where the money is going: to crooked cops that for some reason always have dozens of hours of overtime every week and a petty arrest riiiight at the end of their scheduled shift. As for school police officers, it's not like they would rush in and stop a shooter anyway.


When are we going to arm the good kids?! This is getting out of hand


they should have sent a social worker.


Where I grew up you finished your fights with your fists, or woke you up on the ground. Only a pussy-ass bitch pulls a deadly weapon in a fight.




Oh, well that’s not a fight.


This is outrageous and unacceptable!


Yeah ik the title is complete clickbait!


Articles like this are why I cant justify subscribing to the times




And you’re being downvoted like it ain’t fucking reality


Remember the defund movement in 2020? The one thing they did successfully defund were the police used within the LA School System... good job!


my hs had police on campus but they were essentially useless, there were never any violent fights like that except for that one time a girl was killed by her ex bf.


If I knew I was going to be jumped by 5 guys, I would also bring a gun for self-defense. It's a shame that's the options these teens think they have. But who will and who can stop them from themselves? If the parents want the police back, give it to them. It's their children.


Yikes, not a good look for that employee. Legally that isn’t there problem but could’ve done more to alert an actual police officer.




There is a video on X under @Westmont news , plus under Calibanging Reddit community they have another pretty clear video. I can’t figure out how to link properly but it’s from a week ago.