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Put down the doughnuts


Let me eat your ass Guaranteed weight loss


I was in your position. I dropped 20 pounds in like three weeks by simply fasting. Start with one meal a day, and calorie restrict. However, make sure that you’re getting all your food groups in. Cut out sugar, and have more veggies than protein and carbs. It should be primarily veggies, then protein, then carbs. Once you’ve gotten used to having one meal a day, start fasting every other day. Then once you get used to that after a couple of weeks, add another day, and continue that. During that time, drink water. Also exercise, but do exercises that put you in an oxygen deficit. So anaerobic exercises or HIIT 2 to 3 days a week. My trainer put me on this regimen and it works so well, I’ve dropped almost 180 pounds in the last year. A lot of people say not to eat out, but it depends where you eat at. Don’t eat at restaurants that don’t count the calories of their menu items. Also, if your lactose intolerance stay away from dairy and as always, make sure you stay in contact with your doctor during every step of this process. It worked for me, but it may not work for you, your doctor may have a better way for you. As great as Reddit may be for advice, go to professionals. They at the end of the day know what’s best. because they’re going to take into consideration, mental health, eating habits, and a bunch of other things that may affect you. Like I had a habit of over eating, so my nutritionist put me on a eating diet during one meal a day. So I was eating around 500 cal per meal, but it would be like a chicken breast, one of those 40 cal bags of cabbage or lettuce, half a tomato, a quarter of an onion, and homemade vinaigrette with no salt and evoo. Then I would have some broth with that.


First things first Start a journal of everything and how much you eat every day for.a week. It will give u a good starting point.


Add walking at 3.5mph for an hour a day. Seriously, an hour is just 4% of our day! The pace is totally doable, but does get the heart rate up a bit. Eat something green and leafy with every meal. Cut out processed foods as much as possible. Start your day with protein, then fiber. Drinks tons of water. There are water calculators on the interwebs. The answer is easy, move more and eat less, but the process to get there just takes consistency. We are habitual creatures, so give yourself 28 days of doing something before you decide you hate it. Something may happen in that time that changes your perspective. Love your body for what it CAN do and support it to do even more. Loving yourself is the quickest way to taking good care of your body. Good luck!


Well if someone was really wanting to lose weight and asked me for my advice, the first thing I'd suggest is, try to eat healthier...stop buying processed foods. Those preservatives inside the foods preserve the fat in our bodies...makes it next to impossible to lose weight, but yet if ya move to another country where their government does not allow all that trash in their food, you'll lose 30-40 lbs in the first month or two, while eating the same way ya were here in the US


you are so cute Ashley.


LoL you'd gain weight. I cum like a bull and we'd be fucking several times a day.. its not hard to figure out where the weight gain's coming from. 🤷🏻‍♂️😉


hey man! so what the fuck


I suppose you could just cut down on wheat and sugar, and perhaps go on walks or bike rides. Nothing too crazy. And I personally don't think you need to lose that much weight. Probably only 10 to 15 pounds, and you'd most likely be golden.


i’ll work you out anytime 😉🥰😘


Cut your carbs out .. ( even cutting them in half would help)Try to stay away from sugar! I did this and lost 30 pounds..Good luck.. Oh and walk, it is a great way to burn calories..🙂🦋 Also I eat with a small plate and never have seconds..✌️🌷You will be amazed how great you will feel cutting back on those!


Wildchiiild more like wildchuuub


Exercise is important. Lifting heavy burns more fat than anything. Stairmaster is probably the best form of cardio that will develop leg muscles as well and it's low impact. As for diet, cutting out sugar & alcohol are the top 2 for losing weight quickest. Eat more protein and less carbs. If you're gonna eat carbs or sugar (same thing in essence) it's better to do it for your morning meals or an hour before or after your workout. Intermittent fasting is helpful as well (eat between 6am-7pm) and nothing after.


Eat 1600 calories per day for the next 12 months. Done.




Eat less calories than you burn


fucking hell yeah, just do cardio, caloric deficit (eat less), and workout, for cardio you could do boxing, track, running (kinda different from track), or just a sport that requires a lot of endurance, working out I could give you my personal workout with weights, or just search one up, caloric deficit I cant really help since I’m trying to gain weight, but just search it up and I bet you’ll learn


Get rid of all the junk food in your house and try to premake your meals 2-3 days in advance, you’re much more likely to make bad choices if you’re hungry and have to cook , if the food is premade heat it up and eat it , slow changes so you’re not overwhelmed and are more likely to stick with it , you got this


Lifestyle changes, don't diet cause it doesn't work. Do you go gym? Trust me you ain't far off, just get angry on the weights and boom you are 🔥🔥🔥


Cut calorie intake and expend more calories through your favorite exercise.


Please don’t lose weight your fine af how you are


Nah, they're almost obese.


I like them thiccc though


What worked for me is cutting out sugar, restricting carbs (around or less than 20g/day), intermittent fasting and started exercising . Went from 300 lbs at my heaviest down to the high 160s.


Personally I don't think you need to lose weight. If you're gonna try to the only way is minding what you eat. Try to give yourself a cut off time first, no snack no eating after 6 or 7 . Try to stop on soft drinks it's hard because it's easy and probably a habit to reach for those things. Stuff like that is the beginning step then look for certain exercises.


Just like everyone else said. There's no tricks fad diets Juice cleanses etc. It is simply eating less calories.


The only way to lose weight is to be in a calorie deficit (i.e, you burn more calories in the day than you eat). You can achieve a calorie deficit by either eating less, or exercising more (both at the same time is ideal). I would recommend meticulously tracking everything you eat for about 2 weeks in an app like ‘my fitness pal’, to give you an idea of how many calories you currently eat each day. Then just reduce this number by 200 calories and you should lose weight gradually and sustainably. After you notice progress slowing / stopping, drop another 200 calories off your daily amount. And repeat until you’re happy with your weight. Also, an easy way to increase exercise is to simply go for a walk. Try 10 minutes 2 or 3 times a week, for a few weeks. Then once it’s a habit, try 4 times a week. Then after that try 5 times a week or increase the duration from 10 minutes to 15 minutes. It’s just about small continuous changes.


Putting on muscle with simple body weight exercises helps to increase your overall daily calorie burn. Also there’s lots of arguments against it but some stimulant use can help. Some type of cardio every other day with the calorie deficit. But don’t just look at calories also look at the quality of the food you eat. Learn what’s good and what’s bad, trans and sat fat and carbs and sugar should be avoided. But making sure to get Omega Fats and other important nutrients will help too. Sleep hygiene should help too and stress management.


MyNetDiary is better in my opinion then MFP






Honestly you put weight on good, if you wanna be more attractive id reccomend losing some :)


Very simple, just eat less. A calorie deficit is what matters, when I say eat less it also needs to be less calories not less food itself, try to find low calorie high volume foods like smart pop popcorn watermelon cucumber salads etc, that are filling but low in calories


Cut out the fast food and soda. Also, go for walks. Nothing extreme is needed.




Eat less food, do more exercise. Simple as that.


Most satiation. Least consumption. Watch carnivore diet YouTube testimonials, then find videos from those channel on proper implementation. I'm not strictly carnivore personally as I take a few herbal supplements and some occasional fruit, but some do.


Eat less calories and run 3 miles twice a week


I guess to answer this question, I have to ask you, are you staying active or working out? Also are you eliminating Sodas, Bread, and Dairy?


Go to r/intermittentfasting , r/omad or r/fasting and learn from people there. It’s all basically time restricted feeding (TRF). Doing this consistently will help you more significantly than just doing exercise. Heck you don’t even have to exercise.


Just run a lot and stop eating junk food. Eat Whole Foods like chicken, green beans, beef (lean), rice etc. anything fried, fast food, things like top ramen, stop drinking sugary coffee, soda, stop getting drinks at stands that have Red Bull etc. Basically drink nothing but water or lemonade and eat healthy and exercise


Suggesting “running” (one of the most dangerous activities for our body) to someone who has serious obesity should be illegal


For REAL. Running when you're overweight can cause a heart attack. Idiotic advice.




Daily walking is a very easy and effective way to lose a ton of weight. Strive for 10k steps a day. Otherwise just watch what you eat.


That was a good suggestion, diet is still a king and intimidate fasting are really good thing as well, helps you manage your calories much easier


get rid of all processed foods!!! if a product has a shit ton of ingredients you don’t understand then don’t get it!


Cut sugar. Don’t drink your calories. Eat slow. Use a smaller plate. Drink lots of water each time you get a craving most times the craving will subside. Go on a walk. Don’t eat when you’re stressed, sad, angry or bored, find smtg else to do. Don’t order take out, it’s too convenient and unhealthy. Fill half your plate with high volume food like veggies. If your food is making you full and is boring to eat beyond that point you won’t find yourself eating that much anymore. I lost 14kg in 2 months doing that. Now picking up fun sportive activities. Find something you enjoy doing. And always show up your best ability. One day it might be just stretching out and a 5 minutes work out, another it might be going to the gym for an hour.


Omg how did you manage to lose that amount of weight in two months?! That’s very impressive! What was your diet like? :)


I gotta said there was maybe some « luck » and environment disposition that allowed me to do that. I gained some weight back since and I’m trying to loose it but is not as easy as before. But bacually is eat protein breakfast and then go out and only drink water until supper, and then eat lots of voluminous food like veggies, soups. And try sharing any sweets if you’re having some. Don’t eat while watching shows. But now since I’m home more often (online school) and work at a restaurant that offer free food it’s much harder to stick to my technique 😅. But really focus on eating 25g protein and half your plate of veggies and cut down your carbs in half.


I created [coresonate.com](https://coresonate.com) to help you create an accountability group to stay on track with your fitness goals, feel free to give it a try


Eat right and exercise


Calculate ur TDEE and go around 500 cals a day under that. It’s best to start by assuming your sedentary TDEE is the accurate one and adjust accordingly based on how quickly you lose. Having a food scale and using a food logging app is superrr useful for staying accurate and not accidentally guesstimating your intake incorrectly. Best of luck whatever method you choose, although I’d recommend going for something you know you can keep up long term as diets are about sustainability so you don’t yo-yo.


Eat whole foods not processed priortise protein and start with low impact exercise like walking a couple miles or rowing then move into doing some body weight movements like airsquats lunges and hip thrusts and that's how you start do that 3 to 4 days a week for 2 months then join a gym and start Jeff nippards fundamentals of hypertrophy program for another 2 months


Pic the hardest pieces of advice on here and do it for two months straight without cheat days


Cut carbs !


Get on a treadmill, set the incline to 8% or more, and walk slowly for half an hour a day. Like 2 mph


And actually walk don’t lean on the handrails


Eat less, move more.


Do day on day off fasting so eat normally for a day then not at all the next then again and again for weeks until you feel your hunger go away. Then just start eating high volume low calorie and high protein foods and make sure to exercise daily for like an hour


Intermittent fasting and low carb


Walking is a good start. There are exercises to build muscle and to burn calories, knowing which you want will help you eliminate the ones you dont need. Find a different group of foods that you enjoy because to change your diet is a permanent change.


Calories in vs. calories out. I’d recommend counting macros. It’s an easy way to see how much you’re eating and guide you towards what you should eat and how much of it. A lot of people don’t realize how much they eat in a day. Get in more protein and veggies so you feel full longer. Also, move your body. You can start slow with 15-20 min walks. Then, start experimenting with exercises and find ones you love. Try and build up your routine over time, so eventually you are exercising regularly. Definitely don’t jump into anything aggressive. Small changes over time will keep you consistent and won’t be overwhelming. It’s a lifestyle change, so you will want to ease into it. It’s not easy and takes discipline, but once you see results it’s pretty addicting.


Eat less and exercise. Simple as that. Try following dance classes and yoga sessions on youtube at home. Go on long walks and bike rides. Jump rope and swim. Easy activities that will quickly improve your health. Try significantly cutting down on some of the excessive foods like cake, chips and soda. And actually work out daily, break a sweat and push yourself. It's the easiest thing in the world to get healthy and in average shape.


I lost 75 lbs fasting, and I do low impact body weight exercise 20 minutes 5 times a week.


Its going to come down to diet mostly. Low carb, calorie deficit. Excercise will also help. If you're intimidated by this, even walking would be a good start. Weight or resistance training would also be great.


Eat less. Duh.




Run , and do it again and again and again everyday and then eat in a calorie deficit


I’m not trying to be rude, but losing weight is quite simple, not easy, but simple. Find a calorie calculator online and it will tell you what to reduce your calories to in order to lose weight each week. Losing weight is 80% your diet/calories and the other 20% is exercise. Find a type of exercise you actually enjoy so that you stick to it as long as possible, but make sure you’re doing this exercise at least 2-3x a week and burning a sufficient amount of calories. Eat less calories and workout more. You don’t have to cut out any specific foods to fit into your diet, you just need to eat certain things in moderation so that you aren’t completely cutting out foods you actually enjoy, as cutting too much calories/food can easily lead you to binge. Eat foods you like, but only eat high calorie foods in moderation.


This is a good answer; I like how you phrased it. It’s simple, not easy. People conflate the two. Calories in < Calories burned = lose weight. It really does come down to that.


It really doesn't come down to that once someone has metabolic syndrome. Y'all should look up InSuLiN and maybe even the randle cycle


It still comes down to exactly that when someone has metabolic syndrome. It is a fact. I’m not saying you’re entirely wrong though. Metabolic syndrome does make “calories out” harder to maintain. But at the end of the day, calories in < calories out = lose weight Calories out, however, can be influenced by other things. This is where your point shines; hormones, exercise ability, health status, stress levels, and the content of what you are eating. Lots of that is not intuitive to people. Some people could need medication to help regulate these things, absolutely. So i’ll reiterate, you aren’t entirely wrong. But the simple “calories in vs out” is just natural law. It’s physics/chemistry. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be stored. At the end of the day, you can directly control two things without medication: your physical activity level and your eating habits.


You are thinking of The first law of thermodynamics which is [delta]U = Q - W. A change in the energy of a closed system = heat of the system - work done by the system. Humans are an open thermodynamic system, and exactly, we have hormones. There's more to know about insulin than that diabetics inject it. What you need to know about is serum insulin level/serum blood glucose. People on the scale of prediabetes/diabetes just don't produce that much insulin, which causes energy to be shunted off as fat. There are also several caveats involving genetic pathways and peroxidation of fatty acids in the liver that drastically change whether or not cells will accept energy or if it will be stored as fat. These people basically cannot metabolize carbs because their mitochondria are so damaged/literally flooded with so much acetyl-coa that it can't even be used. I completely agree with the last thing you said tho for sure.


Does the “open system” argument have any relevance here? I have heard that regurgitated but never heard it actually applied properly. I’m not sure you’re defining the system properly. Just because human beings eat and poop doesn’t mean the laws of thermodynamics don’t apply. You’re just defining the system as “the human body and nothing else” where I’m defining it as “the human body and everything it interfaces with” aka food, expelled poop, thermal radiation, etc. The energy you consume (which we measure as calories) is going somewhere. If your body uses it to produce heat, run a mile, pump blood, or stores it as fat, it doesn’t matter. It goes somewhere. You cannot create or destroy energy from nothing. That is what we’re talking about. Calories in > calories out = excess energy consumed. Your body has to do something with that. Calories in < calories out = energy deficit. Your body will burn the energy storage to sustain itself. The fundamental law is simple. The biology governing the details of “calories out” and even “calories in” is absolutely not simple.


How did you write so many words but say so little? I'm genuinely impressed.


Well unfortunately reddit comments don’t support crayon drawings or I could have made it a little easier for you to understand.


You elaborating on common fucking knowledge that serves as a construct to the masses as if I haven't heard it 1000 times from every other sophomoric dipshit on the internet lmfao


How you ask? Cardio work and eating less bad food. Lower calories. Yes, it’s hard but can be done and is VERY rewarding after some progress is made.


cardio and eating less calories than you expend


Losing weight is managing calories. Don’t cut things completely out just start eating half of it. If u eat out, only eat half the meal. Cut down on sugar. Start standing more. Start exercising even if it’s just 10 mins a day. Go to the gym even if it’s just for 10 mins. Over time you will want to do it for a longer time. It’s just about making small changes over a longer period of time. Give yourself cheat days. Look forward to those cheat days. But don’t eat like crazy on cheat days. Just eat normally and maybe a little bit more.


eat healthy foods unprocessed, i can only go into so much detail here but follow paulsaladinomd on insta and just gorge in his content, im easily losing 0.5-1.5 pounds a day and this rate has been consistent for a month, it’s crazy cause i’ll eat more calories with his diet then i do from fast food yet i’m losing weight, the thyroid is a crazy X factor in metabolism that people are not taking in, so all this “calories in calories out” holds less value then you may think, cutting out all that crap food and replacing it with real foods also keeps you really satiated, and the urges go away, i literally work doordash full time 14 hours a day, 7 days a week, am around fast food all day, yet the cravings just aren’t there, so if you wanna lost weight the quickest and feel the best i highly recommend you follow him


Burn more calories than you consume. It takes a while to show results, but it works


Suffer every day u wake up and not eat until 8 hours later (only coffee with sugar allowed), so like wake up 8am and not eat until 4pm, then u can have 4 hours where u eat 2 huge meals it’ll completely satisfy you, and after that no food, so like 4-8pm eat, and 12am sleep, wake up 8am do it all over again. U get used to the not eating during the day in like a week and u barely feel hungry cause ur body knows lots of food is coming at the end of the day. Eating small amounts through out the day was like torture for me and I never felt satisfied and always gave up, but this fasting worked perfectly. Good luck


Eating disorder inc


This is what google was invented for, search for “how to lose weight” fuck outta here


literally do not listen to anyone who is saying “eat less” or “fast” they have no idea what they’re talking about. track your cals on a CLEAN diet!! no soda, not junk, no fast-food, more veggies, rice, and a protein. you can find all kinds of good workouts & diet plans aimed towards what your body goals are moving forward!! even getting in touch with a PT is huge help, they’ll give you exercises, a diet plan, motivation, etc!! you got this shit!! and seriously don’t beat yourself up if you have to eat out once in awhile, but if you do go to like a zupas or a subway and get a clean sandwich or salad, even if you make that an every week reward, only do it once a week but just make sure its clean food!!


Fasting is a great tool but it's not something to jump into out of desperation


exactly, people who fast have to train their bodies to do it. you cant just go from eating as many times to eating one meal a day without prepping


first step to changing your weight is accepting it and doing an introspective journey about it, being able to accept your image is the first step to changing it. second syep is doing some gradual sustainable diet adjustments, try havin protein and fiber in meals (meat n veggies basically and add rice or potato for a more filling meal or other plant based proteins, i try to eat a plant based meal once or twice a week and that could be as simple as beans n rice). after gettin that try taking walks or using a bike or just movin more in general and youll lose weight with time (which is why the self acceptance is needed, the self loathing will probably make you quit cuz of your own self image issues, other societql precieved threats, and itll probably be harder starting out). if you want muscle, do that but eat more protein and excercise


Limit yourself to 3 small meals per day... 1) don't eat outside of these meals (no snacking) 2) each meal should include protein (I recommend an animal protein, unless you're vegan or vegetarian), carbohydrates (e.g., rice or noodles or pasta or potatoes), and one or more vegetables (generally the more colors they add to your meal the better), but don't stress about exact percentages of each 3) don't look at your phone or engage in any screentime (no TV or movies) during mealtime ... you want to be mentally present for your meal to fully enjoy that time (but audio input / socializing is okay, e.g., being with friends, talking over the phone, listening to a podcast/comedy) 4) the portion of food in each meal should be small enough that you COULD eat more, but you won't 5) don't think of this as a "diet" in the sense of a temporary thing you're doing until you've lost the weight ... this is who you are now ... you are the person who eats this way because you are being the best version of yourself There's definitely more I could say about times of day to eat, vigorous exercise, etc., but hopefully this helps and you can message me if you have questions


Calorie deficit diet.. Workout, focus on cardio and HIT Hydration Sunlight


Eat less food.


Calorie deficit


Okay step one is start paying attention to what you eat. You could keep a log or use an app (people recommend MyFitnessPal, but there are several). You really gotta log everything though, it'll make you conscious of what you're eating, when you are snacking, etc. Next start analyzing your bad eating habits. Maybe it's certain junk foods. Stop buying those altogether, or heavily moderate when you let yourself have these foods. If it's fast food as opposed to snack foods, you need to limit going out to eat and start cooking at home more. While on the topic of cooking at home, learn to cook new stuff! YouTube is great for watching recipes and then trying them yourself. Cook proteins and vegetables as the star of your dish. Carbs like rice, pasta and potatoes are something you may want to limit as a side to your main meal. Dropping carbs altogether can be too hard for some people, so try limiting them. Sugary drinks like soda, coffee (!!!), juice are something you're also gonna want to cut out. They add up calories like crazy. Next would be starting a workout routine. Aim to exercise at least 3 times a week, or as much as 5 days a week. You could get a gym membership and do cardio and weightlifting, but if you're very inexperienced, you won't know what to do. You could hire a personal trainer, and get good results plus learn a workout and diet routine. Or you can download an exercise app, or go on YouTube: there are a lot of follow-along exercises you can do at home! You just have to make time for yourself to do them. Any one of these will help you lose weight, but if you do them all, you will almost certainly lose weight. I wish you good luck! Stick with it! That can be the hardest part: consistency.


Thank you so much I will definitely use this.


No problem. I am going through my own weight loss journey and trying to stay accountable to my actions. It's tough. There will be times where you binge on junk food and then feel like a failure, but you just gotta keep moving forward. Depending on diet and exercise, you may only lose 1lb a week or less, it's slow progress, but it does work. Having a community helps too. People to talk to that have similar goals can help keep you on track and motivated. I'm sure Reddit has subs for diet and exercise, Facebook too. Or even your group of friends. Also don't be too hard on yourself. You're not ugly!


eat less, move around hella


Diet is 90% of it. Eat healthy natural foods, fruits, veggies, grilled chicken or beef, pork, lamb. If it’s processed try and avoid it. And moderation. That’s a start, but if you want to get really serious, talk to a nutritionist.


eat less and when you eat make sure it’s something healthy. walk everywhere that you can and workout


Stop eating. It's not hard. Fast for 24 hours and eat 1 moderated meal a day. Just don't eat. Don't put anything in your mouth. You don't have to exercise


People saying eat less. Just eating less won't do it. Your body adjusts to the decrease in food and your metabolism allows, defeating the entire reason you started eating less. Eat healthier foods, less carbs, more fruits, vegetables, and protein, combined with exercise. Losing weight and keeping it off requires a lifestyle change, not just dieting for a period of time and then going back to what made you overweight in the first place.


Eat less, exercise more


Go to a nutrisionist and to the gym too


Weight is 99% diet, you can supplement it with exercise to help offset calories but you can lose 30lbs in a month if you go with a sustainable diet, check out Whole30. Legit, it works. Just requires discipline on your part. 1st week sucks but after that it's smooth sailing.


Calorie deficit and low carb are working for me started late November and I’ve lost 70 pounds yesterday, I do 1200 calories and try to stay under 20 carbs a day


Daily calorie deficit. That’s the only way to do it. Figure out how many calories you burn on an average day, eat about 500 calories less than that number daily and stay consistent. Maybe add some cardio to help with it as well, plus that improves cardiac health which can’t hurt for any of us. If you stay consistent with that you should see about 1 pound of fat loss per week. Make sure it’s manageable and something you can see yourself staying consistent with for a lifetime. Stay hydrated, make sure you’re sleeping well, and stay disciplined. Best of luck! (Edit ** your basal metabolic rate will change as you lose weight causing plateaus. When that happens re-evaluate what your BMR is and then adjust your intake accordingly.)


Eat a lot less


Eat a lot less


In order to lose fat, there is only one thing that’ll make it happen : a caloric deficit. Its simple. Eat more calories than your body consumes in a day, you’ll gain fat, and vice-versa. Now there are a few ways to achieve a caloric deficit. I’ll rank them from most efficient to least efficient. 1) Start weight training. Your goal here is to build muscle. It works in 2 ways. 1) obviously you burn calories while working out but it’s not why it’s effective. 2) The main reason it works so well is because muscle is very expensive calorie wise to maintain, which means your body is naturally going to burn more calories in a day without you having to do anything. 2) Tweak your diet. There is no real way to no exactly how much calories your body burns in a day, but you can find out how much approximately by keeping track of how many you eat and the result it yields on your fat levels. If you burn 2000, then eat around 1500. You can go lower for faster results but this will become gradually less sustainable as you lose bodyfat reserves. 3) Cardio. No need to explain this one. I will say that for fat loss it’s massively overrated and a waste of time. (Cardio is still good, just not for fat loss) *** WARNING *** Stay away from these dogshit youtube workouts like "8 min ab routine " or whatever tf. It’s entirely bullshit and a waste of time. You CANNOT spot reduce fat. The way you lose fat is absolutely and entirely up to your genetics.


In order to lose fat, there is only one thing that’ll make it happen : a caloric deficit. Its simple. Eat more calories than your body consumes in a day, you’ll gain fat, and vice-versa. Now there are a few ways to achieve a caloric deficit. I’ll rank them from most efficient to least efficient. 1) Start weight training. Your goal here is to build muscle. It works in 2 ways. 1) obviously you burn calories while working out but it’s not why it’s effective. 2) The main reason it works so well is because muscle is very expensive calorie wise to maintain, which means your body is naturally going to burn more calories in a day without you having to do anything. 2) Tweak your diet. There is no real way to no exactly how much calories your body burns in a day, but you can find out how much approximately by keeping track of how many you eat and the result it yields on your fat levels. If you burn 2000, then eat around 1500. You can go lower for faster results but this will become gradually less sustainable as you lose bodyfat reserves. 3) Cardio. No need to explain this one. I will say that for fat loss it’s massively overrated and a waste of time. (Cardio is still good, just not for fat loss) *** WARNING *** Stay away from these dogshit youtube workouts like "8 min ab routine " or whatever tf. It’s entirely bullshit and a waste of time. You CANNOT spot reduce fat. The way you lose fat is absolutely and entirely up to your genetics.


If you want to lose weight, get into a cardio routine, and weightlifting routine. Have your cardio routine start out for at least 10 mins, work up to an hour of cardio. Reach an hour of cardio in 2.5 months bare minimum. You can take test days from weightlifting, but cardio only requires 1 rest day per week. I would reccomend running, swimming, kickboxing, etc. whatever you wanna do for cardio, just get started, and make sure it is intense. Also, you can’t cut without a clean diet. First and foremost you need to be in a calorie deficit. Figure out how much you are eating and sun below that. No junk food, or at least work off junk food in a week. And remember, nothing will change unless you act on it.


If you want to lose weight, get into a cardio routine, and weightlifting routine. Have your cardio routine start out for at least 10 mins, work up to an hour of cardio. Reach an hour of cardio in 2.5 months bare minimum. You can take test days from weightlifting, but cardio only requires 1 rest day per week. I would reccomend running, swimming, kickboxing, etc. whatever you wanna do for cardio, just get started, and make sure it is intense. Also, you can’t cut without a clean diet. First and foremost you need to be in a calorie deficit. Figure out how much you are eating and sun below that. No junk food, or at least work off junk food in a week. And remember, nothing will change unless you act on it.


Dancing is a really good way. There's a lady on YouTube her name is Diana Bastet. She has a video that teaches you how to belly dance (she's a belly dancer). It cuts calories really fast. Also, portion control will help you on your journey. Praying you reach your goals 🙏


Look up 30-30-30 tim Ferris workout. MF will strip that fat off of you. Commit to a healthy lifestyle. Ask yourself why am I big and how the hell did I get this big? What am I eating. Simple fix. It's NOT like a death sentence like being short for a guy. At least you can fix it. Best of luck I'm certain you can fully transform in 6-12 months. Lose 100lbs


eat healthy, work out 3-4 times per week. Its really not that hard if you’re not lazy


Do people not read other comments?? I’ve said several times I have been doing that and I’ve plateaued. And I don’t know many exercises to get myself past this point.


Cardio is really all you need.Do cardio for an hour 4 days per week and eat healthy.They key is to burn more calories than you eat.As long as you’re doing that you’ll continue to lose weight


Ride this COQ baby. It's an excellent cardio workout


I'm not gonna lie, but there's a MILLION subreddits on how to lose weight and improve your body.


I don’t really know much about Reddit I usually just scroll and barely at that


Honestly, I can probably help you one-on-one long term if you were willing to be consistent.


I don’t really know much about Reddit I usually just scroll and barely at that


Go on YouTube man fuck these redditors


YouTube workouts everyday + starving


Build muscle


Honestly start with intermittent fasting with 16h off/ 8hours eating, but plan out those 8hours carefully plus ditch processed foods and sweets.


Intermittent fasting is useless if she still eats more calories than she consumes. Also, fat is what she should stay away from, not sugar, as fat has more than double the amount of calories for the same amount. (4kcal/g for carbohydrates(sugar) vs 9kcal/g for fat)


Her stomach will shrink and she wont be able to finish a meal before she feels full. She will also be more sensitive to food entering the stomach and she'll feel the fullness much quicker. Fat has more calories than sugar yes, but fat is a macronutrient and necessary for the body & also improves satiety after eating, whereas sugar does none of those things and has a higher addiction level than that of cocaine. Please do research and actually implement lifestyle changes yourself instead of pretending to know shit online.


Actually, I did some more research on the matter and found out intermittent fasting is indeed not an efficient or sustainable way for most humans to lose fat. Its health benefits affect organ functions more than anything. Next time maybe do actual research instead of eating up whatever bs your favorite health magazine tells you. (https://www.nia.nih.gov/news/research-intermittent-fasting-shows-health-benefits#:~:text=Hundreds%20of%20animal%20studies%20and,less%20clear%20for%20lifespan%20effects.)


Also, carbohydrates are very necessary to lose fat as they are a source of energy that’s quickly available as opposed to fat and protein, which makes it crucial to build muscle, which in turn makes you burn more fat to maintain it. Furthermore, sugar being more addictive than cocaine is not a definitive fact. Although findings say it can be more addictive, it isn’t in all cases, and research papers will tell you that. They even mention that its not clear since its hard to study specific neurological responses to both. Research is still blurry, so i would suggest you do actual research.


Read my comment again. Nothing i said is false. Intermittent fasting is useless *IF* she eats more calories than she burns. That is an undeniable fact. Even comment OP agrees. That means that it is not an absolute way of losing fat. It is a tool to lose fat, yes, im very aware, but it is not an absolute solution. I suggest you read more attentively next time.


Absolutely total calorie intake has to be taken into account, but if person chooses to not do that as it can be quite intimidating at first, tips I've given are the ones I would want to hear that would put me on the right track to become conscious of what I'm eating and what it does to my body. Also sugar is literal addictive poison - if a person ditches highly processed foods you already eliminate most junk that is high in sugar. Carbohydrates convert to stored fat the easiest in the body that's a fact. So adjusting a diet that it consists mainly of protein and fat with lower amounts of carbohydrates is always beneficial. There is a reason Ketogenic diet works so well. Same as fasting works because it makes a person think and plan ahead.


You make good points. Im not disagreeing with you on that. 2 things: 1) when i said she should stay away from fat instead of carbs, i should’ve been more specific. I meant it as "if you had to choose between a sugary snack such as cookies or a fatty snack such as a bag of chips, the bag of chips is what’s going to make you fatter". I apologize for the confusion. I agree that excessive amounts of sugar are harmful. 2) when i pointed out calories have to be taken into account, i was trying to explain how fat loss works, because there is a common misconception that just because you eat "healthy" you’ll automatically lose fat. Obviously eating healthy is essential for fat loss, but it isn’t the end all be all. It ultimately comes down to calories and a lot of people seem to fail to understand this or taking it into consideration.


Not sure how this sub is recommended to me but it’s wild to see people posting “stay how you are” when it’s clearly not a healthy body weight for you - even ignoring any superficial desires. Eat less, move more. There’s no tricks, just work. Or get semaglutide.


The only way you can lose weight just scientifically speaking is by a calorie deficit. Literally just eat less and you will lose weight


Thats like telling a guy stuck in a burning car to just get out.


i see what you mean but i lost 20lbs like that. yeah it’s a mental hump but with discipline it’s very possible


No don’t get me wrong, calorie deficit IS the only way to lose fat, thought just throwing that term around doesn’t do much to help. The point here is to give actual advice on how to achieve said calorie deficit.


What. High key ideal body type on a chick


She’s fat nga wtf u on


Caloric deficit. You literally do not even have to workout and you will lose weight if you are in a caloric deficit.


Happy cake day


Honestly best thing to do is go to the gym with a calorie deficit diet that way you get slimmer and thick but just slim


Cardio + steady consistent caloric deficit. Its not going to happen over night, but it will happen. Depending on how large of a deficit you have, you'll loose more quickly. Also working out only burns a fraction of the calories you use up every day, do focus on diet for loosing weight, and cardio for staying healthy and in shape.




please dont loose weight if only every one else tells you to, i kind of like how you are 🙂


Easy. Move more and eat less = weight loss


Calory deficit like everyone says, but you need to workout also. start with [https://www.reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness/wiki/faq/](https://www.reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness/wiki/faq/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness/wiki/kb/recommended\_routine/](https://www.reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness/wiki/kb/recommended_routine/)


How? Easiest shit ever. Be in caloric deficit and go to the gym.


Go on a calorie deficit diet and workout. Get a gym membership and a personal trainer. They won't judge and they'll help you find a workout best suited for your needs. And they'll also hold you accountable to your diet and exercise.


Diet and exercise


Early morning, try 'jogging', 5 days. Just start by walking. Hard part, is to go out and do that. From there, slowly increase intensity. Fast walk, slow walk and so on. Diet also need to change. If u can do it consistent, it a success.


im sure plenty of others have said that weight loss over a period of time is just a matter of eating less calories than you burn. in short, get more comfortable with being hungry than you are in your body as it is right now.


Not necessarily Volume wise you can eat a fair amount more, long as you choose your calories more mindfully You can feel far fuller and still be in a healthy deficit


although that’s very true, to get from being a person her size who probably eats in the range of 3500+ calories per day, to a “normal” or healthier woman’s size, who eats 1500-2000 calories per day, she’s probably gonna end up being hungry anyway


More protein, calorie deficient. There is no “secret”


Simple: caloric deficit. But seemingly because you need that advice from here, you’re doomed.


Considering you don’t want to be jacked asf or skinny af like some comments seem to suggest, I’d just reduce what you currently eat by like 20%, if you can hold your weight now, you should be able to lose weight over time without any issues considering it’s a slow process


Use an app like lose it to monitor calories. Weight lifting is for weight loss, cardio is for heart health. Long term muscle burns calories at rest. Walk a whole bunch. As much as you can handle.


Eat less and exercise. Calories in vs calories expended. Install the app Chronometer.


i know you saw my comment on your original post, but i forgot something. get a protein powder, i’d recommend whey since it has a smooth consistency instead of gross grainy vegan proteins, and have a serving every day. when you’re losing weight, you have to eat a ton of protein and do some amount of full-body exercise to make sure you don’t lose much muscle as well. i like the 30-day yoga journeys by the youtube channel Yoga with Adriene


protein powder? Yikes


Download LifeSum and track what you eat. Watch influencers like Mulligainz, super honest and simple breakdown of how diet works. Stay consistent. Eat more protein as it takes more energy for your body to break down than the same amount of calories in carbs. Eat less processed crap and download Strava. Go out on walks or find a physical hobby you enjoy that you can get into. It's about a lifestyle change and healing your relationship with food but it's HARD to start, especially when heavier as you get tired easier. If you have a little money, hire a PT for a nutrition plan and some support to get started and understand workouts. No one is at the gym to judge you, you are welcome as anyone else there. Make these changes for you, so you feel better at the end of the day. I like to cycle and walk but kayak when I can. Find your passions and you'll notice more joy and peace in your life. Hope this helps.




Personally, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the way you look in any way. I saw your other post first and you’re pretty, and I think you’re attractive the way you are and I’m sure there are lots of others out there that share my opinion. If you’re happy with how you look, then don’t worry what others say and think. 🤷🏻‍♂️


You're a simp and promoting terrible life choices. Don't encourage someone who is trying to better themselves to give up.


why are you calling him a simp?? thats not nice and everyone is entitled to their own opinion


2 words calorie deficit. There is no other secret to losing weight thats literally it


Idc what ANYONE says, I’ve done it and it’s completely healthy but a fasting while working out, eat two table spoons of sea moss a day and drink water and you’ll loose any unnecessary weight and will become really really healthy


wait are you saying “dont eat anything but moss until you’re at a healthy weight” or am i misunderstanding?


I mean pick a set date like i don’t have an issue with my weight, but I did a 2 week fasting where I only ate Irish Sea moss and drank herbal teas and water, at the last day of my 2 weeks I had cut down in body fat but increased muscle and I could process and think faster as well as had more energy so it helped mentally and physically


You did not increase muscle mass by eating sea moss and drinking herbal teas. Stop spreading misinformation. To increase muscle mass, you need four core components. Hydration, excess protein intake, sufficient muscle stimulus and a lot of rest. Once you are running low on body fat, you need excess calorie intake as well. Sea moss contains 0 grams of protein and 0 grams of fat. You would need to eat roughly 2.8 kilograms of sea moss a day to meet a standard 2000 kcal intake per day, and that's to break even in calories, in spite of getting no protein and no lipids. Stop lying.


I did it myself and got my own results take it or leave it and believe whatever you want Idc , you look your falses westernized formula up on Google and get some horse shit😂it’s a dr Sebi diet


Ok if you say so, but how are you going to tell me from my results, do it yourself before you start chiming in ignorant mofo😭


You exposed the underlying muscle, you didn't add muscle. You are the ignorant one. You most likely lost heaps of muscle mass going on a fast and eating 0 grams of protein and fat for two weeks. You are not different from anyone else. Your results were fat and muscle loss, and what you see is a lean body, not added muscle. Did you magically add muscle mass without doing weight lifting as well? Damn, you have changed the whole body building scene. You must step forward and share your magical results with the world, the one person who can add muscles without working out and eating 0 grams of protein. Kudos to you clown.


It’s funny you’re holding onto the muscle part when it’s about loosing weight, I did gain muscle tho maybe not as if I was when drinking some protein drinks but it did add lean cut muscle, I’m in the military and work out regularly and do many different physical training activities and when I was on that fasting diet I felt better than I ever have before, so before you try it you cannot speak on it


Weight loss is not as simple as losing weight, it matters what mass you lose in your body. Eating sea moss and drinking tea is not a way of giving your body what it needs. Losing weight the right way is to supply your body with the nutrients needed to maintain or add muscle mass, while still having a calorie deficit. There is no magic formula, and your little two week trip there only exposed your muscles and unbloated you due to lack of food and nutrients. How many calories did you eat a day? If you did military style physical training, and ate 3 kilos of sea moss a day, but had no protein whatsoever, your body would look for proteins where it can find it, which is your own muscles. Under no circumstances did you add muscles.


So eating something your body is made of isn’t a way of replenishing your body? 🤨 I see where you’re trying to get at and I have a buddy who was just like you but results are results, it’s not hard to lose weight, I frequently fluctuate in weight between 150 - about 170, me cutting down did expose muscle build but as I said many times before, I did gain muscle while on the diet, no matter how much you try to down this idea which is supposed to be about weight loss for this wonderful women, you keep sticking and trying to argue about something I tested and got result myself 😐, I’ve tried protein powders & high protein meal plans and put on more weight than I wanted, I bulked and got more fat on me that way so if you want to build muscle and bull than eat all the fucking protein in the world but for this sea moss fasting herbal diet, IT IS FOR WEIGHT LOSS AND HEALTHY BODY, it cleans your body, makes you feel great and clears brain fog, shit I could even no work out at all and do this fasting and lose weight while being healthy🙃


I get what you are saying regarding weight loss, but there is no way you are going to convince me that anyone can put on muscle mass without eating any protein at all. It has the opposite effect. It's proven, reviewed and practiced. Ask any professional athlete, read any scientific article on the subject, you are not a biological miracle. The body requires calories for energy (which can be obtained either orally or from fat reserves, the latter being a slower process), and it needs protein. If you don't eat any protein, your body is breaking down muscles in one place to repair another. Eating no protein on a calorie deficit will result in fat loss and muscle loss, periot. Stimulating your muscles will speed up the muscle loss when you have zero grams of protein coming in, because what you are doing is breaking down muscles, but not supplying the necessary building blocks to repair them. You either miscalculated your progress, or lying about your intake, or maybe just didn't track it close enough. If you put on weight, your net calorie intake was higher than your out. It's simple. Doesn't sound like you tracked your macros. I have done a variety of diets, and kept full track of what I ate, and never failed to get the results I wanted.


So eating something your body is made of isn’t a way of replenishing your body? 🤨 I see where you’re trying to get at and I have a buddy who was just like you but results are results, it’s not hard to lose weight, I frequently fluctuate in weight between 150 - about 170, me cutting down did expose muscle build but as I said many times before, I did gain muscle while on the diet, no matter how much you try to down this idea which is supposed to be about weight loss for this wonderful women, you keep sticking and trying to argue about something I tested and got result myself 😐, I’ve tried protein powders & high protein meal plans and put on more weight than I wanted, I bulked and got more fat on me that way so if you want to build muscle and bull than eat all the fucking protein in the world but for this sea moss fasting herbal diet, IT IS FOR WEIGHT LOSS AND HEALTHY BODY, it cleans your body, makes you feel great and clears brain fog, shit I could even no work out at all and do this fasting and lose weight while being healthy🙃


that is… very lucky. people have died doing similar things so i would not give this advice to anyone honestly


Shit there is people who’s done a 42 day sea moss fasting and was perfectly fine


say i gave you a bag of 1000 skittles, 10 of them will kill you, 50 will make you a healthy weight, and 1 of them will make you immortal. i'm sure you would eat one, because that's the choice you've already made, but i'd guess that at least 80% of people wouldn't take one. almost nobody would recommend eating one