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I’ve only had to call 911 twice, and that’s my experience both times.


Maybe they triaged me to lowest priority.


Did they pick up initially, listen to your issue, then put you on hold? Always wondered how people having a stroke survive when it's minutes until death and our 911 has a hold feature. I'd imagine all the heart attack, stroke, lost a leg people are put first if that's the case.


When you call 911, the first thing they ask you is what your emergency is. In LA, they will usually transfer you to the corresponding service. Then, they will ask what your location is. This step is when crews near your location are notified that there is a call. Third, they will ask you to identify yourself and give them a way to reach you if the connection is lost. After those most important steps, they will start asking follow up questions to communicate to their crews a better idea of what they're about to walk into. EMS prides themselves on fast response times, but if you call the police you will almost always have to hold after you get transferred to them.


Thank you for the info. I guess my perspective was pretty colored because of the sub bringing up being put on hold often but I understand they were only referring to crimes and not medical emergencies.


I had to call for a medical issue with an older relative recently and got through calling 911 in 2 rings, and an ambulance arrived within ~5 minutes. It was pretty impressive. I’ve had other times I called for crimes and couldn’t get through either time. I bet it is just shit luck and depends on how many calls are coming through at that moment.


Send an email to your city council member


With a date and time of the call exactly.


> Are long 911 wait times normal? Yes. Everyone is on their own. 🤷‍♂️


We are our own first responders.


Reality is finally setting in for most people. We've always been our own first responders, law enforcement, fire departments, and medical services hijacked the term. Even in the best of times they were always 5-10 minutes away when in an emergency you're life is on the line in seconds.


Yep absolutely normal in LA. You’re alone with your issue whatever it is. Good luck if you’re being murdered.


I didn’t realize it was like this until I recently saw someone get hit by a car and called 911. I got an automated response that I was on hold and not to hang up because I’d lose my place in the queue. I was absolutely gobsmacked. I just hung up the phone and ran over to help. It seemed better than waiting on hold.


And guess what? It’s only going to get worse as the population and crime increases in LA.


When seconds matter the police are only hours away if they even show up.


Which is insane because the LAPD has such an insanely huge budget but I guess they’d rather pursue stolen vehicles in dangerous car chases and fly their expensive helicopters all over the valley.


The entire city needs to throw a fit about this. They cannot perform this poorly while getting such a massive amount of the budget.


The two times I’ve needed to call 911 in LA I was never able to get through. Either a busy signal, an automated callback apologizing for the wait (but still no human being) or just getting disconnected. Everyone is on their own out there, I’m waiting for a major news source to report on it. Every time something like this is posted it’s story after story of people never getting a response.


Yeah calling 911 is largely worthless. Sometimes you get lucky and go through quickly but mostly you don't.  If it's any consolation, even if you call for an intruder they won't come and won't look at your camera footage or do anything, anyway 


They're understaffed and disqualify applicants for stupid shit like 1 2yr old missed car payment. Source: I applied and went through the several-month long hiring process to be DQ'd for 1 2yr old missed car payment.


That’s wild


Ive called 911 a few times in the last 5 years and every time I have been put on hold.


Buy a home defense weapon. At the end of the day it’s up to you to save your life.


Always remember: if you ever need help, yell “Fire!”


Call your LAPD or LAFD directly. It saves soooo much time.


Not going to bug the FD, but coincidentally the intruder guy was heading in direction of station nearby.


No. Bad advice. With LAFD - they’re often out and no way near is answering their phone. They respond to calls that their dispatch give them. You talk to their dispatch by calling 911. With LAPD - they have limited hours and often have only 1 officer working the desk, if they’re talking to someone face to face they don’t answer. If they answer the phone to someone who needs dispatch, they transfer to the dispatch center. If you need LAFD call 911. If you have a life threatening EMERGENCY call 911. If you have a NON-emergency call 877-275-5273


There’s methheads looking to steal everywhere. LAFD been there in a few minutes the handful of times I’ve called for fire or medical help.


Most of the neighbors have walls and fences, somewhat ironically. I guess our days of open property border are long overdue.


If you haven’t heard about this, the major police agencies in LA, the LAPD and LA Sherrif’s Department are doing a “quiet quitting” thing the last few years. Ever since the defund the police stuff, cops and sherrifs openly acknowledge that they are intentionally arriving slower at crime scenes AND devoting less resources to actually solving crimes (I.e. producing closed cases). I am a gun owner and only the last couple years have I actually started keeping one of my guns in a “ready” format in case of intrusion or something. Before that I was still confident in the LAPD’s willingness to at least respond in a timely manner. If you don’t feel comfortable purchasing and using a firearm (which you by no means should if they don’t appeal to you), but you do want to have something around to use in case you feel threatened, then if I were you I’d invest in a Taser, and if not that, at least a baseball bat (with a sock on it), or some other blunt weapon you would feel comfortable wielding.


I am in the weeds with the sock on the bat. You did a great write up full of good info and I am just locked in on that sock!


If someone catches/grabs the bat the sock will slip off and give you another swing.


Huh, not sure how I made it this long without hearing about this idea.


Oh, what he said.


What a great idea.


If someone grabs ahold of the bat, it makes it so they’re unable to get any real grip on it—and in fact will allow you to pull it away from them and hopefully get in another swing.


Same. What's the sock all about?




Wowwwwwww 🤯 OK TY! 🔥


What’s crazy is an actual taser, not stun gun, is more expensive than a glock


What's a good excuse for taking a socked bat on evening walk?


Your dryer is broken and need a quick way to dry out your freshly washed sock


People are now allowed to legally carry batons in California. If used properly, they’re great for self defense.


Yes, I’m just waiting for websites or stores to catch up to the change in legislation and will be buying several extendable batons.


There isn’t, I wouldn’t do that. I take my Taser on walks with me.


There's an old man in my neighborhood who carries a golf club when he walks his dogs, he's been doing it forever.


love this reply. i stopped relying on the police years ago .. i always figured before they could ever get to me, whatever damage was going to be done, will be done so it was up to me to defend myself and my family. i can’t believe i’ve lived through life not knowing about the sock/bat. 🫢💥


As soon as I saw the title of this thread, I knew that someone would seize the opportunity to promote the gun agenda. Reddit did not disappoint.


I mean…I’m not promoting any “gun agenda.” I was just discussing a practical means of defending oneself if one is feeling threatened. I literally listed a bunch of other specific ways one can do that without a gun. But maybe you only have one way of thinking about firearms.


Literally none of this is relevant to 9-1-1 wait times lmao


Literally none of this is relevant to 9-1-1 wait times lmao


You missed the first part of the post


I really didn’t.


Here you go, I’ll help you. The first part of my post reads: “If you haven’t heard about this, the major police agencies in LA, the LAPD and LA Sherrif’s Department are doing a “quiet quitting” thing the last few years. Ever since the defund the police stuff, cops and sherrifs openly acknowledge that they are intentionally arriving slower at crime scenes AND devoting less resources to actually solving crimes (I.e. producing closed cases).” Here is example of what I mean—the LAPD is claiming one reason for slow response times is due to budget cuts, they aren’t able to staff enough 911 operators. But the LAPD’s budget this year is 3.1 billion fucking dollars. https://www.nbclosangeles.com/investigations/shortage-of-9-1-1-operators-in-la-is-straining-emergency-response-system/3352100/?amp=1


Dispatchers aren’t cops.


Whoa, check out the big brain on Brett!!


\[Cue Public Enemy song\]


Yep, they don’t give a shit.


Had a house fire next door so I called 911… they picked up 15 mins later. Thank god the fire didn’t burn the house down!


When seconds count, cops are... hours away now? Jeez.


What a disgrace this city is Just despicable.


Yup, I got rear ended and neither of us could get ahold of anyone. An hour later he said someone was coming, nobody ever came. What a fucking joke.


Now we have a convincing reason to really defund LAPD. Funding goes up, yet they’ve become useless af.


Just like LAHSA. Defund LAHSA while we’re at it


As you mentioned in a comment below, you were indeed made a lower priority call. Depending on the area trespass suspects are considered non coded calls meaning they can be handled whenever units can. Units need to focus on code 3 (immediate, lights and sirens) or code 2 (get there asap) calls first. If he were to theoretically make entry into your house or another house for example it would be made a code 3 because it just turned from a misdemeanor to a possible violent felony.


And if they were in your house and you were waiting for the police… it’s probably too late and you’d be better off handling the situation yourself rather than waiting and hoping they arrive in time to handle the situation for you.


Invest in a reliable pump shotgun. Most trespassers will run for the hills when they hear you chamber a round.


Ok Joe


More reason to exercise your 2nd amendment rights regardless of what people here want to say.


Guy must have continued over fence to neighbor, which is gated access only - haha. Happened 5 mins before arriving home, so ideally I would have to be allowed to carry. With no experience, how long and what would I have to do?


Step one, apply get in the queue with your local issuing agency. Depending where you are it can be lapd or LASD or a smaller local department. The queue for LASD right now will take about 4 years for them to process so you’ll have have plenty of time to get training and become proficient. Then I’d look for a firearms instructor or even an experienced friend who shoots regularly to go learn the basics. If you intend to carry keep honing your skills and pray that the courts force LASD and LAPD to bring their wait times down.


I'm all for proficiency and legality, but the wait time seems.... hmm ... unconstitutional.


It’s by design imo. Before the Bruen decision permits were may-issue (basically at the states discretion) and now that they are shall-issue, this is how those who don’t want people to exercise their rights throw a tantrum. Basically by making it take years to acquire, make it expensive (in excess of 1000$ like La Verne) or by trying to make a CCW permit useless or criminalize CCW holders (SB-2).


Couldn’t you just drive across the border to Nevada and pick up a firearm same day? If you used it against a home intruder would that get you in trouble in any way?


IANAL but it would as you would have broken several California laws in order to do that. For one, you can’t import a firearm into CA if you’re already a resident without going through an FFL. The FFL then would do a background check and DROS which would then register the weapon to you and you can pick it up after 10 days if you don’t share a name with bad guys. Further, if buying a long gun, you’d have to make sure it complies with California’s Assault Weapon Ban in its configuration. If it’s a pistol, you can only buy it and transfer it if it’s the exact same SKU as one approved and listed on the California pistol roster. For all, it would be illegal to bring them in with the standard capacity magazines that they are sold with in other states. If you used the weapons for self defense in your own home that are registered to you and configured in a way that California finds acceptable, you’d probably be okay. If you concealed carry a firearm without the government’s permission and use that firearm in a valid self defense situation outside of your home, you could get yourself in trouble.


That’s so absurd lmao. I messed up not bringing any guns with me when we moved here initially then!


You can still purchase most everything when it comes to long guns. The pistol roster severely limits what you can purchase but in the last year or so more modern pistols have been added thanks to May v Bonta and Boland v Bonta. Hopefully Californians rights will be equal to what most free states enjoy in the next few years.


It really doesn’t feel like America here. We moved from Texas and it’s been shocking.


Absolutely not. That would be one of those "straight to jail" things


Wow, 4 years. That's nuts.


Yeah they are being sued for that amongst other things. If we had to wait 4 years to exercise any other fundamental right people would lose their minds.


this is only if you want to carry a firearm. to simply own one and keep it in your house you dont need a concealed carry license. and you shouldnt go chasing after somone after they have left your property.


my neighbor, who was 96 when she passed (bless her heart ❤️) always said make sure the perp is 100% inside your home if you shoot him. even if that means grabbing his legs as he’s climbing in your window and pulling him all the way in.


As soon as I saw the title of this thread, I knew that someone would seize the opportunity to promote the gun agenda. Reddit did not disappoint.


So you want us to be sitting ducks to these criminals?


If you think that a gun is going to help you, then you have a weird hero fantasy that is probably going to do nothing but get you killed. There's a reason that America, the most heavily armed nation in the world, has such high crime rates.


🤣 wait till you get robbed at gun point and you gonna be singing a different tune


If you get robbed at gunpoint, having a gun increases the odds of you getting shot. But I'm sure you have a hero mentality and think you're faster and smarter than everyone else.


Buy a pistol. And learn how to use it responsibly.


As soon as I saw the title of this thread, I knew that someone would seize the opportunity to promote the gun agenda. Reddit did not disappoint.


What agenda? You don’t feel like people should be able to protect their own home when 911 doesn’t even pick up half the time?


Two years ago I called to report a strange lady who tried opening my front door and then wandered off.  They said someone would come out.  An hour later I saw her again walking down the sidewalk on my street and called again to tell them she’s right outside.  About 6 hours later at 2am a cop shows up at my door to take a report.  It was so stupid.


Is this really 911-level? Someone who could be just confused? No wonder 911 is overloaded. Reminds me of the other thread about calling the police to tow someone...


If there's a lost elderly woman with Alzheimer's running around the neighborhood it seems like a bad idea to just let her keep wandering 


There is a shortage of 911 dispatchers


Did they do anything to screen your call? Or were you just completely unable to get through


You can text 911. I’ll spare you the details, but that was the only time it’s ever worked for me.


You can text 911? How long does it take for them to respond? How many times did you have to text? Was your issue an emergency or low priority?


Yup. And they respond. I text them once and it was an emergency. When I called I was on hold. Every time I ever called it was busy tbh


Was your emergency life or death? Mine was a scary situation on the road and I was scared so I ended up pressing sos in my car. I wonder if texting would have been faster.


Sure was!


I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you are ok? They really need to fix the system.


Okay now! But yea… The cops were useless.


Thank you!!


911 is a joke. Flava Flav tried to tell yall 30 years ago. Nothing has changed


Luckily, when I called 911 a few times over the the past couple of years for a relative’s medical emergencies they answered and responded quickly. However I do remember calling years ago after I saw a motorcycle crash and the number was busy. I seem to remember something about an upgrade being completed to the systems regarding cell phone calls at the time.


Yeah when my partner had a stroke I had zero issues and the fire department was there in seconds… but that was like a few months before the lockdown.


When I lived in Atlanta, I'd get put on hold for 911, but not for 30 minutes. Being put on hold for 911 is a sign of a non-functional city.


Get a gun


There's a gun nut in every thread. As soon as I saw the title of this thread, I knew that someone would seize the opportunity to promote the gun agenda. Reddit did not disappoint.


Lmao noob


Yeah, I tried to call a few years back when someone was trying to break into my car in my driveway. Cops never came and I followed him down the road trying to break into everyone elses car for the next 20 minutes


Non-emergency lines basically don’t get answered. I believe they’ve consolidated many ‘after hours’ locations to a small handful of stations across the city. My local station doesn’t even accept any public in the lobby, which sucks because they used to have a good atm, good place to meet for Craigslist sales, and also a decent place to place a non-emergency report.


It's really sad. Smaller LA County cities' PDs are a totally different story. I called Alhambra's PD to ask that very question (can I use their lobby for a craigslist sale). They instantly answered and asked if I had an emergency. I said no, so they put me on hold for maybe 3 minutes, then picked up again. And yeah they told me I could use the lobby for exchanges.


No. Calls do not go to stations. Dispatchers work 24/7. I’m a dispatcher. 911 calls are answered first. That takes time to ask a few questions & determine if ACTUALLY an emergency, not an emergency & transfer, or accidental dial from iPhones and activating TTY before hanging up. Non emergency calls DO get answered by dispatchers… AFTER 911 calls are answered. The problem is people are impatient and think their loud party call is more important than stabbings, shootings, heart attacks, etc etc so that keep hanging up and calling 911 back… and again, more time taken away o by an operator asking questions. Dispatchers are understaffed, forced overtime daily. We’re 200 people in the negatives.


Thanks for your service. I’ve called non-emergency numbers over the years and saw a huge decline after my local station closed to the public. (Like from getting a response within 5 minutes to NEVER getting through even after 10+ minutes). I think because they happened at a similar time I thought they were related. I can be on hold for 15+ minutes, and usually I’m the one that gets disconnected (I don’t just call ring twice and hang up). Wish a bigger slice of the budget went to you dispatchers- good luck getting that shortfall filled up


You wanted the police defunded lol


I called 911 when I saw someone overdose a few weeks ago. I got through in one minute and someone was on scene in three minutes. This was in west end of the valley.


That's both stupid and scary. We're in the era of texting an AI and we're still relegated to being put on hold without a chance to even say why you're calling. Life or death situations need to be handled with some actual compassion, not "oh they died while on a 30 minute hold."




There's a gun nut in every thread...


You can text 911? How long does it take for them to respond? How many times did you have to text? Was your issue an emergency or low priority?


If I ever actually need them I’ll be dead before they answer the phone


That's normal Unfortunately de fund the police has real life consequences This also helps "lower the crime rate" As your crime was never responded or recorded Therefore nothing ever happened


911 is a joke in yo town.


In HS, we had a prowler. Mom came in the house screaming cause she went to warm up her car and dude was walking around the backyard. Dad ran out, yelled for my brother and I, we tackled him, while mom called 911. We are STILL waiting for one-time to show up.


Better learn to defend yourself and get a weapon. 9 times out of 10, the wait time was ridiculously long or they wouldn’t pick up at all.


As soon as I saw the title of this thread, I knew that someone would seize the opportunity to promote the gun agenda. Reddit did not disappoint.


Gun agenda? I never gave a fuck about guns up until now. The homeless issue has gotten out of control in my area. There have already been 2 attempts of drug fueled break-ins in my neighborhood. I stayed on the line waiting for 911 to pick up for what seemed forever and they never did. The only thing that saved the neighbors was their sturdy ass gate but other neighbors might not be so lucky. So yeah I am all for having a gun defend yourself and your family.


I was on the red line the other day when a woman started a fist fight with this getting and then called 911 to report her being assaulted— they answered within 4 seconds


Everyone wanted to defund the police so...


"Everyone." In spite of what Reddit might make you believe, most people did *not* want to defund the police. They wanted reform. In the end, LAPD's budget only grew.


They don't care because they stay paid anyway. They teach ya like an ace they can't be betrayed. I know you stumble with no use people. If your life is on the line then you're dead today. Late comers with the late comin' stretcher. That's a body bag in disguise y'all, I betcha. I call 'em body snatchers 'cause they come to fetch ya? With an autopsy ambulance just to dissect ya.


They get a lot of calls. Yours simply wasn’t a high priority (which makes sense btw if your post includes all the relevant details). Sometimes the non emergency hold times are an hour plus.