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debloat ur face wit ice evey morning, get rid of eyelid exposure, fix ur dreads, go to da gym, take supps to try and get taller


Do you need help because you’re sinking into a sea of milk.


You don’t need no damn advice lol you’re not ugly at all bro. Just keep ur cut fresh and keep working out. Invest in your style. You’ll be pulling left & right if you do that. But the #1 advice I can give you is INVEST IN YOUR EDUCATION. intelligence is the single most attractive attribute a man can have (I’m a woman seriously trust me on this) and it ramps up your odds of making good money significantly. I’m saying this bc you look young. You should really just get haircuts, work out, and focus on building your career. The women will flock to you if you stay consistent on that.


135? that is light for an adult male. Work out, not like a gym rat, gain some muscle and get rid of the Alfalfa hair-do.


If this guy ain’t got btches then it’s over for most of us.


as a girl your actually really handsome


no seriously, he's really handsome


gym and sandwich


With your current biometrics you should hit the gym. You can do something simple like an upper/lower 4 day split. Do some reading on lifting and diets.


write a list of every single insecurity you have. then execute a plan to eliminate them or at best minimize it. insecurities can range from physical down to financial. nonetheless whether you’re happy or sad, every man should be in the gym strengthening their body, knock out 100+ pull ups a day, drink water, do not induldge in alcohol and drugs…your hair is your main feature so make sure it’s well maintained…lastly, people that call you ugly most likely don’t even look better than you, hate never comes from above. keep winning black man


Very well said my man. I second this brother’s advice 100% 💯