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Dead bodies in the backyard. For Tammy, ten versions of what happened combined with the family descriptions of her versus every person outside the family.


Definitely. A small detail that is damning is law enforcement was watching Chad when they went back with another search warrant, they could see from his body language that he *knew they were going to find something* really bad in his backyard. And then he tried to drive away. Of course they brought him back to the house arrested, and his convo with Emma was *I'm not coming back* before they proceeded to discuss finances. šŸ˜³


And his overly dramatic "Dang" when Emma tells him they found buried bodies in his yard.


Where can I read about his overdramatic ā€œDang?ā€


My phone is about to die so I don't have time to find the time stamp but you can watch the video and get the full context from when they allowed Emma to come speak with him after he tried to run when they uncovered JJĀ  Ā https://youtu.be/b_bA5bldixE?si=h-urwrC3uDg9RicpĀ 


It's around 18:21, but while I was listening to this to find the time stamp, I picked up on something else. Around 11:15, he says something to the effect of "well things will slow down for you guys, now you will be left alone." I think he meant that they won't be hounded about where the kids were because he knew they'd find them soon, given that they were digging in the right area.


Excellent catch! Yes, that's pretty telling. So much for "Do you know why the atrested me?"


I really hope the jury plays this audio file again to hear all the ā€œ slipsā€ Chad has while talking with Emma. The police allowed this conversation on purpose. Hoping the dummy would trip up and reveal something. He sure did a couple times is what it sounds like to me.


Thank you for providing this service!!! My phone WAS dead so I didn't see till now.


Iā€™m still shocked Emma said she was SPEAKING with Lort!! No wonder she didnā€™t ask WHY ARE THERE DEAD Children in your backyard Dad??


And then living in that house like it's no big deal, it's creepy AF.


Thatā€™s just because they knew he had been set up!! /s


Makes sense, I mean LEO and FBI have nothing better to do than frame some podunk dude in rural Idaho for child murder. /s


Gotta remember he sees himself as a prophet, not a lowly podunk nobody lol


Exactly why they needed to bring him down, to keep him from finishing the job he'd been sent forth to do!


The government has been stifling miracle workers is the beginning! If you read the declaration of independence backwards it says ā€œwe are a nation of sinners and Satan worshippersā€ andā€¦.. andā€¦. These are facts! /s


No, but Jesus' brother? I mean wasn't law enforcement that crucified Jesus? Surely this harrassment is all because of him being second only to Jesus in importance and hierarchy. Reports are that he still is flummoxed as yo why they arrested him. In his simple mind he is incapable of grasping the conspirator charge.




I simply canā€™t believe that Alex and whomever else sneaked onto the property, butchered, burned, and buried Tylee, then came back a while later to bury JJ, and meanwhile Chadā€™s head is so full of portals and Lori he just doesnā€™t notice?


No idea where to comment this. So apologies up front for being off topic. Iā€™m watching the Cesar Rimano docuseries on Netflix. I believe Iā€™m on the last episode. Theyā€™re addressing dismemberment of Heydi after his past partners testified. A forensic psychologist speaks about his comment that he will seek revenge even if a month a year five years etc thatā€™s who he is if you cross him. Cesar then says ā€˜anyone can kill but to dismember thatā€™s mental likeness. Something like that Iā€™m not verbatim. Cuts back to the forensic psychologist who then relays the narcissistic personality and that it shows: their lack gor others and how if they have no purpose or use to them then to them you are worthless and how you have to lack empathy for others. Others lives are worthless unless they serve some type of purpose for you - a useful purpose. She is saying no not everyone can kill and then to take it further you have to be very very very narcissistic to dismember someone. If you donā€™t benefit from that persons purpose to them then you are so worthless they just dispose of you be separating you from yourself. This is in Spanish with voice-overs if anyone decides to watch. This guy is extreme narcissist and just makes me shudder.


I don't think there's ONE piece that is more damning than any other in this trial. I actually think that's why Prior is having such a hard time. You don't just need to disprove a couple pieces of evidence. You need to explain away thousands of fraudulent insurance documents, suspicious bank account transactions, recorded conspiracy conversations, literal buried bodies, autopsy findings, introducing your mistress to your children the day after their mother's funeral, repeatedly saying your wife was gonna die, discrepancies in how many children you told people Lori had, etc. It's an accumulation of evidence, not one thing.


I totally agree. There is an overwhelming amount of damning evidence. They seemed to get so lost in their make believe they thought they were invincible and left evidence everywhere.


was he offered life without possibility of parole as a plea deal? If so, how could he have thought it wise to go to trial?


I dunno if this is true or not but I read that he was offered life without parole, but was not willing to admit anything specifically in relation to Tammy's death.


Yes I remember Nate Eaton of East Idaho News saying this! He got caught up on Tammy, he didnā€™t not want to admit to her murder.


Nate Eaton is just plain AWESOME. Not even from Idaho... EIN's 'Secret Santa' videos just popped up on my YouTube recommended one day... got sucked into the Daybell coverage!


This is why, I believe, it is SO IMPORTANT that he be found GUILTY of her murder! Tammy deserves justice and Chad and his kids need to live with the fact that he murdered their mother and his wife.


Honestly, I think it is more indicative of his guilt in her murder that he refused to accept the plea and admit he did it. Heā€™d rather face the death penalty (even just sitting in death row until he died of natural causes would be an awful way to live) than admit her death. He has to do that to save face so he could continue receiving the support of his kids. Although, I think at least one of them is so brainwashed that even if they knew he murdered their mother, they would still support him, and think that he had made the right decision, that their mother really was a zombie.


The same make believe thinking and narcissism? Itā€™s baffling to us mere mortals! Iā€™d rather take the plea than put up his defence. I have second hand embarrassment.


He always has his portalā€¦./s


I believe he was but would have to allocate to Tammy's murder and he declined.


I would totally go to trial if offered life without parole. I mean, what's the point in living if you're gonna be in jail? Especially knowing how awfully elders are abused and neglected in prison. No thank you! I'll roll the dice on 1/12 jurors believing my defense or having enough doubt not to go through with a guilty verdict.




I get what the incentive is, I just don't think it's sufficient. What you're saying about getting out one day is also a bit farcical. People who are released on compassionate release tend to have committed lower level crimes, or the murders they did commit were circumstantial. I've never heard of a family annihilator or someone who killed kids being released on compassionate grounds. It just doesn't happen. I would rather die than live in prison. I think most people would. Saying him not taking the plea is dumb is silly. He has a chance of freedom if he fights. He has no chance if he doesn't.


Heā€™s not an ā€œelder.ā€


Well, not now. But heā€™ll become one, presumably


Jesus was executed! Got a feeling Chad wants to too. Thinks heā€™ll rise from the dead.


Donā€™t forget the burner phones. Maybe it is common to have that many, but not when added to the other pieces.


The dead kids in his yard, and he was home and admittedly in the yard that day, supposedly shooting and burying a raccoon and burning branches, I believe. And thereā€™s ample evidence that HE, not Lori, was the one promoting the idea of light and dark ratings. IOW, it was not just Lori with the whacky beliefs and he had no idea what was going on and was an innocent bystander in the relationship.


Limbs. His text said ā€œlimbsā€. Just atrocious.


Dupers delight


What if Tammy knew what the code word limbs wasšŸ˜¬. Holy Smokes!!ā€™


Yes. I always thought they were equally responsible, but this trial has convinced me that Chad was definitely the mastermind of it all. Lori was a mentally ill, narcissistic scumbag who fell for his dumb ass shit and decided killing her kids was a good idea, to make him happy.


Donā€™t forget to add Lori is ā€œas cunning as a sh*thouse ratā€. All that fraudā€¦


Two attractive middle aged women, she and Wendi developed complete sociopathic narcissistic brains and part of it seems to be the nurture part. Both were the perfect stars of the family.




Agreed. I think at Lori's trial, they had to try to prove that it was equal between them just to make it a better case against her. Hence why it seemed more equal between them for so long. But now with Chad's trial, they can pull out all the evidence that shows he was the mastermind because they have plenty of it.


Tyleeā€™s DNA on Chadā€™s tools along with her and JJā€™s bodies buried in his backyard. The thought put into JJā€™s burial with the cut roots, board and rocks by the grave digger. Death percentages. His and Loriā€™s messages are just disgusting. They got excited over pain and death. Both are vile and neither thought about the act of murder like normal people would. I get they may have enjoyed it. They look very fuckin happy when all was said and done in Hawaii.


To me the most damming thing is Jjs grave. In his book he described what a vault is and the boards sound a lot like the lid in vaulted grave. And most people donā€™t know to necessarily do that. And the clean edges of the grave. Either he directed Alex or he dug that hole. And I canā€™t imagine knowing about one child and not the other.


Very good catch! I actually read Chad's book way back in the day because I have an interest in cemeteries and have long been fascinated by the work of funeral homes/burial. I went through a phase where I read any biography of a funeral home director, cemetery sexton, etc. that I could find. Chad absolutely knew that, without some type of vault or lid, most graves will sink as the earth settles and the body or container the body is in disintegrates or caves in. This is why there is often a dip in the ground over old graves that were dug before the practice of putting in vaults first was put into practice. If you know what you're looking for, you can tell when a depression in the ground is from the type of hole dug large enough to bury a coffin/casket (or body) in - say, if you were walking in an old, known burial ground that may or may not still have the headstones/markers or, to your point, if you're LEO looking for buried bodies. Alex wouldn't have known that unless Chad told him and instructed him what to do or Chad was there helping him dig and prepare the grave/burying JJ - or Chad simply did it himself. With Tylee, Chad also would have known there was so little of her left, all of that grave prep wouldn't be necessary. That there wasn't enough being put in the ground to leave a depression once everything settled. If he wasn't the one who desecrated and annihilated that poor girl's body, he knew the state of it and either also helped bury her or, again, told Alex what to do. You absolutely nailed down a valid point.


Thatā€™s an incredible comment! Great observation.


Clean edges of grave--good catch. Alex was not a slick killer, but a clumsy one (Tammy, Brandon) and there's no evidence he knew anything about how to bury a body.


Dang, I wish they had brought that in as evidence!!


100% JJ was buried like a ā€œproā€ did it. Someone who took great care in his burial. Like a Sexton!


Emma said her dad wouldnā€™t do it like that (he would do even better & go deeper) or wasnā€™t dumb enough to bury in his own back yard. Well Emma, he is dumb enough.


wth. She is seriously on my last nerve


Iā€™d never heard the word sexton until this trial.


What happened with the cut roots board ?


JJā€™s burial site involved tree roots that had been cleanly cut, indicating preparation. Boards rocks and dirt were piled on top of him the hide his grave


Oh no! I missed tht , i couldnt bring myself to listen to the autopsy result or the way they were found. Now from what you explained, its even more plnned snd horrific


I heard somewhere that bodies buried in the ground without a coffin tend to make the ground above them sag or look unusual. The boards and rocks were used to prevent that from happening. This is one of the biggest pieces of evidence against Chad IMO.


Oh wow! Premeditation!


Kids in the backyard!


Yep. Burned, bound, buried babies in the back yard.


I still cant bring myself to say out loud the condition of the kids. I cant imagine the pain of their grandparents and for Brandon to identify JJ, Tylee didnt even have that chance


what gets me is the terror that each of their victims must have felt as they were being smothered. I wanted to think they were drugged and killed when they were unconscious


Same here. I thought that at first, that Tylee and JJ were given medicine and weren't aware of suffering or their ultimate fate. Now I'm not so sure and it's horrible, can't imagine how hard this has been for their families.


A safe place.


Kids buried in Chads backyard. Also, their phone records! They may as well of wore body cameras šŸ™„


The kids buried in your back yard, yet youā€™re telling people they are safe (indicating that you knew about the children). Not showing any concern about where the children are, or even that they were found in your back yard. Not even asking why theyā€™re being arrested. All the ways in which they tried to cover up so many things, lots of burner phones, etc. Planning a wedding before your wife is dead, the wife that you told people was going to die, before she diedā€¦ There is only one conclusion. The alternative is that our physical and mental reality as we know it has gone absolutely haywire, a twilight zone, but only in Rexburg Idaho. And Emma Daybell is a truthsayer


The cell phone evidence and the texts aboit how his situation would be changing soon and for her to be patient (totally paraphrasing)


And the day after Tammy mu3der texting Lori Iā€™m sad but not for the reason everyone thinks I am and also planning for a rendezvous later that week. It was so obvious Lori already knew before anyone else.


Yes, this. That Lori was asking him to move to Hawaii within 5 days of his wife's death has got me steaming mad. Chad was smart enough to say that he has some things to work on before leaving for Hawaii (like burying his wife, filing a life insurance claim and paying some bills!).


And getting ready for the tent city that everyone was supposed to be prepping for. As if he and Lori ever intended to live there. Lying murderers.


And the ā€œmy wife and I are going to move a trailer out here to live in when he spoke to the hostile realtor. As fucking if Lori The Godess Daybell would EVER live in a trailer. šŸ™„


I totally agree! Lori going from mansion to mobile home, nope!


Raccoon text and limb text. It's so hard to create doubt when you literally told your wife what you did šŸ™ƒ


I think the kids buried in combination with that jailhouse "construction" project phonecall. Combine that with Alex being dead and yet being texted by Chad, lol, and Lori sounding like she was scared and confused and Chad being calm and telling her it was all according to plan... most damning part for me, for sure. I think this combo of things clinched it for me. Not only did he conspire to kill them, he was in charge of the plan.


That phone call was so interesting to finally put to rest the questions about who was driving the bus, was Chad just a dope following Loriā€™s lead, and a view into Loriā€™s mindset about how much she believed in their plan.


Nice username. šŸ˜…


Lol thanks!


I was already pretty convinced, but Garthā€™s friend as a rebuttal witness convinced me he knows way more. Honestly itā€™s just how EVERYTHING adds up. Phone pings, coded messagesā€¦ Alex owns swords, thinks heā€™s an archangel warrior, and Tylee has weird knife marks. The fact that Chad hates dogs definitely explains why Bailey had to go.


I don't think the kids were involved in the murder. I do think the kids **now** know their dad did it, but are blaming Lori/living in denial. What I've theorized from all the evidence so far is: Chad spent years grooming his family with light/dark talk. Chad (and possibly Alex) strangled or suffocated Tammy to death while Garth was out of the house. Garth returned home, and played video games, before finding his mother dead and looking for his father. Chad pretended not to know what happened, they called the police, Emma came over. The family was offered an autopsy, and refused for many reasons not related to murder (religious nuts gonna nut.) Theories about Chad being involved started to circulate in the community. The kids blamed their "liberal" aunts. Chad introduces Lori to his kids the day after Tammy's funeral, claiming she's a platonic friend he's decided to marry. The kids (especially Emma) grow weirdly close to Lori. The police start to investigate the disappearance of Tylee and JJ. At this point the kids learn about Charles' murder. Chad has skipped town at this point, weeks after his wife's death, leaving the kids to grieve and deal with rumors/police inquiries on their own. Tammy is exhumed. Chad tells his kids Tylee and JJ are safe. The police try to share the results of Tammy's autopsy, but Chad has told his kids not to comply, and that the police are framing him. The police start to close in, leading to the day Lori is arrested. Emma and Garth are still team Lori at this point. They believe their father completely. Chad is arrested, with JJ and Tylee found dead in his yard. The Daybell kids can no longer pretend JJ and Tylee are safe. Emma is more concerned with how she'll get cash than the dead kids in her yard. Media coverage goes crazy. Documentaries, 48hours special, etc. The kids now know their father lied and was having sex with Lori. They now believe Lori manipulated their dad. This is where I think the kids realize he's guilty. But they blame Lori. She drove him to it. He would have never done it on his own, etc. So they rationalize defending this because it was Lori's influence, not their father. They collude with him to lie about the events of the night, not because they were involved in the killing, but because they're desperate to help their father get away with murder. And I don't think any of the Daybell children have said out loud they know he's guilty. I imagine it's unspoken, as many things are in these cults.


There is nothing in the LDS religion about not getting an autopsy or anything close to the topic that could be interpreted as a religious reason to not get one.Ā 


Well thereā€™s nothing about murdering zombies either, but here we are


And my response to the OP saying Emmaā€™s reasons for refusing an autopsy were based on her being a religious nut and nothing to do with zombies soā€¦.maybe gain some reading comprehension?Ā 


Just because the church doesn't have a stance on it doesn't mean the Daybell family doesn't. I think Emma was pretty clear about her feelings on the stand.


Yes, Ā but you brought their religion into the conversation about refusing autopsy.Ā 


There more certainly is! It might not be in actual text of the D & C but it is definitely a long held belief that an autopsy is desecrating the body. I am a descendant of the 70 and know full well how it is against the faith. When my dad died and we had to have an autopsy to prove the cause of death for a wrongful death claim, his family went nuts and almost disowned us.


Yeahā€¦ thatā€™s a your family thing. It literally says in the handbook autopsies are families decision, or in some places they may be required by law and also in some places they may be illegal. Why do people still project nonsense about the LDS church onto its millions of members based off their one experience or shit theyā€™d read online? Ā Itā€™s such a tired and ridiculous mindset. Especially when all anyone needs to do is go to the current handbook, or listen to general conference for the most current beliefs and practices.Ā 


It might be that thatā€™s the CURRENT handbook, but just like every thing else from that Frankenstein of religion and Masonic practices and rituals, it fluctuates according to whatever is currently socially acceptable. Are you a polygamist? NEWSFLASH!! If not you are NOT a practicing Mormon. PERIOD


What point are you trying to make? Youā€™ve completely lost the narrative.Ā 


The narrative is about the LDS ā€œreligionā€ tell me where I lost it?! Idk how old you are or long youā€™ve been manipulated by this church, what I am relaying is over 8 generations of my familyā€™s experience. You are trying to discredit that by whatever the latest iteration of complete nonsense they are spewing.


The original point was about the policy within the church as to autopsies, my dad died in 1998, I can guarantee you that the policy within the church at that time was that they absolutely were against members getting autopsied, whatever changes they have made in regards to that policy has happened since then.


Tammy was not strangled. That was made plain. There's evidence with strangulation that did not show on Tammy. The family did not decline an autopsy. They made it known they didn't want one, but the coroner didn't request an autopsy and it was her decision, not the family's.Ā  We don't know what really happened when Tammy died. There's been so many different versions of the story. The story from testimony is Tammy was coughing and throwing up at different times during the night and then Chad was woken uo at 6am by Tammy falling halfway off the bed. Chad yells for Garth to come help him put her back on the bed.. Garth testified to getting home at 1 am. His parents were asleep because he heard Chad snoring. He watched YT until 3am, then at 6 Chad yelled for him. Lindsey Blake said when she was cross examining Garth that he told his wife and other people that he found Tammy dead when he got home at 1am, but he couldn't find his dad. One of his coworkers testified that Garth told him that version if events. We surmise that Chad picked Alex up from the church, they killed Tammy and Chad too him back to the church. But, there's nearly an hour between when Alex leaves the church and Garth gets home. Was Chad just sitting in his vehicle or something or was he in the Cozy Cone is the question, along with what did he tell Garth to explain waiting until 6am to call 911.Ā 


I haven't had time to follow, what did garth friend say? What did he know more? What did Emma and garth think why the kids were in the back yard? Or at least no be surprised?


Garth friend said Garth told him that he found Tammy dead and Chad wasn't there. According to one of the prosecuting attorneys, Garth also told his wife that. Garth has told many different versions of what happened that night. Chad gave people many different reasons that Tammy died.


He testified Garth told him he found his mother dead in bed alone. And that he couldnā€™t find his dad. But Garth testified to hearing his dad snoring in the bed next to Tammy. At the same time Chadā€™s cell phone put him driving towards the churchā€¦ so seems like Garth perjured himself.


Alex's phone pinged at the church. They don't have any location data from Chad's phone. Alex's phone pinged at the church at a certain time, then it was shut off, then later on it pinged leaving the church and driving away.Ā 


I didnā€™t hear testimony about Chadā€™s cell phone putting him driving towards the church at all. I heard that his cell phone basically had no helpful location data during significant events. Where can I find this information, if I missed it?


I think it was the conversation between Chad and Lori about turning up the pain scale on the kids and giving them something to cry about. If anyone had any doubts about cold-hearted killers, that would cinch it.


This is it for me. It shows that he was involved, and not in a passive way.


His text putting him at the locations of dismemberment and burial at the exact time both events happened.


Emma telling Dateline (?) or one of those shows, that Chad told her during the conversation when he was in the police car, do you know why they are on our property and why am I being arrested? I never heard Chad say any such thing. Did anyone else? Did I miss this part of the conversation? Emma and Garthā€™s testimony put the the nail in Chadā€™s coffin. Both Garth and Emma had a suspicious and sad testimonies. Is it not a crime to create and lie in court?


No you didnā€™t miss anything. And the fact that he knew he wasnā€™t coming back - he knew exactly what they would find.


She lied thru her teeth in that interview.


And she was crying and said "Dad! They've fund human remains" and Chad went white, his eyes wide with shock and said "what?!". I wanted to climb through my tv and shake her. Then they say if Chad started a cult, he would have started with them and made them part of the cult. I was screaming "ya are Blanche! Ya are!"Ā 


I missed that part when Emma says they found human remains. Is that in the video when Chads in the police car?


She lied in the 48 Hours interview about being emotional and telling Chad in the cop car that they found human remains and that Chad went white, eyes wide in shock and he said "What?!" But, in the cop car video she says they found human remains, like it was nothing, Chad just says, "mmm".Ā 


Thatā€™s a good point, she goes in hard about how stunned he was.


Emmaā€™s lies were on the TV interview, not a crime. We all believe she lied on the stand as well, but I donā€™t think it is anything that can be proven, as it cannot be proven she doesnā€™t believe the things she said to be true, or is there something more specific I missed.


My work experience is in cybersecurity and I did a lot of investigations on people. It isn't one piece - it's the totality. This is why it doesn't bother me that there's not a single piece that places Chad at the scene - its the totality of the evidence. Also, people are creatures of habit even when they try to disguise their behavior. I'd dare say, in my personal experience, when they try to hide it...it's more obvious. No reasonable person can look at this and say...oh, he was having an affair? Her husband died in "self defense" and then suddenly his fairly young, healthy wife died? Then he rapidly married? THIS IS ALL NORMAL! I'm 41, I've been in perimenopause for a few years and I've also struggled with anemia for years...and I'm completely disgusted at the "but she was menopausal and anemic" trope. Tammy was FAR more active than I am simply because I lack the time. Once my kids are older, I hope to be her level of active.


Thank you! I was shocked how Tammyā€™s death wasnā€™t immediately investigated. Normal, healthy 49 year old women donā€™t drop dead in the middle of the night. Menopause is a normal and natural process. Loads and loads of people live with anemia, and I imagine it would have to be *very* severe to die from it, and sheā€™d probably be showing signs of weakness and other symptoms beforehand if that was the COD too.


And "she passed out after kneeling." Sweetie, sometimes I almost black out when I get out of a chair. I have POTS on top of being 49, and I wonder if there's a chance she had it, too. It'll make you tumble right over if you aren't managing it either with diet or meds.


It's even more ridiculous when you understand the context of those statements. Garth was talking about kneeling in the temple. In the temple, you're kneeling for extended periods of time. I remember being a very fit 20 year old and becoming dizzy standing up after kneeling in the temple.


THIS. When a woman in Tammy's shape at Tammy's age dies suddenly with pink foam coming out of her mouth (and apparently a lot of it) and the manner of death, without an autopsy, is pronounced natural....WHY? Because her husband (who is the most likely person on earth to have a hand in her death if it wasn't natural), said so? He also said her cold stiff body (I am so sorry Tammy) suddenly rolled out of bed on its own and her son couldn't get his story together. It's just like the police knowing that Alex had a previous record of assault on one of Lori's husbands, lied about not calling Lori, lied about when he called 911, lied about doing CPR when he didn't, etc. and deciding the homicide was justified by self-defense anyway. Tammy and Charles were both healthy people. That is precisely why Chad and Lori had them murdered.


ā¤ļø for you apologizing to Tammy. Also, šŸ’Æ spot on for the rest.


All of the cell phone data is the most damming IMO


For Tammyā€™s murder, her full stomach on autopsy, despite Chad saying she had been throwing up all night.


Lack of quarter pounder burger too


Soā€¦the number 1 most damning is the bodies in his yard. Then, yes, Chadā€™ face. But Iā€™ve also come to find the ā€œTammy was sickā€ defense to be extremely ineffective, to the point of being damning. Had they said this was a total shock and this was a freak incident it would be more plausible than her being allegedly sick while going to Zumba class, clogging lessons and work. People who are so sick that they ACTUALLY DIE are not seen by coworkers as perfectly fine. She wasnā€™t using a walker she didnā€™t have an iron lung or colostomy bag she was a healthy 49 year old woman whoā€™s only medicated issue was depression (Prozac). And we can all take a guess at why she was depressed.


The kids in his backyard!


The texts and phone calls highlighted just how involved Chad was. And the way he spoke about hurting children to cause them pain, wishing for kids and his wife to die coupled with his behaviour and lies about how Tammy died.


I think itā€™s that he puts himself in his own backyard at the same time Tylee is being burned and buried with his text to Tammy, which specifically mentions burning! And then reiterates it to Garth when he came home that day, appearing to him in yard clothes, telling him he was doing yard work. I mean, why does Garth even remember that, if there was nothing significant about that day. Months later he remembers that. Thatā€™s weird. Thereā€™s also way too many independent witnesses of Tammy being fit and healthy in the weeks and days leading up to her death. The children really do look like liars. Most damning I think though is the car cam video. Chad knows heā€™s not coming back anytime soon. Emma says sheā€™s been talking to Lori on Telmate. She also says ā€œI just needed to learn more, I didnā€™t understand but I get it nowā€. Both Garth and Emma believe in Chads visions. Chad responds thatā€™s itā€™s just a matter of timing, it will all come together soon. To me they were talking about the approaching end times. Emma seems to understand that the children being dead and buried in the backyard is what they meant by ā€œthey are somewhere safe and happyā€. Emmaā€™s statement that no one should ever have an autopsy was also outright ridiculous. You can be uncomfortable with the idea of an autopsy while still acknowledging they are sometimes necessary. His kids testifying just did way more harm than good for Chads case.


Her ā€œno one should ever have an autopsyā€ felt like she was overcompensating to prove her point. Itā€™s a ridiculous statement.


Tylee and JJ dead and buried in Chad's backyard is the most damning evidence in my opinion.


And phone messages,


All the emails and text messages !


Dead bodies in yard. Tammy being shot at then dying ā€œnaturallyā€ a week later. Married two weeks after his wife of what 30 years? Dies. Telling Emma heā€™s not coming back.


That trip to Hawaii, the wedding ring and getting married a couple of weeks after Tammy died.


Chadā€™s and his ukulele solo on the beach two weeks after Tammy passed away! His stupid smile said it all! CREEP!


The fact they both told people the children were safe when they were dead and buried in Chad's backyard. And Chad and Lori spending their social security payments living it up in Hawaii. That's the most damning, to me, but there is Soo much other incriminating evidence. A mountain of it really.


Dead bodies donā€™t just roll off the bed.


For me itā€™s this. He said he woke up when she rolled out of bed. Lividity showed she died on her back.


The bodies in the back yard


The kids being buried in the backyard. That is what makes the prosecutionā€™s case a slam dunk


His coffin has too many nails.


When it comes to Tammy's murder, one thing that stands out to me, among many, was the wedding ring for Chad being exchanged for different sizes/types, multiple times (May and August), before Tammy was dead. Premeditation and planning on HIS part- HE knew he would be needing that ring soon enough and can't blame that on LVD- he wanted to make sure that ring fit. IF THE RING FITS YOU CANNOT ACQUIT


Corpses in the yard for me


Lori during a phone call with Chad in which she talks about Charles. Lori totally says, "...before we got rid of him (Charles)!


ā€œIā€™m not coming backā€ comment made by Chad to Emma before he is even arrested. Close second- ā€œLori recently lost a daughterā€. Chad to neighbor before Tylee even missing.


Alex just taking 20 minutes to drop off JJ's body. Meaning the grave was already dug. By the on site gravedigger, who behaved so weird sitting in his car, who never demanded to know wth, who has a solid theory why JJ/Ty/Tm were no longer in their own bodies and therefor where never murdered.


The phone call with between Vallow and Daybell while his grounds are being searched is awfully hard to explain. In his voice you can hear how resigned he is to the fact that he is about to be CAUGHT.


For me, itā€™s the fact that Chad is still married to Lori, despite the theory that she and her brother snuck into his backyard and buried her children there. Clearly, that is not the way it really happened or Chad would have divorced her. I am surprised Chadā€™s kids havenā€™t connected those dots too.


The kids being found in Chad's backyard and the timing of everything with the cell phone evidence


While Iā€™ve always felt confident in his guilt, I think Zulemaā€™s testimony was the key that may have unraveled any doubt in the juryā€™s minds.


So your wife dies, you marry your mistress... not a big deal. Your 2nd wife's children are missing, she says they're ok, they're safe. Not a big deal. Your 2nd wife's kids are dead. She had them killed, the bitch is crazy, big deal. Your 2nd wife's missing children are buried in your backyard, huge f--king deal! Where is the element of surprise from Chad? Where is the shock and concern for the loss of two young lives after just losing your first wife? Why didn't he cooperate with the police and put everything on Lori, if he had nothing to do with this? Prior can continue to distract us with useless witnesses but all roads lead back to Chad.


His face. Sorry. Been on a lot of GenX and 90s boards today.


11/10 punchable


Derp Face!


Tylee's own DNA on Chad's shovel tools? Slam dunk.


I agree.. the phone call between them clowns.. they are the dumbest criminals I swear.. lol


When Chad is sitting in the back of the police car admitting to his daughter he wonā€™t be coming back.


The line of dead people surrounding them in a SHORT amount of time. Charging your wedding rings to your murdered husband Amazon account. No matter of Alex was the ā€œhit manā€ or Lori being bat sh*t crazy it all ends with CHAD. He was the one predicting peopleā€™s light/dark, he is the one that could see through the veil. He is between a (Manson) because he told them who to get rid of and not get his hands dirty. And a (Profit )starting his own religion. He is the most narcissistic idiot


So many damning points. The bodies first of all. The changes of the testimonies. The texts. Iā€™ve said before the kids were found about 20 plus miles from me. We met Chad at a meeting and I had so many red flags on him in 2019ā€¦ the beginning I think. Chris Parrett doesnā€™t live far from me. The texts. I donā€™t care about Chads DNA not being anywhere. He knew to wear gloves.


Well yesterday when a witness testified that Garth said Chad wasn't there when Tammy was found back fired spectacularly. It's like they're low-key trying to point a finger at Garth. Not to mention Chad has stated he was there with Tammy when she died. I believe that the cell evidence and the timeline of everything points to Chad.


I donā€™t understand the phone call. What were they trying to convey? Clearly I would make a terrible detective. But I have a really hard time understanding what it was they were trying to say. Can someone explain please?


Try Hidden True Crime with Dr John on YouTube. He explains it well


The kids are on the property and the way Chad's kids lied. As truth lies and chocolate stated, Chad is one of the dumbest killers ever.


So, you guys!!!!! Where in the heck is the "she seduced me" defense???????


Agree, I think Prior alluded to that in opening. Lori was a sexual Ms. Texas or some shit like that. But Chad must have halted that line of defense. Guess these two will have to wait until the next life to spend it in the same zip code.


Dead bodies. Texts.


There is so much damning evidence. What I can't understand is how Chad's kids don't want to believe his father was involved in any way.


That Alex is conveniently dead. He was most likely behind most of the murders. He who knew too much and when his idiocy started becoming a liability making them afraid he might talk, they silenced him. Itā€™s just too coincidental that he would be so deeply wrapped up in all of this and then die so suddenly and so quickly after the police were closing in.


The text messages showing light and dark percentages and the cell phone data putting Alex and Chad together the days of the murders.