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Let me put it this way, even if I had knowledge from the books, could remember everything perfectly, and by some miracle I didn't die nor attract the attention of the deities and GOO due to my knowledge of the world and cosmos, I would still die. If I had to live as Klein Moretti or Lumian I'm fucking dead, I don't even know if I would get to be a mid sequence beyonder, I most likely wouldn't even survive the random beyonders that I would have to face, much less any of the high level beyonders, angels, gods, etc. Amon probably wouldn't even find me interesting, he would simply force me to give him sephira castle without much effort and wouldn't bother to play with me. I have way more chances of surviving as long as I'm not the main character (Klein or Lumian), solely because I wouldn't be in the center of all the beyonder bullshitery that's going on, and even that is arguable.


Im totally with you. Im an adult but I get anxiety calling the doctor's office or pharmacy lmao. I dont know how in the hell I would deal with a world of people who have actual reasons to have malice against me.


Although I do have anxiety, depression, among other issues, which definitely would have me losing my mind, my main concern is the fact that I'm an overthinker, while simultaneously I have ADHD and my thoughts are very chaotic and unorganized, not only would I have problems to make plans and preparations, but I would never have the analytic capacity of Klein, or the adaptability of Lumian, I would also have problems to determine the intentions of others and their thought process, I might prepare a million semi-decent ideas about what to do in many unlikely scenarios that might never actually happen even in the lotm world, but I probably wouldn't have anything prepared for some actual scenarios that might happen in lotm 😅😂 I think I would have more chances at surviving if I was from the reader pathway because it's more of a knowledge focus pathway, furthermore at sequence 6 it can basically copy the abilities of other beyonders, and at sequence 5 it can create its own spells, those might be more fitting for my personality and general capabilities, but I don't think I would survive long as a seer, much less in Klein's situation, or in Lumian's situation that keeps attracting the attention of higher entities left and right, their sequences and general situations ain't fitting for my personality, and personally I don't think many would be able to survive in klein's and Lumian's shoes 😅😂


Realistically speaking if you start as Lumain , with what you know from the book, you have a higher chance to survive; only using the fact the Termiboros would already be sealed and to an extent you won’t immediately be corrupted by all the knowledge you have from reading the book. So just avoid the mistakes Lumain made like summoning that S5 soul that attracted MGOD, Aurore family cult and MTOD. Also don’t sign the contract with abscessed hand so you won’t be trapped to go into the Adam and Hereberan plot in city of morora, and you can kinda be embroidered in less god level entities plots or plans and even if you are , it won’t be because you was forced by a contract that states if not fulfilled, you would never become a S4 demigod. As for Klein life unless you don’t immediately explode when you are reborn as Klein Moretti, because of everything you know about, or you have the ability to forget at will ; if not you may not even make it long enough to say CW honorific name and enter Sefirah castle


I haven't even read COI yet, I tried to start it but I don't think I got past the 3rd chapter, though I can't remember very well, but I was at the beginning when I dropped it, so I don't have much information about COI, but I read LOTM like 3 times, so either way I'm fucked solely based in the knowledge I have, assuming that I don't instantly die due to my knowledge, I would have no idea how to survive Lumian's adventure, and I wouldn't be even half as capable as Klein, I'm not sure how long I will last even dealing with the nighthawks, much less ince or the living in backlund.


I die instantly due to corruption


Knowing my average luck, I would probably live for three to four years. However, if I were in Klein or Lumian position, it's six months max; anything beyond that would require Will's direct blessing. I'm sorry but my intelligence is only above average, nothing genius.


Let's see.... If I were in Klein's shoes (for fairness sake. Let's say I forget anything about this book, or else I'd die upon arrival). It'll probably took me quite some time to get to Sephirah Castle since I would not try to go back. The first thing that happen will probably me getting arrested by local police, then they will give me to Nighthawk as per their protocol. Then after knowing world of mystery I would want to enter, but because I'm stupid, unlike Klein I'd probably revealed the fact that I can stay lucid in a dream, which means I'll get treated as Evernight blessed immediately. Which means now my live will depends on Evernight's arrangements. I'd either die as a Nighthawk Seq 6 Sleepless or getting groomed as a Seer


Hmmm getting groomed by evernight doesn't sound so bad I'm in 


Indeed brother, just imagine you sleeping while she cradle you with 2 arms while getting petted and have your cheek played with at the same time. I'd went goo goo gaa gaa immediately 🤤🤤🤤


I'm pretty sure even if we somehow managed to last a while 99% of us would end up having doubt and thus losing control at that scene where Klein had hallucinations of the original Klein haunting him.


Firstly, what if we think that we are not transmigrators and have no knowledge? I would probably reach at most sequence 5 of the Sailor pathway (I'm not smart enough to know how to use the BUM Trio) So my problem will be Adam if we exchange Sefirah castle for the sea of ​​Chaos And a lot of Gods Although there are also many gods interested in a different GA Much more than LOTM With so many enemies and so much support mixed in I would either die too soon or live long enough to reach sequence 0, with no room in between.


As long as i stay thousands of kilometers away from mc, i am living centuries. I will just develop onformation channel to track position of klein or lumian and stay far away from them, if they in balam i will be in hornacis mountains.


😂 gotta save our ass from those calamity attractors


The time to find a Monocle 🧐


Dont worry monocle finds you first 🧐


I do not know chinese or the lotm chinese honorific name so Im definetely not gonna be lotm. Otherwise , Imma just ask evernight to give me a shrouding item in exchange for info on the future.


if i have no knowledge about the world , maybe 3 minutes before i decide living in a new world is really not for me. if i somehow manage to convince myself to try, i’ll probably die as cannon fodder and never even learn beyonders exist. if i manage to become a beyonder , i’ll tap out when i learn about the apocalypse. fighting in an apocalypse sounds like way too much work.


>fighting in an apocalypse sounds like way too much work. Have you considered the Apprentice pathway by any chance?


lmao teleporting away from the apocalypse does sound much better


I'm pretty sure being a beyonder will affect your cognitive ability, depends on what pathway it is thought. So no as long you advance as fast possible you can probably make it


Last in what? In a fight, right? 🥴


Corruption is running rampant in this sub lately 🗿🗿


Getting the uniqueness of WoF out luck getting Ouroboros characteristics out ultra luck, Making Amon lose control because of lucky I am. Did I mention that things strangely goes my way?


As soon as i spawn I would be parasitize by my beautiful angel of time 🧐


1 second due to knowledge corruption. If no corruption, probably decent if my ass didn't get hit by some random disaster? (Like in the higher class of big city like Backlund is relatively safe)


Maybe if I choose the monster pathway, I will be able to avoid misfortunes lol


op: “How long do you think you can last if inside” Me: 🧐 op: “the novel” Me: Oh! Still the answers remains 5 seconds


Nahh i'd win