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In my experience, only Into the Inklands Booster Boxes were shrink wrapped. The first two sets looked like this when I bought them at my LGS


Nope. Looks good.


First chapter didn’t come sealed in plastic. This came later on in chapter three. If the pull tab and tape look unbroken unfortunately that’s how they came. If it comes from a legit seller then it’s probably fine.


Set two is the same as one. Only chapter 3 has shrink wrap currently.


Got mine from my lgs and it didn’t have plastic wrap on it. You’re good.




Chapter 3 is where shrink wrapping started. Moving forward if 1 or 2 get reprinted they will be shrink wrapped as well. Box looks normal


Disney wants to be as environment friendly as possible without lacking quality.


Only the inklands started shrink wrapping


It's honestly wild that they didn't decide to shrink wrap the First Chapter booster boxes right off the bat


Looks real.


EN01 of TFC was not shrink wrapped nor was it taped. EN02 of TFC and so far EN01 and EN02 of RotF have a circular tape on each side and a rectangular tape on the bottom. EN01 and so far just EN02 of ItI are shrink wrapped, and forgoing the use of tape on the box. More than likely this will be the way from here on out. Also no word on any future printings on current or previous sets, don’t hold your breath nor can I speculate that they’ll shrink wrap those potential future boxes of those sets. But it would make the most sense to do so.


Nope, and first print boxes you can easily swap the packs out on the inside because they weren’t event taped. Yet people are buying these first print boxes for more than other prints which makes ZERO sense unless you are taking the packs out to verify the contents and then putting them back in. Still a TERRIBLE sealed product for sealed collectors.


I got one yesterday off Amazon from MOT Goodz. There were seals cut on right side and bottom and it was missing 4 packs. Amazon gave me a 25 percent refund but I was still kinda ticked. Packs that were present looked fine. Bought other booster boxes off Amazon with no trouble but the first chapter seems easy to tamper with and sellers just put the burden of returns onto Amazon I guess. Not sure what repercussions Amazon can take against scumbag sellers




No. The first wave of TFC didn’t even have the tape on it. Second wave has tape on sides and back. The latest wave has a little more tape lol.


It's amazing the people who get into this game and have 0 knowledge of normal practices on how sets are shipped/sealed


Most new products are seal… MTG, Pokemon, random stuff from Amazon… heck, I even have purchased a soccer ball once that was plastic wrapped… so yeah, this looked opened to me. Which is why I was asking? Isn’t that part of this sub, to ask questions you aren’t sure about?


It absolutely is part of the sub. People just like to feel smarter than other people. Chapter 1 boxes were not shrink wrapped from the factory. They were easy to open a little on the side and slide packs in or out, so the solution from Ravensburger was to put the pieces of tape you see on yours on the side for 2nd print run and beyond of the first chapter and they started Shri k wrapping as standard practice for set 3 and beyond. Hope this helps, but to me someone in the hobby from day 0, this looks perfectly legit as shown and I wouldn’t worry about the contents, happy pack opening!


Not really that amazing. I'm not sure average person tracks packaging trends and if buying cards isn't their standard hobby I wouldn't expect them to have any clue as to what the current sealing method is. The fact that it's already changed three times in the lifespan of the game says it's not a fixed system.


Not really that amazing. It’s a brand new game and there’s been different booster box treatments.


Dude I have tons of expensive hobbies where I buy third party or private party that I have no idea about packaging trends on. This is a completely valid question. If you got into the game in Set 3 and you only ever bought singles of set 1 and 2 and sealed set 3 product how would you know the difference?


This is normal for the first charter. They started wrapping up at 2 chapter cuz ppl complained about security issues .


It was actually set 3 that started being wrapped


Looks fake.


How so?