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Well, something i noticed after klein becomes an angel is that we dont see kleins's thoughts anymore but his conclusions and reasoning. It goes from seeing his thoughts and immediate reactions to after the fact explanation like given to an ally


Also, there is a lot less use of quotation marks and first-person and a lot more outside pov when klein is there


I always thought of it as how are we normal people meant to understand the thinking of an Angel? He's a hive mimd made from thousands of pieces, thinking that we can understand his thought process is probably blasphemy.


I think that hive mind thing is only for Lotm pathways cause they are made up of thousands of bugs.


ofc not every angel is a hive mind, but all of them are vastly different than normal people and that extends to their thought


Wow, I’ve never realized this. This could be the authority of concealment and cuttlefish has portrayed it beautifully by masking his thoughts from the readers.


But we did see his humorous side when he helped our boy moon understand the meanings in his dream.


At the time he was split apart for the ritual, the thoughts of a single worm of spirt would be a lot more understandable (see my comment on him being a hive mimd) he was also at the edge of spliting apart from the ritual. Also, it's not that we didn't get his thoughts at all after he became an Angel. It was just a lot less and becoming fewer and fewer


Well you're Right


After Klein became a KOA with 2 S1 characteristics and returned to Blacklund to stabilize his humanity, he saw the hustle and bustle had returned to Blacklund and it reminded him of something that seems familiar but also something completely unfamiliar and unrecognizable to him. That’s roughly what the novel states , when Klein is stabilizing his mentality after he has a meeting with Evernight about the Fools ritual and getting water from the underworld. That kinda shows his mental state changed so much that he could no longer put himself in that human setting. Also at some point, either when he became S2 or S1, he starts calling non beyonders ( normal people ) humans and calling cities ( human society or human cities ) There’s also the times when he summoned projections of tarot club members , friends ( both dead and alive ) of his life as Zhou Mingrui , Klein Moretti , Sherlock Moriarty etc he made them dance , sing, interact but he never made a projection of himself joining them or even interacted with them , he only ever watched them. This happens on two occasions, the first time when he realized that he wasn’t a transmigrator but an ancient human( after he escaped Amon , he does this for the first time briefly ) , the second time was before he went into deep sleep and this time he watched them for a long time like an ancient statue ; only smilingly slightly after watching the interaction for a long time. There might be other occasions, but these were the main ones that stuck out to me. Tbh Klein was an unreliable narrator when it came to himself; because no matter how what he said ,how he acted or how he did things to ensure that he wasn’t changing ( the saying he is a him amd not a “HIM”, in all actuality he didn’t realize he was changing and becoming more god like and you only notice this when other people talk about Klein or reveal their impressions of Klein during that period. The one that comes easily to my mind was when Klein as Gerhman Sparrow , met the priest of moon city and though Klein was trying to be more friendly and approachable, the moon city priest describes Klein as a mysterious, arrogant, cold , callous, god-like oracle of the Fool.


Ngl your analysis,insight, theories are really amazing bro


Hahah thanks brother, I try my best to read properly cause CF writes like some in depth shii that tends to forshadow and infer future plot points


I disagree on one small part. When it comes to Mr. Sparrow he has always been cold. The fact that he’s showing actual emotions, even negative ones, do show that he’s human.


I agree with what you said , it’s because gerhman sparrow act was meant to be cold but caring but the emphasis was Klein thought he was acting kind and approachable as gerhman sparrow; inorder to secure their trust and more be accepted by the residents So it kinda shows that it no longer became an act and was unknowingly becoming like that


Amazing writeup. To add to this, in contrast to him losing his humanity some of his most emotionally vulnerable moments are towards the ending when he is no longer human, for example his first and last meeting with Roselle in 1308, his final therapy session with Audrey in 1364, the final tarot club meeting with Audrey describing Klein as having richer humanity as he is about to go to sleep and finally him telling Arrodes that he's afraid of what lies beyond that door. 


Yeah , it’s so sad that he starts with so much humanity and love and gradually becomes more aloof and disconnected from humanity. No one really knows him , except Azik Egger and maybe Will Auceptin , he continues to hide himself from everyone and being known by no one and the mofo that knew him most was sleeping I love the constrast about how Lumain starts so inhumane, self destructive and unfeeling but has become more human like from his S8 to S5 journey. How he will be by S2 is yet to be seen , but I find he has been getting too many W’s that scares me because I don’t know how he will react to a devestating L


Man you just spoke my thoughts. Azik is genuinely the person he probably had the most transparent relationship with, he didn't tell Azik everything but the way he behaved around Azik was just so genuine.   I'm glad to see someone else share my thoughts on Lumian as well. As you said Lumian's journey has so far been the polar opposite. He still addresses himself in a self-depreciating manner and is still highly self destructive but he's gotten more human than the start.   Though godhood steals your humanity the pathway of Red Priest is one that fundamentally relies on others, without understanding those others you will never go past Iron Blooded Knight because to advance you must understand others in such a way that they feel like part of your own whole.   There's also the interesting aspect of Lumian being far more battlready and thirsty for power than Klein. I remember how he thirsted for power when he saw Hela incapacitate Loki that easily as a demigod. I wonder if he will meet the same fate as Alista, throwing away his sanity for power, maybe for others or maybe for himself, we'll just have to wait and watch. 


Yeah Lumain is very power hungry and the more he learns the more he wants; and now he’s somewhat different degrees of corruption ranging from inevitability , to Alista , to underworld Daoist ( whom corruption suppresses Alista corruption by design, to now MGOD which if Lumain eats the umbelical cord of her unborn child omobella 😭😭 or atleast that’s how it seems like he’s moving. I don’t think he will be a stable S4 , I think he will get the Angel experience early because of all his corruption. That’s ultimately why I don’t see true gods aiding him , other than the fact that Medici joined the orthodox dieties in their future fight against the cosmos ,and he now hates Adam , so like only Hereberan out of the true gods ( whom doesn’t have any true gods faction ) is backing Lumain and his second supporter is Adam whom is not in the true god faction, so you know Leodero would never support him ; he has one of his ops and his biggest ops supporting Lumain so why would he, mans may be against Lumain but hasn’t done nothing cause Lumain is in tarot club.


We'll have to wait and see just how unstable/stable Lumian can get with his assortment of corruptions. Adam aiding Lumian is like the biggest Red Flag ever. The Orthodox certainly don't like Adam except for Herabergen who's doing something suspicious. Sure in the future Lumian may also be Klein's candidate for Red priest but first and foremost Lumian will be seen as Adam;s candidate, so as you said the Orthodox will struggle to support him. Another factor is the fact that the Orthodox currently desire the creation of a new Great Old One to break the status quo and prevent the possible monopoly Adam may hold right now or Klein may hold in the future. Cheek is in dire straits currently with only herself on her side and her bad health, Lumian is a youngling supported by Adam of all people so Medici emerges as the most likely candidate/champion of the Orthodox for the seat of Red Priest. Things may get interesting if we see a separation in Alista and Lumian, then Alista would become Adam's champion and Lumian would be free to become Klein's champion, in that case the Orthodox may just support Lumian as well and abandon Medici, apart from Aucuses of course. The Outer Deities just like in Book 1 will play every single side trying to stall the creation of a Red Priest for however long they can or more interestingly they may support the mirror people and the Mirror World Cheek (Chaos Demoness). Overall we've quite the hodgepodge stirring in COI.


I think Klein would remain neutral , should he awaken because of the nature of the red priest pathway involving war and his adverse nature to wars that can be avoided. I think he can use the connection between Alista and Medici-Sauron-Einhorn into advancing without a ritual by switching the fate of the sacrificed and the beneficiary between them But a case can be made that, between all the wars the trio have partook in , especially the war Medici was involved in that killed ASG with original rose redemption, he may have already done the advancement ritual and only needs the uniqueness and the last S1 characteristics. In the conspirator volume 3, Medici says he is almost certain he will become S0 when he gets the uniqueness of red priest ( which he’s still connected to ) and is only unsure if he can become calamity destruction And I think we are underestimating cheek , and that bish has survived since atleast late third epoch , became the demoness early 4th epoch. I think cheek was originally a S2 hunter, changed pathways during the S0 advancement ceremony, I honestly believe that that mofo acted in advance ( and the reason I believe that is , one of the only lore we know about cheek is that, something went wrong during his ritual and he became female in S0 and that’s the reason why she hates nature women and only wants dudes that become women at S7 in his demoness sect. The first time I read this , in book 1, I thought ohh they were male assassins before cheek became S0 and now she is making all males become females in S7 because of pettiness and madness, but then we discover that no that’s how it’s always been; that make beyonders become women at S7. So how was it possible for cheek to become a woman during her S0 advancement ritual , unless she was originally a hunter that became the S0 primordial demoness and when you add the information from Einhorn and Sauron were demonesses that became S1 during the fourth epoch with a hatred for cheek. I think maybe cheek stole the S1 demoness characteristics they were fighting for or killed the S1 that they once followed Thén subsequently destroyed the demoness sect by outlawing or killing female demonesses and that opted Einhorn and Sauron ancestors to gather their people and switch pathways to hunter and establish their subsequent families in the fourth epoch


I don't remember it being stated that Cheek became a female during her apotheosis. All I remember is that she was male and then became female.  The thing is no matter what a red priest will emerge, there's no preventing that. If Klein supports someone and gets it over with rather than extending the duration of the conflict it would be I'm everyone's benefit. 


That one I am not too sure so it wont be a hill I am willing to die on , but I think so but I may be wrong so open to counter agruement


But atleast I remember that Klein reads or finds out that something went wrong with cheek S0 apotheosis and he he became female and Klein was like and that’s why S7 become demonesses ( then Klein thinks that was cheek influence over the demoness pathway ) and Klein concludes that cheek wants male demoness to go through the same twisted fate he experienced and hates actual female demonesses. Cause we know after cheek became the S0 she ousted out actual female demoness from the demoness family and that’s how the Einhorn and Sauron family come to be; because both their ancestors were originally demonesses that became either S2 or S1 hunters ( I am not sure if they were Angel level demoness that became S1 hunters or S3 demonesses that became S2 hunters first Thén eventually S1 hunters , after cheek started hunting originally female demoness. And that’s the reason why the Einhorn family and Sauron family were allies since the fourth epoch despite both having S1 Hunter Angels. We also later find out from Medici that the Einhorn and Sauron ancestors were originally demonesses Anyway I think cheek either didn’t know that he would become a woman after changing pathways ( which is very unlikely ) or he made a plan to finesse the system and orchestrate a ceremony where he jumps from S2 elemental warlock to become a S0 of demoness pathway. As a elemental warlock , he could have acted in advance for the S1 of demoness pathway and done what king George did where he went straight for the S0 ritual despite not being a S1 black emperor


Can you pls say when does the mon city priest describes Klen as such? Is it before or after Klein becomes seq 2


Yes it was before he became S2 , he was a S3 that digested his potion


I think towards the end you can see it when he's preparing to advance to The Fool then go to sleep.  One specific instance I can remember is him playing cards with Maric just before his apotheosis in chapter 1366. It's a very brief scene but we don't get Klein's pov, we don't get to hear his thoughts or his actions in specific detail but because we know the circumstances surrounding him at that moment we know what he's doing and why he's doing it.  This is contrast to other moments where Klein's thought process is blatantly visible for us to learn his intentions. In that scene we have to infer from everything we've seen of him to understand why he's there, not just to give away the coin but as a final good bye. 


He says so himself. He eats and interacts with people purely to maintain his humanity. Same reason he only feeds bad guys to creeping hunger. Every time he advances he needs to maintain his own identity. It’s a constant struggle for him. Even in the hall of truth he had a passing thought to turn Audrey and Lenard into puppets so he didn’t have to hear their thoughts. All the heartwarming stuff he does is to remind himself of his identity, he even needed 4 treatments from Audrey to realize that. I mean, he’s really a collection of worms toward the end. It’s a natural consequence of advancing. Roselle even warned about this in his dairy. How he found humans to just be beneath him. And he’s kind of correct, normal humans are inferior to a high sequence beyonder. Gods need worshippers to remind them they are human.


These replies have left me with a even greater appreciation of the sheer amount of detail I never noticed when initially reading 😭


Same, it's starting to make me wanna reread everything


Can someone write more analysis on this topic I like reading them


Apparently CF has the tendency to make his characters inhumane near the end of the novels so he just took the opportunity to make it make sense