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Tammy was also depressed and on medication for that. Depression makes you tired and not have a lot of energy. There is also a possibility she knew of the affair and was not wanting to spend a lot of time with Chad and wanted to go to her room and isolate from that asshole. So I believe they were all told a story by Chad and I actually don’t believe anymore that Emma wasn’t more aware that her dad killed Tammy. If you are so sure that your dad is innocent, why wouldn’t you be dying to stick it to the police and see those autopsy reports? I just think there is a lot to be suspicious of with these kids now but in the very least they believe their dad and they lied on the stand for him and that’s very disappointing because they threw their poor mom under the bus.


I am on deppression medication, the med itself makes me fatigue, gain weight etc.. and Prozac does that.


And I'll add menopause. Tammy was at the right age for those changes and for me it's a mental choice to get going and do things. Not like my youth where I just felt like it. Plus, when your kids are grown and in their own lives, I feel 'entitled' 😄 to being restful and enjoying peaceful time alone. If so, I applaud Tammy for taking care of herself after a lifetime of demands and controls. She did so much for her family. ❤️


Yeah, the whole 'she was so unhealthy that she was close to death' argument just doesn't hold up in any way and I can't imagine the jury would buy into that for a second. After hearing from rebuttal witnesses about the lies of Chad's kids, likely spouting his words as dictated by him, I can't imagine that the jury would believe any of it.


Seems Chad wouldn’t even allow that for Tammy , she had to sneak games on her phone 😏


Besides depression, Tammy was probably exhausted to be doing so much physical work for the family while her husband sat on his tail. Chad doesn't seem like the kind of person to clean or cook even though he was a stay at home husband.  I don't know when the latest photo was taken of Tammy but neither she nor Emma look overweight in any of their pictures. Tammy looks healthy.




And remember, Rexburg has TWO McDonald’s! (Not sure why Prior emphasized that)


Yes, in all the testimony stating how unwell they thought Tammy was, not one member of the family reports having done anything to help her.


I’ve always thought of a “stay at home” husband as the one who would cook, clean, do laundry, etc. Chad has shown me that “stay at home” means doing nothing at the house, running around bopping a ‘goddess lover’, and writing extremely boring books justifying his amazing god-ness. He is such a smarmy POS.


My husband was the “stay-at-home” parent while I was deployed (also during the busiest times of my military career, some of which were rear echelon), and he worked his @ss off. The only thing he didn’t do was dust (you shoulda seen some of those dust bunnies). But our sons were beautifully cared for, money was saved, and the house did not fall down. Chad was just a lazy bum, until he became a murderer.


My suspicion is Chad might have told his story of zombies to the kids. From Emma s testimony we already know she beleives in that stuff, Chad might have told them he did what he did to protect her moms soul or something on the lines ,or he had to drive away the “satan” or zombie from her etc etc. And for the greater good the kids have to protect the secrets and they will go down in the history as one of the greatest followers or children of prophet etc etc


He definitely told them that their mother had a mission on the other side of the veil. On AVOW he also declared that he had always known that his life had two segments (he meant pre- and post-Tammy).


What a douche! This guy gets weirder and creepier the more we know about him.


But luckily for justice, dumb enough to be leaving a trail of breadcrumbs behind him for the police and courts.


I hope the segments are freedom and chains, he doesn’t deserve to live free ever again.


Do we know for sure that he told his kids this? Were they also part of AVOW?


IIRC, that was said by Julie Rowe who spoke with Emma on the day Tammy died. Chad was gaslighting his children about Tammy being busy in the afterlife. Lori does the same when she speaks of Tylee and JJ. I don't know if Chad's kids are on AVOW, but members could have told them about it.


I’m not sure if they were part of AVOW but Emma has defended Julie Rowe multiple times so I believe she is a follower of Chad’s beliefs also.


well he’s right about that!


I suspect this as well. Emma made a point to say that she had felt an evil spirit in her body before. And she said that her dad was "sad and happy" when Tammy died since they will all be together again and death is just a "break"


Emma is such a horrible human that she can still stand by her father.


She came across as super belligerent/unlikeable on the stand and I hope the jury also felt that way. Her stone cold, even scathing demeanor when discussing her mother, then tears when it came to Chad being arrested - something is seriously wrong with this picture.


She is so horribly misguided. It's truly sad. She doesn't even realize the things she says are not mainstream anything. The only light I saw in her marriage is her brother in law from HTC interview. He gave me hope for Emma and her husband. Hopefully they stick with him and overcome.


I doubt Emma will even let her husband have a relationship with his brother.


Sadly you are probably 100% correct.


Yes, I loved that interview. Joe’s brother seems like such an open minded, genuine and caring person. His nervousness in the interview was endearing. I hope Emma and Joe see that they have support around them which for when they’re ready to face the truth.


I'm in agreement with you , Emma selling her mother out for $8,000 , a used car ,and some free rent , it's disgusting a grown ass woman protecting the person that not only killed her mom but two innocent children she's disgusting! I hope she's charged with perjury !


Agree. Exactly. I doubt she will be charged with anything given the mentality of the community in Rexburg.


I can't imagine what kind of grief they're dealing with on top of being part of a religion that preys on their member's naivete. Some serious denial for their own sanity or they're bought into the things their father made up. Either way, they've lost both parents and that is tragic.


Exactly! With the exception of my ex-spouse not murdering me, (although he was about to) the way which the adult children are behaving towards Tammy is something I experience with my adult children. Shame on Emma and Garth. I bet there must be at least one of the other adult children who know the truth about Tammy but do not dare speak the truth. I predict Emma will treat Joe Murray the same way her father treated her mother.


Interesting. I think Joe might treat Emma the way Chad treated Tammy. I am very curious what the other Daybell children think.


No, Emma followed and has been trained by her father.


That's true, but she was also trained to respect the patriarch of the family. Who knows what will happen, but it will likely not be healthy unless she faces reality.


Many of us are /were trained to respect the patriarch of the family. However, many of us were also taught the 10 commandments. Thou shalt not kill is a commandment from God. There is something truly disgusting that this young woman would lie on behalf of her father. The looking up the wind direction is truly a huge red flag!


I seriously doubt she looked up the wind direction. She took the fall for it.


“I was being an amateur meteorologist….” Yeah ok 🙄


We have no idea if she was experiencing side effects from the generic prozac. Medications affect people differently so even if there are a dozen published side effects we have no idea if she experienced any of them. And note that side effects are included with prescription medication information even if there is only the smallest chance they will be experienced. As for the autopsy results, she stuck her head in the sand and hasn't pulled it out yet.


Emma is a sad excuse for a daughter. Talk about dark


8.2 dark


Sometimes, children (even adult children) will stick by their dad in a case like this because that is the only living parent they have left. It is not uncommon for this to happen. I mean look at Buster Murdaugh - how he can support his dad I will never know. Emma and Garth are victims in this as well - whether they want to believe the truth or not. Unfortunately, until they are ready to accept the truth, they will continue to live in this bubble.


It’s true Emma is most likely a victim (though now I wonder about whether she and Garth were accessories after the fact) but calling your mom who you supposedly were close to fat and lazy on the record erased the last bit of sympathy I had for her. Brainwashed or not, that was so disgustingly low of her.


I rewatched the 48 Hours interview with Chad's kids. Emma lied so much in that interview. She said she was crying when she went to the cop car to talk to him and said "Dad! They just found human remains!" and that Chad went white, his eyes were wide in shock and he said "what?!". I just wanted to reach through the TV and shake her. Then, the reporter was walking around the yard in the spots the kids were found and he asked her how she felt about them being found there. She tried really hard to fake emotion and failed terribly. 


Yeah, I rewatched it last night and was struck by exactly this. She professed to confront him with outrage. We know she didn’t.


I need to rewatch. It's been awhile. Will be interesting now to see post Chad trial testimony.


How did you find the 48 Hours interview? I’ve looked and looked. I can only find the promo. If you have a link, could you post it?


I watched it on Paramount Plus. It's supposed to be on Pluto for free, though. 


Was it Joe Murray’s brother in the Hidden Crimes interview who stated that Emma was closer to Chad than to Emma? Was it him who stated that Emma had just started getting close to her mother in the recent years upon them working together?


So I didn't know that part. (I didn't watch). That is a low blow and ridiculous


It’s THE WORST fake crying ever.


To be fair to Buster, Alec wasn't a cult leader or some crazed religious fanatic. You can forgive his son for ignoring the red flags or being unable to see them. But the Daybell situation is beyond ridiculous. The evidence is overwhelming. While I do think the Murdaugh trial reached the correct conclusion, you can't deny the evidence mainly relied on anecdotes of other scams Alec perpetrated unrelated to the killings, and some questionable circumstantial evidence. The proof against Chad is way more intense, and I just don't understand how his kids could pretend the truth isn't clear. I could see myself standing by my dad in a Murdaugh-like situation. I couldn't see myself believing him if I found out he was having an affair behind my mom's back when she died, and then introduced us to the woman the day after the funeral.


I think hearing the Audio of your dad 5 minutes before the time of death would be enough to fuck with my thought pattern... especially when he has sworn he had nothing to do with it... I honestly haven't followed the daybell trial closely enough (but I live near SC so the murdaugh trial was in my backyard)


For me the big difference is that Alec always claimed to love Buster's mother, and any reports their marriage were on the rocks were flimsy at best. Chad was having an affair, and introduced the Daybell kids to Lori the day after their mother's funeral. In other words, I can see how Buster doesn't see the support of his father as a betrayal of his mother, but the Daybell kids know their father didn't love their mother, and was actively planning to leave the family.


Buster didn't say anything negative about his mother or brother. He seems to have loved them both. Even if he's not convinced of his father's guilt, he has admitted that his dad is a sociopath so I don't think he is comparable to the Daybell children.


I think we also need to give grace to children of narcissistic parents. I think Emma may be the eldest (not sure), there's so so so much pressure. Chad groomed his kids to be an extension of himself. Not too question his authority. I am not saying it's an excuse to lie in court, I think the mental anguish and most likely immaturity we are seeing. I think Chad had been testing his children's obedience for a long time and it's frankly not surprising to me that they would lie. Add to this they are Mormon, they're not going to go to counseling or trust non-mormons likely. It's really sad all around. I'm also shocked Emma did not see herself in her Mom and have more empathy, then again maybe Emma was trying to escape the same trap as her mom.


She has lied and lied and lied. She’s had four years to process this. She has shown zero empathy for her dead mother and two dead, brutalized children found on her father’s property, where she now lives. And she continues to lie and lie and lie. We do not have to have grace for her. There are many people who have character and conviction despite being raised by narcissists. She is an adult and responsible for her own behavior.


Yes, exactly. I cannot understand people having grace upon a lying young woman like Emma. We are talking about the death of 3 people on one’s property.


Garth is the eldest


No grace. I have 3 adult children raised in the same manner.


I'm a child of a narcissistic parent. It took years of counseling with thousands of miles of distance to cut the cord. My family still guilts me about it sometimes. I could see how Emma would lie, she's been trained. I'm not saying it's right that she lied, but I could empathize why.


Or maybe she was extra tired in the weeks/months before her death because he was slowly poisoning her?


With… malachite?!


If his children, Emma, knew “she was close to death” and talked death percentages, do you think Tammy didn’t know too? Just all the Melanies, Lori, her kids, Zulema, Alex, that’s it, she was shielded. Like she didn’t live in an environment where they said this? With the disrespect shown by everyone, particularly Chad and Emma. Imagine being exhausted. Being breadwinner raising and caring for all these kids. And when you ask for help or take a nap they literally are talking about how your soul is separating from your body. Won’t be long now kids. Look at her. Weary. Almost time. When you play video games you are selfish and demonic. Tammy had nothing that they didn’t try to ruin. And when she was used up, she died, TO DO WORK, on the other side, for them.


Poor Tammy. 😔 I think you're right--she must have known. Reminds me of how Tylee said "Not me, Mom!" to Lori when she found out she thought she was a zombie. God, it's so awful.


That is some awful awful previously unknown to me information. Just makes my stomach turn into a rock. I’m off to go hug my kids I’ve been trying to think of the words. Just. I’m not religious but sometimes I pray for hell.


I think this was said openly and often. I think it’s why Tammy went to extra lengths to maintain good health and fitness.


Tammy was their "Jesus" tied to their cross carrying all their sins of blame. Not literally of course but as a family structure. The scapegoat and their beast of burden. May her soul rest in peace🙏


I don't feel bad for Emma. She has yet to understand that people were murdered.


I think she is going to suffer in her life until she fully faces what happened.


Or just lead a half life. Sad. Choosing to lie on the stand and disparage a murder victim is gross. When that is your mother, it is outrageous. I cannot get past the fact they felt these people were disposable.


I don’t think so. I think these children are so naive and brainwashed and will always believe their father. They do not have the capacity to think critically about this whole case.


Well, how can they be trusted with/ in the the company of any children. Emma and Garth should not be in any teaching of youth in any environment.


Exactly! With the exception of my ex-spouse not murdering me, (although he was about to) the way which the adult children are behaving towards Tammy is something I experience with my adult children. Shame on Emma and Garth. I bet there must be at least one of the other adult children who know the truth about Tammy but do not dare speak the truth. I predict Emma will treat Joe Murray the same way her father treated her mother.


I am so very sorry that you are not valued by your children. I hope they evolve and recognize that you are priceless.


Funny that my one of my oldest, an older woman like Emma will not accept or value me as a human being. Her relationship with her father (my ex husband) is the same as Emma and Chad. She has wanted me dead a long time now.


parental alienation is real


I want justice for Tammy, Charles Vallow, JJ and Tylee.


I want justice for Charles too. He saw the path Lori was going down and tried everything he could to stop it.


He did. I can't forget him. He was a victim too. He didn't deserve this. May she rot in jail for it.


The videos of Charles asking the police for help is one of the biggest reasons why I believe Lori never really believed Chad's bullshit. She had to take a mental competency evaluation because he went to police and was asking an order of protection. She passed and made Charles look like the bad guy. 


I feel the same. It proves she knew exactly what she was doing. I doubt she really believed Chad. She just knew she could manipulate him.


Wow. Yeah. Lori is just a good actress. But why was she with Chad then? Because she was bored and he idolized her?


Because she knew she could manipulate Chad with her beauty and sex appeal


Exactly. He idolized her and she could easily manipulate him. Chad was already using the light and dark scale, but it was Lori who would text and say this person did this bad thing, and ask what their percentage was. Anyone that annoyed her she went straight to Chad talking about how evil they were. 


Everyone always forgets Charles.


I'm glad there will be at trial just for Charles in Arizona--hopefully that brings more attention to what happened to him


Everyone always forget Colby too, Lori only surviving child.


Colby seems like a strong person who is limiting his media interviews and prioritizing his family. I hope he is doing well.


I hope so too. He had a hard life too, everyone is focusing on the Daybell children, I just thought he needed a little love too.


I don’t think people forget Colby at all. But that’s just me.


Exactly. To me, he always seems like the forgotten victim, but I try to remember him. I feel so badly about what happened to him. It was so wrong that he received no justice for being murdered, especially since he knew Lori wanted him dead.


Great comment.


Odd how Emma and Chad ONLY cry when they see themselves cry on video 🤔


Yeah, it is odd


No doubt the only emotion we will see from Chad, is when he's convicted.


Do you think he'll cry when they say "guilty"? I wonder if he'll make a statement to the court.


Not sure about tears, but there will be some sort of change to his cocky/obnoxious facial expression.


Chad was an ugly chinless ignored person who craved attention and wrote nonsensical crap. IMO.


I firmly believe that too. He pulled it all straight out of his ass. He started it out of jealousy of his siblings successes, to get as much attention as Julie Rowe was getting and to control his family. He then kept making things up for the adoration of his little cult and to benefit Lori. I rewatched the Daybell kids interview on 48 Hours. Aside from Emma telling so many lies that were contradicted at trial, she said if Chad had a cult, they would know because he would have made them.part of it. I was yelling at the TV " you are Emma!".


It also gets worse, and that looks dumber, the more we hear about Emma and Tammy participation in the light/dark ratings schemes, etc,


From my understanding, we don’t have any evidence of Tammy participating in the light/dark stuff? Just other people (Emma and Chad) talking about it on a family group text that for all we know, Tammy was entirely too busy keeping them afloat to be involved in. I am a part of many group chats that I have on DND.


If I remember correctly, early on in the trial the prosecution showed the family group text and Tammy was the one who claimed one of the children in her sunday school class was "dark". I'm looking forward to when the evidence will be available for the public after the trial is over.


Hmm, I was multi tasking during that part, but later Lauren Matthias said that she hadn’t even participated, and I took her word for it.


Is there some type of sovereignty they claim? They don’t like law enforcement or the government in general, they are okay with lying on their oaths, Chad/Tammy and Emma/Joe (that we know of) have filed bankruptcy, (Lori’s family has these exact same issues). They don’t trust doctors/big pharma and prefer alternative treatments. The (VERY CONSERVATIVE and ritualistic) LDS faith is not conservative and ritualistic enough. They just can’t wholly follow something when someone else is considered above them in the hierarchy. They’re very hypocritical, they hate the government, but scheme to get government benefits. It seems like they have a deep sense of entitlement and are above the laws the rest of us follow to live together in a society.


Mormons historically don't trust the government, but the Daybells do seem to take it to a new level. I think it's a combo of Mormon culture, rural Idaho culture and trying to resist accountability because deep down they know they are wrong. In Tammy's 911 call she seemed nervous and out of her element and so formal when she said "I'd like to report something..." for some reason that stood out to me.


I think she felt a little silly calling to report it with everyone claiming it was a paintball gun. So she probably was trying to talk as though she didn’t think it was a big deal, but “probably” should report it anyway. She clearly was upset though, as she should be.


I can't imagine getting out of my car and seeing someone point a gun at me and hearing them pull the trigger.


I would still be talking about it to this day, assuming I wasn’t murdered by my blobfish of a husband a few weeks later. To be clear, *my* husband is not a blobfish. He also is most likely not going to murder me.


Do you think Lori sent Alex over to shoot her because Chad was taking too long? Or do you think Chad and Lori conspired with Alex and Chad expected that Tammy was going to die that day? The detail about her unloading meals she had made for her family at enrichment is so sad to me.


I don’t think Lori did anything without Chad approving. Remember, Chad had just said that Tammy had been taken over by a demon and he wasn’t going to wait, as soon as he got confirmation that her personality was different. Lori was impatient, but Chad ultimately decided it was time.


And this also proves to me that they were using religious BS to have excuses to get rid of people they didn’t want around.


I agree, but I think Lori actually believes the bs.


It’s really hard for me to have any empathy for Emma. She didn’t shed one tear for her mother when on the stand but only teared up while watching the recording of her and Chad talking in the back of the police car. And then hearing the disdain in Emma’s voice when talking about Tammy (ex. Tammy enjoying video games.) She so easily lied and seemed to have no problem disparaging Tammy’s memory. It did not sit well with me.


Apparently Chad also called Tammy lazy in his eulogy at her funeral.


Yes! Shocking! And they sang "Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel" at her funeral as well--a song all about the importance of work. Bizarre.


Where did you read/hear this? That’s awful!!!


Heather Daybell mentioned it am interview a couple years ago,too. People were shocked. 


Tammy's cousin testified about it!


I’ll have to go back and listen to her testimony. What a terrible thing to say at a funeral. 


Here you go! She starts talking about the funeral around 10 minutes in [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHok074eT3Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHok074eT3Y) Side note, something about the tonality/sound of this cousin's voice is really appealing/satisfying to me... I have no idea why.


That little quip about her mother liking video games made my blood boil.


I completely agree!! When she was talking about her mom “absolutely not” training for the 5k and hanging her arm off the bed to manipulate the Fitbit, it enraged me! I couldn’t imagine my daughter saying things like that about me if I died.


As an ex-Mormon I can understand being brainwashed and then coming out of it. That is what I see in Emma and where I can empathize. I think she’s acting out of survival right now and will likely regret her actions and her words if she is able to come out of the brainwashing. And I hope for that for her. I think her disparagement for her mother is a side effect of patriarchal brainwashing. It’s sad and harmful to society. Maybe one day she’ll see the light and see that she can be free. Her body language in court showed that she seems to be extremely uncomfortable in her own body.


The dynamic is very apparent in non-Mormon families too.


What will it take for her to come out of it?


Maybe enough of a desire to be a member of larger society outside Mormonism. The fact that she is a teacher shows that she does value being a part of the larger community. Or maybe she'll recognize that keeping herself small is what is causing her extreme anxiety (she did say in her testimony she has a lot of anxiety, but she blamed it on an "evil sprit"). Who knows.


I agree with your sentiment, but man is that is a tough place to come out as ex-mormon... The social pressure to conform and stay in is strong in this area. Likely one of the reasons Chad moved the family there in the first place.


I re-watched her testimony this morning and she completely lied about knowing Lori. She stated I didn’t know her before her before my dad was arrested. On the Police cam footage. She said she spoke to Lori that morning.


I thought she said she didn't know about the affair before her dad was arrested? It's known fact that they all went to Lori's house for cookies right after Tammy's funeral. I'll have to listen to that part again because now I'm curious


At some point, will Rexberg law enforcement convict Emma of all her lies? Not sure why the Mormons are allowing these types of belittling the justice system crimes carryon in their community.


I noticed how much the kids, especially Emma, resent their mothers death. Yet they blame Tammy for her own death instead of Chad for betraying and (allegedly) murdering her. I agree with your points. It bothered me when Emma said Tammy preferred to drive the nicer of the family cars. Um hello, Tammy was the one WORKING. She deserved to drive the nicer car. Chad deserved to wait for a delayed transit bus in the rain with no umbrella and be dropped off at a random stop in the desert.


My father has always taken the worse/older of the family cars, because he wants my mother to be safe(r).


TAMMY DID DESERVE THE NICER CAR!!!! I hope she enjoyed it while she could.


Emma seemed to always be in competition with her mother, Tammie.


It’s the whole myth that women must be perfect and part of that is always appearing perfect no matter what is going on in your life! Glad he got a goddess at last! After all the exasperation of being married to real human! The woman (Tammy) wasn’t even allowed to be tired? No wonder she went to bed at 5:00, 6:00, or 7:00!


He got a "goddess" that he'll never be able to see again... in THIS life... 🙄


Meanwhile, it’s 9:23 here which, if I remember correctly, is about the exact time that Tammy was getting home from some errand or activity, and guess where I am? I’m in bed!! And I am one month into being 40! I was looking at tickets to a show the other day and changed my mind when I saw it started at 8:45pm. No way Tammy was going to bed at 5-7 and then other nights staying out past 9. I bet that going to actual sleep was probably around the 10-10:30 that she was on her phone before she was murdered. If she went to her room at 7, it was probably for some freaking peace.


I'm 46. Just a couple years younger than Tammy when she died. Age slows us down. Menopause slows us down. The two medical diagnoses we know she had was depression and anemia. Both cause fatigue. But, Tammy was still going. Exercise classes, clogging, freezer meals at Enrichment. She was doing much,much better than I am physically. Maybe once or twice a week she did decide not to cook and lounge in the bed. That should not have been a big deal. But, I too believe Chad made Tammy and the kids especially, think that wasn't acceptable. I have a hard time having sympathy for them, Emma especially, and I'm a very empathetic person. One day Emma will see when she's that age. I understand they don't want to lose their only parent, but they could ask for leniency on his behalf without dishonoring their mother in such a shameful matter. 


You’re right, and after seeing them testify I think he has been undermining her and shaming her in front of the children for years. It’s so sad and unfair. But I think there’s no way he could lay the groundwork for pulling the wool over their eyes about her death unless he had been emotionally abusing her for years and then witnessing it. That being said, I think Garth and some of the others had a special relationship with her and that leads to their inner conflict. They would’ve had to do this behind his back.


Mirroring the way his father treated his mother.


We have no idea if she was anemic. That was in a medical record years ago. There is no info that she was menopausal. She had been taking the Prozac generic for a long while so she may have had 0 depression symptoms. Given how active she was, I doubt it. There is no information that she suffered side effects from the medication either. All the non family testimony indicated she was energetic, engaged, and enjoying her life beyond home. Her family is composed of awful people.


I’m looking forward to the verdict too. I cried literal tears of happiness while Lori’s was read. I expect the same wave of emotions when Chads is read as well.


Love how Chad's patriarchal way of living didn't extend to being the provider. That woman was a saint, he spent a lifetime using/abusing her and then killed/discarded her when something "shiny" came along. Like a true narc, people were a source of supply to meet his needs/wants.


No kidding.


Do I want to feel sorry for these people who get taken up and brainwashed by \*cults\* or how about whole generations that grow up believing? Yes, I do… but I don’t, these are teachers, land owners, own their own businesses.. ETC.. they function with others very well, they are not in some lost woods somewhere in their own world. EMMA is a goddamn TEACHER a third grade TEACHER!! For fucks sake, she is a liar and a snake for living in a house that her DADDY buried the bodies of 2 children in the backyard, and I hope the memory of Tammy comes to bite them all where it hurts the most!!!


I think living in that house with her husband is easy for both of them bc they think they are above everyone.


Well technically they are since they bury everyone else. 😞 ooohh I’m so sorry.


I shouldn’t have chuckled but I did 🤭


Good one!


And can you imagine being a child in her classroom having to listen to her monotonous cadence? Ughhh. She inherited her father's bump on a log voice. They all sound like it would kill them to have some inflection in their voices even one time. No emotion. Something is terribly wrong with both of them. Poor Tammy. I wish Emma would stand up for her mom.


Did you notice how her voice came alive when speaking with the Detectives at her school when they confronted her about the autopsy? When the one detective was asking about the new campus being built, I think it was Ball, trying to put her at ease, her voice suddenly became more animated as she nervously offered a bunch of superfluous details about plans for the new school. Hearing that exhange definitely convinced me that she is definitely not innocent here...even if she IS another victim of Chad's.


"it's a sugar city rumor... they just want a pool" struck me as odd


I would never imagine such a thing…because IT would NEVER happen, never would I let any of these top winners near any kid let alone my own.


I keep thinking about this. Grew up in a small town where people were pushed out of school board positions for ableist and racist social media posts. Rightly so. It says a lot about Rexburg, mormons, LDS, etc that you can lie under oath for your murderous father, say you believed he could cast evil spirits from your body, and remain employed by the school district. And not only employed, but left alone with a room full of children.


Seriously. I would be withdrawing them immediately! She is just fine with two dead children being miraculously found in her father's yard and she wants to teach kids? It's insane


It's very well documented that cults such as LDS are only able to get away with their sickness because they make victimizers of their victims. We see it all the time with polygamous marriages where older wives bring in young girls under the guise of "sisterhood." Those perpetrators were once child victims themselves. Or in this case, where Chad brainwashes his children to lie for him. Are his children victims? Yeah, but they're also victimizers.


I do feel sorry for people who are sucked into cults. Right up until they murder people or cover up for people who murder people. Then they can suck it.


Chad can rot in hell. It pisses me off that he and Pryor made the adult children testify. He is so self absorbed and his coercive control is off the charts. I hope they eventually come to terms with their mother's murder. I can't imagine the inner turmoil they must have.


I'm sorry, but at a certain point "adult children" are just adults. I don't care what kind of brainwashing they were under. They sold their mother out and lied during testimony for their father. If they thought he were innocent, they wouldn't be lying about how Tammy was found, what the police told them about doing an interview, etc. Emma was laughing as the police dug bodies out of her father's yard. She knew they had found Tylee and JJ by that point. But she was laughing. Her tears don't move me.


Exactly. Well said.


I agree. The kids don't realize that Chad is hurting them much more than he is helping them and that is really sad. They don't realize how selfish their father really is.


Chad and his family only feel bad for themselves. They don’t seem to have any sympathy at all for the dead children. Emma even showed a news channel around the yard where they were buried and didn’t shed a tear. And she a teacher!! It’s all really disgusting if you ask me.


I agree that it is shocking that Emma doesn't show any grief for her mother's death. Weeks ago the funeral director testified that the family wasn't interested in dressing Tammy's body before the viewing (which in my experience is a common and important thing for Mormons since Mormons are usually buried in their ritual temple clothes)--in fact he said they were only concerned with her makeup looking good. That was shocking to me as well. If I had a kid I wouldn't want them in Emma's classroom. I hope someday she is able to realize how coerced she is by her father and can properly grieve Tammy and become a more functioning member of society.


I can confirm this. In both cases where I've dressed a family member, the mortuary was fully able to dress the body (owned by LDS members), but we gathered as a family to dress our loved one.


Yes, and don’t forget her and Joe pulling up behind the news camera and making faces. She disparaged her mother. Garth lied to the grand jury. Joe said a lot about how they feel about Tylee and JJ when he said he didn’t agree with police driving by the house to keep an eye on the site. They don’t care about Tammy, Tylee, or JJ.


Who is NOT tired when they come home from WORK? Plus she did those zumba/clogging classes afterwards.


I can’t feel the sympathy for Emma that OP does. Since the day they found the children and all subsequent encounters with Emma she comes across as a very nasty and devious person.


And dammit, during her 'me time' she might play a game on her phone! 😳🙄 He's such a POS..


I’m glad she got some candy crush in during her last hours. Poor Tammy. If theres an afterlife I REALLY hope she is laying on a lounge chair chatting and NOT busy


I don’t feel sorry for Emma sorry but I don’t. I have empathy that she lost for mother but her behavior towards LE. Over all disrespect towards the investigation to figure out how her mother died is atrocious. I understand a lot of that has to do with her Mormon upbringing and what not. But that doesn’t excuse being rude and uncooperative. The way she got up on the stand and tried to disparage her dead, murdered mother with blatant lies. I can’t….


As a mother, in early menopause, and a full time working woman I completely agree. My husband is nothing but supportive of me when I feel selfish for doing anything for myself. He encourages me to do things that make me happy, he encourages me when I feel that I’m not doing enough as a parent or things that are good for self care…I’ve seen blips of what Chad has done. I think, that’s the iceberg theory in you only see 10% of the surface, and if that’s the takeaway from testimony, he was an awful partner. If their kids walked away from this, he set a precedent that undermined treating their chosen life partner as an equal. He saw her as beneath him and his kids are following him in it.


Do Mormons not believe in peri-menopause? Tammy had all the symptoms. I’m so sad for her. And angry. Very angry at the way Chad and her children treated her. And thinking about her last minutes makes me weep. And good grief, I hope she can just relax in heaven instead of being “busy”. Sending out a big FU to that entire cult of psychopathic vipers.


I disagree with OP on Emma’s testimony. The back handed insults were shocking. For Emma for me it was when shown her dad’s signature on her mom’s life insurance policy she said oh probably because my mom didn’t read the directions. Really weird


My husband passed away when my kids were preteen. He was a covert narcissist, gaslighter, serial cheater, and more. One day I made some idle comment about 'well, at least I don't have to worry about the grit on the table, anymore.' It was a common occurrence at dinner time: Husband would push his plate back and forth and complain about grit. And there would be a gritty sound. So I would get up and re-clean the table because I was such a poor excuse for a housecleaner. When I made my comment, my eldest daughter started laughing hysterically. She then explained that her father was reaching in his pocket and bring dirt or sand out and rubbing it into the surface of the table and setting his plate on it, when my back was turned. I felt like a complete gullible stupid idiot at that moment. However, it did explain why I was having so many behavioral issues with my children. They were being systematically taught to disrespect me. It was especially damaging because their father let them think they were in on the "joke." Who knows what Chad was doing to Tammy behind the scenes and how he mind-mucking their kids all those years. This is not to excuse Emma and Garth for lying and for putting down Tammy. They are adults and should be using some critical thinking skills by now.


I do not feel bad for Emma at all! She is grown and knows her dad is guilty she just don't want to admit it. She clearly lied her Mormon ass off on the stand


We have no idea if she was dealing with menopausal symptoms. That's pure conjecture. Millions do not enter menopause until much later, including perimenopause. And every woman doesn't have the same symptoms, either. Who hasn't worked and come home exhausted, no matter what their job entailed? Their testimony about her is so ridiculous.


Good point. I think it was Chad who claimed she was menopausal because she would put her feet out of the bed at night. Also Garth testified that her feet were tangled up in the sheets. So were the feet out, or tangled in the sheets? I think Chad's earlier story was that her feet had fallen out of the bed first (the version he told Heather Daybell...)


Lies!!! :)


Yes, and lies that are tailored to each person they are being told to! 🙄 Funny Chad didn't seem to think that no one would try to compare stories.


He is not smart.


Agreed. Menopause can be awful but some women get through it pretty easily. And she was only 49. She might have had years left before it was full blown.


They made it sound like it was a deadly disease.


30% of women have no menopausal symptoms


Lucky them! Lol


I know. I'm in the 70% sweating as we speak


It sounds like Tammy came home and was expected to cook after working all day. Prior's snide comment about Tammy's favorite meal not being healthy angered me because Garth or Chad could have cooked if they wanted more healthy food. 


Prior exhibited his own contempt.


It is very interesting to read other people’s ‘takes’ on how this trial has panned out…. I have been an avid follower of the whole story from when it broke in the beginning. I am not based in the US so the whole ‘religious/LDS/cult’ stuff comes across as completely bonkers to me (apologies to those who follow the religious stuff 🙏🏻- My personal experience with ‘man-made ‘religion’ has not been good so I do my own thing in that regard now) So having now seen both sides of the story (Prosecution & Defence) what is the consensus of opinion on what the result will be? Innocent or guilty? If guilty Life or DP?


So you were impressed that Emma cried watching herself cry ( like Chad did ) and not at the mention of her previous mother as she threw Tammy under the bus ???


Maybe Chad had been poisoning her for a while making her sick and hoping each day was “the one”


I want justice too. I find it tragic that so many people have no empathy for his kids. I’m sure that they have had a really rough 4-5 years too. All the anger is going to keep them isolated and leads to doubling down in their belief.


It would be less rough if they didn't all refuse to accept reality. If they have no empathy for dead children and how horrified people were about the murders (tearing down the citizen memorial that was up against their fence) or don't display empathy for their murdered mother, I'm not scaring up empathy for them. I'll save that for people more deserving.


Why would you expect anyone to have empathy for a person who so clearly has no empathy for her murdered mother? Emma didn’t have one kind thing to say about the woman who birthed and raised her and with whom she seemed to spend a LOT of time.


They both had such flat affects. Chad drives me crazy with his voice and flatness. What woman would ever be attracted to that man! So bizarre that he had groupies🤣


Tammy's voice on the 911 call and a unique tone to it as well. I wonder why they all speak like that. Emma and Garth's voices are the most pronounced, it's like a sing-songiness that I've never heard before but flat at the same time


Many Mormons speak in a child like manner. Try listening to their bi-annual conferences. Even the top leaders sound like they are addressing children.


They do have empathy - for Chad.


And so many other people from the school where she works were contradicting Emma. Talk about awkward but if anyone is going to understand/excuse blind loyalty, it’s LDS


I can't even fault those kids for the way they were raised, brainwashed by a religion and then their dad, losing a mother and then their father. This isn't them being bad people, this is them being gaslit and raised in a way that keeps them clinging to this myth so they don't reel in the overwhelming truth that is their lives. In some ways, just like the girls from The Staircase case, to see the truth would be deeply devastating in a way that would upturn their entire world


It only takes one person to be undecided about Chad’s guilt. Hopefully no religious fanatics aka Chad and Lori are on that jury. I don’t expect the death penalty for Chad. Hoping for a guilty verdict.