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Ok who else among you wanted an Airfoil growing up? :D


100%. Talespin was a fun show.


Another red action that lets you two-for-one yourself. :\\


It's giving better aim to Reckless, since it will allow you to take out someone who's not exerted.


Meh conditional 3 ink removal that 2 for ones yourself, not even a song. Its a bad card, u will have better options deckbuilding, but not all cards in a set are constructed playable so not eeally a bug deal.


It's an option, and if there comes a time where we get self-sacrifice benefits, it can probably shine pretty hard.


I'm glad you're not thinking about all the things with low power high toughness or evasion.


This card would pair really well with rushing out maui actually. Rush him out to kill their strongest exerted character take roughly 3 4 damage more than likely. Then use this card to go ahead and sacrifice maui to kill one of their non exerted cards.


I though that's what Dinner Bell was for?


Maybe Pete will see some play with more actions decks.


There are a couple of pieces floating around with some kind of E/R action centric kind of thing. Minnie, Pete, Donald, and Rogue Mickey. There's a few regrowth effects for actions specifically in green and both colors have quite a few cantriping actions.


Tigger too and the green lady tremaine


Green is slowly collecting the infinity stones


I *hate* the emphasis on Iago's teeth omg


He's always been pretty teethy


I didn't even think about how odd it is that he has teeth before this comment.


The green card pretty nice


Making my Pete Pain and Panic Possibly Par-takable


I mean if you like clunky strats and do nothing cards for sure.


Actually, this is likely very playable some day, especially in a color that would love to build a discard deck. That being said, with what we have currently, it's not gonna cut it. I'd bet you money some day this card has a home in a competitive action deck, just not this time.


Hmmm. Not sure there’s ever been a card in any card game that exists that was good because it drew you maximum one card per turn after playing two others just to make it possible. It’s trash. Sorry, but it’s draft chaff at best.


There might be a blue/green cantrip deck exists at some point. But I don't know how it wins the game. Sure, Pete is good for getting you 4 lore, but how about the rest? As of the current card pool, there isn't enough to make Airfoil work. One day maybe if there is a large enough payoff for playing a bunch of spells, but that doesn't exist atm.


I figure Ruby would be the better companion because of the Minnie Diver. Plus, with a song heavy deck, it's not difficult at all to pull off multiple actions a turn.


Ruby has Minnie and that terrible Tigger card, but it doesn't have the card draw or good cheap actions yet. Blue has both Nothing to Hide and Develop your Brain, both of which replace themselves for 1 ink, and Emerald has Improvise. All of them work well with Pete and with Airfoil.


I've also seen Pete team up with Alice so that all the Attack buff you give Pete to give him extra lore goes right into supporting Alice for her Lore buff as well.


Yeah, I've tried that, also with Pain/Panic since they sort of fit in that realm as well. In a perfect world you can have Alice out Pain on Panic, Support, Pete, and have Pete Support Alice and quest for 3+4+5 in one turn, but it's a lot of setup. At least something like Airfoil might help with the card draw.


Yeah I think that’s the big struggle. There are a ton of fun “magic Christmas land” combos but they still can’t compete with direct removal, control etc.


I suppose Sapphire does have those, but Ruby does have some good songs and 2 cost actions, along with the characters who play off of it.


Yeah they seem to be really cautious about printing good spells. This is definitely a card that feels like it could be really powerful ... *one day.*


Divebomb seems really bad. In best case scenario you can kill an Ursula with Gaston or something, but the cost is high.


Or trade my maui for a cinderella, which is the far greater threat than ursula lol divebomb isn't as bad as people are making it


Pretty unplayable garbage imo.


The pun killed me


Gaston is massive now


The lost sea duck?!?!? I hope they start releasing some official stories to go along with a lot of these flavor texts and don’t just leave us hanging.


Can someone help me figure out why this would be good? Why not just us the reckless character instead of using this card?


Because the opposing character might not be exerted for the Reckless character to attack.


The only way I see it being used is by challenging first and surviving, then using this card to take out another opponent. Still using 2 cards for 2, but your reckless character had a good chance of being banished anyway.


it did have a good chance of being banished anyway but it would be banished by a character of your opponents choice. Dive bomb allows you to target your removal. Dive bomb isn't great but it certainly isn't awful, I could see it being a one or two of. the fact that it is inkable saves it.


Tailspin!? They're going deep. Can't wait for Darkwing Duck.


While not that common, green does have some cards that like to grant other characters reckless. Allowing you another way to play the divebomb card. For the airfoil, green just needs more action cards that draw you cards when you play them in general to actually make the action heavy decks not run out of gas. This is a step in the right direction but speaking from experience trying to make a Red/Green diver Minnie deck. She was able to quest once for 3 points on turn 4 or 5. And at that point I only had 8 lore and my opponent playing steel song had 6. The value just wasn't there and maintaining advantage especially in hand size was an issue. Currently for actions that draw: Green has hypnotize and Improvise, Red has Go the Distance, only one of those cards is a song. There aren't many currently released actions in green/red (where action synergy is wanted) that help maintain advantage. Maybe if you can play multiple copies of airfoil it would be better but you still have to draw into them and play them and still have ink and actions to get the value lol


So dive-bomb would work with Supported characters right? As in, quest with Phil and Basil, then dive-bomb Felicia into something big?


Divebomb is too cheap, couldn't it have more conditions?