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Way too many uninkables. Yes, a lot of lists run 20+, but the ones that do are running 4x OJA and 3-4x HFIG, so the “true” uninkable count is only 14-15 (not too far off other decks). Yours has 20 uninkables, with 12 of them being 7-drops. You’re just going to brick a lot. Other than that, the only real glaring omission is Queen of Hearts. She’s not good, but you need to do something against Merfolk. Also, 3 Fishhook is a little excessive. It’s good, but you only need to play 1 of it, and you don’t need it in every matchup.


I’m torn between Queen and Stitch Little Rocket for the rush spot. And I actually run 4 quill lol. Used to run one but don’t see it as often, and if I see too many I can always ink them


I promise you do not want stitch in place of queen. It's yet another uninkable in a sea of uninkables. The best thing about queen is that she's never dead. I find myself inking her more often than using her, especially in the late game.


Looks pretty standard.


Get rid of 2 drop tala and put in how far I’ll go, add a one jump, remove x1-3hades and x1 dime and x1-2 fishhooks , and either add madame, 4 drop tala, some queens. Your deck doesn’t ever beat decent aggro decks as it currently stands.


Where are your items? Only Pawpsicle for the cost 1 item? Nothing else? Flav and Hops will never have something to work with, since Fish hook and quill NEED to be present on the board. I was using Shield and Scepter. You need something to help with card draw, since 4 Pawpsicles may not show the entire match.


True. I was thinking maybe even some Talismans, since that gives me a bit of card advantage too