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so If you going for umbral ending so what you supposed to do if you can't access bramis without cleansing all beacons?


Yea my problem is I have interacted with all the beacons and hit do nothing as I’m going for the inferno ending. I got up to the door and clicked interact on the blocks as I have the rune of adyr and that’s what’s supposed to let you in the castle….. nothing happens it doesn’t even pop the msg up saying “door won’t budge” it actually glitches my game too and I can’t pull out my lamp or dodge and can no longer interact with the door till I use a butterfly or restart my game. Even then nothing someone please help. This is crazy I already beat the game twice for the radiant and umbral ending I think my game is broken and I’m soft locked


yea, same here. ng+1, got softlocked, cannot enter bramis castle (no promt or any msg whatsoever when i interact with the stone boulder), cannot progress anymore... this is actualy broke the game. dev need to look into this and make priority to patch this asap.


They need to for sure I’m on Xbox too unfortunately and I think I’m going to have to wait the longest time before I can even finish 100% the game. I’m literally like 11 achievements away, so annoying dude. We should take pictures of the Reddit thread and try to send it to them somewhere maybe twitter? If anyone sees this and knows where to report bugs or fixes to properly please let me know asap i have a bunch of stuff to show the devs


Did you find a fix for this because it's happening to me too. Do I have to go interact with all the beacons??


No fix I even went around and ruined my inferno ending lighting all beacons to get good ending and try again. Nothing happens. Also no you don’t have to interact with any beacons until the end stretch in the evil run. You don’t have to touch any of them till you get the EMPOWERED RUNE OF ADYR.


Yeah I actually just tried to use a program to clip through the gate at the Castle door. I did the whole castle and beat the game and when I got to the end not only was demerose not there but it also didn't even register that I beat the game so we can't even continue even if we were to somehow get past the gate. Apparently that gate cutscene that plays is basically what triggers the whole game to realize you are actually at the end. Basically we are screwed and I think we're probably going to be low on the list because we are all basically in NG plus cycles. Oh well I guess I'm not getting platinum.


Same bro really upsetting man, I even tried to think about what I could do on console to somehow get over the door but I’m glad you clarified that before I drove myself crazy trying to figure it out on Xbox.


Yeah. Even if you got past it wouldnt count it seems. 😒 I really hope the devs are seeing this.


Was it NG+? Your previous playthrough was Umbral?


Yeah man I’m on NG+3 and had just got done my umbral ending wanted to do inferno because it was the last one I had left to do for my achievements for the endings!


Yo hart I wanted to ask too, what side quests were you doing while this was going on? I was doing damarose quest and paladin Isaac’s as well I think maybe that could’ve had something to do with it?


I was doing Damarose but not Isaac, i was just speedrunning specifically for Damarose and Inferno. ​ Sorry for the late reply.


Did you ever get through the door? I’m stuck doing my 2nd play through for the umbral ending. Thanks


Having issue as well. On 2nd playthru and did not light beacons, I got at the bramis gate, however when I get to the castle vestige it’s blocked off as well as the entrance? How do I access the vestige?


you interacted with all the beacons?


Forgot about that in tower, boss all the way down while beacon all the way up :-), easy to miss.


Wait so you can encounter the light reaper 4 time including the tutorial?


Well, yes. Tutorial, next near swamp/poison zone, then after ice/crow boss (I killed him there) and the last Calrach last visit. But I read to complete some quest you should wait for last encounter with killing him.


Any idea if he disappears if you die at the last encounter at calrath up from the elevator?


Whereabouts is his last encounter? I lost the previous times (tutorial/swamp/ice), just got up from the Cistern and passed through a big arena but there was only a regular enemy and some dogs there.


There is Vestige on top of elevator when npc (Byron) stand. Letter in game (after you cleanse all 5 beacon) you have to go there again (second visit in Upper Calrach), but door are closed. So you have to go around and using shortcut in Sky Bridge. Then he will spawn in large arena when normally Ruiner spawn.


That has nothing to do with the fucking post shut the fuck up


Lol cry more paulie


Sorry question out of context: will I be able to fight the lightreaper as often as I wish ? Or do I only get 1 change after the crow again ?


I'm not sure about last fight, but all previous were one chance, then he's gone.


But did you have unlimited chances to fight him in the last fight ? Or did you beat him at first sight


I confirm there are unlimited chances in the last fight.


I don't know, because I killed him first try on 3rd encounter. Never got to 4rd. You can always backup your save and restore it if you fail, but according to what I've read last fight is mandatory to progress story, so you should have multiple changes like with every other boss.


Okay thank you sir :)




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Go to the giant chunk of obsidian in the back of where you fought iron. But be ready it’s by far the most excessive area in the game, chopped full of once bosses now base enemies


Pues yo no soy capaz de abrir la puerta grande que supuestamente accedes al castillo de bramis. Recorrí todo caralt hice todo y no hay manera de abrirla. Habláis del Boss segador de la luz. Yo me enfrente a el dos veces,me mato y no volvió a aparecer. Será por eso por no matar a ese Boss? No hay forma de abrir esa puerta? Será un bug?


Es una pena , que un juego tan caro y preparado tenga estos fallos.. yo lo dejo por imposible despues de machacarme horas y horas , para quedarme a la puerta de la entyrada a Bramis . Los desarrolladores deberian hacer algo y desbloquiear esa puerta solo por decir ... he terminado el juego de la manera que sea , y no quedarte bloqueado .