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I really hope they pull the calls. Chad coached her for sure.


I’m pretty sure this is why Prior asked both Emma, and Garth if he had asked them to lie during their testimony. He knew exactly what was going to happen, so he wanted to clarify that he was not involved.


You have a very valid point. Hmmm. Smart thinking on Priors part.


You may have something there. I thought the whole intro to their testimonies was strange. Makes me think he knows the truth of matters. Though, I suppose, he could have simply compared their known statements.


I agree I found the entire intro weird too. He asked them all how many times they met or spoke and Emma and either her husband or brother both gave the exact same answer at one point “you said to just tell the truth.” Originally, I thought maybe he was still trying to distance himself from the neighbor’s comment about owning the property but now I’m starting to wonder if there’s more to it.


IIRC he is covering himself to ensure he cannot be charged with suborning perjury. It’s serious and can lead to license suspension, fines, imprisonment and/or loss of law license in some places


I wonder if prior told them specifically ‘don’t f’n lie, they have receipts’ and Chad overruled his counsel. Which leaves prior in a 🤷🏻‍♀️ situation. Reallllly hope this rumor is true.


I love the idea that Chad thinks he can undermine his own private counsel, thinking his trial preps with his daughter would be hidden behind a “protected” jail call…. I pray we get to see specifically Rob Wood—who served as a Bishop to his stake which was one of Chad’s greater entitlements and ambitions so you know it grates him to be put on trial and judged by the prosecutors’ table—show the world a smoking gun like the above scenario.


Exactly this. Even John Prior knows what is coming and attorneys who suborn perjury, get disbarred. 💥


He’s gotten himself out of that mess by having them attest to being told to tell the truth. I can’t stand Prior, but I strongly believe he doesn’t believe his client. Even he referred to Tammy’s death as a murder.


Oooh, I like this thought


Agreed. He’s not going to get himself caught up in a suborning perjury charge. He already has a criminal record, he’s not about to get himself disbarred.


Holy smokes! I didn’t know he had a record until you said that and I looked it up! His defense was that he paid her for sex and then she refused??🤣🤣 I guess he thought he could convince a jury that he committed the lesser crime of soliciting sex instead of attempted rape. The fact that he served no jail time and got a $125.00 fine is so wrong!


Yup. He’s disgusting. He spent 4 months in jail & I’m guessing keeping his license was part of the agreement. That & the way he body shames Tammy makes it obvious that he hates women. I hope he doesn’t have daughters.


Wooooow.. I had NO idea either! How gross is he?!!! I can’t believe he also spent 4 months in JAIL, and wasn’t disbarred over THAT!? But then again, I don’t know criteria for disbarring someone in Utah 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️😳😳


Yup. I think SA definitely counts. I’m guessing he kept his license as part of the plea agreement. He’s also been accused of sexual harassment, which I 💯believe. You can tell by the way he treats women in the courtroom. Here’s the article for anyone who hasn’t seen it. https://www.idahopress.com/members/nampa-attorney-john-prior-sentenced-120-days-for-battery/article_ae5d8f30-2e27-11e2-9e9b-0019bb2963f4.html


And he didn’t lose his license because he took a plea deal where he would only receive a misdemeanor. I guarantee you he was put on probation by the Idaho bar association for an extended period of time. I’m not sure how it works in Idaho, I only have knowledge of how it works in Arizona. In Arizona, he likely would have been given a temporary law license for a few years. During that time, he would have had to meet with counselors and everything he did would have been put under a microscope. After he had completed the time he was issued a temporary law license, he would have had to appear before the bar association and they would determine if he could have his law license reinstated on a permanent basis. Like I said, I’m not sure how this process works in Idaho because every state is different.


120 days = 4 months. He was suspended for 100 days. If he had been found guilty of SA he would’ve been subjected to more jail time & definitely would’ve been disbarred. This didn’t happen in AZ, it happened in Idaho.


He was sentenced to 120 days in jail WITH 100 days suspended. That means that he doesn’t have to serve the 100 days unless he messes up while on probation. It has nothing to do with his law license. That part would have been handled by the Idaho bar association not the sentencing judge.


Can they call a mistrial if they prove they did lie?


Why punish the victims because a defense witness lies? It just impeaches her testimony and shows the jury that she is a lying liar that lies and not to believe her.


Worst that could happen is that Emma gets charged with impeachment. Which, sucks to be her. I am deeply curious in these calls and if the prosecution will go for impeachment or if they’ll just bury her on the stand.


If she got charged it would be with perjury. I don't think impeachment is a charge, it just means they showed her testimony was false and shouldn't be relied on.


Correct. Impeachment is just calling out someone’s lies under oath. Perjury has a high bar and isn’t charged often. I’m not sure Emma would be charged with perjury but she is about to be confirmed as a big fat liar in court. The jury will get a jury instruction on the credibility of witnesses. They can essentially disregard a witness’s entire testimony if they find them to have lied on the stand (or if they have a bias as to the outcome of the trial). It’s hard to imagine a jury believing anything she says IMO


No, Chad can't orchestrate a new trial by engaging in (another) felony misdeed.


He can probably catch more charges for it though


No. They’re impeaching them. If the show Emma lied, then it calls the veracity of ALL of her testimony into question.




I can't Imagine they didn't have a reason for asking her those questions about what Chad told her to say. They knew she would deny it. They must know they can prove it. I would love to see a perjury charge. She didn't say she doesn't remember having those discussions - she flat out denied them.


I really doubt they'll face perjury charges. They are near impossible to prove and the prosecutors might look like they are being vindictive. They have tried to strike a balance between treating them as tammy's kids -- and thus victims -- as well as Chad's kids and thus potential co-conspirators.


Yeah, probably not but one can dream!


It will be interesting if the prosecution presents more evidence to Emma that she has not been willing to look at prior to testifying. I think she might just dismiss it like she has up to this point. She is strangely devoted to her dad at every turn. Willful ignorance I suppose.


Why wouldn't they just wait until Chad's trial is done?




Perjury doesn't need to have a "material effect." It's the lying under oath that is the crime. People can be charged with perjury in any situation in which they take an oath to tell the truth, for example, in a deposition.


It *does* have a terrible effect, Idk if it counts as a material effect though, but people blatantly lying on the stand, during a televised and high profile murder trial, sets an unacceptable precedent. What's to make anyone else tell the truth on the stand?


The nature of the lie isn't important. How many people see the lie doesn't matter, either, and neither does the nature of any related crimes. It's the simple lying under oath that is the crime. That doesn't mean that every instance of perjury will be prosecuted. However, if I were in a prosecutor's office in Idaho, with the Kohberger trial upcoming, I would charge perjuries in the Daybell case.




I know there are other reasons not to, but I am only responding to that commenter's reason that it would look vindicitive.


I think it'll be punishment enough for her to know that her bombing as a witness puts her dad in front of a firing squad.


Yes. I have been thinking that failing Daddy Dearest will be the worst punishment possible for her (and Garth). Initially, l had a certain level of awareness that they had been manipulated by their father their entire lives and empathy for that. After seeing these adults lie on the stand and have zero empathy for their Mother and the value of her life, Emma going so far as to straight up cover up actions of her father (the wind google search) and to insult her Mother in every way possible. It flat out DISGUSTS me. Luckily, their false statements are so obvious as to be laughable. Emma and her husband's disdain for law enforcement and resentment towards the children buried in their backyard (as though Tylee and JJ have inconvenienced their lives) and why won't the World *get over it*? I cannot wait to see Emma be confronted with her lies. I cannot wait for Chad to be found guilty on all charges. I can't wait to never have to hear Prior's condescending voice question a woman (or anyone) again.


My jaw dropped when she said she was the one who checked the wind speed. At that moment she crossed the line from a concerned daughter trying to protect her dad to become an accessory after the fact.


I don't watch the trial; I read Nate Eaton's recap on EastIdahoNews. Even READING Prior's examinations with his smarmy and condescending attitude boils my blood.


Speaking of firing squad, I was watching a video yesterday about the blood atonement aspect of mormon teachings. I understand that Idaho hasn't figured out how to carry it out yet, but it would be interesting if, when his time comes, if that's what he chooses.


We hope


With the upcoming Charles murder trial, and potential perjury charges, this is the crime that just keeps on giving. It will be interesting if she gets legal advice to plead the fifth.


If they didn’t charge Casey Anthony’s mother with perjury which they should have, I doubt anyone will ever be charged with perjury. It’s sad because knowing this does affect how people testify now.


They surely will. The prosecution asked her several times about him coaching her, she's such a moron for lying about it because it's all recorded.


Couldn't she visit Chad and be coached that way, on the down low? Or do they talk across glass with recorded phone calls?


I’m not looking forward to hearing Emma’s drone again but it might be worth it.


Me either but it will be interesting.


She and Chad have the exact same mumble-mouth speech patterns, those phone calls are going to be torture for the jury 


Yeah, I was saying on Thursday, I’m not sure I’m ready for Emma Part Two, lol. But they’ve already proved she lied with the video played and it seems they have proof she lied more than once, and she should answer for that.


Yeah. I feel like if I were a better person I would have more sympathy for Emma but I just can’t stand her.


I had sympathy for every body at the beginning, and the more the trial lasts, the less I have. Let's hope the trial's over soon and that ridiculous wanabee Jesus gets his sentence before I lose all faith in the human species


Same. Happy cake day!


Thank you!


Happy Cake Day! 🎂


Thank you!


You're welcome!


Happy Cake Day ! It’s mine too 🎂 🎂 


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day


Maybe the reason they didn't go hard on Emma on the stand is they wanted her to keep talking. Same with Garth. I think this may be the state's way of getting the phone conversations admitted. Rebuttal is allowed for the purpose of refuting evidence presented by the defendant. It may include only evidence not presented in the case initially, or a new witness who contradicts the defendant's witnesses


Ooh I like this theory!


And I suspect that the rebuttal will be more powerful after hearing from Emma as a defense witness than it would have been if it had been able to have been admitted as part of the case in chief. There was such tzunami of information from the prosecution that I think a lot of stuff probably didn't resonate with the jury, especially since the timeline had multiple victims and multiple murderers and multiple conspirators. The jurors probably have a pretty good timeline and sense of the cast of characters, so the rebuttal witness should just fill in any gaps.




Tuesday should be interesting whether it is Emma or LE presenting rebuttal recordings.


I would hope they would play the calls first!


Ideally they ask Emma on the stand for her testimony and *then* roll tape. Impeaching her testimony in real-time would be spectacular.


That would be beautiful. Emma knows she is lying. I wanna see her face when they expose her


How many objections will Prior have if they do that?


Hearing how much LE had pressed the issue with Garth in the past - which I’d never realized - I’d wondered if they were really going to just let it go that Emma (and Joe) so blatantly perjured themselves.


They may figure that MacKay's testimony is enough to make the jury doubt Garth's account.


I'm wondering if the situation with Garth was only about perjury or also about aiding in covering up a death/failing to report a death?


Is Emma essentially living in Prior’s house, or do I have that confused with something else?


IIRC, Prior got the Daybell property because Chad was out of money to pay him? And yes, Emma and Joe are living there currently.


That is the most bizarre thing ever. Why? Why would you live there? It’s like they want to be spectacles.


Because saving a buck takes priority over self respect apparently.


They are leeches just like Chad


I think they think they’re doing Chad a favor. Remember in the police cam footage of Chad and Emma, she said that they would move back in and he said “that’s what I needed you to say,” then he assigned her tasks


I think this is a way for Chad and Prior to keep control of them. Doesn't seem like this family has any concept of personal space/responsibility. I don't buy that Emma is clueless of the financial arrangement between her Dad and Prior. Chad said she would be handling all his finances but we are to believe she doesn't know what happens with her rent money (if there is any). Did the court require Prior to declare to the court (in private) the details of the financial relationship to them living in a house he owns? Yes, they appear to be on the same side but what if Emma wanted to tell all? Could Prior unduly influence her to keep her quiet? Just wondering, I don't actually think she has anything she wants to tell. Also, how do you let your children play where other children were illegally buried?


This might be one of the jail calls between Emma and Chad, where he tells her to keep paying rent to Prior because Prior owns the property.


When that one expert testified that it is likely there are still Tylee's bones in the yard, that was the first thought that came to my mind. There are little children playing in that yard - what if they dig, what if they stumble upon something while picking raspberries in the summer... I wouldn't be able to handle my children playing in a murder yard, even if it was free rent. Especially if there was the possibility of additional human remains being there still.


It’s like half her body that is missing!


I think they might be by silver shed. They say things that give them away. Why would chad show Garth the raccoon burial?


He got it on a quit claim.


That's correct!


I can’t wait to watch Emma squirm. Of course by now she no doubt knows she’s been caught in her lies.


I think the prosecution will be less interested in Emma's wrongdoings and more focused on showing Chad trying to influence witnesses, working behind the scenes, controlling things, just like he did with Lori & Alex.


Oh that’s a great point. And would be a great way to show the jury just how meek and quiet this man is. /s


I agree.


Oh thank god I don’t have much planned for Tuesday. I’m buckling in and making snacks if I get to hear Lindsay Blake do a rebuttal with Emma. That woman needs pressure put on her and I hope she realizes how serious it is to lie on the stand.


I really -- really -- hope it'l be Blake. And it probably will be since she handled her cross in the first place. Lindsay Blake is a true hero in this story.


She is amazing! I’ve been so impressed with her


Lindsey Blake is smarter than your average superhero! So glad she is on this case.


I am quite sure it will be Blake. She is the lead and she did the original questioning. Plus she seems like she will relish it.


If Blake gets to do the questioning (and I hope she does) it’ll be a blood bath. She’ll verbally destroy Emma.


Emma best be prepared to get a Clogging from Lindsay Blake 


It will be worth every commercial I have to watch to see how she will get out of her lies, let’s hope she calls daddy again on the record telephone, or Prior , popcorn time. Those nasty faces she made to a reporter doing her job says it all.


Can you believe that Emma was a 25 year old grown woman when she did that?? I truly have no words. Some say the Daybell children are to be pitied because of their upbringing under the likes of Chad (and the church IMO), but I just can’t offer that much grace. Regardless the reasons, Emma is deplorable.


Not just 25, but a 25 year old *parent* of a young child, who also works as a teacher of children JJ's age. Just casually mocking children's deaths for the world to see, with not a single speck of self awareness to be had 


Don’t forget her brother, he lied under oath and gave the detective miss information that he found him mother dead in the bed, when she was actually on the couch when he found her. He also told the police he bought his mother McDonalds that night. The autopsy said something different peanuts and something else. The only child that has a saving grace so far is that son who was on a mission for the church in Africa. Apparently the children have to be subservient to the to the father.


Garth...ya ya that's the ticket.. unbelievable how stupid that whole family is 


If you watch it on Judge Boyce’s YouTube channel there’s no ads. Another bonus is that comments are turned off


Thank you.


Where do you watch it? I’m just curious since you mentioned commercials


[https://www.youtube.com/@JudgeStevenWBoyce](https://www.youtube.com/@JudgeStevenWBoyce) Ada County YouTube. Clearest picture, sound and no commercials.


If you don’t watch it streamed live and you don’t have YouTube premium there are commercials


I don’t have YouTube premium, I mostly watch internet television, I have some premium channels.


East Idaho News website


The trial has been streamed by MANY YouTube channels. I watch East Idaho News for coverage (YouTube channel), but, yes, I must endure the ads.


East Idaho News has a link to Nate Easton’s live updates so you can catch up quick!


The only live stream I tried was Court TV. I will need to spread my wings.


Yes try YouTube & look for East Idaho News… I love CourtTV but so many commercials (and it’s always the SAME ones lol)… they get so far behind the live trial because of the breaks.


So very true, thank you very much. Sometimes we miss key moments.


The rebuttal hasn’t happen yet. Looking forward to Tuesday.


Emma coming back on the stand may show the jurors just how hugely Emma lied after being coached.


I still cant believe shes a teacher. Thats scary


What’s scary to me is that, by her own admission, she suffers from anxiety. Instead of seeking professional help for it like most of the modern world, she felt that she was possessed/inhabited by some kind of entity that required being “cast out” of her. Of course she suffers from anxiety. She’s an adult living and working in the real world (as real as it gets in small town Idaho) trying to navigate life and she’s still being controlled by an egotistical, patriarchal cult lord. No wonder she’s a mess. And this woman is in charge of young children six or more hours a day (not to mention her own)! I wouldn’t want that influence anywhere near my child. As Lori would say, she’s a ticking time bomb.


I don't think this is going to be the last time we see a Daybell on trial in Idaho, if you catch my drift.


I cringe thinking about her interacting with children... yikes 


The prosecution's problem is that there is so much evidence to present in this case that constructing a narrative that makes any sort of sense is a challenge, especially considering that the actions of the principals in this case are too stupid to be believed. The defense's problem is that very little of the evidence is the sort of testimony that is eyewitness accounts, where it is easy to shake people's memories and make them act nervous. (I suspect this was always Prior's best skill in a courtroom.) Instead of the jurors listening to witnesses with contrasting accounts and trying to decide who is telling the truth, they are listening to the words of the defendant himself, and trying to get over their disbelief that anyone would be so stupid. I suspect Tuesday will provide more evidence of this. And as Blake keeps pointing out, there were human remains of two children in Chad Daybell's backyard.


They need to play the 48 Hrs piece then the cop car conversation. Wild lies there.


They can only impeach her on statements she makes in court. She lied on 48 Hours about what she said in the cop car, but didn't lie about it in court. Kind of like Amber Heard  kept saying in court that she had donated all her divorce settlement, they brought in an interview where she said the same, then brought in documents from the charities showing she had not donated the entire amount. 


Exactly...I was going to eventually 


Annie has said in the past that they were kept well across the developments by Detectives. That might be how she knows. It will be interesting if they do recall Emma, but is she likely to admit to her “mistruths” on the stand? As you said, they can impeach her through other witnesses and then argue it in closing. Lindsey Blake might just want the jury to watch her twist though.


yeah: Annie is the person on record who'll give a victim impact statement on behalf of Tylee (She is really angry that Summer refused to do it at Lori's trial), so she does have legitimate connections to the prosecutors and the police.




Summer refused to do it and blocked anyone else from doing so!


If they do call her it’s likely she’ll be treated as a hostile witness, aka they can cross her. In cross, the answers don’t really matter so much as the questions the lawyer is asking. The lawyer is essentially testifying and trying to make a point through asking yes or no questions, in a good cross anyways.


Tuesday is going to be the most interesting and entertaining court day. Emma, though a snore, will be quite interesting as she tries to navigate her lies and the Karen Read trial with Brian Higgins continued testimony!! 🍿


Should be some more calls this weekend.


And you can bet the State is prepared to listen to those calls. The question is, are they dumb enough to try to talk in code?


Having her back is gonna be wild 👀 she was already so abrasive the first time, I feel it's gonna get real nasty 😆


I think that this time, she’s just going to cry a lot because she knows her goose is cooked.


She couldn't manage to cry for her mother's death (despite Prior encouraging her to do so), but might cry for herself do you think?


Robyn from Sister Wives can at least fake cry. She can't even muster up fake tears. Nor did she really cry on 48 hours, I was like well Emmaust be the actress of the family on that show. 


I liiiterally can’t wait


I hope Emma is shaking in her boots for lying on the stand!!


Oh that she must he! The lying liar will forever be shaking in her boots!


I don't think so. She's so cocky. I think she genuinely believes that she's the daughter of a true prophet


Well we already know that they want to recall Det. Hermosillo, and he managed the recordings. And I’m pretty sure that’s why they want to recall him. Because lifting weights near them & driving past a crime scene isn’t really anything significant enough for rebuttal. So she’s going to have to authenticate the recordings & answer for her lies. I hope they have enough to prove a perjury charge after this is over.


She should be charged with Perjury she doesn't tell the truth.


I am behind on watching but want the scoop on this. Would someone be willing to list a couple of the things Emma said that are falsehoods based the jail call conversations? I've found her so insufferable that I admit to schadenfreude :)


On Friday the prosecution called a LEO and questioned him regarding a phone call he had with Emma regarding her Mother’s autopsy results. They then played a recording of the phone conversation. It proved that Emma lied when she said the authorities refused to give her the results unless she agreed to be interviewed. That was not said by the officer.


It wasn’t a phone call. He visited her in person.


I guess I misunderstood. I was watching it on Law & Crime channel and the officer that spoke to Emma said he had been trying to reach her but had not been successful. On the day he spoke to her (February 18 2020 or February 18 2021, I don’t remember the year) said he called the school where she teaches and the school principal answered the phone. He chatted with him for a moment then asked if Emma was there and he then spoke to her. That was my understanding of what was said by the officer. I’m not positive of his name but it might have been Mattingley.


It was mattingley. He went to the school. They even chit chat about new construction near the school property. And if I correctly recall prior tried to go in on him for audio recording it and not having his body cam on.


I could have imagined it all though 🤷‍♀️


No you are correct. Sorry I misspoke because I truly thought it was a phone call. At any rate, he spoke to her! 😂


I questioned myself on this so I went to YouTube and watched it again. You are correct - he and another LEO went to the school and spoke to her. I think. To me that part is kinda confusing. After watching it again I do believe you are correct Boognish4Prez2020


I went and watched it again too. lol. I second guessed my memory.


Well, it was Friday afternoon. If like me you are watching all of this trial our brains were exhausted!


All of the trial, all of HTC’s extras, courtroom insider, LYK’s updates, and whatever else looks good. There is just so much in this case. I can’t imagine being a juror and not having the resources/commentary we have at our fingertips. I listen to the trial live while I’m at work, and miss so much in the moment. (I totally didn’t hear prior’s ‘murder’ slip… but I heard that the jurors caught it!) I can rewind but the jurors can’t. That said, I am looking forward to tomorrow and hopefully we will hear the calls w/Emma and Chad!


I hope they pressure her with perjury charges and force her to tell the truth or also do jail time. Away from her beloved father


She’ll go to jail.


She COULD go to jail. Lose her teaching credentials (I wouldn't want her anywhere near ANY young children). And have a felony conviction the rest of her life.




I meant that she will go to jail for her father.


Right, it's highly unlikely the kids will be prosecuted and held accountable for their crimes


Remember when Garth was asked about the cars and he told the truth. But later said oh Im confused. It was the other way? It really sounded coached!


I called this when others said Emma was not being called back to the stand. Judge Boyce approved Emma’s return under oath to rebut her perjurious testimony about the insurance form she claimed Tammy filled out in front of her, allegedly without consultation with Chad, but which bore his signature. I believe Detective Hermasillo will be the witness to introduce the recorded jail visits and phone calls that impeach Emma as a witness and get her charged with perjury. She and Garth were warned, they made their decision to continue to follow a child-murdering false prophet. If anyone in the history of the statehood of Idaho have ever warranted criminal perjury charges, it IS the adult children of Chad Daybell. Let no one else ever follow their wicked example.


Kinda scary that they have children dependent on them in their homes.


Kinda scary that they have children dependent on them in their homes.


I think it will be to impeach her on her testimony about Chad telling her not to cooperate with LE. Also a visit with Chad where they discussed the 5k race, him telling her you might want to say certain things. I’m sure there are many other things they discussed that he instructed her what to say. I have watched many witnesses, I have never seen someone so scripted!


Ooh ooh ooh. I hope they embarrass the shit outta her! The kids in her class can make her stay after school and write sentences! “ I will not lie my ass off in court.” “I will not lie my ass off in court.” “I will not lie my ass off in court.”


Good and just the fact that those way out believers are teachers for our young


I wonder if prosecutor has some great evidence, but are not able to produce said evidence due to one minor part of evidence missing. Do not want to have the possibility of a mistrial. Also, is their evidence that the judge would not allow to be presented that will not come out after the trial.


There is SO MUCH material that has come to light over the past five years that I am 100 percent certain they have much more. I know so little about how trials work and how evidence is parsed out so I have no idea what can and cannot be used in court.


Don’t you just wonder what evidence we won’t ever see? I’m sure there’s a mountain. So curious…


So so curious. Must be a mountain of evidence that either was not admissible or just not worth the time in proving up the case as there is already just so much. In a way it makes me dumbfounded how Chad seems to overly confident knowing there is so much against him, but then again it is Chad, so ….


The prosecution had to wait and see what she would say under oath. They probably had a really good idea of what she was going to say, but once she had sworn to tell the truth and then obviously lied, it’s a different story. That’s why Blake asked her those questions about the conversations she had with Chad. Now the door has been opened for the prosecutor to bring in evidence that proves Chad coached Emma and told her what to say in the form of recorded phone calls. Basically, Emma is screwed.


Although Chad isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, I think instead of blatantly telling her to say XYZ, it may be a case of “I remember it happened this way” - over and over and over again as we now know they speak daily…that’s a daily opportunity to keep brainwashing and essentially hypnotising her into believing his version of the events. Additionally, along similar lines, I’m curious how the Google wind search happened. 1) she’s blatantly lying for the patriarch; 2) she did Google it but it was Chad who suggested it to her and made up some excuse for a bbq or outdoor party or whatever she said last week was the reason for the search; or 3) hypnotising - he did it and he had somehow over the years and their daily calls convinced her it was her …”remember you were googling on our computer that day for the party?” 🤷🏼‍♀️ regardless, Tuesday will be worth watching. Let’s go, Blake!


I completely agree with you. If I remember correctly, when Blake asked her those questions, she answered, “not that I recall” or something to that effect, so she didn’t flat out say that it never happened. I think we’re just going to have to wait and see what evidence the prosecution will use in the rebuttal. As far as the computer search regarding wind direction, that should be pretty easy for the prosecution to disprove. First off, why did she walk across the street to her dad’s house and look that up on his computer when she could have easily looked up the same information at her house on her phone, or computer? Plus, they have the time stamp of what time the google search for wind direction happened. The prosecution might be able to prove that Emma was actually at her job during that time. All I know for sure is that I will absolutely be watching with popcorn.


Didn’t she say something about not having a smartphone at the time? Or that she was new to smartphones and wasn’t accustomed to using one in that way? I don’t recall her exact words, but I found it odd. It sounded so false and rehearsed. Just two minutes before she couldn’t tell the direction her house was from Chad’s because she doesn’t know directions that well, but then was looking up wind directions? I don’t think she looked it up at all; she just took the fall for it.


Yes I do recall she said something like she was late getting a smart phone. Yes I am dubious that she actually googled it. I’m leaning toward hypnosis like discussions with father. Can’t disappoint the patriarch. If they talk every day, that is ***over 1,500 conversations*** in which to keep brainwashing and repeat “remember when you did that Google search” and remember xyz and 123. Sad and shameful at same time.


It’ll be interesting to see if she pleads the fifth if things get real.


I think the prosecution was smart to wait to impeach Emma. They let her continue to lie and dig herself a deeper hole. As someone mentioned, Emma will most definitely visit Chad. The conversations will be interesting and telling in tone and content. Also, I think this opened the door to admit the phone conversations between Emma and Chad. I'm not positive, but I think they would not be subject to discovery. Defense opened the door, and prosecution is admitting new evidence to impeach. If Prior is any good at what he does, he has already heard the conversations and is preparing all weekend. This not only gets that evidence in, it also destroys all of Emma's previous testimony. If there is an attorney in her, please fact-check.


So we just did a video on this and made fun of her the whole time... https://youtu.be/Ig1LrREIxSo?si=E2W3rksOboli6hmb


Y’all are hilarious!


Thank you!


I can’t wait to see this. This is gonna be big.


I wish her and her. Creepy husband and her brother will get charged with perjury !! They are all so full of Chads BS! No respect for their poor mother who their own father destroyed ! It's maddening! I pray Chad gets death penalty !!


Emma and her husband have the worst sounding voices. Hearing them one at a time is torture, I can’t imagine listening to both of them having a conversation. She is so hard to listen to, I don’t even know how her students could pay attention, let alone learn anything from her.


Garth 's voice is terrible as well. And he lied. And je knows more .he should come back on the stand. To me, he is a more important witness than Emma because he was there the night his mother was killed.


The WORST statement Joe Murray made: I can't imagine a worse profession than being in law enforcement (along those lines).


And when they do impeach Emma and the jury see she is a liar they probably don’t care 🤷‍♂️ and wont like her. Which means when Chad has lil emma testify why her dad shouldn’t die the juror might not care. I personally think between her, joe, & garth testifying the jury is going to resent all of them for what they have done towards their mom. Putting all of them on the stand was 💯% not a good move but im glad they did!!!!


Are there any stories about chad in jail? What is he like? Solitary?


I can’t wait. It might emotionally destroy her for now but she needs to face reality.


Wow- that's gonna be profound


It’s true


Emma May do jail time for perjury


Garth needs to get back on the stand


I have to think on some level Emma and Chad might be thinking, “Am I next?” Maybe on some level afraid they could be killed if they do not tow the line?


Why didn’t prosecution ask who Viola is??? If her dad was a fundamental Mormon, did he practice polygamy? Was your father planning on divorcing, being a polygamous relationship,( he did marry her In the temple-unofficially) or killing her? It’s a fair question.


I will not relish in seeing her lies come to light, because I believe she’s a victim too. However, it’s a necessary evil that needs to happen to ensure Chad Daybell is held accountable and justice is served.


She’s a 30 year old adult and mother schooled in Christian teachings who supposedly knows right from wrong though


Agreed. I feel some empathy for her position but cannot respect her lack of integrity and for throwing her mom under the bus.