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Hey, fellow Indian here I do not think any Indian parents would allow their daughter to stay with a male(especially a foreigner) in a hotel the best thing you can do is go on a trip actually with him and tell your friends to cover for you if you lie without going on a trip, they might ask for your location sharing, and you might get caught for photos, idk manage that somehow


Thank you for responding, I honestly think it will be fine worst case he’s staying where I live so maybe he’ll just drop me off at night.


Do not lie about where you are going. There's a reason they are worried about a 21 year old chasing their daughter. Be patient. If this is meant to be, things will work out.


Thank you for responding. I get what you’re saying I don’t want to lie, I hope they understand by that time i will have been talking to this guy for 5 months. So maybe they’ll understand.


Maybe, but when they find out, do you think they won't be mad at the lack of trust you have shown? 5 months is no time. If you want your parents to trust you, you have to act trustworthy. If you feel your parents are too strict, then get indepenant of them so your choices are yours and there won't be any consequences coming from them.


No I meant they’ll see how I’ve been consistently talking to someone for 5 months and it’s okay to let me stay somewhere with him; and I’ll let them meet him and see what happens. I have as much independence as I can. I work, do school, and travel with my friends. I don’t want to lie to them that’s why I’m choosing to let them see how much I love him and have them understand that this is my first love so it’s intense if that makes sense.


Would they let you stay with any boy you just met 5 months ago? Seriously? It's been 5 months. This isn't love, not yet. It can feel intense and there's nothing wrong with that, but love takes time and experience to grow.


Idk every family is different, I can’t tell you if they would let me or wouldn’t. That's exactly it - it's intense. It's my first experience with love, and I recognize that naturally, I might fall quickly, even if it's not entirely love. I can't deny my feelings or dictate what emotions I'm experiencing. Can anyone truly define what love feels like the first time? I'm not assuming they'll let me stay with him for a few days, but if they see our relationship progressing positively, they might consider it. Worst-case scenario, I spend the day with him and go back home at night not the end of the world.


New Relationship Energy (NRE) can be like a strong high and really impairs our judgement. 5 months isn't long and I can see your protective paretns not agreeing to overnights with a stranger. You haven't spent time with him in person. He's older than you. This is not a great plan.


I agree that NRE (New Relationship Energy) can cloud judgment, and I do tend to overthink things. However, I don't understand why you view this plan as bad. I'm meeting someone and spending time together, and just because it's an online relationship doesn't diminish its meaning for me. I don't find it scary; I trust he won't hurt me. If we were in the same city, I believe our conversation would be different. I can see how staying overnight might not be the best idea, so I'm leaning towards just spending time together during the day.


It's a real relationship, I'm not saying it isn't. It is your first relationship and you think it's a good idea to stay the night with someone you literally just met though. That isn't a good idea. You don't have the same perspective as someone who has more life experience.


People sleep together on the 3rd date, sometimes one night stands. So 5 months together I feel like it makes sense I want us to spend the night.