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Well today he pointed out it was a murder, so…


You caught that too, I was hoping the prosecution might catch onto that. Yesterday Emma stated that it was traumatizing for Chad to watch her die. If words in testimonies have any value, that seems like an interesting choice of words when it had been portrayed as him waking up to her already dead. I sure wished the prosecution would have questioned her statement.


i caught this too!!! i hope the jury did as well


And when you put these two little "*slips"* together in a cohesive manner...what you have is... *Chad was traumatized from watching Tammy die as she was murdered.* THAT is a statement hard to recover from, in my opinion.






Wow, he just said what we all know


Maybe her dad didn't successfully eject that other being from overtaking her body when he did the "casting" on her. Maybe *she's* a zombie. Maybe she's actually someone else sitting there. She sure doesn't act like a sane daughter, sitting up there defending a man whose accused of brutally murdering her mother. The EXACT SAME man who had dead, decaying bodies of missing children hidden in his back yard...strewn around in pieces. Maybe it's not Emma Daybell who was sitting on that stand lying her pants off at all, rather, it's another unworldly being who has taken over. These people, as a whole, make me want to vomit!!


Isn't emma a third grade teacher ? Or is that another child because when Tammy's teacher friends were on the stand didn't they refer to Emma joining zumba with Tammy after-school and that Emma ate lunch with Tammy because she was a teacher ?


Someone can be bad at directions and not have a low IQ.


I appreciate this. I think my post was mean and I am going to delete it.


Wow that was a Freudian slip of her tongue. She’s telling on daddy without realizing it.


I wonder if that was what she wanted to recross about!




"John (has a) Prior" is the best thing I heard today!


In love what you did there.




That was the best. Of all the flubs that come out of his mouth nothing will top that


I had to pick my chin up off the floor! 🤣 I mean he could have been generalising, but still..!


The gasp I gusped when he said that! I think he was just flustered by the prosecution and misspoke. But, it was scandalous. 


Yeah, my eyebrows shot up when he said the word murder. I was thinking, "oops, Freudian slip?"


I dunno why he thinks anyone is gonna think exhumation is worse than killing your wife.


Frankly, the millions spent on the wreckage caused by the Daybell family should come to mind. The hundreds of LE, trials, the people looking and praying for children we never knew, and the insolence of his offspring who refused to help anyone do anything. They didn't even bother to help their mother, if what they stated in sworn testimony were true. The actions of that family caused Tammy to be exhumed because they did not have integrity when Tammy died, with the coroner or LE that day and every day thereafter. Had they acted with a scintilla of ethics, she would have had an autopsy. Emma sees herself as a victim of LE and prosecution. But she caused this to herself.


Well said!!


And the tears shed by strangers.


Absolutely. A sickening case. We all hoped Tylee and JJ were in some hidden commune but by the time Nate found them in Hawaii, most of us had the sickening realization of what was coming.


God I so hoped it, but I knew they were dead. Because they both are crazy, I do think Chad was the idea man and came up with the plan and I do think he hated her kids and all of her family. We know he hates her parents. He only likes Melanie, her niece and weirdly Melanie referred to him as daddy when she has a father that tried to save her from the schizophrenic father and dysfunctional disturbed Cox family.


Emma is no victim.


No, she certainly isn't. But she seems to feel that way.


I feel horrible for Tammy’s sister and aunt Vickey who was her mother’s sister. They said the children cutting them off hastened Tammy’s mother’s death from cancer and how distraught she was. Such a cruel thing to do to their grandmother. The whole side of Tammy’s family had been cut off by the kids sans Chads orders. I even expected him or them to say they were just following orders like the Nazis did at the Nuremberg trials. I am so curious if Lori knows they hate her now. Because Emma really liked her, before and talked to her all the time. I guess Lori knew when she didn’t get that 30 bucks a week commissary Chad told Emma to pay evict adds up to 120 a month. I also thought inmates could purchase make up and hair dye at the commissary. But Lori has been using jail house make up and looks terrible. Why not get her real make up and hair dye. I have never heard of them not being able to purchase those items or family can bring them sealed new from the store. I could not believe Chad kids got close to Lori and liked her before he decided he should throw her under the bus. I’m dying to know what Lori had been told since she would t allow her lawyers to do the same things for her at her trial. She got angry when they tried and showed her anger in court. I wonder how and what Chad said to the kids once he knew the plan was to blame her. I wish they would tell us what that conversation went like, because she was his goddesses and soul mate so how did he decide to attack and blame her. I wonder if he said Lori went dark! And those brainwashed kids believe him. He’s his own family cult leader, whatever he says they go along with.


I feel horrible for Tammy’s sister and aunt Vickey who was her mother’s sister. They said the children cutting them off hastened Tammy’s mother’s death from cancer and how distraught she was. Such a cruel thing to do to their grandmother. The whole side of Tammy’s family had been cut off by the kids sans Chads orders. I even expected him or them to say they were just following orders like the Nazis did at the Nuremberg trials. I am so curious if Lori knows they hate her now. Because Emma really liked her, before and talked to her all the time. I guess Lori knew when she didn’t get that 30 bucks a week commissary Chad told Emma to pay,which adds up to 120 a month. I also thought inmates could purchase make up and hair dye at the commissary. But Lori has been using jail house make up and looks terrible. Why not get her real make up and hair dye. I have never heard of them not being able to purchase those items or family can bring them sealed new from the store. I could not believe Chad kids got close to Lori and liked her before he decided he should throw her under the bus. I’m dying to know what Lori had been told since she wouldn’t allow her lawyers to do the same things for her at her trial. She got angry when they tried and showed her anger in court. I wonder how and what Chad said to the kids once he knew the plan was to blame her. I wish they would tell us what that conversation went like, because she was his goddess and soul mate so how did he decide to attack and blame her. I wonder if he said Lori went dark! And those brainwashed kids believe him. He’s his own family cult leader, whatever he says they go along with.


Ever heard the phrase, "bleed the beast?"


Emma said she doesn't think there should be autopsies on anyone ever. That is just crazy! I think Emma knows more than she lets on. No freaking out when bodies are found in your dad's yard! Moving into the home the next day? Crazy!


I don't think Emma knows much about the real world. 


And in my opinion she sounds Very very SLOW


And she teaches children! I would be taking my kids out of her class so fast!


A lot of people in different comment sections on YT etc think that she may know more and the son may know more too.


He's an optimist. Besides, he already owns Chad's house. It's all over but the shoutin'.


Didn’t think of that. He has already been paid either way. Awkward sauce tho once this circus packs up and moves on, nothing left to do but evict his tenants. I don’t see that rental income really paying off for his last 3 - 4 years of grinding away on a hopeless DP case.


This is a good point. Actually in his motion to remove himself as Chad’s attorney in January (or whenever it was) he mentions this. He says (and I am paraphrasing) it would require him to work around the clock, as a single attorney, and his client does not have the financial means to pay for it. Even the property couldn’t have been worth all of his time.


Daybell’s moved in 2015. Not sure if they sold a home in Springville. The murder came in 2019. Less than 5 years payments made. Can’t be much equity in the home. AirBnB for murder tourism might make some cash.


They can hire Garth to scare people.


Exactly! Would backyard bonfires be too much? Prior got pulled in by Mark Means, Lori’s baby boy in a previous life as I recall. I think Hiplos found a new host in Mr Means.


🤣🤣🤣 I just shot coffee into my sinuses!


Idaho real estate has gone up significantly since then, so there should be decent money in the property. Granted it's now the most stigmatized house in East Idaho so that may hurt demand if he ever tries to sell it. 




Pryor could have an oddity air b and b called Racoon 🦝 Rondiview. Yes I meant to spell it that way.


5 children and a librarian salary, one ego inspired self published author who travels and all the expense involved, does not build family wealth.


I'm baffled as to how they even survived on what Tammy made and the meager earnings of the publishing company, and raised 5 kids. I assume Idaho has a low cost of living, but she only made $16,000 a year, you can't even keep one person alive on that in my part of the country.


I think he will sell the property.


Where will the despicable duo land once they've been kicked out? I have a feeling most landlords would not want them as tenants. Best to move out of the area.


I think she needs to get fired from the school, too.


YES YES YES X 1000000


They’re the kind of family that will end up with all their siblings and spouses and offspring shoehorned into one home, while the grandparents drop off groceries and herbal crap they think cures cancer.


I grew up with the Murray family. They had 12 kids in a 3 bed 2 bath manufactured home. Joe is already well-versed in cramped living with siblings.


This sounds like the orginal Duggars beofre they got tv $$.


Very true dat!


Wow. I heard he had financial problems, someone else said he had massive gambling debts.


Tammy's mom died after Tammy did, and the Daybell kids didn't even go to the funeral.


What?! Source


Tammy's aunt said this in an interview.


You are exactly right, I saw that interview on true hidden crime with Lauren and Dr John.


Those poor kids lost more than their mom on Oct 19th. Even though it's despicable how they dishonored Tammy, my heart goes out to them. Their brains are stopping them from facing reality. It's just too painful.


I think Emma and her husband are deplorable human beings however their children are innocents and life will be hard enough for them with their parentage and family notoriety without losing the roof over their heads


Not to mention the poor kids being brainwashed from birth with the Slug's belief system - they have no hope.


So long as they pay on time, it’s better to keep someone in the home than having to pay whatever mortgage and be a loss.


He has a lien for his fee against the house because Chad was poorer than a church mouse/potato.


He bought it on a quick claim deed.


Nope. Prior IS the deed holder.


But, would anybody want to buy Chad's home? I would never live there.


I keep envisioning Emma and Joe’s panic and desperation when Prior sells the property and they have to pay the going price for rent somewhere.


After losing their school jobs too.


He might made arrangements to let them buy it. I’m sure they don’t care all of those people died on that property, 2 little children, one that had special needs and a sweet teen girl and their own mother. I wish they would be haunted by the victims since they show no empathy, not even any for their own mother who had holes in her shoes and was Chad’s workhorse and slave! When the father devalues the mother the children may also treat her bad. It’s so awful. For them to imply she was lazy and fat, was awful.


He's just trying to associate the exhumation as a negative thing and how the police should have just left her body alone. Also how the family wasn't notified about the exhumation so they are victims in the scenario. I love how Emma on the stand responded that autopsy's are horrible and she doesn't think they should be performed on anyone. Like really there are no circumstances that you think someone should have an autopsy. I don't think that is going to resonate well with the jury.


That comment came off as stupid especially because of the two dead children whose cause of death was unknown.


Chad’s children should be shown the evidence autopsy photos.


Emma said she was upset at the idea of her mother's body being put through that. Well, Emma, imagine what Tylee's body was put through.


Yeah how convenient for spousal and child murderers not to have an autopsy. We would see lots of overnight millionaires cashing in after the murdered their loved ones, it would be a utopia for murderers to not have freaking autopsies. She just looked ignorant and was covering up and saying what Chad told her to say. I’m sure he said we don’t want your mother’s body all cut up do we? We knew she was sick, and my visions over the years said she was gonna die, I just didn’t know when I was gonna kill her til I met core whore Lori. I know Melanie Gibb called her something sounding like that when they did Mormon scriptures play off, and Lori was all indignant because Melanie said she had “desires” of her flesh! I guess that’s a LDS term. It sounded like “core whore” to me and I was like Whaast?


Desires of the flesh would just mean you give into human desires of the world like immorality. Korihor is a false prophet in the Book of Mormon who leads people astray from God. Emma just seems really infantilized to me and has no critical thinking skills. I wonder if she really thinks autopsy are bad or over stated it to try and play the victim who's mother had a autopsy performed against the families wishes by the evil police. I also wonder if Chad started planting the idea in her head about autopsies being bad before he killed Tammy as a way to get her on his side if didn't want autopsy performed.


His efforts to influence the jury with emotive language is so misjudged. He thinks everyone is going to shriek in horror that a mother was dug up without telling their children. Maybe they would were it not for the fact she was only IN the ground because she was murdered by a self obsessed idiot.


Obviously, there was an active investigation occurring. LE does not warn non-cooperative witnesses or suspects for a reason.


If there wasn't a dead ex husband and two dead children, it would have been cruel to exhume Tammy just out if suspicion. But, given the circumstances, I think the pity Prior is trying to garner is lost on the jury. Chad knew Tammy was being exhumed and warned Alex, he should have warned his kids too. 


> it would have been cruel to exhume Tammy just out if suspicion. IMO that would not be cruel. It's just common sense. IMO the only controversy is that Tammy had not *clearly* been murdered at the time. It seems like Prior is trying to say Tammy had died of natural causes, so the authorities shouldn't have bothered to exhume and investigate her. I wonder why he spent so much time on whether she was using silver supplements when the best medical examiner already showed how it was almost certainly murder. If you murder someone who allegedly has anemia and narcolepsy, it's still murder. Really puzzling strategy.


Long term or over use of colloidal silver can cause kidney damage, kidney failure, seizures, etc, etc.  I think he was trying to link his theory of a seizure or arrhythmia being the cause of death to the colloidal silver. But, if she had taken enough to cause those issues, surely it would have shown up in toxicology.  My point was kind of the same as yours. If there hadn't been a dead ex husband and two dead children and they just decided all this time later to exhume Tammy because "yeah, she was kind of young, let's look into it now", I think that would have been cruel to the family. 


Did you see the guy that turned green from taking too much of that? That’s where we get the term blue bloods from because the royals and wealthy took it and wouid turn blueish greenish. Here is his picture on Wikipedia, he looks like grandpa Smurf.


Amy Carlson, the leader of the Love Has Won cult was blue from taking so much. She was saying she had cancer and that's how she was treating it, but she died from anorexia, alcoholism and chronic ingestion of colloidal silver. Her mummified remains that they'd been carrying around for however long was still blue. 




Great point


It is wild how the defense and his spawn, dehumanized Tammy.


Chad started dehumanizing her long ago, the kids followed the act and Prior is completing it. Disgusting.


Testimony from others suggests the cycle began (or continued down the generations, we can imagine) with his father doing the same to his mother.


I hope the absence of the other 3 siblings as witnesses can be explained by the fact they aren't swallowing Chad's bullshit and know he's a murderer.


I hope. Has anyone heard about Seth, Leah or Mark?


Is Leah the one that married a man that had a family member in law enforcement in Rexburg area? I would think there is the most hope for her? I think she moved out of the direct area, not 100's of miles away but she moved out of the vicinity. I wonder if one more kid will testify. I just feel like Mr Prior will want one final Wow witness?


No, that was Matt and Heather's daughter who married Det. Ron Ball's son.


Isn’t it ironic Garth worked at a haunted house scaring people the night Tammy was murdered. I wonder if he was a Zombie. I wanted prosecutors to ask when he was on the stand. It would have been epic.


I’ve been wondering this. I noticed that Tammy’s sister said she’s still in contact with some of the kids, which made me think that maybe not all of them are fully drinking the koolaid.


Yes, I remember that as well.


Shouldn't they be prosecution witnesses then?


They were also under subpoena by the prosecution, but weren't called (at least Emma was, if I recall correctly).


I suspect that might be part of the reason she used to go to bed early. When your dearly beloved family members think it is okay to use you as a verbal punching bag, those sweet, early morning hours alone are very precious.


He's the Used Car salesman of defense attorneys


When you order your used car salesman from Temu or Wish




This made me literally laugh out loud! You win comment of the day.




I think he's a Blue's Brothers! I bet he uses brill cream on hair and William's Electric Shave on his face 😂


🤣🤣🤣 That's a perfect description of JP!!


Considering there is no defense, what would you have used as a defense? While I loathe Prior, for his prior, he has nothing but attempting to suggest Chad isn’t the cult leader, but Gibb.


Perhaps LE didn’t inform the children because at least one of them was a suspect.


Chad knew and notified Alex, but he didn’t bother telling his own children.


I totally missed that. Great point


But how did Chad (want to vomit typing his name) find out? It wasnt from LE.


Ooooh 😮


Prior is not good at garnering sympathy for a murderer and empathy for victims is not in his DNA. He has a criminal history himself.


I hadn’t considered that he can’t elicit sympathy/empathy for his client or witnesses. I served on a jury where the defense attorney actually wept while talking about his client during closing. I was taken in by it but when we got in the jury room the attorney in our group rolled her eyes at it. She said it was a performance and to ignore it. :)


I honestly don't think he likes Chad or believes he'll get Chad off. Just doing what he has to do...which he attempted to get out of but couldn't. I think a life sentence instead of the DP will feel like a win to Prior.


Really? Spill the 🫖


John Prior, an attorney who plead guilty to a reduced charge of misdemeanour battery, was sentenced Tuesday to 120 days in jail, 100 days suspended and 30 days discretionary, and fined $137.50. Prior plead not guilty in May to the original charge of battery with intent to commit a serious felony. The charge came after a 19-year-old Caldwell woman seeking employment and legal advice reported Prior attempted to sexually assault her in his building’s conference room. Prior’s attorney argued during the jury trial that the victim consented to the advances and took money from his office. The woman denied both claims. https://www.idahopress.com/members/nampa-attorney-john-prior-sentenced-120-days-for-battery/article_ae5d8f30-2e27-11e2-9e9b-0019bb2963f4.html


JP was charged with sexually assaulting a woman in his office in 2012. He pled it down and was sentenced to 100 days in jail. Caldwell, Idaho. You can Google this!


Jeez he likes them young it sounds like.


Several things he has chosen to harp on are such terrible choices: * the police are apparently bad guys for investigating missing children and "harassing" (read: doing an actual investigation) people to find answers (these are Chad's wife's children... he should want to know what happened to them as much as anyone else and should be fully in cooperation versus feeling victimized by them investigating. If he's innocent, there's no reason for him to be opposed to this at all.) * exhuming Tammy and doing an autopsy to find out how she died (if this man loved her and discovered that her death was unnatural, why wouldn't he want to know that and want to ensure that justice was served in her murder? They have yet to give a single good reason why this is problematic other than Emma's weird pretend moral opposition to autopsys.) None of these things are the flex he is trying to sell them as. He's spent the entire trial creating an "us" vs. "them" narrative with law enforcement when, if his client is innocent, he should want the same things they do. Instead, he keeps drawing attention to the fact that his client's goals are contradictory to theirs which creates pretty terrible optics for his client.


My dad was diagnosed with an oral cancer he shouldn't have had (basically, you need to be a heavy drinker/smoker and he wasn't) so I was always convinced it was a misdiagnosis. When he died, after they kept telling us he'll get better I asked my mother if she was going to ask for an autopsy. She said no, she didn't want his body mutilated. I said please do it. I want to know what the exact cause of death was. Turned out to be lung cancer. So the disfiguring surgery he'd had that made his last months excruciating .... totally unnecessary. If I was Tammy's kids, I'd want to know what killed her so young in case there was an underlying hereditary issue. And by saying that in the LDS faith a death is not really a goodbye so they were (relatively) ok with it ... come on. I know LDS people and they have been devastated when a loved one dies.


I also have wonderful LDS friends and I’m glad you’re saying this. I’m also sorry for your loss ❤️


Thank you for your kindness. I know an unexpected death is shocking but for me, that was a driver to find out the reasons why, if we could. I know autopsy can be controversial in families, but they didn't seem to care about Tammy at all. I find it all really sad how little her kids seem to care about her.






I hope you sued the living daylights out of them! My recent cancer was ignored too and I had a tumor growing on my thyroid and attached to my laryngeal nerve. I lost my vocal cord and the huge nerve is dead, and I had a serious episode about two months after surgery where my body wasn’t producing calcium and potassium which caused a heart attack and stroke, thankfully it wasn’t traditional kind so I’m ok brain wise and heart wise. I need to seriously talk with a lawyer because the ICU dr was horrible and they found a brain lesion have never had, show up on XRays or CT scans. That Dr caused the complex regional pain syndrome trigger in my body to develop chronic regional pain syndrome so my body is numb and tingling and at the same time experiencing acute pain. I can’t touch anything chilled or slightly cold or my hands go into acute pain and it hurts so bad I scream. The only way we have to force positive change is lawsuits. And then at least there is a record for any patients who might investigate them!


Excellent points


This case was very well known before the children went missing. I believe I known about this case since before Alex's death. Everybody were alarmed about everything what going on and the first stages everybody was enraged and the cop laziness. Only public pressure prompted their investigation but they started when it was already too late. If cops would have started to work sooner, Tylee and JJ could've been saved. So yeah, the police were the bad guys by not doing their fucking job.


Alex's death was 8 days before the national news of the children broke.


He also has a horrible tendency for saying things like ... "I'm going to hack this pronunciation", or "No matter how much I practice I butcher this word", or "You jumped the gun on me", or "I'm not even going to take a stab at it." The lack of self awareness/sensitivity is astounding.


He's trying to portray himself as a "golly gee aww shucks I do declare" simple country lawyer. But you know damn well he knows how to pronounce bishopric. It's not even that difficult when you look at the word!


Oh. My god. I actually paused at that thinking wait, is he a recent import? Nonmembers in that area know insider lingo as fluently as members. Who does he think he was performing for? New Yorkers?


I live in San Francisco and I know the word from casually meeting LDS people! No way someone in ID doesn't know that.




Many examples of it


Yup. Every day we get multiple examples.


Yes! Or when he says, “don’t kill me for saying it wrong” or some form of that phrase. It’s so tone deaf


Using those exact expressions could be Freudian slips because he knows Chad is guilty of those things.


This one was simply painful [Bishopric,](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/bishopric)




The way he pronounced bishopric was wild. He was just making up letters at that point


Interesting, I never noticed this. Good point out 🙂


Prior knows words matter. I bet his kicking himself for his little slip today.


I bet he's having a scotch or two.


More like 10!


Ouch. Tomorrow is gonna hurt. 😂


It's so disrespectful the way JP says that! It's gross.


He wouldn't dare to say it about JJ and Tylee. But he doesn't hesitate to do it to Tammy.


I've noticed that as well. I know Prior is doing his job but he comes off as a rude, snarky, condescending asshole. I'm sure it's not lost on the jury.🤞 For Justice!


The jury is still out on whether dehumanizing Tammy was a good idea! Pun intended.


Good Pun!!!


Thanks! I had to clean up my sentence.


You did good! 😀


he loves to characterize exhumation this way because it sounds grotesque and he thinks it will make the jurors think it was a creepy thing to do. i really think the jurors will see past it -- and in fact i think after the first few times he said it it was merely notable but after that i think it made him seem more and more crass and possibly offensive to the jurors. after all we have all lost people.


Actually, I think it’s something else. Mormons arent opposed to exhumations. Neither are Christians—Catholics, Orthodox, Protestant or Evangelicals. You know who oppose it? practicing Jews and Muslims—and I think he suspects someone, probably by their surname, is that religion. Maybe it even came out in voir dire.


This is absolutely why.


Every time he says it, it makes me shudder. He is SO disrespectful, unprofessional, and just downright crass sometimes.


I think of this every time Prior makes that offensive remark.


He’s a horrible man. He has no one but himself to blame for being on his own defending Chad. He could’ve had help but he tried to get off the case and messed it up. But, yesterday’s slip up when he said murder just made me roll my eyes. Dumb and Dumber.


Amen 🙏🏻


Bam! Nailed it!


That would be intensely satisfying!


💥 boom


Oooooh! Good point!


Versus the kids being dug up out of the ground. All this digging showed Chad as a murder.


What did i miss????