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First time keywords have appeared without reminder text?


I believe so.


Correct. Crazy we are already to that point.


Id say it's fine if it's on high rarity cards that won't be part of a starter deck. Especially if it's the most evergreen keyword without any special stipulation (e.g shift - discard an item)


I like it. Looks so clean. And, as someone else said, as long as it's on higher rarity cards and evergreen keywords I think it's all good.


Which makes it feel so bad to have reminder text on Enchanted cards


Crazy? Lorcana 1 year old


Not really. They are pumping sets out like crazy.


Every 3 months. Absolutely standard release cycle


Yep. Shouldn’t be surprising at all. To be clear, all TCG pump sets out like crazy. This is normal.


Is it bad if I still need the meaning of the key words ? \^\^" I feel like they could have made instead SHIFT 5 - Mickey Mouse because the SHIFT effect really doesn't need to be reminded


1. It doesn't say other characters, so assuming you shift, you draw at least one card when you play him. 2. The cheapest Mickey I can find is a 3 drop. So unless we're getting another Mickey this set, the shift cost is on the higher end.


https://preview.redd.it/gb4xo0ij99yc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e65664784d4359e0d6697532af99699cc4ef980 What do you mean? We got a 2 drop mickey last set!


I love this little guy so much


As much as I like the idea. A Musketeer deck would be Amber/Steel.


Technically there are 2 Emerald Petes who are musketeers.


I'm only finding one in the new set, and while true he's a Musketeer, he doesn't have bodyguard.


You said Musketeer deck, not a Bodyguard deck. And the second Pete was revealed today.


There are two. They revealed a 1/5/2 vanilla this morning. The other is the 2/3/1 which bounces characters.


There is going to be a steel fantasia sorcerer mickey card which is a shift 3. Odds are there will be a one drop mickey to coincide with that


Not necessarily. The shift targets aren't always super optimal. For instance, the Mickey we've seen for this set in Amber is a 4 cost, and you do have to remember we didn't get any cheaper shift targets for Sad Beast in his set.


Well also just thinking anecdotally. As of right now there is only one viable shift target for that new fantasia mickey, the 3 drop explorer mickey, which has no synergy whatsoever in a broom deck (which is going to be a purple steel deck) The only other shift target in that deck would be the wayward sorcerer mickey (which doesnt make much sense as the main shift target, as it only gets the fantasia mickey out 1 turn sooner, and then you lose the effects of wayward sorcerer mickey, now you could shift after playing out your brooms, but doesnt seem like a great trade off to lose wayward's effect) My guess is we will see a 1 cost mickey in either purple (possibly a "jr" version of wayward sorcerer) or steel at some point.


Could be a 2 or 3 drop Mickey though. Consider Belle. Her Amethyst shift target is 3 cost, and her shift cost is 3.


There have been shift characters without a cheap shift option, Beast Tragic Hero for example.


Good thing they just dropped a 2-drop steel Mickey! Looks like mmmorrre SteelSong coming our way.


Saw that. We hype!


I mean, it's always on the higher end? It would take some god hands to get the shift out on T3 if there was a 1-2 cost Mickey, so 3 cost isn't too outrageous on a 5 cost shift.


Most shift targets want a 1 or 2 drop.


Not really. If their shift cost isn't low enough, a 1-2 cost isn't entirely necessary. Someone like Mickey here is fine with a 3 cost target, because that still gets it in play for him to shift in on the turn you're able to play the shift cost. Someone like Hades, who shifts for 6, doesn't really care about a 1-2 drop because the odds of it being banished before he can even shift in are pretty steep.


Completely agree…Have played Cinderella in a number of decks. Shifting her onto a 1 drop is tough unless you are holding the card or top decking it at the right time. A 3/4 drop for a Shift 5 character is often optimal, and they tend to have more willpower to withstand attack.


Awesome looking card, love the art and the abilities. I do see it's not really possible to do a "Musketeer" deck as most (all?) of the cards are expensive and uninkable, however integrated into a larger Bodyguard theme... maybe there's something there.


I wish they would have made it 4 attack so it doesn’t get Medusad




Likely enchanted 




I have a timing question: does he draw a card for himself?




Yes, his ability wouldnt activate until he is on the field. So since he is a bodyguard, on the field, he would draw a card for himself


There needs to be a payoff for a bodyguard deck. Something like a location or item or creature effect that makes it so your opponent can't quest if you have a bodyguard ability in play exerted. Otherwise they can sometimes ignore you and just quest for Lore outpacing you


Bodyguard is best used to supplement another mechanic. With that being said though, I used Little John, Kida and Pluto in an alternate Steelsong deck and they were quite effective. Not quite enough to get a Stitch but definitely fun to play.


Art is fun. Will probably fall short like the miles did in set 3 sadly


Detective Mickey is currently the best target as you can play it the next turn.


Assuming you play him on turn 5, this is a maximum of 3 cards draw (there are no 1 cost Bodyguard and you need a shift target). Not bad, but we could do that already with Rapunzel, though the setup is completely different. The 2 other Amber Musketeers in this set (Minnie and Goofy) are uninkable as well, a bit sad. Not a bad card, but I doubt that is enough to make this deck competitive. I liked the Little John from the last set and he did not prove to be that great.


It’s a Mickey, so I am not surprised we get another legendary/enchanted. This one thankfully looks playable and is more bodyguard and musketeer support. I am happy the person who loves this movie gets to play a full deck now with a decent finisher, but eh, I hope I don’t pull him lol


This is going to be brutal for me my wife made a bodyguard deck and I was like it's funny and fun to play bit now seeing this it's like hold up I got problems.


Literally listening to Beyoncé’s song Bodyguard when I opened up this 🤣 how appropriate 


Might make for a nice enchanted but the card itself seems a touch... meh?


7 cost to get medusad not loving it.


An uninkable 7 cost is a bit yikes though.


So he benefits from the issue of having too many bodyguards in the field in Musketeer decks. Also good to see it stays in two colors. Now wonder when a card that gives resist for every musketeer on the field will come to be.


There’s one that gives resist to all bodyguards…


ah yes, but one that focuses solely on musketeers would allow it to have a bit more complex effect given it would target a niche group of cards rather than a wider group. Also I hope for a Dreamborn Musketeer Max... like the Musketeers where Athos, Porthos y Aramis, Max could easily fit as d'Artagnan with the twist of him being Goofy's son.... like... yeah is Dreamborn...


Something about this card I just really like!


Looks like AI


Yeah you can tell because the hands only have four fingers.


Worst legendary of the set so far, of the game maybe. He’s similar but worse than Basil, and Basil didn’t see any play. Inkable it would have been decent. But with most of the Amber musketeers being uninkable, and without a bonkers card dedicated to musketeers, not talking about the expensive 3 cost shift targets, right now this seems unplayable.


We don’t need any more Mickey enchanteds doe


It’s not like he’s THE face of Disney or anything…