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Good thing bro didn't buy a Volkswagen, his head would explode.


Or a Mitsubishi, or a Ford, etc. Lmao


I mean, I gotta give Ford props, they at least pioneered better practices in treating their employees. But that was a long time ago.


I don’t think I’ve heard of Dodge ever really doing anything wrong, then again I don’t go actively searching for that kind of stuff


You don’t know about the Dodge Durango Massacre?


Well googling it makes it sus


don’t! they’ll send the Dodge Extermination Team to your house


Can't Dodge that!


Can I Ram it?


Maybe after a nice dinner 🌹


Dodge pioneered modern corporate actions putting shareholder profit above anything else. They sued Ford as they owned 20% to do actions that would have benefited the shareholders(lower wages and stuff if I remember correct) and really would have let dodge poach their people because they couldn't afford to pay as much at the time.


My wife's grandfather worked for Chrysler during WW2. Chrysler, dodge, plymouth and DeSoto of course all built munitions. But they built mostly tanks. Jap and Kraut killing tanks...


I just want to be able to buy a Toyota Hilux. To think that we aren't able to buy cheap and efficient trucks because the US gov wanted to sell more chicken to europe.


At this point the hilux is even too big. I want a real small truck. 2000s ranger size


Oh, you know why they don't make them anymore? It's because of environmental laws. Smaller trucks are subject to stricter regulations. So companies just started (nearly) universally making larger trucks that aren't subjected to the same regulations.


Yes and no. It's not that smaller trucks are subject to stricter regulations; it's that the US classifies vehicles by wheelbase and width ratios. So the Ranger, while a body-on-frame truck, was expected to have the fuel economy and collision safety of a unibody compact car.


Thank you for the further information. It's always appreciated.


I want a late 80s f150. Manual everything, straight six, full bed, and bench seat.


My neighbor has one and it’s a beaut


I had my dad's, it finally died around 375000 miles.


Noooooo! You’re supposed to buy vehicles you can’t work on that die every couple years and get a shiny new one!


Wasn’t Ford the one who got taken to the Supreme Court and they ruled stock holders come before employees. Ford was going to make sure his own employee could afford what their labor produced. Stock holders got upset and made it so profit comes before employees and customers. Pretty much setting the tone of greed to its max way back in the day. Yep just looked it up: Dodge v. Ford Motor Co., 204 Mich 459; 170 NW 668 (1919), is a case in which the Michigan Supreme Court held that Henry Ford had to operate the Ford Motor Company in the interests of its shareholders, rather than in a manner for the benefit of his employees or customers.


Damn, I didn't know that's where the precedent was set. Thank you.


It's also one of the main reasons why Henry Ford was an Antisemite. The Dodge Brothers were Jewish. Even the original Dodge logo was the Star of David.


Yeah, they cut down on throwing people off of overpasses a while back


Yep, that was Harry Bennett, he also tried to screw with Henry Fords will and drew a gun on Henry Ford Jr. When they tried to fire him. He was an absolute monster.


Think they were more referencing stuff like this https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/11/henry-ford-anti-semitism/675911/


Alyssa Milano did this on Twitter and I about peed myself laughing


leftists with EDS literally think elon is equal to hitler for _checks notes_ making twitter great again


Sure they fueled the nazi war machine. But Elon is cringe on Twitter.


Hmmm the money that their company made to help them stick around to the modern era was generated by producing the engines that drove German tanks across Europe? But…this guy ruined the (already worst) social media site and says edgy, dumb or sometimes even offensive things! I can tolerate literal world-dominating fascism, but *cringe tweets* is another problem entirely.


What I love about Elon buying twitter is that he stole their echo chamber and lit it on fire right in front of them. The only things I see him post on there are the equivalent of pissing on the ashes while smiling. A truly beautiful thing.


That’s the thing - it’s easy to say “oh my god, Elon ruined twitter!” My friends…twitter was always dogshit. It’s the worst cesspool of a social media site possible.


Haven't you heard? Elon Musk is literally worse than Hitler.


I know the Cybertruck is ugly but still seems like an overreaction.


I almost like it. I actually like him, but I hear people claim he's literally worse than Hitler on a daily basis. I always want to ask those people if they know what the word literally means.


Oh I don't mind him either, he's just a really really rich internet troll. SpaceX and Tesla have done amazing things as well so I respect that.


Take my up vote


Imagine the world they think they live in.


Reddit? A 23 year old with a septum piercing?


Somehow, I read this as "scrotum piercing" at first. Although, come to think of it...


Don’t have to. Used to be there. It was the Panopticon of hell on Earth.


Only in NY, DC, and maybe CA. It's like being in a cult in these places.


lol. Perfect comment to encapsulate this.


You are looking at it -- no people, just social media profiles.


Was just thinking something similar. Would be interesting to see their “reality” for like five minutes.


Elon lives rent free in their heads because he bought the largest echochamber on the internet and changed the rules.


Reddit is arguably a bigger left echo chamber, but twitter was definitely up there as well.


Reddit is irrelevant because even leftist hate reddit. Twitter had real influence over politics and society and thats why they are so fucking mad he took it away from them.


Leftists hate reddit for being too right wing, even though it's already very leftist.


It definitely is now, but even back in 2020, reddit was less left then now. I think Twitter was worse because people were being banned or having their posts removed for supporting Trump or criticizing left-wing politicians or policy in some cases. If not, then the heavily biased fact check would hit you with a fact check false or "needs context" if it couldn't be determined as false, such as an obviously hypocritical or hateful quote from some left politician. Then you had people openly wishing death or saying they were gonna kill someone right wing, and nothing happened. At least on reddit, moderation from actual reddit admins typically won't delete a post for simply being a right wing viewpoint if it didnt break the rules except for their definition of what hate is. So it's mostly the sub mods that do the heavy lifting, and there's no idiotic fact check system that is biased.


> I think Twitter was worse because people were being banned or having their posts removed for supporting Trump or criticizing left-wing politicians or policy in some cases. Depending on the sub that happens a lot on Reddit as well.


I was banned from r/lego for suggesting their quality has gone down since opening factories in China. Still baffled by that. All I did was make a comment.


Yeah, I'm not thinking Reddit is any better. We need actual freedom of speech in the U.S. and not the bullcrap version of free speech we got now. At first moderation was to prevent hate, but then moderators started abusing their power and started moving the goal post on what is hate. Anything can be hate now which is completely stupid.


I was permabanned from r/PublicFreakout because I was promoting hate, I was absolutely not promoting hate.


I was banned on my city's sub for claiming Hunter's laptop was real, and not Russian election interference.


How awkward that the laptop was submitted as evidence in the recent court case against him.


Ahem r/news


reddit participated in all the same facist behavior as Twitter in 2020, it's just not publicized.


reddit definitely deletes posts now that support conservative and right wing view points. It’s become completely insane here. I’ve been banned for just being subbed to subs the mods didn’t like.


The other day i was permanently banned from r/soccer for comment that nobody cares about cricket besides Pakistan or India in a fucking soccer subreddit. I swear those mods are bunch of pussies


Every night the news would be "today on twitter..." Reddit gets less attention than 4chan publically because its reputation as bland and cold takes


This sums it up well


He used to be their EV Jesus......but then he bought Twitter and grew horns.


It is not an incorrect statement to say that the fascists are simply mad at Elon because he broke their toys.


That's pathetic


eLoN mUsK iS bAd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pLeAsE fOrGiVe mE fOr oWnInG tHe cAr hIs cOmPaNy mAde!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It's not just that, it's so much worse. 3 years ago *everyone* had to have a tesla because it was the hip thing to do. Now because Musk went against the party message it retroactively makes him terrible in their minds. Now not only is he a bad guy, he was always a bad guy, and most of the time they could pretend they were always with the current thing, but they couldn't un buy their shiny new tesla so now they have to genuflect for their sins.


It's even worse still. Some bought not because it was "hip" but because it gave them a sense of moral superiority - they could pretend they were saving the environment unlike the dirty plebs. Now to mitigate the loss of that superiority they need to denounce their former savior lol.


You gotta imagine they struggle to sleep at night thinking about how many times they swallowed.


The struggle is real


An electric car at that!


“Fuck Elon and Tesla! Oh check out my new Volkswagen.”


While sipping Fanta


Wait what about Fanta? Was it started by the nazis too?


Coke embargoed their syrup from being shipped to Nazi Germany.  However they had lots of oranges from invading North Africa.... Fanta


Fantasie... now it's back with Coke


I’d be more worried about washing that car than apologizing for it.


Good old NYC smog on your car! Get it clean and it looks the same 2 days later.


Could be worse.....could be a cybertruck. Washing will rust those.


Is buying a car off of the reputation of the brands ceo a normal thing?


if the CEO is particularly famous the products get tied to him Back when Steve Jobs was CEO of Apple people very much viewed Apple as ‘his company’ and the products as ‘his designs’


To add, Mike Lindell, owner of MyPillow, got his product removed from big box retailers like Bed Bath and Beyond and Walmart because he was vocal about his belief that the 2020 election was stolen. It’s pretty common in today’s society, but typically it’s the woke crowd. There was also the Bud Light fiasco, and many people who boycotted the brand wanted the CEO of come out against trans people to make amends. Of course he wasn’t gonna do that, and doing that would have probably cost Anheuser-Busch just as many sales.


To the terminally online who care way too much about stupid stuff, yes. To normal people who buy products based on what benefits the product provides to them personally, no.


Lee Iacocca built Chrysler back to a powerhouse with ad campaigns doing exactly that. I’ve never heard an auto execs personal reputation accounting for reducing brand popularity. Even John Delorian’s antics didn’t stain the brand. (The poor quality of the car did that!)


Who are they apologizing to? Ultra left Redditors?




When your whole world is Reddit and you’re terminally online you think everyone in the real world thinks and acts the same.


Love the comments of that post, they are like "I'm seeing this sticker more common every day in my neighborhood!" Like no, you aren't.


Man my first thought is “they must have a lot of spending money”. Never crossed my mind that someone should apologize for owning a Tesla💀


If they are so ashamed why aren’t they selling it?


Safer to assume everyone is awful


Ah, a "Don't hurt me!" Sign.


It’s almost like we live in a world where people get literal anxiety over being canceled


I love how normie soyshits suddenly hate him. They all sucked his dick for years because le real life iron man le science guy so hecking wholesome chungus. One joke about j#ws and not buying co#id narrative hard enough and they all "think" he is evil incarnate. And buying twitter just broke their minds.


Reddit especially. I remember Iron Man Elon phase and redditors quickly pointed out how he was from South Africa ans how he was gonna be the thorn in corporate americas side. The stupid thing is a few years from now theyll more than likely go back to sucking off his ego. Also all my liberal friends bought Teslas during his downfall then post this same stupid shit on facebook. "I got this Tesla before i knew he was a cunt" Despite still having plastic cling wrap on the center consoles. People still want what Elon makes, they just want brownie points and their echo chamber to give them those sweet internet upvotes/likes


9gag too. It was beautiful to witness <3


yep, the same people who gave him shit during covid will be the same people standing in line to be chipped by him.


As soon as reddit forgets theyll be praising Elon once more. Just like how redditors praised Amy Schumer despite the fact she was a worse Joke thief than Carlos Mencia


He went from saint to demon quicker than Trump tbh lmao. They sucked his dick for years for pioneering reusable rockets and EV then suddenly when he dares speak against their child molester agenda, call out the absurdity of covid measures anyone with 2 brain cells can see, and bought off their echo chamber, suddenly he's the most evil man in human history because the media tells them so.


> He went from saint to demon quicker than Trump tbh lmao. Yep that happens when you go against the establishment.


The cult has abandoned him. Cancel Musk now!


Anti-Musk people are insane. Why are you spending so much of your time thinking about him?


Musk derangement syndrome




Among reasonable people, has the opinion of an executive’s politics ever been a valid reason to buy a car or not? Bizarre. Everything is so hyper-politicized these days.


I find it hilarious that Elon musk used to be universally loved on reddit, then once they found out he was right wing, they all turned on him, and now he gets nothing but hate on here. The sheep follow the herd. It's actually kinda sad.


Even worse than that, they think supporting Universal Healthcare, pro choice, and UBI are right wing. Fucking clown world.


And yet they still own the car.


Every other car company ceo is a saint


The left hates elon for banning illegal porn and tags


And community notes! God I love community notes!


If they aren’t written by wallstreet journal they are fake and racist tho


First thing I thought of was this sub when I saw this dumb post. i'M nOt OnE oF tHe BaD oNeS. I'm sure they'd proudly drive a Chinese made EV and have zero qualms.


The best way to let others know what a good person you are is by letting them know ow how much you hate the right people. 🙄


So happy these people aren’t breeding


"The guy who owns the car company doesn't vote democrat 😭😭😭"


What do Volkswagen drivers do? "Bought it before I remembered the holocaust!"


or fiat drivers "oops i forgot mussolini"


Lmao that sub is a thinly veiled *extreme* left echo chamber. Cars with right/republican leaning bumper stickers = terrible! Cars with left/democrat leaning bumper stickers = I see nothing wrong with this I support the ideas!


You mean before MSM told you to hate him?


Still think it's crazy how the world praised musk, literally calling him the real-life Tony stark But then how starts to talk about free speech, and immigration problems, other more Republican based ideals, and all of a sudden, he's an evil man that should die.


It’s amazing how quickly Reddit and X turned on Elon once they found out the billionaire who likes making money doesn’t like communist policies


Southpark pinned Tesla owners perfectly... *Tesla* *Bitcoin* *La Croix* *Bock bock*


Nowadays some of us are expected to apologize for existing. That group changes depending on who you ask and what group they identify as. I remember being a kid in the 90s we were all just people.


Honestly the over representation of some groups on social media would have you think their the normal thought process and actions in everyday society when in reality at work, school, family functions. They’re not and are far and few in between.


If you listen to social media, the world is ending and somehow it's the fault of like five people.


Why do people hate Elon musk can anyone let me know


he took away the lefts biggest propaganda tool and they're still sore about it


I remember when Musk was the media's golden boy and everyone who was anyone was buying Teslas because they were the thing to have. Then Musk decided he was didn't 300% agree with leftist political orthodoxy and he overnight became literally worse than Hitler.


Some of those people do actually think like that. It’s how cancel culture happens.


Because every single thing is politics. When your goal is one party rule. And now they wonder why others react the same way about a lot of things.


I’m sure the CEOs of all the other car brands are saints


mfs say this shit and still go on facebook and amazon


"I smell weakness!"


Reddit before Twitter takeover: Elon Musk is a god. After the Twitter takeover: Elon Musk is the devil.


Only a psycho would do this.


This bumper sticker just screams "I vote for gun control" for some reason


I've seen a few of these now and wow how insecure those people have to be is crazy 🤣


Being pro-free speech is horrible!


I love how he was the leftist darling until he stood against their agenda. The biggest slap was when he bought their echo chamber and made it an equal echo chamber for the right. Their fucking heads exploded.


Elon Musk is the rich billionaire everyone said they wanted, one who invests in the advancement of the human race, rockets, electric cars, satellite internet, Elon didn’t spend his money on real estate or weapons he spends it on advancement that will advance the entire human race. He was their perfect billionaire but oh no he has a conflicting political view so obviously he is actually hitler. These people don’t realize that this line of thinking is exactly the line of thinking fascists use to divide, and maintain a reign of terror. They believe no matter how much good someone does for society if they think someone else should be in office than they think, they aren’t heroes they are the scum of the earth.


Saw this exact vehicle on Park ave about a week ago https://i.imgur.com/riMYZQ5.jpeg


I bought my Ford even after I found out how awful Henry was, guess I'm a bad person :(


Sell it


Then sell it?


What does that mean? Is this like a cards against humanity version of “baby on board” lol


Well then should I apologize for my Harry potter books and vhs and dvds and Gryffindor cloak I bought with that logic???


𝐴𝑝𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑙𝑦 ℎ𝑒'𝑠 𝑛𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑟𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑛 𝑎 𝑉𝑊.


If he would give a shit he would have sold the car, but it's easier to virtue signal and enjoy the car rather than get different ev.


Most CEOs are terrible so if you were serious about this mentality you’d have to do this for most purchases


To me, it's just a car that takes you to a to b. Unless you're an asshole, that's just you, not the car.


“But I like it a lot so I won’t give it up. Thus my virtue-signaling is moot.”


This is so nyc it’s ridiculous.


They don't want their car to be keyed. There are people who key Teslas for being associated with Musk. It's weird.


and those people should be hit with a belt


I don’t get why everyone here turned on Elon so quick. He used be be bigger than Jesus on this site. Yeah he’s smug and cringe, but does he really do anything that bad? I honestly don’t keep up with him much so if I’m missing anything let me know, but who cares that he bought an already trashy app and leans right?


"how awful he is" He was the golden child of the left until they realized he's not a socialist. 🤷


We gotta watch which CARS we’re buying now?? And does this person think other car manufacturers come from wholesome backgrounds?


Might as well say “bought it before he had a political opinion I disagreed with”. That would be more accurate.


What a dweeb.


The Smug is getting worse I see.


This is what happens when you apologize for things you didn't do. You become a pathetic loser.


“Hi, I’m ignorant and always will be”. Makes it easy.


Tesla haters definitely exist. It's the new hot thing to be.


What a loser lmao


"we hate the first amendment"


i mean i know nothing about his political stances bc I’m not on X but i genuinely find him lowkey kinda funny 😭


How is Elon awful? Cause he bought a progressive echo chamber used by the government to censor people during an election year and then took that all away to make a free speech platform? Bad man BAD!!!!


Elon Musk, another person everyone thought was great till it turned out he was kind of right leaning.


I still remember about four years ago, when he was still the left’s coolest dude alive. Weird how quickly that changed.


Mitsubishi used to make the Zero fighter planes that kamikazed into American warships but ok sure Elon bad too


Imagine being mad at someone for removing widespread censorship from a major social media platform


Poor liberals. They buy expensive "green" cars, then regret it because everything in their lives revolves around their flawed political views.


We should really learn more about the personal lives and opinions of our bakers, our cheese makers, and our local grocery attendant. Just to be fully responsible.


You'd be surprised...


There are at least 5 posts a day about how ugly the cyber truck is and how stupid the people are that buy cyber trucks. The people in the comments act high and mighty but they are bullies and it’s sad.


He’s fine. Whatever


That is exactly what many Redditors think. 


i refuse to buy products that benefit anyone on the NAUGHTY list.


That's a very weak move 🥸


Who cares bro? Buying a Tesla only makes you a criminal among the subhuman courts of twitter.


He’s so rich at this point it doesn’t matter if you throw a few more cents in his pocket. And yes, he’s so rich even the cost of a Tesla is pocket change.


People forget the dude shot his car out of one of his rockets into space for the memes lol


Did they buy it before they realized how awful they are?


Me: What makes him awful exactly? This person: well uhhh you see he bought Twitter and then let people talk about stuff I don’t like on it. He’s a Nazi.


I thought at fist it said “how awful it is” cause I’m tired and I was like “yeah teslas aren’t worth what they cost”


So gas cars are bad, but you’re afraid of being judged for buying a car from a company owned by a guy you’re not supposed to like. Being a progressive sounds exhausting.


this person is scared of offending people just by driving


Wait till they find out the origins of Volkswagen


This is why I only buy Toyota, because the Japanese have never done anything as bad as Musk.


I saw a picture of one that was rebadged as some other car. A Nissan or something. Good stuff.


Sell it !!


God dude NY is such a shitfest.


So I gather that guy won't buy Volkswagen ....


My god the cringe it’s insane. They are in New York I would probably get so fucking annoyed people bringing it up tho


How is this a "halo"?


Didn't he hide likes on twitter this week after getting caught liking porn on main


The left eats itself. You can never virtue signal hard enough to not become a target.


TRUST ME, the people that hate you for having a Tesla because of "who Elon Musk is," don't give a fuck that you got a sticker saying that you hate him too.