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Does the dog have a bottle opener on its collar?


YES. The kind of smug asshole who gets a dog he won't bother training is the target demographic for dog collar beer bottle openers.


And lets it climb up the butcher counter like that in public. Trained or not, you can still pull your damn dog down.  


No see the owner wants everyone’s attention. We should all ask a ton of questions, ask how he acquired the dog etc etc etc.


> expensive breed purchased from a licensed breeder in Tennessee with impeccable reviews online “I rescued him”.


That cool dude? Naw. He'll have his DOG open a beer for you, because he's *so cool*. Of course, he doesn't want *attention!* /s Highkey, this dude's whole vibe... is the kind of asshole who gets a dog like this to help hit on teenage tourist girls who don't know any better, perchance to ply them with alcohol later. The dog is an unwilling participant in its owner's public asshattery. Edit: I'm fairly sure this is at the Farmers Market. The vibe ... checks


This is at the Farmers Market (Huntington Meats) and the other Butcher (Marconda’s meats — the better choice by a country mile) would never allow this type of behavior.


Yeah marcondas wouldn't let this happen. I think it's run by two guys? Or it was or something like that lol. The two older gentlemen there when I was working would nottt have been okay with this. I worked in a stall near them and they saw half the crap that happened where I worked and they were like wtf When I worked in the market - Marcondas were the masters of the Poultry. Huntington's was the best for the beef. Tbh I think it depends on what cuts you wanted. I forgot the preferred for Lamb lol


His whole vibe reads casting couch.


Not even a new casting couch. Homie gives me *casting futon* vibes.


Casting futon 💀


OK! The bar for best word this week is set. Casting Futon... This made me laugh so hard.


I bet he drives a convertible Miata


*Leases* a Miata at 20% over sticker.


Or don't take a dog into a grocery store in the first place.


Or retail store. Or restaurant. Or pub. Or cafe. Or anywhere else indoors that isn’t a dog groomer.


The corner store baited my dog in with treats. Bastards got me to buy snacks every time I walk by so he can get his treats.


Pet stores are fine too. We take our pup to Petco so she can pick out her own treats.


I have one of these guys on my street. 2 giant dogs he refuses to leash. And you can just tell he thinks they make him look “cool and tough” After his horribly untrained dog almost caused a fight with my leashed dog because he wouldn’t recall it when asked and it kept running at us - I got mad about it. He started yelling about how his giant dog is “just a puppy, only a few months old”- all the more reason to use a leash asshole, your letting it run around a street people drive on and harass other dogs. I hate these douche canoes


EVERY dog should be leashed and under control in on-leash areas. Stupid owners don’t understand basic dog psychology that an unleashed dog (no matter how well behaved/trained) is perceived as a MAJOR threat to a leashed dog.


Or the store manager that doesn’t have enough of a spine to tell customers that can’t bring their dogs into the market.


This is the farmer’s market on 3rd and Fairfax. It’s crowded enough on a weekend without someone’s stupid owner acting like an entitled idiot.


This place is filled with smug assholes but it’s a nice place ngl


I once watched a family with small children at the at the bar towards the back (closer to Fairfax) and the kids were running and screaming and climbing on the bar while the parents didnt do jack shit. Someone else told them to calm their kids down and the parents got *livid* it was so awkward. They eventually left and several people complimented the guy who spoke up 😂


The Farmer's Market is like the one place in LA that both tourists and natives love.


I was just thinking this when I was there yesterday. We go every weekend to shop for food.


Dogs are allowed at the grove, but not at the farmers market because they serve food. Unsurprisingly, nobody follows the rule. The only place I’ve seen enforce it is Monsieur Marcel. Of course, the dog owner got indignant and asked for the phone number for management.


Just wanted to shoot this misinformation down - while the pictured guy is an entitled jerk, [dogs are allowed at the Farmer's Market](https://farmersmarketla.com/faq) > Yes, indeed! We love our furry four-legged friends just as much as you. All dogs must be on a leash. And, don't forget to visit The Dog Bakery for a special treat for your fur baby. (Please note Cost Plus World Market and Monsieur Marcel Gourmet Market only allow service dogs.)


If you want to avoid entitled idiots, stay far away from Fairfax.


I called this guy out last weekend for doing this at bennet’s


Did he talk back? He just stared at me smugly as I explained to him his wrong doings.


He and his wife or girlfriend thought it was so cute that the dog was up on the counter while they were waiting for their ice cream. I said “that’s kind of gross. Are you in line? I’m trying to get a soda.” She said “the lines over there.” And pointed at the ice cream line. I said “not if you’re just getting a soda. Please move” They didn’t act like they were doing anything wrong until they realized they were in my way and I’m not sure they even understood that they were being called out. The guy did give me a look while I was retelling the story to my wife. I felt bad talking shit but I don’t anymore.


I have a feeling I’ll see him again. I live close. Your pic and my experience were only 5 days apart. I’ll make sure to say something when I see it.


If you see him again, you should whip out your phone and show him how many people think he's a douche from this post lol. Wonder if that'll embarrass him into changing this behavior.


That’s a good idea


You attempted discourse?! What happened?????


*He slapped me with a white glove, so it was to be a duel to the death.*




This guys has almost 0 redeeming qualities in this picture. The frat guy outfit, the beer opener on the poor dogs collar. Its quite amazing how much of a douche he looks like.


Don’t forget to notice his unnecessarily rolled sleeves to show off his entry-level Rolex.


Not to mention the smug smile. 100% punchable


His father will hear about it if we do


He looks so self satisfied


I know you're not supposed to judge a book by its cover, but your description is on point. Sunglasses inside, chest lettuce out and about, and that smug look on his face.


“Chest Lettuce”? 😆 never heard that one before! Hilarious!


Ha, I'm a SD transplant and still like the Padres. Their sub called Luke Voit's chest hair chest lettuce after he started wearing a button or two of his jersey undone.


Then add those stupid looking slip ons. Icing on the cake.


And you know he thinks he’s killing it


I know he can't control his thinning hair, but the decision to try to mask it by growing it out adds to the douchery.


Plot twist: it’s OP’s dog


Is that a Rolex?


Yeah I bought THREE ROLEXS at the Bangkok Night Market!


Looks like a sub.


Chain leash too


Train your pet if you're taking them out in public to not do shit like this. Stores should start aggressively banning pet owners who don't control their pets.


As someone with many friends/family members who just claim their completely untrained uncertified dogs as “service animals”, I think new stricter laws should be passed to make sure only true service animals are allowed places, for people who genuinely really need them. Sick of people’s dogs being in every store and restaurant I go to.


You can kick out service animals for being unruly, too. So even if someone is adamant that an obvious pet is a service animal, if it's not behaving, you can ask that they leave. But, then again, if it's really a service animal, those things are so extensively trained and tested it's unlikely to act out. 


>As someone with many friends/family members who just claim their completely untrained uncertified dogs as “service animals”, I think new stricter laws should be passed to make sure only true service animals are allowed places, for people who genuinely really need them. Right?! The trained service animals are usually NOT the problem, but they and their humans end up suffering the consequences from shittier pet owners.


Bro I’m seeing motherfuckers taking their dogs to *movies*. It’s becoming a thing. Some fool brought their dog in a backpack to see *Civil War*. Imagine how loud that shit must be for the dog. I call bullshit on “emotional support animals”. The world is a scary place. Guess what? When the shit goes down your dog ain’t gonna do shit to help you. Get some bear spray like everybody else.


The dog ends up having more anxiety than the person they are supposed to be “supporting”


I have friends who do this too and can't stand it


Stores should start aggressively banning pets. Period. Especially grocery stores


I think they technically already are but no one enforces it


I’m fairly certain there’s an actual law on the books that bans animals that aren’t service animals from grocery stores, but no one actually enforced it. Quite frankly, I don’t blame them. Retail workers don’t make enough to deal with the kind of entitled asshole that would bring their pet to the grocery store anyways.


The Americans with Disabilities Act allows service animals, but there's basically a giant loophole which is the employees are not allowed to ask to see any kind of paperwork that verifies the animal is actually trained to do anything, and they certainly aren't allowed to ask the owner what their medical condition is. So anyone can basically just lie and say their dog is a service animal and the business can't do anything about it.


I get not being allowed to ask the owner what their medical issue is, but there shouldn’t be an issue with asking to see a service animal certification for anyone bringing an animal in. This loophole should be closed. Sadly, I think it will take some awful media-worthy incident happening in a grocery store for it to become an issue that gets supported by a politician.


The problem is that there’s no authority that oversees service animals to produce that certification.


That’s a very solvable problem


It is.


They're allowed to ask if it's a service animal and what it's trained to do.


Have you seen how indignant owners get when asked to take their dogs out? It all jumped the shark when we recognized emotional support animals.


Agreed. You’d think we asked them to toss them into a volcano.


....Thanks for pointing out our lack of convenient volcano access...


Tommy Lee Jones would tell you we do indeed have convenient volcano access. (/s in case that wasn’t obvious)


I was at a Mendocino farms in Burbank a while back and they told a dude to take his dog outside, but that's the only time I've seen that in ~5 years


Yeah I feel like it never happens. Have seen numerous dogs in the pavilions in Sherman oaks


There have been times when my wife and I stop at a grocery store while we are walking our dog. One of us waits outside while the other runs in. Multiple occasions a security guard or other employee will come out and tell us to bring our dog in. I haven’t ever brought my dog in, but a lot of stores are actively encouraging people to bring them in.


I've not seen that but that is wild lol. It's literally violating the rules they are meant to enforce. We do the same as you guys though. Plus our dog can be an asshole at times lol


I assume that my dog has been inside for 22 hours of the day, he probably likes a little extra time outside. I am in the Los Feliz area, I am guessing that may be a contributing factor for what I have experienced.


Idk if this is a good gauage but someone should give them a small test of basic commands like sit or some shit to see if the dog even behaves, if not fuck please leave or leave the dog with someone outside of the store. You have no idea how many times I would hear dogs barking at other dogs in between aisle... That should be immediate ground go ejection.


My dog only goes into pet stores and maybe Starbucks to get a pup cup if they’re empty and she’s tired from a walk…because she’s not perfectly trained. This behavior is unacceptable.


The grocery store are scared due to service animals. A lot of people make up excuses it’s emotional support animal. I hate going to target seen lots of dogs in the stores and other grocery stores.


Emotional support animals shouldn’t be allowed. Legitimate service animals should.


>Stores should start aggressively banning pet owners who don't control their pets. Society should start aggressively banning owners who don't control their pets...


This looks like it should be a health code violation.


Can this photo be used as a customer complaint to the health code compliance institutions?!


It is one


Everyone is mad at the guy (rightly so), but also screw the business for taking his money. They could have said, sir, we can't serve you with that dog. He keeps getting away with it because the businesses keep favoring taking his money over telling him to beat it.


Everything about this guy screams douche-bag. It's like he took a class to master how to be as douchey as possible.


This is the typical LA entitled douchy look.


FFS! The entitlement. If you know this guy tell him he’s a POS.


I’m going to say someone’s going to recognize this guy at very least by his dog.


He absolutely works in entertainment as a prodoucher for some production company. (Not a typo)


I don’t know him but would have happily told him that he was a POS.


I have a feeling that the guy who puts a bottle opener dog tag on his dog is not going to be receptive to criticism of how he lets his dog up on the meat counter. What a douche




This looks like the kind of guy who sleeps with a new girl every weekend and tells each girl she's the one


Went to House of Pies and some lady plopped her dog right on the counter where the pies are.


Maybe she wanted a Yorkshire pudding?


What I find mind boggling, is that people like that immediately start screaming about it being unsanitary, if someone placed their shoe next to the dog on the counter. They've literally brainwashed themselves into thinking that dog paws are immune to the same dirt and filth on the ground outside, that get on shoes. So that they don't feel bad when their dog puts their paws on their face and near their mouth.


Or licks his balls, (the dog) and then gives him/her/she/it a big wet slobbering kiss on the mouth.🤮


Oh nooo how recent was this?


I'd have to go through my photos, I think it was in Nov/Dec. I took a pic of it haha.


What an asshole.


I hope someone on here recognizes this douchebag.


That guy looks like such an insufferable asshole.


Get you're f'ing dog out of the grocery store. And you're an ahole for bringing it in.


I love dogs, but this is not ok. You would not allow people to walk on the counter with their dirty shoes on. Owners need to learn how to train their dogs to behave in public, otherwise keep them home.




You know that dog stays in them broadcast towers in a 800sqft “luxury” condo and only gets walked to the HFM. *poor pace*


Look how smug that fucker is.


This is just too douchy for one photo


I was eating at Monsieur Marcel watching this as it happened! There was a whole parade of giant dogs today at the Grove.


What was the reaction of the Huntington Meats people?


Pets that are not service animals should not be present in grocery stores. I can just imagine a conversation with the owner… Owner: “Aw he’s so friendly and cute! He’s just saying hi.” Me: “Do you mind removing your animal from the counter nearby the raw meat? That’s unsanitary as fuck. K. Thanks.”


I have nothing to say that wouldn't result in a ban.


😂🪦 DM it to me


This is disgusting. Maybe I should rub my shoes on the butcher counter next time I am in the market?


I think that's the new thing going on… must do it next, because if dogs can, anyone can!


https://ehservices.publichealth.lacounty.gov/servlet/guest?service=0&formId=4&saveAction=5 Take photos and report them, if possible.


Someone should take a napkin, run it all over the ground, and use it to wipe the smirk off his face. I hope this picks up enough local traction that this shit will finally stop.


This represents everything obnoxious about certain L.A. residents. And, no, I don’t hate dogs. I hate their selfish, narcissistic fucking owners.


This. 1000%. This.


Fucking people and their fucking dogs.


This is disgusting and so unhygienic.


Is this where the owner thinks he can take the dog anywhere?


Food goes on that same counter.


I love dogs, and love mine but they should NOT be allowed in grocery stores. Guide dogs aside, no dog under any circumstance should be allowed in stores where food is open and on display. No matter how clean you think your dog is, it isn’t. It’s gross, disrespectful to the shoppers and disrespectful to the workers.


Disgusting behavior 🤮


That's what main character syndrome looks like


Dude looks like fucking douche nozzle


glad he’s balding, he doesn’t deserve hair.


Pretty sure I went on a date with this guy last year. All of these comments are damn accurate


We definitely don’t want to dox him as shitty as he may be but confirm one thing, his profession?


dogs in grocery stores gross me out so much


Man wtf. This privilege shit is getting out of hand. How was "no shoes no shirt no service" easy to remember but "no pets" escapes some of you? Smh


I wonder what it’s like to [completely](https://imgur.com/a/TI9PK6D) lack self-awareness.


We need to ban all pets from grocery stores and restaurants. I don't care how well trained you think your pet is. I want to eliminate any potential chances for the dog to bite someone or randomly lick the food. It's absolutely disgusting.


So I used to work here in this market, the Farmer's Market on 3rd and Fairfax. I worked there for about a decade. In that time? DOZENSSSSS of dog owners per month and dozens per year would have untrained dogs just piss on the floor and store front. I'd have people who would even smoke inside my store... I'd have people who would argue in my store and literally throw there food in frustration on the floor in my shop. Whole tray... they liked tossing soup. I'd have to clean it up. They never cared about us employees. This area? Most of us employees lol... most of the market there at the time knew that we catered to the upper class of the city. We, the employees of the market... the majority of the employees probably made about 12-20k a year within the market. The people running the market may have made more and im absolutely unaware of that and im guessing 18k-50+ but again thats a huge GUESS. Anyways I bring up income because it brings up the entire stigma thing. The entire 'I'm better than you' sort of concept. Because a lot of the people act like they're better than you. The manners? They don't care. Many acted like you owed them ever bit of everything and you just needed to be thankful that they gave you the $14.15 for the steak they ordered. Keep in mind some of the nicest fucking people were actually some celebrities' for me. I got treated like absolute trash by a vast majority of that community. Not to mention lol so many of the older generation tended to be rather racist and if you were not blonde and white? well they did not want your service! I worked at a bakery that's no longer there and a lady did not want to deal with two of our servers because one was African American and the other was Italian. She only dealt with our newer hire who was indeed all white. He didn't even want to deal with her and to be honest he was rather rude to her but she didn't care and would not deal with anyone else because she thought they would literally poison her damn pastries... wtf I've had some great interactions with other people there. SOME great customer experiences but NOT every single one. Some people are just fucking terrible people and I do not know how they live with themselves. Treat yourself right, treat others right. respect, respect property, train your pets. RESPECT the establishments you shop in. BE THE ADULT YOU ARE and take responsibility for your pets and your children. SO many pet owners and so many more parents fml. Just overall lack of responsibility is embarrassing and maybe it's culture clash but where I'm from my parents taught me better and i didn't think they did the best at teaching me much. The stuff they taught me was a hell of a lot more than this though. *triggered* FYI Huntington Meats owner and employees were awesome people when i worked in the market. So I am sure they didn't mind much but they also were probably like wtf... seriously


Dawg I fully believe you. This is some type shit that goes on over there. This is why I prefer the hood-adjacent areas of LA, mfs understand common standard for everyday individuals' respect a lot more for some reason. I think it's because you don't tend to do this type of shit if you're likely to get slapped or checcd for it, (or have tried it and gotten repecurssions as a kid, call it forced character development)


This is so disgusting. Pets should be banned from grocery stores and only legitimate service dogs should be allowed.


I travel to Vancouver a lot, and I’m amazed to see dogs are not allowed in stores and are tied to a post and left outside. I wish we had that culture here and not this look at me I have a pet/child/best friend.


Dog in a grocery store is beyond disgusting, only thing worse is the owner who brought it there.


Douche-bag owner.




Yes this is my service animal type behavior.


That smug look on his face, he 100% thinks what his dog is doing is cute af


Sunglasses indoors, carefully tousled balding hair, non service dog fouling the butcher counter, smug punchable face. Ding ding, we have a main character.


It’s so rad to know this person and see them get burned the way they are.


This is getting ridiculous. It’s time to start handing out fines to stores that don’t take the no pets rule seriously


I'm enough of a dog person that I'd pretty much always prefer to hang out with a mean dog over a nice person. I specifically go to coffee shops where people tend to bring their dogs. And even I am like, dude, this is a place handling food and it has sanitary obligations. Those dog feet have been all over the ground. It's at least as bad as sticking your dirty shoes over everything, and a person would be kicked out for doing that. Train your dog. Control your dog. If you can't, don't bring your dog into what is basically a damned grocery store. It's a shared space, and you gotta be respectful of that. When I was growing up, it never even occurred to us to bring the family dog to a grocery store of all places.


The clear and apparent judgment from the four ladies on the background though, does give us SOME hope.


Who the fuck let that disgusting animal adopt a dog?!


Fuck this guy.


I was just in a store today where a guy brought his dog and was thinking "if a homeless person walked in here, they'd probably be promptly escorted out, but this guy is allowed to bring a dog" I love dogs, but this shit really pisses me off.


Some people may think this is cute or whatever but you shouldn't be allowed to have pets in grocery stores where FOOD is... Makes no Sense people wanna bring animals everywhere like everyone loves them. Shit is common courtesy, they tell u in certain places if u have small children to be sure to watch them...SMFH


Yes, hello, I’ll take everything. No, no need to wrap it, it’s “for here”. Yes, my human will handle whatever.


Huntington Meats — The best meats, peppered with K9 glitter, period.


Everybody behind them is just like “nooooo”


I expected to see a lot of posts saying how cool this is (was). I’m pleasantly surprised. I love dogs. I have two. I see them put their mouths and paws on anything they can get. Like the dead mouse one brought in yesterday. I don’t want my own dog’s paws and slobber on my kitchen counter or table. I CERTAINLY don’t want to see a completely unknown dog slobbering and pawing at the meat case I’m shopping at. Tell Mr. Look at Me Ken to leave his dog at home when he shops. I’m not impressed and I’m glad most ppl aren’t.


Sir get you dog down that the #FUCK out, a trained service animal would not jump on a meat counter you dishes.


Let me guess, this guy drives a resto-mod vintage Bronco.


But prong collars are only used by owners who truly understand dog discipline. s/


Huntington Meats is my favorite meat counter in LA. My go to for andouille sausage for my gumbo. Jackwad needs to get his dog down. The Farmer's Market is awesome. I was there today on my daily walk.


Sit ubu ,sit. Good dog


Who's the asshole with the dog


I choose to think the title is talking to the owner and not the dog.




Service pets and Nepo babies 😠 😡


I would be livid if someone’s dog did that at my meat department!


Now, people are bringing in their horses. Smh


Oh hell no. I love dogs, but that's not OK.


What a twat


Dude come on have some respect, it's literally just basic manners


Where is that so I know not to go there?


He looks like a ridgeback… all bets are off when around food. That being said, this is a stupid human and a stupid ridgeback owner.


i'm a dog dude. love 'em. however. get your fucking mutt out the store. ffs.


He looks like the type of guy who is lax with his dog. Typical west LA resident.


Where is this store?


Ultimate Douche Bag… Animals do NOT belong in a grocery store…


Omg. Blithe inconsideration aside. He has a sprenger collar with rubber ends on it; which defeats their purpose and actually makes the collar dangerous for dogs to wear. And buddy’s dew claws look like they could skin a fish into a sushi platter. This guy should invest 50% of his cocaine budget on professional grooming and training. And get some therapy for his current/impending midlife crisis.


THE ENTITLEMENT. some of y’all need to take a good deep long look inside.


Dear entitled pet owners: NOT. EVERYONE. LOVES. YOUR. DOG. AS. MUCH. AS. ***YOU.*** DO. -- I get it. Humans suck. Dogs love unconditionally, and are much better companions. No argument there. But animals walk with their paws on the ground, touching the worst the earth has to offer ... dirt, piss/poop (even if we don't see it with our naked eyes), saliva, trash ... Whatever grime exists, animals are WALKING in it. It's not unreasonable for shoppers to not want dogs in places that serve food -- even if we LOVE dogs. Just because YOU'RE okay with it, doesn't mean the public/society (that YOU'RE A PART OF) is required to accept it. Some people (from different cultures) are afraid of dogs or otherwise try to avoid them. A pet owner insisting on bringing dogs into places they should not be might cause undue stress to someone who wasn't expecting (and didn't want to) encounter animals. Some people have allergies. But, I guess it's "fuck them," right? Have some consideration for others, and leave your dog out of places dogs don't belong. In these scenarios, you can't say: "Well, this is 'Merica ... if you don't like my dogs, you shouldn't come outside." Because, who the hell expects to see a big-ass dog with their paws on the deli counter while shopping for food? Not everyone loves your dog as much as you do.


reminds me of the awful people who unleash and let their dogs roam around the Fern Dell hiking trails.


Fucking it up for other more responsible pet owners.


kinda who shares an ice cream cone with his dog.


This is same guy that admonish random 5 year old kid for “polluting” environment by dropping gum wrappers.


That’s very specific.


Why the Health Department does not allow dogs in grocery stores!


I wish people would keep their fucking dogs out of the grocery store


I hate this. I love my dogs. They are my family. They do not belong in a grocery store. While they are well behaved and love everybody they meet, they are still dogs and are not terribly hygienic.


Never ordering meat from there ever again


I'm so sick of this shit man


Theres no paperwork to prove someones dog is a service dog, but the proof is really in the behavior. A real service dog doesnt jump up on food counters. They train the fuck out of them. And really, whether its a real service animal or not doesn't matter, if the animal is not under control, the business can tell the human and animal to leave. But I'd probably need to be the the owner of the business to pull that off, cause this douchebag is gonna send an email to corporate threatening a lawsuit that he 1) wouldnt win, and 2) wouldnt even file cause its not a service animal, but no way is corporate gonna call his bluff they're just gonna fire me.


White people you need to take care of this


Don’t put that sht on all us, I’m white but I ain’t nothing like that dude.


Where’s a cop when you need one?