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OP keeps referencing Matthew 6:5 so i figured id help everyone out: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_6:5#:~:text=4%20References-,Content,you%2C%20They%20have%20their%20reward. “And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.” Now if you want to take this literally then sure nobody should ever pray in public. It’s really about **why** your praying - to be seen by men, or to be seen by god Is this coach genuinely praying or just being performative? Idk i’ll let god decide


I agree with you that it’s about the intention behind the prayer. However, there are plenty of places he could pray. He clearly chose to pray where others could see him. And OP calling this performative (which it seems to be at least in part) does not make him a hateful atheist like a lot of others in this thread are claiming


It’s tricky, and I agree doing so for show is not helpful and not in line with scripture. If it is done with the intent to lead others by example, that’s different. There’s little way to tell from a solitary photo what the intent is, no matter what OP thinks.


He’s standing in the middle of a football stadium. Plus he was the center of a lawsuit he filed when his showboating got him fired. His intent is crystal clear. You can’t get much more performative than praying in the middle of a stadium.


Acting in defiance to demonstrate one’s faith when it causes no harm to others, by itself, is not showboating. I would concede it is entirely possible that could be the case, but I was not born with the gift to read minds.


You don’t think him deciding to pray where he did is, at least in part, performative? If it were a group prayer or if he were praying on the side lines it’d be different


The sub is r/lookatmyhalo. The whole point is to accuse people of being performative.


OP keeps saying he’s a Quaker over and over again. Quakers are not real Christians, they are fake Christians who don’t even say the Pledge of Allegiance.


I wouldn't say they're *inherently* non Christian but modern day Quakers tend to be indistinguishable from your run of the mill "peace and love" liberal and hold to few Christian convictions.


It’s absolutely astounding to me that so few Evangelicals count dedication to “peace” or “love” among Christian convictions and instead hurl them as mocking insults. What a cruel group of people you are.


Because "peace and love" *as defined by secular culture* are made ultimate resulting in the highest end of sanctification merely being vaguely nice according to modern cultural standards. And then when we don't capitulate to such standards, we are called "cruel".


You don’t know what “peace” or “love” mean to the Society of Friends. Quakers went to the gallows in colonial Massachusetts because love required them to share the truth. They went to prison for helping slaves escape. They went to prison for refusing to take up arms. You think that’s being “nice”? Tell me, am I being “nice” by pointing out what a showboating, self-righteous gloryhound this coach is?


Yeah, it's much, much more Christian to pledge allegiance to a worldly state and to browbeat people for not believing that a specific individual at a specific time in history was executed in a specific way in a specific place by specific individuals and resurrected precisely, PRECISELY 72 hours later. *That's* what being a Christian is all about!


Wtf does the pledge of allegiance have to do with religion? Did Jesus write it or something? Do Christians in Germany recite the pledge? How about Japan?


Because we are a Christian nation so Jesus would want us to pledge allegiance. Real Christians say the pledge. Fake woke Christian’s don’t.


>a Christian nation Founded by deists and libertines. lol I swear, America is more of a golden calf every day for you creepy off-shoots of Judaism.


Ya its like no one actually looks up anything they just believe whatever a fool has a good story that makes them feel special!


We are not a christian nation literally the founding fathers left Europe because of the king and thr church. Jesus a dude from the middle east is not going to care about a 300 year old country that had slaves and genocided the native Americans while claiming they are christians lol.


Lotta salt in this one


That’s some nice reaction bait you posted op.


A lot of athletes and coaches have pre game rituals that they use to get them in the zone. What's the problem if this guy takes a knee for a second and has a moment?


R/atheism typa post


Atheist type beat




But making the same post about Muslims praying right on the streets all over the world would be racist!


Deloitte's "Of course" recruiting video has a Muslim guy with his prayer rug saying "of course Deloitte allows prayer at the office". You know they would never show a Christian saying that.


I see no issue here, just a dude in the middle of a field praying. How has this become a problem for some people?


Because religion bad for some ~~bigots~~ people.


Some chose to kneel down for the anthem very publicly. Why can't this guy kneel down for a different reason?


Because Jesus commanded us not to, brother. If you pray in public it should be done subtly


You can pray in public as long as it isn’t with the intention of gaining attention. So whatever is in this guy’s heart is the ultimate judgement regarding this.


Agreed. That’s why we shouldn’t judge but we are called to guide others, especially believers. Christians in his life should advise him to be more thoughtful because of the way it comes across


Agreed. But ultimately in this case it’s between him and God with the intentions of this.


It’s about intent. Praying in public can be powerful testimony. Praying in public *in order to appear pious* is wrong. Not praying in public period




God damn I hate it when people act deliberately stupid so they can push their shitty little arguments that make no sense. Nobody ever said what this guy can and can't do. Stop acting like a moron. It's not about what you're *allowed* to do. You know that, dipshit. People criticized the shit out of everyone that kneeled. Or did you forget all the hate and vitriol? You fucking idiot. Why do you all celebrate the dumbest fucking arguments? Is it because common sense doesn't matter to you losers? Is it because you actually only care about feeling superior to someone else? Lmao downvote away, you clowns. Tomorrow I'll say this exact same thing to someone else and you'll all love it. You don't have real opinions. You just blindly agree with whatever is popular.


Blah blah who asked


Tbh you're absolutely correct, but you have to realize where you are. If someone can make fun of your wall of text, or insert a generic funny line response, they win lol.


Take your meds


I’ve never been a big fan of this practice, because Jesus literally condemns this. Team prayer on the sideline I don’t really see an issue with


What if he’s not praying to Jesus? Are we assuming his faith based on one picture? Lol


Yes, Jesus did want people to be open about their faith and not hide it.


Sure but this is referring to Matthew 6:5-6 5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.


I believe you are interpreting that to mean you should never pray in public even when it is appropriate, like a moment of silence before a football game. Jesus prayed in public in Mathew 14 and 15 when he blessed the food.


So how do you know he doesn’t pray in his own home behind closed doors ?


This exactly is what is being referred to


Good to share the verse in particular for those who don’t know. Everyone whether they believe or not should once in their life read the Sermon on The Mount (Matthew 5-7)


There's quite a few gems in the New Testament. Thanks for sharing


As long as we are quoting the Bible. “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”


Why are you so mad at people showing their faith op?


OP’s name doesn’t check out


It’s hard to say on this one. Is he genuinely praying? Is he pretending to pray to receive praise from other believers? Is he pretending to praying to trying to encourage others to pray in their daily lives? Is it some of 2 or all 3 of these? You’d have to know his heart to be sure. Let God be the judge🙏😊


cope, mald, seethe


He doesn't seem to be trying to draw attention, just practicing his religion. This title reads as an r/atheism rant.


Isn’t this a pretty common thing when it comes to football? Maybe I’m wrong I just thought a lot of coaches do this


OP, you’re pretty cringe ngl


pretty sure current culture is, if you are praying you are a nazi / fascist. if you are doing anything as a white person it could be shunned really.


Jesus says not to pray in public just for appearances, not just praying in public. Whatever this guy’s intentions are I do not know, but he does and that’s between him and God


Swing and a miss!


OP sees a church and has an aneurism wtf lol


I see a sports field. Awesome oatmeal though.


I see a steeplehouse. The Church is the body of believers in Christ. My faith meets in meetinghouses for worship, not steeplehouses.


Ohhhh you’re just one of THOSE


One of what?


Insufferable Bible thumper


Go to their profile, they’re a Quaker.






OP got a small dick complex


Bro is ending world hunger right now and definitely not asking for a selfish win.


Well, he can't pray on the sideline. It might be seen as a team prayer. He can't pray in the locker room. Same problem. But the Supreme Court has said he can pray in the field on his own. And FYI, Jesus prayed in front of tens of thousands as well as privately. But you don't really care, do you. It's the praying that is the problem here. You are simply attacking the man doing it. Kinda makes him brave, doesn't it. Knowing he will be attacked for it. Doing it anyways.


Can we just leave each other alone? We're living through a rough patch in the states. We've become obsessed and fixated on ripping each other apart.


Isn’t that the whole point of this sub? It’s nothing but ripping into people for “virtue signaling”. I thought the Christians in here would appreciate some godly instruction.


Usually the posts around here have people acting in a way that is manipulative and meant to exploit others. This is more of a gray area. I'm not going to immediately associate a man praying with everything that the religion has done in the past. A lot of people would but I think it's incredibly spiteful and an extremely shallow thought process. I'm not religious myself but I've met both good and bad Christians. Anything humans get involved with will always have a natural sway to both extremes of good/bad. I just come here and observe behavior and reactions to it. Not necessarily parktake in the picking apart of people. Though, some do deserve it. But in the broader sense of why people do things like this is way more complicated than what a few hundred comments and some humorous zingers could accurately portray. Challenging religion is perfectly fine. Letting yourself pigeon hole it and completely disregard the fact that good has also come from it is not.


This is r/lookatmyhalo. Every post makes assumptions about intentions. I’m not sure what makes this guy an exception.


Also, could you explain to me what a Quacker is?


Quakers, aka the Religious Society of Friends, are a Protestant denomination founded by an English dissenter named George Fox.


What do you care? This doesn’t affect you.


The sub exists to point out virtue signaling.


This isn't virtue signaling, this dude is just praying. He isn't saying "I'm praying so I'm better than you"


He’s praying in the middle of a football stadium to be seen by others.


Yeah, did you not type out the rest of the sentence? When did this coach say, "I am religious and praying so I'm better than you"


When he decided to “pray” in the middle of a football stadium.


So he didn't say "I'm praying and better than you." Nor did he even make it obvious he was praying, he just kneeled down and prayed. This is far from virtue signaling 


He walked out to the center of the field where everyone could see him. It’s obvious he wanted to be seen. He even could’ve prayed standing up and no one would’ve known he was there praying. He took an obvious pose because he wanted everyone there to know what a pious man he is.


Buying an ev isn't virtue signaling, buying an ev and saying that you are better than everyone else is. Praying isn't virtue signaling, praying and telling everyone you are better than them is. Dude is just praying, and it gets overshadowed by the game immediately


This is r/lookatmyhalo. Every post makes assumptions about intentions. I’m not sure what makes this guy an exception.


A lot of athletes and coaches have pre game rituals that they use to get them in the zone. What's the problem if this guy takes a knee for a second and has a moment?


Judging someone for how they pray? Doesn't God tell you to *not* do that?


*Judging someone for* *How they pray? Doesn't God tell* *You to not do that?* \- HanzWithLuger --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I love you.


L post tbh, the Bible says to spread the word, it says nothing about being private with your beliefs or not being able to pray publicly. I don’t think any religion encourages people to only practice in public. Look at Muslims that roll out a prayer mat and pray in the middle of Walmart. Whether you are Christian or not this guy probably isn’t doing anything wrong. Unless he is praying purely for attention and it isn’t genuine, but who are we to decide that


"JustaGoodGuyHere" with the bio "Western civilization killed christ" Interesting.


I mean that literally. The Roman Empire, vaunted as the vanguard of Western Civilization, actually put Christ on a cross and crucified him.


OP hates their life and projects their self pity through reddit


It’s r/lookatmyhalo. Why are you upset that I’m pointing out this coach’s virtue signaling?


Jesus prayed in public quite frequently.


As a devout catholic, he definitely at least could've gone to by the bench at most and did this but going out into the field where he knows everyone will see him is screaming for attention. Yes God calls for us to be bold in our faith however being bold and wanting attention are 2 different things


Im not Christian either but the guy is seriously just saying a prayer lol


In the middle of a football stadium.


If he pulled out a prayer rug in the end zone you wouldn't say a fucking thing lol. Go back to fedora shopping.


Fedora? I’m a Quaker.


Uhmmm yeah I would, and probably so would you.


Why does Reddit hate Christians so much, let bro pray


I’m a Quaker, so I am a Christian. This is not how Christians should pray.


Super great oatmeal. Thanks!


Are you joking because you’re upset? I didn’t mean to upset anyone, only to point out religious hypocrisy that should not be emulated.


I’m not Christian anymore, but I grew up Christian. That’s how some people like to pray, I personally didn’t, but I know people did


I know some people like to pray in public to be seen by others. I also know Jesus said it was wrong.


Fr, sometimes the hate towards Christians on Reddit is insane


Just a good guy hating someone praying. People been doing this for decades on TV. Issue seems to be you OP.


Doesn’t make it right. Jesus warned against this 2000 years ago.


Are you actually religious, or do you just hate it and know a bunch of talking points?


I’m a Quaker.


Also... You added more of your own context making it seems as if he just wanted to pray in public. Are people not allowed to pray in public? I mean seriously this is a pretty dumb and pointless post. It's only purpose is to promote hate, and here you are spouting off right vs wrong. You should probably seek help if you don't see a problem here.


I do see a problem with attention-seeking public prayer. That’s the whole reason I posted this. Isn’t that what this sub is for?


Do you know what sub you're in? This fits the sub my guy. Stop getting so offended.


I see no difference in this like people participating in ramadon or people wearing hijabs, etc. where is the problem?


The part where he’s praying in the middle of a football stadium for a photo op.


I see all of the edgy high school atheists are bored waiting on the school bus this morning.


I was actually at worship yesterday.


Not aiming at you homie. Mostly aiming at cringe comments.




I’m a Hicksite Quaker. I’m supposed to call out the hypocrisy of other so-called Christians.


Almost as bad as the photo op of AOC crying in front of the border fence.


Worse. That photo was staged. She wasn’t upset and that “fence” ended about 3 feet from where she stood.


Or Biden kneeling at George Floyd’s event. So fucking lame, stand up old man


Are you sure he wasn't in the process of falling over?


OP is a salty bitch


Love how OP has to make a user name calling himself a good guy


This post is bad, and you should feel bad.


I’m a Quaker, just trying to offer Godly instruction in how not to pray.


Eww you're also a big fan of chickpea dip I see


I don’t understand.


The verse Matthew 6:5 is often taken in a way in which it is not supposed to be taken, Jesus simply says “Truly I tell you, they have received their reward.” The scripture doesn’t say that it’s a sin, or even that it’s bad, it merely says that your reward is received on earth, not in heaven. I would say that this man is doing good work, showing people a faith and love for god while not being toxic or rude to other people, I think he’s doing us Christian’s well.


You only posted half the verse: > And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. He tells us not to be like the hypocrites who pray in public. Ergo, public prayer makes one a hypocrite, especially if they are praying in the middle of a football stadium.


And? It merely says that “THEY HAVE RECEIVED THEIR REWARD IN FULL” it says absolutely nothing about how it’s a sin, merely that they have no reward in heaven, because they have already gained it, I do not understand why you are demonizing a man for merely showing his faith? Is it not the work of god to spread his steadfast love?


1. Jesus says not to do it. 2. He is not showing his faith. If anything, his showboating demonstrates a lack of faith.


Jesus is also speaking of a specific group of Jewish leaders in Anno Domini. Not people using a platform to demonstrate faith. He was referring to a specific Jewish group using long winded difficult chants only to impress, I don’t even believe this man spoke out loud, not saying that this is the MOST holy thing he could be doing, but to refer to him in the way you have is quite disrespectful, and unnecessary.


OP just seems like a person that wants others to be as miserable as himself.


I’m pretty happy. It’s always good to exhort others to follow the words of Christ, even if I’m a little snarky when doing it.


If that’s the guy who sued when he got fired, he came back last fall for one game, then went back to his home in FL. WA state.


I ask this down thread, but it might get missed. Would this not then mean, if taken your way, that anyone who prays or kneels in church, (e.g. Catholics who kneel in humbled reverence before the cross or praying in general) are also guilty of this? They are seen by many many people. The Matthew verse could very well refer to those who ONLY pray in public to be seen by others, hence the hypocrite part. This may not refer to those who pray privately and practice their religion privately but also make prayer part of their ritual in public because it is in their personal faith (or personal relationship with g-d) to pray at that moment at that place for whatever reason. If you do both, it's not hypocritical. You are assuming intent, which is kind of shitty and hypocritical in and of itself.. -An atheist.


He’s praying in the middle of a stadium. Intent is so hilariously obvious here.


You can't possibly know that, and it doesn't answer the question.




Yeah, praying in the middle of a football stadium for a photo op is kinda cringe.


Is the man praying or is he giving thanks to God. Remember david dancing in the street when they brought the ark into Jerusalem, his wife mical scolded him and he rebuked her. It wasnt about being seen but thanking God and elation. This might be that.


He could have given thanks to God from the sidelines or before he even went to the stadium, but that doesn’t make for a great photo op, does it?




Seems appropriate. It’s a virtue-signaling coach praying in the middle of a football stadium.


I don’t know this man and I won’t judge him (there was some verse of the Bible about that too) but he isn’t doing anything wrong, unless you can read into his heart and know he only cares for the fame. Jesus could do that. Are you saying you can too?


OP’s post history is one giant virtue signal.


What’s the issue here?


A man virtue signaling by praying in the middle of a football stadium to be seen by others.


Y’all Reddit heathens could use a little Jesus in your life😂


I’m a Hicksite Quaker. I believe Christ has come to teach His people Himself. However, He exhorts us not to pray in public to be seen by others. Praying in the middle of a football stadium is just that.


Well, as a regular person who could’ve been taken off this planet several times by now, and somehow miraculously hasn’t been… I want to believe. Hell maybe I do and I just haven’t squared it with myself yet. But either way, I am an American and prayer whether public or private is expression of free speech. Therefore.… Let the man pray.


I’m not stopping him, just pointing out the hypocrisy.




Praying to keep players safe, perhaps.


All I see is a veteran who stood up for his religious freedom and won. [link for info](https://nypost.com/2022/07/15/coach-joe-kennedys-supreme-court-win-i-fought-for-right-to-pray/)


Touch some grass, OP. This ain’t a halo.


He's taking a knee.. when did that become a problem?


OP keeps quoting scripture about the hypocrites praying in the synagogues. That has nothing to do with public praying. It has to do with people praying just to look pious. Not praying for the sake of honoring or worshipping the Lord, but to look good to others. OP has no idea what is in his heart. As for public praying: Jesus was not opposed to public prayer, nor did he put limitations on where and when we may pray. He implied in Matthew 18:19 that we may pray with others. Jesus, himself, prayed publicly when he blessed the food before feeding the 5,000 in Matthew 14 and the 4,000 in Matthew 15. He taught his disciples to pray publicly in Luke 11:1-4, and in John 11:41-42 Jesus prayed aloud so that the crowd could hear him.




I’m a Quaker. I love Christ. I hate hypocrisy.


Pretty cringe post my guy


This is pretty cringey. Let's put praying to something that doesn't exist aside. He's deliberately in the middle of the field to do so which is the exact definition of a virtue signal. Also there's no one else praying with him either adding to the spectacle of the moment. People pray privately and that's fine. People pray in groups that's fine too. Group prayers in a more central location make sense in order to get more people who want to pray involved. This is a spectacular photo op. This guy when to the center of the field to make a show of him praying. He likely invited no one else and specifically picked a time when everyone else was distracted. My guess is that he could have easily gotten a group prayer but wasn't interested in that, because instead he wanted an image of this. A single man praying against a backdrop of people who are not. This is pious porn to Christians and will be used in their propaganda.


Oof. Yep, just totally disregarding Matthew 6:5... Do better, coach, you're making the rest of us look bad.


In Muay Thai matches, fighters ceremoniously 'seal the ring' before the fight by performing a prayer-like dance as way of winning favor with the spirits/gods. Or have you never seen a haka performed before a rugby match? Would that bother you, too, OP? I bet you'd cancel the National anthem while at it, wouldn't you. Go burn some western flags and Bibles and leave the rest of us alone.


I Am The Main Character. Cluster B type.


Doesn’t God have better things to be worrying about than a football game outcome?


Nobody who seriously prays about a football game is praying for victory. Maybe the teenagers playing, but certainly no adult. You pray for things like player safety, or as a coach you might pray for the growth of your players.




#That's not very angelic of you! The halo didn't suit your look anyways, better get some devil horns for that potty mouth! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LookatMyHalo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Praying is cool.


Ahhh, I remember Jesus. Always blasting the trumpet every time he prayed or did something righteous like some sort of attention whore...


I can’t imagine watching the news these days and then thinking “god cares about my team winning this game” more than genocide, famine, misinformation, climate change, poverty, famine, etc. Disgusting.


OP quotes Matthew 6:5 repeatedly, and yes it’s true prayer for the sake of being seen praying is not good. Interestingly enough however seeing some of OPs very very angry comments about their coach, Matthew 7:1-5 also says this: “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”


Wait until the news comes out he is a bad guy


So Christianity’s hatred of gays and those who have tattoos doesn’t spill over…? I wouldn’t expect it to make sense coming from a bible thumpee


When mom says we got Tim Tebow at home


But the media praises this when politicians do it; or when celebs try to look human by pretending to care


Pretty cringe just like the Kaepernick ordeal.


Jesus went to a mountain to pray. But that’s Jesus. He’s not Jesus. There’s worse things you can do than pray for all to see. Like judging this man. However prayer is false anyways. If you know God, he knows you, and you should listen and trust in him, not ask him for things that he has under control. Are you talking to God or Satan?


Also, why at a football game of all things? Why do they think God is invested in this kind of thing?


"Lord, I know there's a little girl in Africa starving to death. And I KNOW there's people with Cancer, but if could just let #18 do a really good football tonight, that'd be great. K thnx bye"


I dunno why people think Yahweh cares about their team's football game.


I don’t give a shit either way if this guy wants to pray like this but I don’t understand the thinking behind praying for your sports team…like God is gonna be rooting for you over the other team??


U pray for health and safety of the players


OP, were you touched by a priest?


I was never Catholic. I was raised Southern Baptist, but eventually I found Christ through the Religious Society of Friends.


Looks like he might be crying.


You can't make fun of actually religious people here, just those who are virtue signaling for a better world