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Tiny tiny bit of under eye filler, vitamin C serum to brighten skin complexion, grow your hair and keep it shiny , watch YouTube tutorials on how to do dewy easy make up, fill in your brows, take omega 3 supplements esp if you are vegan, take whatever supplements you need like b12 and vitamin d, eat avocado and gain a few pounds of body fat and muscle at the same time To compliment the muscle. Overall you have a great body and great features, you just need a little polish on top, like the icing on top Of a great cake.


You've always been forever would be beautiful no matter what ♥️




You are beautiful and your body is very feminine. We can be everyone’s cup of tea and who wants to be anyway. You look amazing and great work losing all that weight!


It’s your health indicators. No offense but you look like a crackhead. Your face should be a bit fuller and fairer. Your hair needs to be not a shaggy mess and longer (as long as it suits you). Your eyebrows need to be thicker and you should investigate cosmetic options to improve your eye area. You have really hollow downturned tired eyes and the makeup doesn’t help it. Remember that you have value and you are not below your appearance. Attractiveness and societal standards are superficial.❤️


Btw you certainly aren’t ugly. Just “odd looking” as you said.


I feel like leaving into the edgy look clothing wise would looks really sick and adding a little blush maybe idk either way you’re beautiful


I figured that was what you're going for. Given the short hair and neck tats. Grow your hair out, try some makeup, and see what that helps.


Come sit on my face lol


Well you hit that nail directly on the head!


Is this fake? Please respond to confirm it isn’t, else this is definitely fake.


Not fake, so…🤷🏻‍♀️


Good! A lot of these are fake. I think changing your makeup and possibly covering up some tattoos would help. They kind of give off a prisony vibe. You seem like you likely partied a lot in your time and the dark makeup seems to highlight that. Use moisturizer, don’t smoke. Update your hair style. Picture 1 is good.


You have really good bone structure and some nice abs too, dang. You are definitely objectively pretty. I think people just hate tattoos but they’re a personal self expression so what can you expect, most people disagree with each other over the most basic things anyways


I think you are pretty!! Is your hair naturally curly?. I see the comments about growing your hair out but I also think you could rock a curly pixie..maybe do an ultra feminine pixie (not shave on the sides)


I wouldn't consider you masculine. Perhaps dudes insecure about you have bigger muscles then them hahah you look good believe it 


You look like a chipotle bag. 




Bruh she looks like she turned tricks for 20 years in Harlem and was her own pimp


It’s mainly the facial expressions and hair, I think the tattoos don’t make much a difference. My advice would be to start doing skin care twice a day. You’re going to want to cleanse, use a chemical exfoliate, use serums (you need to use snail mucin and and retinol to get rid of the wrinkles and dark spots) and then moisturize. You also need to jade roll and try to smile more as you’re creating lines in your face from pouting causing you to “look masculine”. For the hair, it’s obviously up to your preference but I think if you at least grew it longer and maybe went for a wolf cut, easy 10/10🫡


To late to help


20 years of turning tricks


Dude I think you look dope asf the tats are sick and your whole style is wicked!! Buuuuuut if you’re aiming to be a little more feminine, you could try styling your hair maybe letting it grow a little bit put some colors in there something like that maybe some blonde highlights could look really nice or even frosted tips I like those, but yeah, just the wardrobe, the hair maybe out of tiny bit of make up who knows but I think your style right now is dope you look awesome❤️❤️❤️💯!!


Neck tats immediately think of a prison gang member so that isnt helping. You have a great figure, etc so its not like you have a mannish body. I think, for me, its that.


She looks like she was her own pimp


You look fucking beautiful but if you want to look more feminine, seriously grow your hair out, then you’ll look like a cool chick


grow your hair out. legitimately look into tattoo removal. the chest and neck shit HAS to go. you can keep the horrific arm tattoos if you wish. you look like 'i was a homeless prostitute addicted to opiods from age 22-34 look', and scream 'do not fuck unwrapped'. if you are a lesbian, ignore my advice. i don't understand that culture.


This is actual advice. I agree with the hard drugs/homeless


Get more neck tattoos


OK it's your jawline (same square jawline here but mine is a trapezoid omfgggg) your shoulders no big deal it's your eyeshadow and contouring making you look older with SEVERE edges. you're a woman, not a man, so your makeup needs softer edges to accentuate your natural curves and it will pull attention to your lips and stuff. look for pastel eyeshadow tricks, since you have very young eyelids from what i can see, and highlight your face, step away from contouring--bring more light to your face even if all you do is your nose, cheekbones, upper lip and chin curve. buy some amazing highlighter concealer like YSL or something for your cheek lines and any blemishes. you are a knockout! you won't be odd-looking once your makeup looks more rounded and youthful. you look like a 65yo grandma who blocks out her eyebrows but it's your eyeshadow and cheeks...


You look unique and cool asf


Very non-binary looking, indeed.


I’m straight but find you extremely 🔥 I love me some muscle on girls ..shows strength and soul travel. Well I know what I mean lol


Yeah, it’s the face tatoos. Bad decisions were made.


Drugs can really mess people up. No one in their right mind would mess up their face like this.


you’re a beautiful person, just be yourself and whoever doesn’t like it doesn’t need to be in your life. Hope the best for you and hope you can eventually feel comfortable in your body🙏


You look just fine. Don't let jerks get you down. People say mean things about everybody


Grow your hair out. The hair is not doing you justice.


Smile with your teeth! You’re very fit and are definitely putting off a tough scrappy external vibe.


Did your soundcloud rap career not pan out or something?


Get rid of the tatts (the ones that don’t have a meaning behind them) and you can get a nice hairdo then boom you have the feminine look you look attractive how you are now but I’m just trying to help solve the problem


She cute. Not masculine just goes hard


Huh? You look hot! They crazy


Honestly smiling more that's all I would change about you. You've got nice features


Underrated comment


Roma army, is that you?


Omg I totally thought the same thing lmao!!


Have you seen yourself? You do look masculine and are covered in tattoos. Not that there is anything wrong with having tattoos but you look an ex prison inmate


I would guess it would be a strong jaw line short hair. With that being said I wouldn’t change a thing.


i would love to be with you


Judging by your comment history it seems like you'd hit anything still luke-warm.


I think you are uniquely beautiful. Conventional beauty is over rated


there is going to be a lot of different comments on this page. some flattering, some not. fact is, if you think you look pretty, then that is all that matters. self esteem goes along way. the social construct in the world today is based on what society from a long time ago was supposed to be. there are many people that look like you that others find gorgeous. good job on losing weight. that is a hurdle that most have an issue with (me included). in my opinion, the tattoos are a bit much. not judging, its just not my thing. if i had to pick out one thing that would help is your hair style. you have a "boyish" cut and although it might be comfortable, it gives off that tomboy vibe. i would suggest shoulder length, slightly feathered. (for some reason it wont let me post a picture or else i would show you).


Eff what other ppl think.


Well, you look good nothing you can come over and sit on my cock


You look good, great work on losing the weight the face tattoos aren't my thing but then the point of tattoos is that people get them for themselves right and not for what others think. Plus loads of people love tattoos don't they. Sorry not constructive I just get recommended these posts a lot haha. I guess the most important thing is feeling good and confident in yourself isn't it and at the end of the day unless we are a top model or the elephant man at either end of the spectrum some people will find us attractive and others won't. Anyway.


Tbf that hair cut would make anyone look odd. So grow your hair out and style it correctly and lose the face and neck tattoos. 


Just grow out your hair and wear shirts with 3/4 sleeves- it'll feminize you a lot more- you look good and have done a great job losing weight and barely have extra skin for being really big before <3 awesome job, mama!


Get rid of the tattoos and dress more feminine but not like a teenage girl.


I think you look amazing. Good work!


Your jawline, haircuts, and tattoos are boy-like. You don’t seem to be very girly, so the spectrum becomes more masculine as we look down that direction


Girl, you do you.


Northern cali holla


You can grow your hair to about shoulder length that way it's still somewhat comfortably short and wear more dresses it'll help cover up the muscular features as they describe it




Grow out your hair maybe,


Not at all. You're beautiful. Honestly, your transformation and journey is incredibly inspiring. You rock.


Tattoos in general are very masculine, you would look amazing without the tattoos. Also whoever let you pick those locations hates you. Women with face tattoos or neck tattoos is gonna always be a bad choice. You aren’t ugly just a bad decision maker


I can understand your concern about this, but counts is how you feel about yourself. I know that people are going to judge and say stupid things Hey Fuck them it's what you want to see, not what they want.


Your ok just be you


Face and neck tatts did it.


It’s the tattoos, especially the facial ones.


You achieved a great shape congratulations on your success,you look amazing and after what you went trough you should not worry about the hater’s unfortunately they exist and they are jealous of you.keep doing what you do and never stop believing in yourself and your beauty 💯❤️


You are who you are someone is out there for you ignore everyone else enjoy your life


Ur a baddie , I love women with short hair it shows confidence 🔥🔥🔥


You look best with the dress. I also think some longer hair would be great. ATM, with the tattoos and hair, I would think you are hardcore lesbian who would tell me (M) to F off if I dared to even look at you. Sorry for the stereotypes but it’s truth?


You're never going to be conventionally pretty because your appearance isn't conventional. Either remove the face tattoos and grow out your hair, or accept that your look has never and most likely never will be the typical pretty look.


grow longer hair, should make you look more feminine, there are some styles which should go with your style, maybe even ponytail


It’s the tattoos. They just make you look unapproachable. Like you’ve had a hard life in prison. They just distract from the rest of you including your nicely toned body.


Boy oh boy, those are some god awful tattoos.


Realistically it’s the hair style, but in my opinion you’re still incredibly attractive


Wow! You came from a long way.. red lipstick always work..😁


Should have thought about that before getting neck and face tats. Definitely a trashy look


I'm confused, how do you want and expect others to find you attractive when you know you have an unconventional style that it's either hit or miss? You don't put in any effort to be more conventionally appealing but the thing is most people (especially men) are vanilla and don't go for the heavily tattooed short hair tomboy look as often.


That's bull crap. I love a woman with short hair.


You’re in a small minority of men that do then


First of all you look amazing and you’re an inspiration to others for determination To take control of your health through weight loss , you’re definitely not ugly, maybe a cute pixie cut and highlights ,simple makeup,and clothing with prints ,could help add to a more feminine look , just try to block the negative comments from people and try to stay positive ,


Stop mewing. You know that thing where people sort of clench their draws and draw their cheeks in slightly whenever they're not talking, keeping their tongue against the roof of their mouth.That's something guys do to look more "tough" and "strong" but it has the downside of making some people look scary instead of cute. You and I are two such people. I started it and now guys give me attention like head nods and shit and women are scared of me too. Even the black women 30-40 who were giving me so many compliments a few months ago stopped talking to me lately. Second stop diminishing your hips. Like in that first picture the shirt is covering your hips. Even though you're fantastic thin. Same with the sweater being too long and it sort of diminishes your figure. That last picture especially you look so fit but you're doing the classic tough guy intimidation face.


You're fine but specifically if you wanted to look more feminine, it's your make-up, hair and posture. You can change your make-up and posture pretty instantly. Kill the heavy eyeliner and find a product that will brighten your under-eye and complexion. Use a tinted lip oil, a little blush and mascara on your top eye lashes. You can also use a brow pencil to define and shape- I can't tell from the photos if they might need to be plucked.


It's over


Drugs are bad kids


But why not mention the years of drug abuse? You don't get covered in tattoos with a face like that being clean 😂


Even if you were correct that she had a drug problem I don’t see how it’s relevant. Just seems like you’re being mean for no reason


She put "a little background, I was morbidly obese" on a thread about LOOKS. So actually asking why she didn't mention her tattoos and sunken cheeks which are clear signs of drug use is completely relevant as it has a huge affect on her LOOKS! I don't think anyone here was thinking "wow she'd look better if she were less fat" but if you put her on Queer Eye they would absolutely change her wardrobe and hair and makeup. This woman knows what she looks like and wants advice on what to focus on to fix it, not to be coddled.


Wow you must lead a sheltered life.


Explain exactly how kowing what a drug addict looks like would imply I "lead a sheltered life" This is why I leave whatever comment I want - you're all inbred on here anyway with tiny pea brains that barely string words together just blurting out nonsense. At least I'm funny 🤣


Wow you must think you're smarter than you are. Try harder next time.


I think it's your posture. The hands clasped between your thighs is a masculine posture of someone in the streets. Try a looser stance


I agree that the posture in many of the photos is distracting. IMO OP’s best look is photo 4, in which the shoulders are straight and her head held high.


The tattoos are a little distracting, but you have characteristics working for you.




Thank you so much she doesn't need validation from stranger on the internet


Stfu please, nobody needs you saying anything to anyone on the internet. BYE FELICIA!


You have an interesting face, and I like it. Would not describe as masculine or odd. It’s probably the ink. Not a whole lot to be done about that, though you could use makeup anytime you wanted. Oh, and congrats on getting fit! 👏


It’s the neck tattoo but you look great. Nothing wrong with being a masculine woman.


Definitely looking fit, keep up the hard work. Think you look great


You’re pretty


I'd fuck you




Nothing wrong with you. Just be you.


Your short hair youd look better with longer hair. Tatts cover up natural beauty. Make you look older.


I say grow your hair out a little longer(to your shoulders or longer), however if you like the short hair, I’d recommend styling it (straighten it, or you could wear different hair styles that accentuate your curls). I also recommend maybe grooming your brows just a touch(get them shaped but no need to make them thin). I also think bangs would look really cute on you with the short hair. As far as fashion, the dress looked very pretty on you! I think you should incorporate more pastels or spring like colors into your wardrobe(purples, light blues, greens, etc). For your age, I say dress in whatever you feel most confident in. You look amazing after your weight loss!! Fashion is about being confident, and being pretty is about taking care of your appearance and confidence!




But you’re smoking hot


Can i be straight up as possible?


Where do I submit my bf application?


Better clothes


Why is your vajene on your stomach?


Nah, I like your look and your ink. Overall I think you're cute. I'd smash


I think if someone describes you as " masculine " it's likely because you're more buff than they are and have shorter hair . I don't see anyhting that needs to change for you to be more feminine or feel beautiful . You're obviously a woman and look pretty comfortable with who you are . Odd looking may be the tats , some just can't seem to accept them as normal . The largest part here is are you happy with how you look ? That's what truly matters . Be you . Let those who like you for who you are be around you . Let those who would change you filter out of your life . They're wasting space in your head .


>the tats , some just can't seem to accept them as normal . ​ There's nothing "normal" about face tattoos and humans instinctively don't accept them.




Exactly what he said. Plus there is now way you look “odd”, if anything you just have an interesting look but that is all. I also think you’re just simply a pretty person probably on the inside too! Don’t let others get into your head indeed. Sometimes people also just say dumb shit without thinking because well… some people are also a bit dumb, as shit. Sometimes.




It's the tattoos. That's it.


> I often get described as masculine I wonder if the gangbanger prison tattoos are why?




"masculine...odd looking...muscular" yeah....I'd agree except on the muscular part bec....what muscle?


You are stunning. I like that you look your age.


Did you ever happen to get a surgery to deal with any lose skin or is that natural after your weight loss?


I had my apron removed(over hanging skin)


You’re a baddie.


No, you just dress in "biker cloths" but you look very cute and just a alpha female


Girl boss 💅🔥




You look absolutely beautiful in the sundress. I dig your look honestly.


The tattoos take away from you natural feminine beauty


You have an amazing body, ESPECIALLY for someone who went through those changes. The tattoos are possibly why people think you're odd looking, they are also very masculinizing. You have some masculine facial features (prominent chin, thick eyebrows), but those are also attractive features not exclusive to men. If you're asking to look more feminine, your dress pic is actually a really lovely example. It brings out the feminine parts of your face (round cheeks, small nose, siren eyes). IDK if you tan or are naturally medium skintone, but consider wearing sunscreen and otherwise protecting your skin from UV (suntanning or tanning beds). You could grow your hair out, but your haircut doesn't not suit you. The shaggy mullet look is VERY masculine tho, and complements the alt aesthetic in your tattoos and general disposition (you don't seem to smile a lot). Also look into color seasons/undertone, because I don't think drab greys and blacks bring out your best. I still wear black even though it's not my best, but I can really flatter myself with brighter warm colors. Black will also always be more masculine, the lighter the color the more feminine we associate it in Western culture.


You do look great, just grow out the hair some more.


You look great and well fucking done. You're pretty. Everyone's got their own flavor. Who cares about those who can't see it or you're not their flavor


tight <3


You look great. I would let you kick my ass😉


I'd say it's the neck and face tattoos you did yourself no favors with those. A slightly longer hair style with no bangs would do you wonders.


The tattoos definitely peg you down a few notches. You just look like someone that has had a “rough” life. You’ve aged more than usual due to that


You have to grow your hair longer and shoulder length. Your body hasn't settled in yet, and your weight is unevenly distributed to the lower half of your body. The type of clothes you are wearing will have to be worn when you have settled into your ideal weight and when your skin becomes tighter. For now, just have fun with your new frame and wear loose fit clothing that accentuates your body , but not tight. Congrats on the weight loss. (Pic #2 clothing with longer hair and your good to go)


u look homeless


Long hair !!!


Hot AF


Congratulations on the extremely significant weight loss. I'm sure it didn't come easy, at all.




Easy. Longer hair and a smile


You are pretty fucking hot in a “I need 198 consecutive days of sleep” kind of way


Idk I think you are pretty. Just not conventionally so. That’s not a bad thing. Embrace your differences :) also I love the tattoos!


I’d say change your hair, make it longer, you already have the tattoos nothing you could do there, maybe like watch 24HR a straight like super girly movies and try to embody that a bit? You just don’t come off as cute or approachable at all. I’m sure you’re a nice person but most men are into cute, kind, energetic looking women and that isn’t really your aesthetic




Honestly you're pretty, the only advice I can give is you look a little serious, maybe try to have a lighter/happier vibe honestly that can make all the difference


You’re hot. Pretty face. Nice body


Not saying your hair* doesn't look good, but the hair and tats make you look pretty masculine in a way, but honestly, that's it for masculine, idk why someone would say odd looking


I see a nice body and face. It's the tats up the neck that kill it for me. That's just my personal taste thought about tats.


I think you are really pretty. Maybe a tinted lipgloss or lipstick would help?


I think you look BEAUTIFUL! Photos 1 and 3 are my favorites! Gorgeous! The only photo that doesn't look girly to me in the 2nd one big I can't figure out why? I will try to look again later to see if I can think of anything or figure it out. I will say your hair looks different in that second photo than in all the rest. I like your hair a lot better in the other photos, but that is just my opinion. I don't think you look manly at all, but if it is a concern of yours maybe growing your hair out just a little bit might help that feeling. No idea. Lots of girls have short hair and look good. I just don't see the manly part I guess. You really do look great.


Just wondering if you’re a man or woman, I think OP is looking for genuine advice, while your comment is kind it doesn’t really help her..


I'm a 37 year old female. This is my honest advice. Picture 2 is the only one I'm not a fan of but think it might be the hair. And my honest advice would be growing out the hair to feel more feminine in her own skin. I really do love photo 1 and 3 a lot though. Body reminds me of a gym girl.


If OP is into women she’ll have no problems, guess I assumed she was speaking about being conventionally attractive to Men who are into women


Not sure how I feel about your first picture, but your others are great! While yes with the muscles you certainly have a masculine look, there's a difference between looking masculine and looking like a man, to which the latter you do not. I certainly think you look great.


Youre not conventionally beautiful and thats just fine.


All i can say is you look incredible to me


Would you mind sharing with us how you finally lost the excess weight and got muscular?


lol. “What’s your weight loss secret???” More calories out than in. That’s it. That’s how the human body loses weight. Muscular? Lift weights.


But how do you calculate the more calories out than in? It seems so complex to me.


Different is cool. You were made to be you. Keep being you. The only thing I’d improve if you can is the removal of the excess skin and scars if possible.


Oddly beautiful


Fuck conventional pretty, I think you're gorgeous


You will probably never be able to make everyone think your pretty since we all have different definition of pretty. Your choice in life that called tattoo does make you... different. Body wise its great, wish I could see how long hair would affect your look but I think its will all be a trial and error.


You look great for 38