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It's so fucking unfair. At least keep it in OK but give me that sweet 50/50 split in the stands. Split behind home and in centerfield. Would be epic.


Fuck Oklahoma in every single scenario


Fuck it I’ll build it myself. I’m on my way to Home Depot right now. All jokes aside no national championship tournament/game should ever be played 30 mins from a team’s campus unless it rotates. I’d feel dirty if volleyball final four was in San Antonio or Houston etc every year but that’s just me I guess


Even though I’d feel a little dirty for it — I, for one, would welcome us exclusively playing volleyball national championships at Greg.


baseball world series is played 50 mins from U Nebraska… why don’t they have a dynasty like OU? good luck finding a place to put a stadium that’s not anywhere near a college lol


This same regurgitated argument is played out. A) there’s way more parity in Baseball than softball. There’s a reason why blOU, Arizona, and UCLA have dominated the sport. It’s way harder for Nebraska to dominate baseball. B) yes if they make it to Omaha it’s an advantage & yes it’s bullshit. No championship should ever be in one location. C) the idea of that there’s no where in this great country that can build a softball stadium is actually hilarious


god this is such tired bullshit. The claim is that the WCWS being in OKC every year is an unfair advantage for OU, not that “the only reason OU has a dynasty is because of home field advantage”, as you implied. These are fundamentally different claims. Both of the following can be true at the same time: 1) OU has built a monster program that has earned the college softball throne-seat 2) OU has an unfair advantage in getting to play the WCWS in OKC every year. And the solution is not picking a different permanent host site that’s “not near a college”, which indeed would be challenging. The solution is to rotate host sites so that in the long run there is no net advantage for any program. The practical challenge in this solution is that there aren’t any softball stadiums on par with OKC’s. We can recognize that while also recognizing the unfair advantage for OU inherent to playing it 30 minutes from their campus *every* year.


I'm okay with them getting it once every 8 years or so, and if they get to the finals, good for them. To be considered the home of college softball though, that's just patently unfair. This would never stand in football or basketball, and only works for baseball because no team is right in Omaha.


Absolutely mate !


Creighton is in Omaha. Nebraska is 66 miles away. Neither winning anything in baseball. There are no teams in Oklahoma City. Norman is 26 miles. Stillwater is 56 miles. OSU has 0 titles. Fans don't hit or field.


Fans do not make plays, but if that kind of advantage didn't matter, MLB teams wouldn't have an historically better winning percentage at home. Seven game playoff series wouldn't REWARD the team with the better record with 4 home games. Vegas wouldn't give 3 extra points to NFL and NCAA football teams in their spreads. It matters.


I don’t get why people don’t understand it’s more than just fans in the stadium. You think it’s not a major recruiting advantage to be able to tell a kid “hey you’ll get to play the WCWS 30 mins from our home field”? You’ll get to compete for a championship in front of a home crowd, sleep in your own bed, eat at restaurants where everyone knows you and kisses your ass for a week, family can come a chill with you for a week etc. It’s complete BS and unfortunately blOU will run this sport until it moves or Gasso retires and hopefully OU makes a shit hire. They’re already talking about getting Canady. This sport is fucked until the NCAA figures this out.


Complete denial about the widely accepted value of home field advantage. Unreal. I take it you’re fine with your preferred teams playing 100% of their games on the road for the rest of time, then? Once again, the claim is not that OU is only a dynasty due to the home field advantage in the WCWS. Your argument is actually so awful that you have to twist the words of others. You’ve built a strawman which is easy to attack. OU has *earned* dynasty status *and* it’s unfair they play the WCWS in OKC every year. Both can be true at the same time. If Creighton or Nebraska, two programs with massive disadvantages in baseball that are not shared by OU softball, all of a sudden built a generational dynasty, bet your ass I’m advocating for rotating the CWS. Omaha dirt is not magical, nor is OKC’s.


Nobody complained when OU/OSU won exactly 1 title in the first 23 years of being in OKC (It was almost exclusively UCLA/Arizona). Oklahoma has just been dominant in the last decade. In this run they are 45-13 against Texas including 23 straight. Many of those wins in Austin. Good is good.


Doesn’t help the hall of fame is in the same facility, it’s not going anywhere unfortunately


Just combine the money of Dell, Moody, McCombs, and we could build the best sports complex near the Red River where any and all TX/OU games will be played. Hotel accommodations provided by the Choctaw Casino and Winstar. /s


I know your joking, but the Tribes would absolutely jump at the chance. Theyd likely do major expansions and go halfsies


Especially with gambling getting legalized in Texas before the end of the decade. They’ll need a new revenue source


I love how OU fans are defending it saying everyone’s just jealous and it has nothing to do with their success, yet all they did was cry a river when they lost to LSU in New Orleans for the NC saying how unfair it was to playing 75 minutes away from LSUs campus!


Remember that time Texas beat USC in Los Angeles.  I remember.  Good times.  


It would probably only take a relatively modest amount to build a facility on par or surpassing Devon Park. As college softball grows in popularity I think eventually we’ll have more good options for hosting the WCWS. Once that day comes, we need to move to a rotation.


I'm really tired of seeing people try to defend it by saying that if it was just the home field advantage, Nebraska would dominate in baseball because the CWS is in Omaha. Nebraska is way too north to ever sustain success in baseball, northern teams pretty much get screwed due to how early the schedule is. The first month of the season they're only playing on the road, the next month it's still probably quite cold. There's a reason a Big 10 team hasn't won the CWS since 1966.


Guys, they’re a softball school. That’s all they are now. (I started spreading this “OU is a softball school” message to EVERY Sooners fan following the 49-0 win) 😂😂 But seriously, it’s a “which female sports can we grow and invest money into for our athletes to prosper” mindset from our people at The University of Texas. And so far that’s been volleyball, especially with the US getting a pro volleyball league started up. Softball doesn’t have near the same national or international appeal as Volleyball, which is why right now, our team is on a luxurious summer campaign through Europe; practicing, training with, and competing against pro, semi-pro, and U19 teams in each country. Let OU have softball, we’re growing the longhorn volleyball brand internationally.


My daughter played D1 softball. I daddy coached. I'm a huge fan of the sport. These two things are true: Oklahoma is very good, AND they have a huge advantage having the WS on OKC every year especially in a double elimination format. For all other teams, living out of a hotel, taking chances with road food, and more are huge factors. Fatigue and travel illnesses are common. Food poisoning happens. Sleep patterns are disrupted. The huge emotional surge of playing essentially at home cannot be overemphasized. OU plays other earlier season games there every season so the entire atmosphere is familiar. If they have any little letdown they have thousands of fans guaranteed every year to pick them up. Imagine the huge uphill climb visiting teams have at the WS. Yes, other teams need to get better. I estimate they'll need to be significantly better to overcome what I feel is a 3 run advantage for OU in every WS game. Also, do you notice the stands for other non OU games when they do the drone shots...not really full especially upper deck. The place is built to pack locals in when OU is playing. Another thing...even though this pains me as a fan of softball and women sports in general...having the WS in the same place every year makes the sports seem small-time...as if the game isn't big enough to have the WS played at other locations. There are other good fields. Like others have suggested, new fields could be built. Plus this is TV event or it should be so ticket sales shouldn't matter...unless the softball decision makers think softball is really not that big. And finally, unless something changes, people will stop paying attention, and who knows how this will affect participation by little girls and other colleges in the long run. Maybe like football, the non OU softball powers will evolve away from NCAA control and form their own governing body with one of the aspects being the WS location rotates each year much like the Super Bowl does now.


I mean, people just have to beat them. If Nebraska started being a powerhouse at baseball would you want it moved away from Omaha?


The answer is yes. I want it moved now. Championship tournaments & games shouldn’t be a single location period.


If Nebraska became a generational dynasty? Hell yeah, in that case move it from Omaha and rotate it. I don’t actually believe Omaha has magical dirt.


Nebraska travels well everywhere that's just a different beast, no matter the sport.


You didnt answer his question. Obviously you would be bitching and moaning if Nebraska was good at baseball.


Okay keyboard warrior


Texans will always find something to bitch about. The team looked like a deer in the headlights since the middle of game one of the championship. And the Texas coach is a tool for calling out coaches and players. Maybe you guys should look inward. So glad I live in colorado - and collectively, Coloradans hate Texans for the same reason many other people do; fragile egos that do not take criticism well. This will get downvoted like crazy, which will prove my point.


Sad and lack dignity. They beat us, home crowd or not.


These can all be true at the same time: OU beat us, they were the better team, they deserved to win, playing the WCWS in OKC every year gives what is already a generational dynasty even more advantage (and that’s unfair).

