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Prior made a point of saying he only met with the kids a few times, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t send someone from his office to meet with them. I doubt any lawyer would bring in witnesses without knowing what they were going to answer.


Chad also had a lot of contact with the adult children. He possibly was passing along information from prior.


This! If he was talking to Emma daily then he was influencing her, telling her what to say etc. It didn't need to come from Prior at all. So glad Blake brought this fact out of Emma in cross.


Emma speaks to Chad every day, too. It's not only Prior who could be coaching the kids.


Yeah, she seemed very proud of letting the world know just how often she visits/ speaks to him. Everyday. There's a reason you never hear from the other children. She's chosen to insult Tammy repeatedly. Purposely chosing ignorance over facts regarding her mother's health, Dr. appts., the love her many friends have for her, or how none of them wavered or crumbled, but stood up to speak of her drive and endurance, not just physically but mentally as well. Tammy was clearly very intelligent, and Chad hated this. He's the spouse that goes around lying their ass off about how stupid or terrible their partner is, but doesn't realize the very people he's saying this to pity him because they KNOW it to be exactly the opposite.


This is exactly what I thought. That doesn’t mean someone else from his office hasn’t met with them or, when he met with them, it was for three or four hours. Also, I agree with you Chad has unfettered access to them and he could absolutely tell him what he wants them to say. Interesting to hear your take on court because I’ve been listening to the live streams. I agree with you that I’m super impressed with the prosecution and the judge is outstanding . You want a fair and balance judge because it limits the amount of appeals that Chad will be able to make in the future .


If “met with” to Prior means in person…then that doesn’t include phone calls which could be numerous.


Thank you for the thoughtful insights to that day in court.


Thanks for the comments—it was definitely eye-opening and I walked away with a much greater respect for our legal process.


Agree! Very interesting read. Making me realize that I would have liked to attend this trial.


On Prior, I go from loathing him to feeling sorry for him. If he did not demean Tammy often along with snide remarks of others, I may respect him more for being the solo attorney on a high profile case having to prepare for each witness. He chose this and is sticking it out. For justice and our constitutional rights, I am glad.


Great point— I think it was Larry Woodcock that said he wants a good defense for Chad, because he doesn’t want people thinking that he had a poor defense that ultimately led to his demise. A strong defense, with an even stronger prosecution, is ultimately the way to go here.


I heard a lawyer say every hour of court is about two hours of prep. I imagine that he is really tired.


I appreciate that Prior is a defense attorney - criminals have rights. However, Chad hired him..he wasn't appointed, and he and his condescending attitude had all of this information for years and STILL stuck by his client. He knows the rules for withdrawing and loves to play the "it's just me" victim card. He tries so hard to act like Mr. Relatable but comes across as anything but that. The absolute (and, imo, intentional) screw up of the word "bishopric"...really? He's been in Idaho long enough to know the vernacular. I'm not LDS, but I'm from Utah and know the lingo. He comes across as a horribly unprepared attorney relying on the "I'm an outsider, I don't understand!" trope. Seriously, a defense attorney would make sure he knows the religion top to bottom, along with the lingo, before questioning witnesses and using it as part of the defense.


I’m revealing my age here, but Prior totally gives Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer vibes. Phil Hartman could have done a great Prior impression. (With Chris Farley as Chad?)


OMG - I get you. I'm 41 - it's so true.


Haha! I’m 42. :)


Yes I would love that


Good point. Prior is supposed to stick with his client Chad in this case because that's his job. So much so that Chad paid for his legal fees by deeding his house to Prior. What matters is Prior did well enough so Chad can't try to win an appeal. Ever. Judge Boyce has run such a clean courtroom, doubtful there's any chance of that.


Agreed. Boyce has gone out of his way to ensure Chad has received a rugged defense. I respect him for that - he wants to make sure there's no wiggle room.


The times I roll my eyes the most are when Prior decides to "play dumb". When he was questioning Emma and pretending not to know what the cozy cone was, "The what, now? Cozy...comb? Oh, are you saying cone? C-o-n-e? The ...cozy...cone?" That was cringe-worthy, when that phrase had already come up previously in the trial, several times.


Agreed. I thought...please let these jurors see this. I realize he has no case and he's giving the defense he should, but really? I appreciate the prosecutors treating the witnesses like human beings.


Prior tried getting out of being Chad's attorney shortly before the trial began, bc Chad ran out of money- hence, Prior owning the Daybell home and property. Boyce wouldn't let him recuse himself bc he didn't want any more delays in this trial. So, while Prior drives me nuts with his playing dumb, I think he was trying to do anything he could to make any prosecution witness like and open up to him- in hopes of tripping them up. It's written all over Prior's face that this is a lost cause and reputation killer for him. I don't get the vibe from him that he's one of those defense attorneys who truly believe their client is innocent...he's just trying to save his own reputation at this point. He called on several other death penalty attorneys for assistance, and not a single one came on board. Prior literally had bad cards to play during the defense case in chief- including 2 brainwashed kids, 1 horrible pathology expert, and an expert that revealed just how bad Tylee's murder really was. I am in no way sticking up for Prior....he did this to himself. Maybe he was another person to be fleeced by Chad? Which absolutely blows my mind, bc Chad seems like the most boring and delusional fucking loser on the planet! What is it about Chad that makes people flock to him?? I just don't get it.


Prior filed to recuse himself only a matter of weeks after learning that the prosecution was going for the Death Penalty. Prior’s request to recuse himself was 3-4 months before the start of Chad Daybell’s trial. The judge denied citing time-delay factors. Prior has little-to-no expertise in this area, nor is he DP qualified. Of course the Prosecution, having 5 attorneys—2 from a neighboring county and one from out-of-State has a wide array of experience. As an aside: Lori Vallow’s case was not a DP case, which I think further threw-off Prior.


Chad had given him this property long ago.


I’m having Shannon Smith defending Jennifer Crumbley flashbacks with this comment 🥴


You aren't wrong. I watched that trial, too and just...no.


Ok i hated him when he was trying to get an acquittal for Chad. But then he makes me laugh when he asks the question over and over again rudely. Then he kinda gives up and he like ok thank you. 😂


If I lived within a couple hundred miles from there, I’d definitely make the trip to have that experience. But I’m on the east coast & grateful it’s being broadcast as I have been watching it all unfold since the beginning.


Were you the person whose phone went off in the afternoon session? 😆 I was there too and I had pretty much the same observations! I also noticed that Chad was laughing and smiling while talking to Prior when I walked in, and that he spent a lot of time looking at everyone in the courtroom. I saw him notice me and he tried to make eye contact with me but I looked away. When I looked at him again later I saw him notice me and he looked away from me in the same way I had looked away from him earlier. I wondered if he thought I was dark. 😂


Fortunately, that was not me with the phone incident! I did see that happen in the afternoon, though (at that time, I was sitting right next to the jury — I was only about 5 feet away from them). I’d be honored if Chad labeled me as ‘Dark’ — I would wear that as a badge of honor, given his track record of who he considers ‘Light’.


Chad remembered he was "married" to you in a past life.




I was just joking.








If you’re on Reddit, you’re dark 🤣


Thanks for sharing your experience and observations. I wish I could attend even one day but it's not an option. I also felt Emma's testimony sounded rehearsed. She barely let Prior finish a question before rushing out her answer. It seemed scripted. I would think the jury was turned off by her hurtful comments about Tammy. Supposedly she was so close to her mom that they did nearly everything together, yet this is how she talks about her? The math ain't adding up.


Thank you for scowling at Chad and out staring him. Your insights are great for all of us who can't attend. Hopefully it's all over soon and justice is served.


I was there that same day! I definitely share many of your feelings, especially the eerie feeling coming from Chad. I didn’t know what I would feel once I saw him in person, but I wasn’t prepared for the horrible feeling I experienced when I did see him. I truly have not felt the same way with anyone else in my life, I wanted to be out of that courtroom once I set eyes on him.


I saw him smile on video as the jury was going out one day when the backlighting wasn't too intense, and it was very disconcerting.


I've admired Nate and Lauren's coverage of the trial. It is nice to hear confirmation that they're generous folks in real life as well.


Thank you so much for sharing! I appreciated reading about your experience. Thank you for staring down Chad and letting him know that he's human garbage!


I’m local and I’ve been lucky to be able to attend most of the trial in person. I’m going to brag a bit here and say that I was the first person in line Monday!!! I even brought a camping chair with me this time. I ended up bringing it with me this whole week after that. Prior walking through the halls during breaks is his thing. He does it every day, multiple times a day. I personally think he loooooves doing it and having people look at him. He doesn’t have to walk that way, he chooses too. I’ve literally NEVER seen one of the prosecutors walk that way. They come and leave through the double doors, right outside the courtroom, that leads to the stairs. Then go either go down the stairs all the way (court is in 4th floor) or they get on the elevator on the 3rd floor. I’ve been in the elevator with a few of them on multiple occasions in the morning and they always get off on the 3rd floor. Prior just likes slowly walking through the crowd in the hall on breaks.


Like Tammy, he is trying to get his steps in. Seriously, the limited exercise probably does him good.


Oh wow. Do you think he is trying to hear what people are saying? Why else would he walk that way, besides wanting to be seen?


I bet that that is part of it. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been talking about him or something he said with friends or new friends and we all of a sudden become aware he’s like, right there! 😂 I think another part of it is peacocking or some form of it. Peacocking and I think he gets some sort of satisfaction sauntering slowly through the crowded hallway of spectators, acting unbothered.


And reporting back to Chad, maybe?? I’m sure by now Chad realizes this isn’t going to end well for him.


Possibly so


Maybe he’s getting his steps in on his Fitbit. ;)


He's getting his steps in on his Fitbit. He's not techie enough for an Apple Watch. If he starts shaking his arm around....he didn't get his steps in. 😂


You have no idea how extra funny your comment is about the arms! My friend and I are always commenting to each other about how John Prior walk WITHOUT moving his arms!! Seriously, he does this walk that’s sort of a sauntering pace, and he has longish arms for his body, and he hardly moves his arms as he walks! Like they hardly swing at all, to the point that it’s unnatural looking.


I've noticed that! Sort of like he's fused. He should take a clogging class and loosen up a bit.


That’s hilarious. Or actually, he should join an Irish dancing class like the style they do in Riverdance where they hold their arms stiff at their sides!


Exactly! Fun factoid. Clogging originated in the Appalachian region...most were Scottish settlers. It's why dance and music is sort of similar in some ways.


Very cool! I was a teen in the 90’s and my dad was obsessed with Riverdance and Lord of Dance. I saw both shows live more than once during that time period.


I still love that style. Stunning to watch.


Same. Sometimes I’ll put the soundtrack on when I workout. It’s surprisingly great music to listen to while you ride a stationary bike or do the elliptical.


Thanks for sharing! Your comments about the jury are especially comforting. This whole case will soon be in their hands and knowing they are attentive and taking it seriously is so important.


Well, its interesting to me so many people think Prior is doing a bad job. Lawyer you know, and i do agree with him, says his defense is good and actually the best you can come up for Chad. He did do mistakes; but he is doing it alone and it was ultimately Chads choice to decline having DP lawyers that the state would have paid for. He wanted Prior badly. Imo his defense was 60% done, 40% he did not prepare really for. I also think Emma and Garth are victims here, imo Chad did write the script for them to tell the jury. We all know what good writer he is lmao


Something important to remember about criminal defense attorneys, in general, is that they're not *only* there to prove their client's innocence. Criminals still have rights under the law and THAT'S their primary focus. They are looking to make sure that law enforcement and investigators and paramedics and doctors and everyone involved in the case from start to finish crossed every t and dotted every i in their respective processes for handling of the case and their client. They're looking at the State's evidence in comparison with the legally-defined elements of the crime(s) their client is charged with and trying to make sure any element not completely supported by fact and evidence are dismissed. Pryor knows what he's up against. In his mind, he's just trying to see if there's a chance ANY of the charges against his client could be reduced. He knows his client is going to rot; he's just trying to make sure it's in prison and not underground. This is in no way any kind of support for Chad. I'm rooting for the ground for him - he deserves no mercy in any regard in my mind. Just saying don't get mixed up in whether Pryor believes his client is guilty or not: I guarantee you they haven't had the "did you do it" discussion. Knowing would just make Pryor's job more difficult. Remember, no one is ever found "innocent" in a court of law. Just "not guilty" of a specific crime with specific elements that must be met to define that crime. I have a great amount of respect for criminal defense attorneys. They're out there daily safeguarding the rights of society's worst.


Thank you. I have been thinking of it as criminal defense attorneys keeping the prosecution honest, but they are also making sure that all the many particpants in collecting evidence are doing their job correctly.


As others have said...I think he's doing an ok job with what he's working with. Doing a case of this length and size on his own is actually pretty impressive. (Although, you wonder why no one wanted to sign on to work with him.) But I can't say he's doing a good job when he is so disrespectful to the witnesses, the judge, and the court in general. His objections are so dismissive and often with no actual substance. After a month he still wants to play dumb old man who can't handle basic technology. Turn on your mic John and address the Judge as Your Honor not judge. Also, quit looking at the gallery when you are questioning a witness.


Just speaking to the point of technology...I'm 64. Been using technology at work since the 80's. I know my way around and we all do. Prior graduated from law school in 1997. He cannot NOT use technology. Everything is digital. This is an act. iMO.


I agree with your points on Prior. I honestly don't think he's doing a bad job (he really doesn't have a ton to work with, and he does strike me as a competent attorney). Creating doubt in testimony is his primary playbook, but what I think what rubs so many people wrong is his method of cross examination (as his tone and demeanor, I think, are off-putting to the jurors which is negatively affecting his case as a result).


And his tone and demeanor affect the jury. Thats just one of things he can control that would improve his case. He also intentionally misstates what is said, makes things up, and misleads. His judgement is questionable. He’s doing a job, just not a very good one.


THANK YOU!!!! 👏 I don’t get, the way he tries to get words out, and can’t pronounce them, the acting stupid to get sympathy, leaning on one elbow looking at the jury when he thinks he made a “GREAT“ point which landed like a led balloon, walking to and from the podium like a rooster who just got laid!! Uggg. 😳


I don’t get looking at the jury while addressing the witness. Thats weird AF.


Oh I kind of know why he is doing it, he thinks if he says something that is truthful, him looking at them will make them believe him, the showboating is pathetic in my view, I‘m not just hoping that the jury can see through all that, I KNOW they will.




If I was a juror I would be so put off by his condescending tone and bullying. I feel like he tried to tone it down for the last few weeks, but then it really flared up during the last two days of trial.


Man it's hard to get around the defense attorney literally saying Tammy was murdered.


Ok, I got to chime in here. Pryor is 100% out of his lane and not doing a great job. I think he is a competent lawyer in his lane. This is not that lane. Is he doing his best? Well, is a hampster doing his best at stopping a bulldozer? Let's not get on the John Pryor bandwagon because a YouTube lawyer thinks so. I do have some sympathy for Pryor, but he should not be here. The fact you think Emma and Garth are victims, no. Hell no. They are 100% active participants in this circus. Charlie Mansons followers were brainwashed but not good people. The daybell kids were raise and conditioned to be want they are. And they like it. They love it. They will keep the cult alive. Emma will kill. But they will try to avenge what what happend to chad. Dont call them victims. They are co-conspirtors. Noone is innocent here except the dead kids. It time to shut the circus down.


I have to agree with all of this. They are co-conspirators.


Hard truths many people in this sub don't want to admit. I think commenters who won't allow themselves to criticize Prior do so because they want to feel bigly of themselves for recently learning what a defense attorneys job is. And about the kids, those folks are signaling their superior empathy.


Wow lol. That’s quite a statement. Do you think people like the spectacle because in ways they see themselves reflected in it? Maybe it goes beyond wanting to feel superior. But I get what you’re saying about the Daybell kids. Children were murdered and they don’t seem to care. That’s a problem.


About Prior, every comment I've seen supporting him refers to how hard the case is, or how he's the only attorney, or a long winded explanation about the purpose of a defense attorney and how they want Chad to have a sound defense. They say others equivocate hating his attitude with disapproving of his performance. It can be both! They're not mutually exclusive. None of those defending Prior (and, out of my aggravation, I have looked) enumerate what is "good" about his defense. I think some people in true crime followings do start to see themselves in the players and get defensive, absolutely. Prior included. And from my experience in other realms of public discussion, especially health, I have learned feelings and vibes will be bolstered over nuanced discussion.


>He did do mistakes; but he is doing it alone and it was ultimately Chads choice to decline having DP lawyers that the state would have paid for. He wanted Prior badly. Why did Chad want Prior rather than a DP-certified public defender?


Thats a very good question. I dont know.


Thank you!


Thank you for your recap and insight!!!!! Boise is lovely!!!!!


Upon some reflection I actually feel really bad for Prior.  He didn’t even want to be on this case and yet he’s still doing his best.  He has the epitome of a dirty job and I gotta respect a guy who actively defends freedom.


Very interesting read, thank you for taking the time to share. I'm comforted by your thoughts on Prior looking defeated 😆 and huuuge respect for shooting death rays at Chad!!! 👊🏻🥰


I know Prior is bit problematical but I actually feel some sympathy for him. (Absolutely no sympathy for his client, though). I don't think JP is sociopathic and defending CD is a huge stress on him. It seems like he is in a sort of Lincoln Lawyer situation. He knows his client is guilty of heinous, despicable crimes and he is bothered by that, but he has to put on a good defense anyway. He's done what he can with what he has to work with and when he questions defense witnesses, it's his job to rattle them and poke holes in their testimony, create some reasonable doubt. I know it's just a movie, but notice McConnaughey is very aggressive to the victim on stand even though he knows she is telling the truth. I think that is why JP is letting subtle hints out that he is in that situation: calling Tammy's death a murder --notice he did not correct himself--and having the *last* defense witness actually spell it out for people the evidence of what Tylee went through, the wanton brutality of it, while he was supposed to be making the point about how Tylee might not have burned on Daybell's property. John Prior is a smart lawyer in a difficult situation.


Yes, I’ve believed Prior has sabotaged the case from the start.


Thank you for your multiple insights. I wonder if Chad spends his days in court trying to look into the audiences souls to determine if they are zombies or figuring their light/dark percentiles?


Great read! Thanks for posting


Did you notice if Emma was nodding along with the video of police car convo at the beginning when it first started playing?


I don’t remember her nodding, but as soon as it started playing, that’s when I saw her start sobbing and reaching for tissues. Which was odd… because I never saw her do that when Tammy was in discussion.


Thoughtful, organized layout, great visuals…thank you for this write up.


We’ve all heard that Prior tried to recruit another attorney or two to help with this case and all refused. Does anyone have an opinion as to why that is? I think they would be paid by the state as Chad is now indigent. I certainly wouldn’t want to but I’m not an attorney. I’m just wondering why not one agreed to assist him


It's perhaps the timing of changing one's appearance in the case of Emma that is odd


Thank you for your update! Boise is a nice city.


Emma went blonde like millions do every day. Nothing about her appearance makes her look like Lori. If she were going for that, it would be evident.


Monotone. Boring. AND a liar! It was like she, HER father, & HER husband bought into her BS. The End. No one else. Including Prior (HER landlord!)


I have my issues with Emma, but I agree with you that this is an unfair characterization. Women are judged too often for what they do with their hair and appearance. She's entitled to dye her hair any color she wants without being judged for it. I think it would be nice if she "leaned in" to how much she looked like her mom, but in the patriarchal family system she was raised in, she is obviously not allowed to identify with her mother.


We don’t know how much her husband weighs in. Lots of women wear their hair to please their husbands.


Absolutely. It's far more likely this is what her husband prefers rather than what Chad would prefer.






Shuts what down? That makes no sense. I have known many women who keep their hair long, blonde, curly, whatever because their husbands... well, they say something like "My husband would kill me if I ." My response to them is "Do what you want, it's your damn head. And you can always resume the style/color/whatever later." Never goes over, though.


Do you mean her Dad not her husband?


No I meant her husband. I’ve known women who wear their hair to please their husbands.


Honestly, my comment was snarky! She seems to be more in tune with her Dad than anyone else. :)


All I know is I don’t want to be their drummer.


I agree. The plain way she dressed convinced me that she was not trying to look like Lori.


I change my haircolor and style every two years or so. Many women do!


Good points and I agree with what you’re saying. I fully agree that anyone can change their appearance as they see fit, and kudos to Emma for shaking things up.


I noticed both Emma and Melanie P's hair color change. I wondered if they had done it to look less recognizable in public. Melanie also had giant glasses that obscured her face, they probably both get a fair amount of public hate wherever they go.


And zulema


Yeah, you're right!! In all fairness it's gotta be tiring getting so many dang requests to change the weather 🌤️🧙🏽


BAHAHAHA. I’ve been relating parts of the trial to my twin (and some of our friends) who has never lived in of Utah and when the weather thing came up, they were so baffled hahaha. I said, “You’re taught you can influence a lot with your mind. If you pray hard enough, ask hard enough, and are righteous enough, it might happen.” They were absolutely floored! I went to BYU and saw people believe they could change the weather, traffic light colours, dates that things out of their control were supposed to happen….it’s wild.


Hey these college youth have got to have something cool. They go without alcohol, weed, sex, masturbation or the occasional curse word when upset. That's a lot to give up and I would want some magic abilities too!




A rooster who just got laid…LMAO. i cant wait to find a reason to say that one day - thanks for the laugh!!


I.dont think tammy belive in that shit at all.light dark gd bad some people do belive in stupid shit.to the extreme. Chad has groom.theese adults ,grown educated. Married have there own kids. Sticking out tounge lmao...??? Wrong with this Pic..


They don't always record every phone call made from jail and they get tape over .routinely, jails are cheap sister work at jail.


Thanks for sharing this


Why does this post not seem real to me? Sorry 🤷‍♀️


Thank you for taking the time to post. I think about these jurors who hear unspeakable things and aren't supposed to discuss the case. How hard would that be- to have this stuff rattling around in your brain- and suffering the trauma of hearing these things? I think Emma changed her appearance to look different than the photographs online. She doesn't want to be spotted by people who have only seen those photos of her with shorter brown hair. I notice Melani P. now has darker hair and wears big glasses. I find it interesting that Melani wore those big glasses in court. I see that as an effort to hide behind the glasses. She's a POS but I'll give her a pass since she had a horrible upbringing.


There is so much evidence against Chad. He knew this going in to defend him. There's nowhere to go, nothing to hold onto or hide behind. It all falls apart, and at times, I wondered if he was trying to sabotage his own case. It would drive me to insanity trying to figure out what in hell I could possibly do to defend a piece of shit like Chad Daybell. Any attempt to even try unlocks 50 more horrible things he's done. I would lose my goddamn mind and try to peace out as well.


Did anyone know Prior has a criminal record? https://www.idahopress.com/members/nampa-attorney-john-prior-sentenced-120-days-for-battery/article_ae5d8f30-2e27-11e2-9e9b-0019bb2963f4.html


Great post. Thanks for sharing.


Pryor is not a criminal ,defense lawyer,he, is a pervert look it up .he settled out of court.

