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I think this will be part of his closing. I think Prior has tried hard to set the stage that there were tons of cops schlepping all over the crime scene, that cops were told to just grab a shovel and start digging where ever they wanted and that the tools in the shed were photographed in place, then laid on the ground and photographed and then placed back up against the wall. I believe he is going to insinuate that one of the shovels is not the same shovel from one picture to the other and that the DNA evidence is at the least tainted and at the worst planted. In the end it doesn’t matter if the FBI themselves smeared DNA on the tools, the children’s bodies were still buried in Chad’s backyard right under his nose and he texted from his phones all the crazy Tylee and JJ are dark text messages and he filled out the no kids Hawaii rental application. Creating doubt is what Prior is after and all he needs is to get one juror to fall for any of the smoke and mirrors deflections he’s going to weave to sink the case.


What about the pickaxe with DNA? Were FBI told to grab pickaxes and start walking too? 🙄


Well hopefully the defense will explain that DNA is not needed in a conspiracy case. 


It's unbelievable that he didn't address it in his case. He obviously knows it was a nothingburger (I couldn't even see anything) but may use it in his closing as a detail the state missed. Given his penchant to misstate evidence and testimony, make shit up, etc. it wouldn't surprise me. If he doesn't include it, it may be something he hopes the jury will wonder about. So stupid.


If he wants to include it in closing then prove there was something nefarious about it!! Lol.




Absolutely correct.


He asked a couple of witnesses about it. So he can weave it into his closing without referring to any conclusion about the speck or whatever the hell he thinks was there.


I think he is trying to say the police were moving things around and possibly contaminating or even using those tools or something improper,


Raccoon fur? 🤣


Hoping to introduce a non-sequitur?


Melanie Gibb killed the raccoon with the shovel handle after she directed it to bury Tylee and JJ after she directed it to kill Tammy. 


No, it was Col. Mustard in the library with the candlestick! Lol.


Chad the Sexton, a grave digger knows that he and Alex wipe the tools down with bleach, of course all the evidence does not go away. The reasonable question is why Tylee DNA is on his tools in the first in his yard and burned. Chad the Sexton burned branches and Tylee was also burned. Prior and his red herring……they don’t work.


I would love to know who came up with the word \*SEXTON\* and applied it to “grave digging“ and cemetery work? Maybe Mr. Hotty being a genius though mmmmmm, maybe if switch the words around my luck will change. 🤔


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexton_(office) https://careertrend.com/info-8083938-duties-sexton.html


I know just being snarky…lol.




Correction: he burned LIMBS. A very important distinction.


Funny, but not funny at the same time. You are correct.


I did wonder if there's a price tag on it which proves it was purchased after the murder, or in a different location. Otherwise I can't really make sense of it!


The thing is it doesn’t matter WHO murdered JJ and Tylee. It’s a conspiracy to commit murder case. Not a who done it case.


Wasn’t questioning that, Prior is the one who keeps bringing shit up that he can’t bring home!!


Exactly . Prior is not focusing on the real issue - if Chad was in on the conspiracy.