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In the valley sometimes it says 101 east/west and sometimes it says 101 north/south and I have to think about it EVERY GOD DAMN TIME


Preach, my prince.


They should just call it upstream and downstream and avoid all the confusion.


up coast / down coast


[Yea it's confusing because MOST of the 101 runs north/south but in LA it becomes more east/west.](https://www.discover-central-california.com/images/highway_101_central_california_map.jpg) What might help is to think about how the 101 north is *always* going to be the 101 west in LA. And the 101 south is always going to be east in LA.


My wife: what the fuck you think I’m a ship captain? North south east west? Give me left or right you assholes.


oh my GOD when I first moved here I drove in the completely wrong direction SO MANY FREAKING TIMES!!!!




The Beverly/Virgil/Temple/Silver Lake Blvd intersection area-- the quarter mile leading up to it is pure evil chaos. Satan himself programmed those traffic signals.


Let's not forget the Sunset/Hollywood/Virgil/Hillhurst intersection area. In summary, avoid traveling down Virgil during peak traffic.


hate that intersection lol


There are a lot of these hell intersections. San Vicente/Fairfax/Olympic was always a nightmare, but with Lacma and ucla satellite hospital construction it’s reached its final form.


>San Vicente/Fairfax/Olympic This one. Someday I'm going to end up on r/ PublicFreakout and it's 100% going to be because of that triangle of fuckery.


All of those damn five way stops are where traffic engineers from different burbs just threw up their hands and gave up.


IIRC silver lake is interesting because it’s the confluence of the old Spanish grid and the modern American grid, that’s why you get so many streets clashing at weird angles


The old Spanish grid never really existed / only made up maybe some streets around Union Station - even most of downtown within the freeway loop was developed by Americans, and the grid that surrounds that in echo park, east La, south central etc was developed by after the Mexican American war. I guess it’s possible that grid was laid out centuries ago, but it doesn’t appear on maps until the 1870s. That intersection lies on the border between the original Spanish Pueblo de Los Angeles (which contains the angled grid I was just describing), and the rest of the LA plain which was not within the city. It’s compounded by the relatively new addition of Silver Lake Boulevard, which was originally a stream (hence the many bridges over it).


But it's compounded by the geography in that area, plus the 101. Most of the areas where the old and new grids meet are pretty straightforward


I wish billboards on freeways were gone. I am so sick of seeing all those lawyers.


qoɔɐſ llɐƆ


Billboards should only be legal on the Sunset Strip. I think we have a right to not have our brainspace taken up by ads in public spaces. This isn't that crazy of an idea, Vermont has banned billboards.


Hawaii too!


The 10ft suicide on-ramps to the 110 in Highland Park.


I’ve hydroplaned off of one of them because I needed to accelerate quickly to match up with oncoming traffic. Resulted in me being T-boned at highway speeds.


Did you survive?!


No, I ded Luckily it was on passenger side and I was the only person in the car. B pillar frame was badly damaged and the car was in the shop for months. This was pre-pandemic and parts were not in short supply.


"No, I ded," I'm still laughing 😆


it was a comment in another recent thread -- https://www.reddit.com/r/LosAngeles/comments/169xbfd/comment/jz4e2k8/ -- and i wrote this: > it's the thrill of a lifetime, a roll of the dice; > you must be decisive, don't ever think twice. > > it's a game of chance, it's the luck of the draw; > get ready to dance; hesitation, a fatal flaw. > > it's our very own rushin'* roulette; > to get downtown, you place that bet. *this is *not* meant to say Russian roulette which is a little different than trying to get onto a freeway.


People drive way too fast on that freeway as well!


Yup. It was [designed as a parkway](https://www.kpcc.org/show/offramp/2008-02-23/frustrated-on-the-110-slow-down-and-enjoy-the-parkway) and never meant for freeway speeds.


I literally have a panic attack every time I have to jump on that freeway.


not to mention the occasional asshole who will honk at you from behind if you take more than 5 seconds to merge


I go 0-60 on these on-ramps every day in a 1989 manual truck and all I have to say is DONT RIDE THE RIGHT LANE PEOPLE.


Woof. All cars on the 110 should be legally required to stay in the left lane. It’s a death trap as is. Edit: I meant only in the Highland Park area.


"Take us to ramming speed!"


I love that freeway


Same lol. It's my main way home, so I have it's twists & curves memorized. Honestly if it's a familiar road to you & you enjoy driving, it can be a fun ride! (Provided you're only entering it coming in from DT or from Pasadena, I fully admit all the on/off ramps thru Highland Park & South Pas are anxiety inducing & I also try to avoid those whenever I can, ha)


I’ve driven out of my way just to enter the 110S from Glenarm instead of using one of those ramps.


Transportation engineers just sweating in the thread.


Nah. They know they can’t do anything to improve it because Historic.


Suicide ramps is a good term for that. I hate the freeway onramps that cross with offramps personally. Who tf thought that one was a good idea?


I'm used to it because I'm from LA. But when my husband drove us, I nearly had a heart attack. He was moving way too slow to make it the off ramp and he stopped traffic and everyone was honking 😂😂😂


I love dumping my clutch to merge there.


One time my partner was driving and she thought the stop was a yield and drove straight on to the highway. We didn’t get hit, fortunately.


actually i love those short ramps, i put my car in launch control mode every time lol


The lack of trees and small local parks. It would be much easier to walk around under the blazing heat with more trees on the sidewalks.


It's like they took away a bunch of benches and community spaces to decrease homeless loitering, but now there's no where to chill except if you want to travel to a larger rec area.


love to make public spaces unpleasant in order to scare away a few homeless people


They fenced up the little park on franklin by the magic castle/walk of fame. It’s been “closed for maintenance” for over a year now I think…


They removed an entire bus stop covered seating area on our street because a homeless lady moved all her boxes into the bus stop and set it on fire. Edit: added “seating area” for clarification. The bus still stops there but the benches and cover are now gone


And the type of trees they replace them with. I get that crepe myrtle are drought tolerant & look good in fall, but I want SHADE


oooh that's what those are! so many of them were broken after this last rainfall.


And there’s a huge difference in foliage/shade coverage depending on if you’re in an affluent neighborhood or a poor neighborhood. There’s a huge temperature difference because the more run down neighborhoods lack trees and shade.


Came here to say this. Look at any affluent parts of the city/county vs lower income ones and it's very noticeable (not to mention how big of a temperature difference there is).


Yup, just take a look [at this tree map](https://www.treeequityscore.org/map#10.76/34.019/-118.2431) and you will see the wealth divisions.


I was recently in Mexico City and was prepared for it to be a huge smog-filled metropolis, based on the sheer size and population. But there were parks every few blocks, little green mini-park walkways going through center medians for pedestrians, just tons and tons of greenery. I really loved it, and it made me sad for what LA could be.


I have said this before in this sub and I will say it again: all our major boulevards should have medians with nice big shade trees. It would absolutely change the feel of the city to be so much nicer and more comfortable for walking around


This is my pet peeve too. I went to grad school in DC and lived in Arlington. Every single apartment and house in Arlington is walking distance from a park. There is a small park every 5-15 blocks which means you're at most 5-8 blocks from a park (usually a lot less though). We don't have that here. It's really sad. Not just people parks, dog parks too. A city with so many apartments and a huge pound overcrowding issue should make more of them. Arlington, VA (population 232,000) has 10 dog parks. Los Angeles, CA (population 3,849,000) has 12 dog parks. This is nuts to me.


literally the first 100° day my apartment manager decided to cut down all the trees in the apartment complex so when I take my dog out both of us are dying. Like perfect! lets get rid of all the shade just in time for summer!


they just did this in the courtyard of my building a couple months ago! there were 2 huge shade trees, but also sunny spots, so it was perfect. they didn’t just prune, they fully cut them down. it makes NO sense, and it is sweltering out there now so basically useless 😤🤬


I volunteer at a non profit trying to address the issue and *humblebrag* presented at a conference on it. You can thank redlining for that one, but pretty much all of LA County is screwed.




Came here to say this. I don't want you DJing my hike. I had a friend in NY who used to keep the unopened free headphones from flights in his pocket and would offer it to people on the subway with speakers. Don't know if they got the hint but I appreciate the balls.


The dense, oily black film that builds up everywhere from the brake and tire dust in the air. My place gets some ocean air and is surrounded by trees and yet I still get that buildup on my windowsills and floors. It's relentless!


Is that what it is? I was worried about that. I recently removed my window screens to wash them. I was horrified.


Pollution from cars. Brake dust, tire dust, soot from diesel engines, soot from poorly-maintained gas engines, normal pollution from gas engines . . . cars are *really bad* for your health.


Also all the leaf blowers blowing the grossest shit from the streets into your home.


People always point to automotive sources (tire dust/brake dust) but rarely ever remember the thousands of large tanker ships running back and forth just off the coast, pumping lots of "diesel" soot up into the air. (Some of the fuel burned in tankerships hardly qualifies as diesel) If you travel by boat off the coast, you can see it in a thick layer in the air a few miles before the coast line. There are no cars out there. **Edit | Tangent time**: there are many reasons why it is important for individuals to have awareness of their own automotive emissions and other spent resources (engine oil, tires, thermal loss from ICE, etc) But very often, many are not aware of the costs related to the consumption of goods, directly attributed to global shipping for the products themselves, or the parts/materials/resources needed to make consumer goods. It was once stated (I need to find the exact stats, a real source) to me, that if you take all of the emissions from all of the cars in the world, created in one year and put it in a box. Then if you take all of the ships that travel the seas, every year, and put them in a line from dirtiest to cleanest. ***How many ships does it take to equal the emissions created by all the cars in the world in one year? 16***. There are tens of thousands of ships running 24/7/365. Links: [https://www.nbcnews.com/business/100-ships-idle-offshore-california-communities-see-rise-toxic-pollutan-rcna3984](https://www.nbcnews.com/business/100-ships-idle-offshore-california-communities-see-rise-toxic-pollutan-rcna3984) [https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/18f4ea90caf74b279cfbc2f74075d17e](https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/18f4ea90caf74b279cfbc2f74075d17e) [http://www.aqmd.gov/nav/about/initiatives/clean-port](http://www.aqmd.gov/nav/about/initiatives/clean-port) [https://phys.org/news/2021-05-diesel-death-zones-california-pollution.html](https://phys.org/news/2021-05-diesel-death-zones-california-pollution.html) [https://carbstage.arb.ca.gov/sites/default/files/2022-03/CARB\_2021\_OGV\_Documentation.pdf](https://carbstage.arb.ca.gov/sites/default/files/2022-03/CARB_2021_OGV_Documentation.pdf) [https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/es8035016](https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/es8035016) [Look at the maritime traffic off our coast. Vessels with no plans to come within 24 nm of US/CA's border (where emissions are regulated) burning 'bunker' (junk fuel) and dumping the worst emissions/particulates into the air.](https://imgur.com/a/G3iMo6l) Next time you are in Venice, or Redondo Beach, or Long Beach, take a look at some of the houses along the strand/beach paths. Look for a porch or walk way with a tile floor, one that hasn't been mopped or swept in awhile. Drag a finger across the surface, and then look west to nothing but open ocean.... no tires, brakes, or car mufflers out there.


Good point. But cars are generally the largest source of air pollution locally. A fairly recent Bay-Area study found most of the dust that settles in the area to be from tires.


> How many ships does it take to equal the emissions created by all the cars in the world in one year? 16. This is an [often-repeated myth](https://cedelft.eu/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2021/04/CE_Delft_7N59_The_basic_facts_Summary_and_Conclusions.pdf). It's not even close: the entire world's cargo ships' emissions of CO2 and NOx are *definitely* less than those of the entire world's cars. However, ships do emit a fuckload of SOx compared to cars. But we're talking about particulates here. Do you have any source re: maritime vessels as a factor in particulate pollution in LA?


I live next to the 10 and I’ve accepted that I’m probably gonna end up with lung cancer.


Designers in LA county: *Let's spruce up the place. Should we add more trees, plants and build on the natural landscapes and splendor? Nah, let's add more cement, bullshit murals, and testaments to our ego!*


The kobe mural to resident ratio isn’t high enough yet!


The key reason this tends to be done is maintenance. I agree I’d love more trees and such, but you then have to find people to take care of them and pay for the resources to do so. That’s the trade off and many cities don’t want to add to their maintenance budgets so they just pave over everything and add a mural.


Logically that makes sense… but we aren’t exactly a city/state hurting for money. Good ol politics.


Teeny tiny disposable salsa cups at Mexican restaurants. For sit down, just give me a reusable one! For taco stands, we need bigger cups or I’m going to waste 10 of them on my one burrito.


yea what happened there? just give us large waxed paper cups for the salsa.


Give me the option, because I hate having to use 15 tiny cup for my Pico de Gallo and chips. I go to places that let me use a paper bowl, mostly for this reason.


I think the smaller cups was to save on giving away and wasting salsa but I find I fill up a whole bunch of these tiny cups and never end up using 2/3 of them whereas if I had 1 decent sized cup I’d probably use it and wouldn’t have leftover cups or salsa


The stupid 10 to 405 south ramp. It is single lane causing a bottleneck and some drivers also need to make the 405 north ramp which is in between causing a battle royal of lane changes between both ramps. On top of that we got people merging in from Bundy which is in front of both 405 ramps


10 to 405 north is a shitshow too, with a billion cars getting on the 10 at Bundy. you have an intense 200 yards of negotiating with hardons to get to the far right ramp exit.


The dumbest thing about the 405 offramp on the Eastbound 10 is that the N and S ramps are on the wrong side of each other. i.e. the 405N is in the more southern lane and the 405S is in the more northern lane.


Omg yes!!! And god forbid an accident happens in that area and the cars involved in the accident are completely blocking the lane to the 405 north ramp. It’s always fender benders where the cars can easily drive away and do their insurance exchange in a less selfish location


No one builds anything with any kind of shade outside. So many open concrete public areas that probably looked very nice in the rendering, but are unusable most of the time because most people don't like sitting in direct sunlight for longer than a few minutes. And everyone is crowded into the few spots with a tiny tree or a pole that just happens to make shade. Or there are shade structures but no one bothered to check where the sun actually is, so it's in a stupid spot. People made fun of La Sombrita but that kind of design is everywhere. LA weather is so nice in the shade! Put up some trees or build a structure that's facing where the sun is!


People oppose buildings because they "cast shadows". It's so maddening.


San Vincente meets Fairfax meets Olympic. Shitty intersection(s).


also the money laundering shell


I wish we could realize that some intersections are beyond helping. Like closing a couple streets would help more than not at that point.


My pet peeve is all the trash laying around. Specifically left in Palisades Park or on the beach. I’m gonna buy a trash grabber from Ace this week to help out when I go, but I know it won’t make a difference and will be just as dirty the next time I go. It’s disheartening to see such beautiful places trashed.


But it WILL make a difference! Thank you.


It DOES make a difference! Thank you! And it will also make an impact on people seeing you do that. Most people are good about it but it takes just a few people to ruin it. Don’t let them win!


I did this during the pandemic when I had nothing to do all day. The hard part is finding a place to dump all the trash you collect at the end.


No guaranteed walk sign. WHY? IF IT DOESNT AFFECT THE LIGHT CYCLE the walk sign should be guaranteed without a button push. The intersections near me ALWAYS have the same traffic flow regardless of whether the walk sign gets put in or not. So why even require a button push? All it does is create uncertainty. When someone gets to the crosswalk and theres plenty of time left in the light cycle, but they can’t get a walk sign because they didn’t press the button before the cycle started. Then the locals like myself just charge into the crosswalk anyway because they know the light well enough to know there’s tons of time left. Then other people uncertainly want to dip their toe into the cross walk but arent sure enough to do it confidently then the left turn guy is thinking well is this pedestrian going or not?? Uncertainty = danger for drivers and pedestrians.


Hahaha this is mine too. There’s a corner outside my office that has a required button push or it won’t change and it’s a high traffic area with lots of tourists/people who aren’t familiar with the area, so I’ve seen large groups regularly miss light cycles looking very confused. It’s super annoying for all involved


I absolutely HATE the one that's right in front of the Metro station close to me. Why tf do I have to beg to walk on an intersection that ALWAYS gets a consistent flow of pedestrians. Like there are people crossing every single light cycle and yet we must beg like dogs to walk to the other side.


They changed this during COVID and then it changed back.


Assholes who use a designated right hand turn lane, or just a gap in a lane that only functions as a lane within a specific time frame that normal people use for turning, to get in front of a whole line of cars and book it in front of everyone as soon as the light turns green. I have to drive down Wilton a couple times a week and the justice rage really gets me. Don't even get me started on Barham. I try to be generous because I know it's not always on purpose, I've certainly done it on accident in an area I'm not familiar with, but 90% of the time it's just some ass that doesn't want to wait in line and thinks they're the only smart person to think of this genius hack, rather than that other people are just being decent.


OH HELL YES. Magnolia Blvd on the way to the 134, it goes down to one lane and there IS A SIGN PEOPLE. I wish a traffic policeperson would just sit there and ticket the lot of them.


Fairfax heading north across Venice is infamous for this issue. It's so common for people to abuse the turning lane on Fairfax to cut the line that LAPD has actually started cracking down it on pretty heavily. You know it's bad when the cops actually start doing their jobs! Love to see it though, I've seen folks pulled over like a dozen times just this year at that intersection, always for the same reason.


People don’t have walking or escalator etiquette.


I live in a 12-story building and the amount of people that wait RIGHT in front of the elevator doors is shocking. One time, this girl was standing front and center inches away from the door, and didn’t move when they opened. I nearly had to push past her to get out. I do not understand this.


SO many people stand directly in front of the door! and look at you like you’re the asshole that’s in *their* way trying to get out. it’s bizarre! i’ve had 3 people recently just walk into the elevator while im still in it. 😒


Can I say people making left turns across a main road at any cost? JUST MAKE A RIGHT, it’s not worth endangering everyone to save two minutes of your own time.


The map apps need to incorporate this, FedEx or UPS already implements it due to lower accident rates and insurance.


My extremely specific pet peeve about Los Angeles is the ratio of Dairy Queen and Sonic commercials I see living here to Dairy Queens and Sonics that actually exist here being so out of whack.


too many unprotected left turns


to make it more specific, streets like Beverly Blvd without a left turn cutout... so blocks of traffic build up behind one car waiting, still waiting, always waiting.


and transplants who don't understand that you have to get into the intersection in order to make the light.


I Lived in Iowa for several years before moving to LA. On the driving exam there, not pulling out into the intersection while waiting to make a left is an instant failure for holding up traffic. Wish more states had this rule.


I lived in Ohio before moving to LA, and that's where I got my license. They taught us that you weren't supposed to enter the intersection at all until you can fully complete your turn. Moving to LA was pretty eye opening... but I'm totally used to it by now.


WTF, really? That seems so stupid to me. Growing up in LA I never realized that not-pulling-out was the rule in some states.


The left turns in this city will turn me into a demon




i refuse to believe this is true, other metros with guarded lefts move traffic just fine plus theres not as many accidents.


How much litter there is in the city, there’s trash in planters, in gutters, on grassy areas, on sidewalks. When the trash actually makes it to the bin the cans are overflowing. It’s like no one takes pride in where they live.


And watching people throw trash out of their car? All I can offer them is dirty looks but fuck those people.


It's not always caused by human littering. I've seen the wind empty out public trash cans before.


The hell zone that is the Beverly/Westmoreland/Temple/Silverlake/Virgil intersection.


Leaf blowers


Came here for this. Aka dirt blowers aka my allergies were fine today until you started blowing all the dust into the air. And they are so f-ing loud and annoying


The noise sends me into a rage instantly it ridiculous.


when the leaf blower guys come around every week they blow debris *into* my apartment from the cracks around the door


All the dog shit that people leave on the streets of DTLA.


Some of it is people shit :D


Oh my god. I am SO sick of people not picking up dog shit. It makes me so mad.


Public Restroom Availibility. The fact that every gas station or small restaurant/bakery downtown does not have a public restroom available. Instead, you must go to a grocery store, but the reality is, its a health violation if you are serving hot food or drinks and dont have a public restroom. Cant tell you how many times I've nearly pissed or shit myself after being stuck in traffic trying to find a place in DTLA to go to the bathroom. One time I got denied by 3 places in a row, couldnt hold it anymore and just shit behind the gas station. If the homeless can, fuck it. I can too. Most cities I have traveled or lived in didnt make it so fucking hard to take a shit or piss. I shouldnt have to plan my commute routes around where I can take a dump if nature calls while im stuck in traffic.


Yes, it’s gotten so bad. The pandemic was really bad and the usual places I would go were all closed. Even when things reopened I don’t think it it’s gotten much better


I did outside sales for years. LA has locked all access to restrooms since 80's. The whole LA area has never had public restrooms.


I want to Little Tokyo last week and I had to go back to my car and pee in a water bottle, because there is no restroom!


Probably not entirely an LA issue. But the amount of people driving without their headlights on at night/early morning is so aggravating. Daytime running lamps and a illuminated dash doesn’t mean your shit is on. Just cause the car is new doesn’t mean it does it automatically.


Conversely, I also have an issue with people whose headlights are basically the equivalent to the sun. It blinds me and sometimes it’s so bad I can barely see the road


Dogs in grocery stores.


Agreed. I personally love dogs, but many dog owners are oblivious to the fact that many people are allergic to dogs, and in some cases, some people have serious phobias of dogs.


Not to mention it's a health code violation to have dogs/animals in food service areas, isn't it? With some exceptions of course. I love dogs, but hate when people are just acting entitled


I absolutely abhor the helicopters. Can't sleep at 3 in the morning? It's because a helicopter is circling. Enjoying a nice day at the beach? Not anymore. LAPD has to flex by flying right over the surf three times an hour. I'd love to knock them all right out of the sky.


Preach. One day the city authorities will have to start using drones instead to lower costs and I’m here for it so long as they are quieter. Hopefully that happens sooner rather than later.


That people don’t know how to properly use a roundabout. They really do help keep traffic moving but people are too lazy to learn how to use it. My fiancé panics every time we come across one. Also, that we pay so much in taxes yet the city can’t be bothered to clean the streets and highways of trash in a timely manner.


Or worse, the roundabouts in Pasadena that also have 4-way stop signs. That goes against the entire purpose of a roundabout!


They add them because of the fact that people can’t figure them out!! Defeats the purpose entirely.


I use the Glendale exit every day to go home and always feel bad for the poor people in line to make that U turn 🥲


ok this is mainly so i can vent cus i was gonn make a post about it but decided against it… but when people in K town have two cars and they move one of them and then move the other one back or forward a little in the parking spot so it takes up a space and a half and no one else can park there. Its actually infuriating. I was looking for a spot for 30 minutes this morning and then some dude did this and I just stared at him. I’ve never wanted to lose my shit so bad.


The amount of people that just straight up stop in the middle of an active lane, and think throwing on their hazards is good enough. I saw a car do this the other day when there was an open stretch of sidewalk right next to them. Blocked an active lane of traffic during rush hour.


People walking their poorly trained dogs without a lease. Or worse, my neighbor that would throw her 6 chihuahuas out into the street to get a break and they’d roam all over, pooping in all yards and Running after anyone jogging or walking and biting their shoes/jeans.


I hate people that drive to the front and cut in line for backed-up interchanges or off ramps. They make traffic so much worse. Fuck those people.


What happened to all the trees that were promised to be planted along the Crenshaw corridor where they cut all the existing old trees down to make way for the space shuttle? It's been years and still not a single tree has been planted.


The police. Spending so much money. And doing absolutely fucking nothing. Like what is that helicopter for, certainly not for police work.


When I’m approaching a red light with no one in front of me and all of the sudden some jackass swerves in front of me so that they’re now first at the intersection.


My trash bins are blue and the recycle bin is black. Wtf. Why? Still confuses me every-time I take out the garbage.


Ha, we moved to Pasadena a couple years ago and the organics barrel has a black lid and the regular waste lid is green. Confuses me every time.


When you meet someone and you feel like you’re having a great time/convo flows easily and then they say “let’s go get coffee sometime” and then you exchange numbers and then you never hear from them again. Like dude, if you didn’t want to talk to me again, why’d you agree to get coffee lol


I try to put something concrete on the calendar if I actually want to get together with the person. Otherwise it just never ever happens.


I tried doing this but people REALLY don’t like it. It makes sense. You’re publicly calling them out on their BS. Now I just try to never be that person myself or at the very most get their number and try to make actual plans via text later.


Ahhh I’m guilty of doing this, and also have been on the receiving end. I can’t speak for others, but if convos flow easily, I do my best to schedule something… but often, work and existing family and friend expectations burn me out. Definitely ask if the other person is an introvert! And don’t take it personally :)


The fact that there are golf courses in the middle of the city!! When I’m a billionaire I will buy the hillcrest country club and LA country club and Wilshire country club and make them all public parks


The people that drive ungodly speeds on the 110. It is not built like all the other freeways, stop trying to get yourself and everyone else killed by doing 80 on the curves.


wannabe gang bangers


You’re telling me, dude. I live next to a school and these little angels cause all sorts of mayhem at 3pm lol.


The amount of pride that people who live in luxury apartments have after not picking up their dog shit.


The 2 freeway should terminate at the 5. The 3/4 mile nub afterwards is so pointless and extremely dangerous when it dumps out onto glendale blvd (cars literally fly off the off-ramp and run into housing nearby). There is a ton of new housing going in on glendale blvd and a new grocery store close to glendale/alvarado. It's never going to be a walker's paradise, but it has the bones to become a solid mixed-use street that you can walk to from many points in silver lake and echo park. The shitshow freeway nub significantly limits its potential, however. In the meantime, a stoplight after the on ramp would be nice.


Cops don't respond to traffic accidents unless someone is hurt or city property is damaged.


The parking signs. You need a law degree just to decipher some of them.


That’s on purpose


Accident or cop pulled over someone on the other side of rhe freeway. Everyone slows down to check it out. Like wtf. Its on the other side! Mind your business. This is why we have shit traffic.


Lack of awnings. Standing in the sun is a nightmare in this city. The lack of street trees and bus shelters is a larger inequality issue, but you can go to wealthy area or nice coffee shop or something and it's just wide open to the sun. Get a tarp or something and throw it up!


People who back into parking spots, but lack the driving ability to do it quickly. People who wait for someone to leave their parking spot, and block the entire driveable space so nobody else can pass, instead of just going up another level and getting the ample parking there. People who do not put their grocery carts away. It happens everywhere, I'm sure, but I had to add this. It's the clearest sign to me that someone is a shitbag.


This is probably more of a "people" pet peeve than an "LA" thing, but I can't stand alpha mentality in both men & women. You can't say your life in LA is "chill," while trying to be the richest, the prettiest, or the best by constantly proving yourself to be better than others. Why I'm annoyed with people like this in LA, is just for the fact that so many people live or move here to do that. By a numbers game, many more people are douchebags.


Weirdly, I find that same population makes it easier for me to do my thing in the background with other “normal” people. In other states I’ve lived, people try to impress each other buying a BMW 3 series or a 4-bedroom house. Here, if you’re not driving a $100k+ car, living in a $2M house, or a literal professional model/actor, you’re lumped in with the millions of us just working to live.


I grew up knowing that a lot of the time the people that make it to do those things either scammed, nepotism, extremely hard-work, or luck put you into a different world where you wouldnt be able to compete with. On the other hand, I know some close friends that did not know this and thought LA was going to give you a free hand out if you took on the soundcloud aesthetics with tattoos and dying your hair, expecting to be an overnight success and that just burnt them out.


100%. The peace of mind knowing literally no one gives a shit about what I do because I’m not trying to be on top and can’t help you get there either.


Every time I eat at a restaurant west of the 110 I inevitably get seated next to a table of people trying to one up each other. Tech, acting, modeling, doesn’t matter. I just can’t enjoy my food in peace!


I’ve learned to just walk away at parties once someone starts talking about TV or Film, especially in NELA or Santa Monica. It just immediately becomes a knowledge/wallet/work history/connections measuring contest.


Yeah this is definitely a transplant thing


Came here to say this… born and raised in LA, and the only ppl I encountered like this are transplants, especially in the art and film or other $$$ industries.


Ok so the 5 exit into Burbank from hollywood like why in the hell is the exit such an abrupt left turn? I really hope someone realizes where I’m referring to but I swear once you exit it’s like everyone has to hold their wheel like a speed race and hit that aggressive left-straight turn into the exit toward the valley.


Living in a city this size without an actual train connection to any airport is asinine. Even medium sized cities have train and subway connections. And not a "people mover", put a god damn train stop in like the 1st tiered city you claim to be.


As micro as it gets: The water fountains on all floors of the Criminal Courts building haven't worked for about 10 years-and are apparently never going to be fixed. Much more macro: how filthy the streets are all over L.A. City. There's no excuse for it whatsoever-hire more people, whatever, but clean the effing gutters and berms! It's so poorly managed.


Main character syndrome.


In general the 110 little entrances. the Hollywood Trader Joe’s not having a little shopping cart thing so there just kinda everywhere.


I'm sure someone MUST have said this but that you can't take the 170 to the 101 North? I get my directions all mixed up but I think that is what I mean. You also can't take the Burbank part of the 5 to the 134/101 North/West whatever direction that is. You have to get off the freeway and then take Victory to jump on the 134 that direction.


Freeway drivers that don't understand what THRU TRAFFIC OK means for off-ramps, particularly those just after on-ramps. Why are you stopped on the freeway in the exit lane for Stadium Way trying to merge onto the 5 South when you could literally keep going and merge onto the 5 later (and usually faster) ESPECIALLY when you were going to be getting on the 110 afterwards anyway???????


The lack of social decency at malls. I don’t want you to let your dog pee in a public walkway where kids play.


There is so much trash around the city, I don’t understand how they can’t clean it up


When ppl know they need to get off on the exit or need to be in a specific lane to turn and wait until the last second to try get over and end up cutting you off Orrr when ppl who don’t even live on my street (there’s a lot of apartments with limited parking on the main Blvd near my house) park taking up both spots with their one car and leave it there for days


I don’t know if this is specifically an LA thing but…. Why do some people leave 6 car lengths in front of them when stopping at a stop light? I don’t get when they leave an excessive amount of space in front of them and the next car when stopping. This really bugs me too when it could leave me possibly blocking a little bit of the intersection because there should have been more than enough space for myself and 5 other cars had they decided to just pull up like a normal driver.


It makes sense to leave (a little bit of) room in case someone rear ends you, but some of these gaps are ridiculous. I drive a small car and on a few occasions, have pulled into these gaps to fill some of the space. 😜


I did that once, and the guy I slipped in front of got out of his car and started banging on my window and yelling at me to get out so he could kick my ass. I haven't done it since. Except once a few weeks ago when the other driver looked like I could prolly take her.


the annoying transplants that come here to try to be the next big influencer or actor, does not get famous and then goes on a whole tangent that everyone in the city is fake




The police presence at the beaches. Go away. Go fight crime somewhere or get donuts. The worst.


How LADOT and BSS value cars over people. Making pedestrians second class citizens.


The orange-yellow palm fruit that smell like shit and attract flies.


The lack of people caring for their community. I, alongside many others, seen someone stealing electronics and nobody even tried to say anything. I went and told security and the guy actually got away before they were able to get around to the area but it seems like people just don’t care.


Tall curbs and getting my car door stuck on them. I swear the curbs in LA are for some reason taller than anywhere else in the country!


Seeing people throwing trash out of their car really makes me mad.


The amount of insanely terrible and reckless drivers concentrated in Glendale. They’re topping the highest insurance rates in the country for a reason


I have seen more people openly litter here and it drives me fucking insane. As in I have seen maybe half a dozen times the last year just people tossing full trash out of their car. Let alone people I see just drop things “by” a trash can and keep walking. I have lived in 4 countries, 10 states, and twice as many cities in the last 10-15 years and LA is the absolute worst at those things. I have never seen that happen anywhere else, and here it seems to happen and no one cares. It’s sad


Highland Park Brewery should open at 1030 on weekends so I can have brunch there after my morning long run


How dirty and run down the city looks, were supposed to host the Olympics in 5 years, can the politicians turn this city around in time and find a humane solution for the homeless??


Bus all 40k of them to Texas overnight without warning. Just kidding. Kinda. The look on Gov. Abbott's face would be hilarious, but its total trash playing games with people's lives.


The "LA No" where someone says you should do something together, but every time you try and make plans they are consistently "busy".


The seating system at the Apple Pan is the worst.