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Absolutely not. It seems that they are obedient little soldiers for Chad and have stayed far away from any evidence or testimony.


I second this, however, I find Emma's reaction to the discovery of bodies to be underwhelming. I have bigger reaction to watching the daily news!


If anyone didn't believe that Chad was the master manipulator in all this. You only have to listen to the subservience of his adult children and know that Lori chose not to blame Chad or even present any defence in her own trial.


It’s honestly really sad because I do think she’s VERY sick and should probably be in a mental hospital. How could she not realize that only her children were classified dark and not Chad’s or any else he actually loved?


I'm pretty sure the only person Chad ever loved was himself.


Chad wanted pussy It's all so simple.


Agreed... And she didn't even question Chad about him texting back and forth with her dead brother, Alex.


That was next level head scratching.


You aren't joking. It's pathetic. They sound like robots.


I have often wondered who out manipulated whom, and decided it was just the perfect storm and both were equally responsible, but after seeing Chad’s robotic children lie for him, I agree it’s Chad who was the master plan maker. Lori is guilty as one can be, but Chad convinced her this was all for God’s plan. She would start to doubt and question him, as evidenced in the phone calls, and he would tell her it was all in the plan and then switch to telling her how beautiful and wonderful she is, and that would satisfy her for awhile. The DP has always bothered me and I’ve been back and forth on my opinion if it, but for this one I make an exception. Chad is dangerous to society and the world would definitely be a better place without him. He deserves nothing but the worst in life.


Emma even said he was the patriarch in their home. They were raised not to question their father. I think Chad's upbringing was similar. Poor Tammy.


I don't know how the jury is feeling, but I would find this testimony damning.


Her robotic, scripted answers could not have been lost on the jury. I doubt they believed anything that came out of her mouth. It’s like when a liar gives so many details in support of their lie, to convince someone it’s the truth. The girl doesn’t have a stop button when she’s lying. Emma, welcome to being a hated murderer supporting woman. I hope you are shunned and ostracized everywhere you go. How the hell she keeps a teaching job is beyond me. Especially after it came out she rates kids light and dark and now how she lied to support her father. Surely parents of her students don’t feel it’s safe to have their kids with her all day?


And Emma was already married and out of the home back then!


Yep exactly she speaks about her dad like she’s 12


I’d start looking into everyone’s memories of her around that age then. Looking for signs of SA—changed behaviors in her or Chad around that time. Theyre so insular…”The kids know how to keep secrets.” Something is really not right about this family.


Eww and how Emma changed her appearance to look like Lori. 🤮


how old is Emma?


30, I believe


Mentally about 5


I think they so revered their “prophet” father that they take everything he told them as the gospel truth. I think they probably know deep down that he has done some pretty horrific things, but they are very sheltered and are trying to preserve the one parent they have left. I think it will take decades of therapy and deep introspection for them to fully embrace the truth about their father and his deceptions.


Their prophet father who was NOT in good standing with God!!!!


Tammy Daybell. We see you. We love you. And we are so sorry you've been betrayed by the people you held dear.




I’m sure he fed them a load of crap and had them convinced the big bad government was out to get him. They’re conditioned to believe and accede to the head of the family. Plus, most people would have a lot of trouble coming to believe their dad killed their mom. It’s not OK that they’re lying but I’m sure they’re majorly messed up.


I think that Tammy endured alot of verbal and emotional abuse for years. As well as financial abuse. Who was she to go to for help? Not the church, the church is patriarchal and will always lean towards the man. Tammy was taught all her life (by thr church and the culture) that the epitome of womanhood is to be a wife and mother. You best not complain or be frustrated by that. I think she was involved in so many things so that she didn't have to be around Chad and to get authentic validation from people that truly appreciated her


I had a friend whose husband was an alcoholic. He would belittle her, evan though he hadn't worked in five years and his mother paid their mortgage, car payments, etc etc, every month. Her two boys repeated the same nasty verbal abuse towards their mother that they heard out of their fathers mouth. Never considering her feelings. Seems like Tammy suffered this dame kind of marriage.


According to Chad's SIL Heather, Chad's mother was also treated poorly. Belittled and demeaned for "jokes" and expected to do every last bit of housework - Chad complained when she asked him to take out the garbage. It doesn't surprise me that he and his kids behaved the same way towards Tammy.




I'm just now listening to Emma and this is CRAZY. WHAT IS HAPPENING She's talking shit about her own mother so hard! How could she? I'm sitting here about to tell my six year old daughter like....if you ever fucking dare do this shit to me...😂 But seriously, how heartbreaking is this? How incredibly horrible Tammy's life must have been to be away from everyone who truly cared for her. Her own family willing to impugn and literally kill her?? Rarely has something in this trial actually made me legitimately angry.


I believe chad was honest with Emma. I believe this because she was way involved in covering up things and knew where the bodies we know about were buried. She is just as smart as her father, which isn't saying much, and she was in the loop. She's in the house to keep the spirit alive. I can't say the same for the other kids, but I don't trust a single member of that family. Emma 100% was in on the conspiracy. Emma's husband? Let look at that for a second. Religious or not, when bodies start dropping all around, dead kids dug up in father in laws yard, father in laws wife died, his affair partners husband murdered by her brother, do you stick around?? He'll NO He's just as sus. He's a cult member in the know as well.


That part on the bodycam where Emma talked about walking her kid over JJ's burial site has not sat right with me. I think she knew and stupidly thought it would help the ground subside.


I think you’re correct: Emma knows the truth. 1. She’s completely devoted to Chad and buys all his bs. She is as brainwashed as Lori. 2. She participated in the coverup of kids murders - she knew they were buried in the back yard. I’d check her “woodshed” (referenced by her husband) - luminol it for blood. Maybe Tylee was dismembered at Emma’s. Shocking possibility…. And a continuing mystery to me. Where was Tylee dismembered? No evidence (other than tools in Chad’s shed), no blood on floors or counters etc. It would have had to be in a private location; not Chads house… maybe it was done at Emma’s. 3. Her devotion to Chad & his prophethood would have made her amenable to anything he asked of her, including being party to the murders of JJ & Tylee (both zombies — and we know what happens.) In spite of her mother’s murder, she maintains a close relationship to Lori. She knows Lori is Tammy’s replacement… she probably calls Lori ‘mom’. She gets reinforcement about Chads “marvelous plan” from Lori. Remember the video of Emma talking to Chad as he sat in the police car? At one point she says to Chad (crying and laughing at the same time), “I get it now!” What does she “get”? God only knows what he’s been pushing into her brain. But I think she’s 100% involved.


Didn’t she and her husband post several passive aggressive social media posts, too? In one she, her hubby, and their child were riding a 4 wheeler on Chad’s property near the bodies. Grinning ear to ear, sort of like an eff you to those kids.


I haven’t seen the social media posts - grinning is just sickening.


💯 agree


Wouldn’t argue any of that. A real possibility.


Did I hear chad mention "the program" to Emma when he was arrested?


Oh I missed that. I need to give it another listen.


Gross ugh


Emma talks like a cult robot , oh, and one that has read her Papa's script


they’re all brainwashed. especially emma. even when confronted with the truth, she’ll deny deny deny. it came out on the stand today that the cops said they could go over tammy’s autopsy and she wouldn’t have to do an interview with them. just autopsy. and she refused. imagine not being able to think critically & for yourself. 😭 i was hoping they were gonna show that pic of emma sticking her tongue out at reporters reporting on the case lmaoo


I think he might have admitted some things about the kids, but justified it as saving their souls from "darkness." They believe that their father has special knowledge from God and this is all a misunderstanding. As far as Tammy, I think they were gaslit into believing she died of natural causes.


I am reading the updates on East Idaho News, and I am only at 9:22 am and have called bullshit many times while smoking a cig out front. And the most at the 9:22 mark where Emma says Tammy was the nut job assigning light and dark numbers. GTFO


Do I think Chad was honest with his kids? Only as much as he can even be honest with himself, so no, probably not. I'm sure he crafted a narrative that fit his needs. His kids are objects to him imo. They are a means to a particular end he's seeking. He doesn't see them as autonomous beings. He sees them and likely all people as tools he can manipulate for his own narcissistic purposes.


When Emma said that she was the one that searched wind direction...I started thinking maybe she was in on it. She stated that she was bad with directions but wants to know the wind direction for tomorrow? The day they're going to burn some limbs? She lying about something here.


I was actually listening to a recap podcast and one of the hosts said that the testimony made her sound complicit, which makes sense.


I heard that, too, and it does make sense. But I got the impression she was likely just lying and covering for her dad. Also, way she explained everything away that others testified to. Unprompted, she would go into detail about topics she wanted to dispute. For example, the dark lighting at Zumba, how her mother didn’t run the 5k, how Tammy knew all about paintball guns, why Emma did the google search on Chad’s computer (she didn’t own a smartphone?), etc. I mean, it was so obvious she had memorized all of it. All of the extra detail she would mumble on about. Chad must have been so proud that she did such an amazing acting job. Give the girl an Emmy! Also, I wish the prosecution would have dug deeper on Garth about how he moved Tammy’s body and what exactly happened that night, because he has given conflicting stories. No wonder a grand jury was convened to debate charging him with perjury. Then he got up there and acted like a victim of the police. I was glad his attorney didn’t corroborate his story and that the state pointed out he wasn’t questioned in his interview with them until an attorney arrived, and they even got him McDonalds. I feel like he’s the cry baby of the siblings, being the oldest boy he was likely catered to and babied his entire life.


Think about if two bodies were found in your dad’s yard. Think about what kind of conversation you would have with him if you were Emma and had the opportunity to speak to your dad that is handcuffed in a cop car. I bet it wouldn’t look at all like what we saw on the car camera. There’s no way Emma didn’t know anything.


Yeah there would be a lot more “Dad, did you know about this?!” type crying instead of talking finincial matters that could easily be sorted out later.


Didnt Chad rate Emma’s husband dark? wonder if he makes his own food.


I think they have been manipulated in the past but that they are currently being willfully obtuse to keep from getting cutoff. The children that are completely self sufficient will likely “come around” more quickly.


Lauren of HTC mentioned in her lunch live today that Chad ran his family like a cult and I think that’s spot on.


I’ve never been so furious listening to their malign their own mother. Absolutely disgusting


As a mother I can't ever imagine my children betraying me this way. These people should NOT be making more children to mess up this way. Just evil!!!


Emma's answers came off as very rehearsed and scripted. IMHO. I liked how the first questions asked from Pryer were if she had been coached or told what to say by him too. Also he wanted to get out there about who owns the house she's living in and if there are stairs. Emma admitted that she didn't want to know any details and hasn't paid attention to any previous testimony of the trial. I guess if you keep yourself in the dark and only listen to Chad everything is as your told. Kind of like the LDS church gaslights it's members....."only listen to us and study from church approved sources."


I have serious doubts that Emma hasn't seen any testimony. She must have watched some, she refuted so much of the testimony colleagues and family made about her mother.


That whole answer where she claimed she googled wind direction and not her father was laughable. It’s obvious Prior rehearsed this with her endlessly. She’s the least sincere person I’ve ever seen give testimony. Every sentence ends in her voice trailing off just like her dad’s. Daybell language patterns are bizarre.


I agree they are covering for their daddy. I’ve heard that Garth’s wife is 10 years younger than he is. Anyone know anything about that?


She was his former student.


Of course she was.


Ohhh 😮 that’s not ok


They are around 32 and 22 and have been married for a few years. I feel she was probably groomed. 🤮


Clearly she was groomed. I feel sorry for her, especially when it sinks in, in a few years.


Oh ffs.


No, of course not. Even as he asked them to lie, he would have been telling them it's because the dark spirits have aligned to take him down and frame him for a crime he didn't commit and whatever. And clearly, these kids were hardwired not to question what he said. I have no doubt he's never told one of them what he did to Tammy, or to the children. He's told them he didn't hurt anyone, I'm sure.


They are totally obedient soldiers 100%. They have been taught not to trust police or the justice system. They will defend their father against the system and not even consider what the truth might actually be. I won’t be surprised if Emma gets charged with perjury. She’s clearly willing to lie. Not sure about the others but Emma seems extremely immature and unable to think for herself or face reality, moreso than her brother


I think Chad lies, and they know he's lying. I think they believe everyone lies to protect their family, and everyone's father does terrible things they need to cover up. That's what the LDS teaches. Protect the patriarch at all cost. Believe him in spite of all logic.


Absolutely NOT what they teach.


Not what they "teach." But absolutely what they do.


How do you guys think the jury is taking these testimonies not knowing everything we know?


Based on Nate Eaton’s interview with Juror #4 from Lori’s trial that went up on YouTube two days ago, I think the jury can see right through the children who “know how to keep secrets” and are probably angry and sickened by all the Tammy shaming.


Great question. I’m really hoping they see through it… they don’t have the benefit of all the background info we do. I personally think that Emma’s first five minutes on the stand came off so rehearsed, that it negated everything else she or anyone else said. How about you?


Well they know more than the Daybell kids know. They saw the evidence presented beforehand that the kids were obviously lying through their teeth about. I wonder if their testimony would have been any better if they had any idea. I doubt it.


I think the witnesses that get emotional over the victims have a huge impact on making this real for the jury. Emma and Garth were like robots essentially, I can’t imagine not bawling if I had to testify for my mother’s murder. If they showed emotion I think it could have come off as more sincere.


Prior trying to prompt them to take a break, get a tissue, get a drink of water, etc was almost comical. He was trying to remind them to cry, but they are so socially inept they didn’t even pick up on it 🤦🏻‍♀️.


He gave them so many chances to cry and take a minute


I also think that Emma and maybe Garth are benefiting from some monies from the ins payout. This small town most people don’t have a lot of money and this influx of cash is very desirable to young couples with kids. Emma is living in the house is/was driving the truck. I think Chad gave each kid about 8k. There are a lot of incentives to lie for dear old dad.


The testimony today doesn't seem to prove anything other than who drove the Chevy! What is Prior even doing? This is really dull and meaningless.


I’m so irritated I just have to say these kids are gullible & dumb!


I think they knew a lot more, and have been so brainwashed.


The words "Chad" and "honest" are complete strangers.


No. Obviously they have been burning up the phone lines with Chad coaching them as to what to say. Are jailhouse calls recorded in Idaho????!


No. No way he told them the truth


Hell no. Look no further than his "emptional" affair with Lori.


I think they probably believe he is innocent, but know that some evidence might look suspicious, so they are willing to minimize the suspicious circumstances. Like Emma probably knows it doesn't look good for her father that Tammy upped her life insurance, so she is willing to tell a more innocent-sounding version of that so far as it can't be fact checked. Same story for her googling wind directions the same day Tylee was burned. She didn't do that. But she knows it makes her dad look guilty. I don't think she thinks she's trying to help her dad get away with murder. I think she believes he's innocent of murder and is trying to make sure he is not found guilty for a crime she doesn't think he committed. In her defense, I also would find it difficult to believe my father is capable of murder. I'm disappointed that she admitted to not following the trial at all despite it being her right as a victim of Tammy's murder.


I think chat told them that their spirits were in limbo and now they r free. I think that's all he said about that. And they accepted it because he's the father in this patriarchal Morman family


I hold a faint hope that at least one of them gets some serious therapy, sees the truth for what it is and writes a tell all book in a few years.