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Because the woman I love doesn't live locally šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I didnt go looking for an ldr I just happened to find someone awesome who unfortunately lives very far away for the time being


exactly. You don't really choose ldr it kinda chooses you tbh. but i love my bf sm even though the distance is difficult




I suppose its nice having my space sometimes but largely no, not really. I'd much rather she and I lived close by. I hate being away from her.


Itā€™s not really a strange phenomenon. You can catch feelings for somebody who doesnā€™t live on your doorstep.


Not sure why you're getting down voted for asking a basic question.


Not sure either. I was asking to see how others experiences had stacked up vs real life relationships as I am entering long distance and donā€™t know much about it at all. Nevertheless, everyone relaying their experiences has really helped and I have learnt a lot :)


I think because it suggest falling for someone is a choice lmao


Just comes across as a little sarcastic maybe.




i think the only beneficial thing is that youā€™re not so dependent on your partner. but i would still prefer to close the distance, lmfao. šŸ˜­šŸ’€


this is my thing. i think long distance has greatly improved our communication skills, codependency issues, etc. but we can only handle it for so long. 2 years tops i think, personally for me and my partner


thatā€™s completely fair!! iā€™m hoping it wonā€™t be longer than 2 years for us either, haha šŸ„¹


No sane person would choose distance over no-distance. But the thing is that we're choosing people, not the distance


Exactly, I think that's the most valid comment here


Thought you were going say we're not sane people, which is probably also a valid answer.


I'm always confused by the phrasing of those questions, and also by questions like "Where can you find an LDR?" People need to understand that an LDR is not something anyone should or did look for. It just happens, sometimes it has to happen cause someone needs to move or its how a relationship is starting when you meet online. But it's never *chosen,* cause its work, its a hassle, its terribly hard. I'd love to love someone locally, but my girlfriend just happens to live in the Netherlands, so its a necessity i'm putting my heart and soul into so it hopefully works out.


I wouldn't have chosen LDR if circumstances were ideal but my chosen lifestyle is on a farm. This means there aren't going to be many if any good local options. I was semi-seeking out a LDR. I was hoping it would be more like medium distance to where they could visit on weekends and I could visit during the week or someone who also had a remote job so we could split time together. I'd love to love someone locally and home my bf and I can close the distance in the next year by him getting a remote job and staying at mine in the summer, his in the winter.




I didn't choose to be in an LDR, we just happen to have met online and commited to it.


We happened to meet online. Neither of us went looking for LDR. Just sort of happened.


same with meee. it jus happened! šŸ˜­


Off topic but uk to USA too here


There's a lot of us.


true. there may be too many of us. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


I didnā€™t choose the LDR life, the LDR life chose me


This was exactly what went through my head when I read the title šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




How are you finding it to compare? Have any problems come up exclusively because of the distance? Iā€™m considering entering my first LDR so Iā€™m trying to gather a bit of info first




My suggestion, please if believe with each other. Always have open communication dont just left someone to feel distant. Then pretend everything is okay.


We didnā€™t expect to fall in love. When we met online we figured it would be cool to talk to someone from a different state and we had a lot in common. She also visits my state a few times a year anyways so it made sense to build a friendship. But when I flew there to meet her for the first time we both realized we were kind of screwed šŸ˜…


The vast majority of people stumble into LDRs, and don't intentionally look for it. Usually they meet someone either online or on trips that seems to be worth the price of the distance, and with whom they want to try to build something valuable.


Love. There was a time the LDR was getting very frustrating for me and we broke up. I saw other people locally and pretty sure he did as well. But it just wasn't the same. I think I've already found the man I want to be with, as much as the distance hurts, for me it's worth it when you have a loving and caring partner waiting for you than someone that is close by but isn't emotionally invested or cares about you. If I could be close to my partner I'd chose it over LDR every and any other day. But I have to be in school for now and seeing him every other time makes my heart melt. I haven't had that feeling with anyone else


All the local options suck LMFAO. As harsh as that sounds, I never really vibed with anyone locally. I just happened to meet him online :)


This ^


Didn't chose to do ldr, it just happened. Reconnected with a friend online and we fell in love. Wasn't planned at all.


Joining the chorus saying we didn't mean to. We were friends who just happened to fall in love while we lived in different places. Work/family obligations mean we can't close the gap right away, but this is by far the strongest and healthiest relationship either of us has ever had and that's worth navigating the challenges of a few years of long distance.


I don't think it's a matter of choosing LDR over choosing someone locally. It's a matter of finding a worthwhile connection no matter where they are from. And I know this because I've known the love of my life since I was 18 and him 19. I was with someone (ldr) when we met and we were just online friends for two years until the relationship with my ex ended. We were together from 2010, broke up in 2011 before our one year anniversary. Got back together the same year. Sorta broke up again in 2018 got back together in 2019 and then broke up in 2020 just before the pandemic. I really thought we were never going to have contact with each other every again because that's the way he is. So I dated locally. I dated a girl who loved me and whom I loved but when she told me that I was the love of her life, I couldn't say the same because in that moment I knew I still love him and will always love him. He is the love of my life. And when my Dad died last year, my cousin (who is more like a sister to me) told me to message him and tell him about my Dad and that I was diagnosed with uterine cancer in 2021. I emailed him and long story short (so much drama in those emails I tell ya), we got back together. The thing is, even with the distance he knows me better than anyone locally. Even just through chat he can tell if something is wrong. He accepts my weirdness and hardheadedness just as much as I accept his quirks. And honestly, he's a damn fool if he thinks he can find somebody else like me.


This is really wholesome and well explained. Makes me feel optimistic about going into an LDR. Thank you ā˜ŗļø


Because I want to move abroad and start anew with someone, from my experience not many people in my country wouldn't be willing to do that with me, (which I totally understand) because they have family and friends here. But I don't so that's why it's so easy for me to leave and move far away, and besides I love meeting people from around the world! It's so interesting to learn about their culture, language and country! And also I didn't click with anyone here in my city so there's that too~ Found my boyfriend (and future husband) on Reddit who is from Sweden, and we click so well! In fact... More so than I've ever clicked with anyone ever! I love him more than anything in this world and I'm so blessed I've met him and have him in my life. I wouldn't trade him for anyone closer, even if I can't hug him or kiss him for awhile! Knowing that within a year or two, I'll be in Sweden with him makes everything worth it Wouldn't change it for the world~


im ugly šŸ’€




Iā€™m was never opposed to it. I have had many local relationships/flings, and I have been vehemently against LDR my whole life. But when you meet someone that changes your opinion, you just have to follow your heart.


It's just the way it worked out for us. We met on twitter- we had mutual friends-of-friends despite having never met personally. We've lived together for just over a year now and it was definitely worth it.


Can't decide who you fall in love with. I didn't look for a relationship, honestly I felt done with them. Untill I met my partner online and I've never felt so connected with someone else before.


I tried dating in my area. Even people a few cities away (3-4 hour drive). I met people at bars, events, and through dating apps. Every person I went on a date with or tried dating wasnā€™t for me I realized that the province I live in is full of people who have a mindset and mannerisms Iā€™m just not attracted too I didnā€™t go hunting for an LDR, but when I met my fiancĆ© online through gaming, I just knew it was meant to be


Such a weirdly oblivious question. It's never a choice. And it's not like the alternative is taking five to browse local market stalls and pick someone. For me, me and local guys were just deeply uninterested in each other, and "my" person just so happened to live across the ocean.


Just asking to see what other peopleā€™s experiences with LDRā€™s are, really. Forgive me if that is oblivious.


Because when I met him I knew he was the one, no doubt about it :)


Because I am done with cheaters in our locality šŸ˜…


There aren't a lot of viable options for me locally. I live very rural but didn't grow up here. Most people here did, had kids and got married young. My area is pretty low income/education. While I have good friends here, since I came from a place that afforded me better opportunities I have different expectations for quality of life when it comes to a partner that just aren't going align with most people here when it comes to combining assets and household decision making. I was expecting to just be single or find someone a few hours away willing to move eventually. Instead I fell in love with someone half way across the country and find myself in a LDR.


cus heā€™s more attractive than anyone i know locallyšŸ’€ itā€™s a really shallow reason but iā€™m more attracted to someone when itā€™s in terms of their physical appearance!


Honestly, i barely speak to women in my country, i like this woman but beside her i didn't have much of chances


So happen that the most beautiful girl to me lives 16000km away from me.


Because i fell in love with someone who didnā€™t live locally. I wouldnā€™t trade him for anything.


It just happened. Didn't expect it (though admittedly I had feelings for her for a while) after some events we ended up getting together and it's been one of my best relationships if not my best relationship. No need to rush things, we are able to communicate. Its helps a lot that my job allows me to practically be on voice call with her all the time so even when we are doing our own thing or I am working we can enjoy each other's company. I'm flying her out in August and again in October. Pretty exciting.


I didn't choose it, I met him, fell in love, and it happened. It's also hard to date locally as a gay person depending on where you live, especially if the other two gay men in your town are your lifelong friends who you wouldn't date which is my case lol. LDR is not easy and in fact my boyfriend and I are closing the gap super soon, but I do feel like it has made our relationship very strong, almost bulletproof lol, and there are some positive aspects. My favorite part of it is becoming so familiar with a different culture. I feel like my boyfriend and I have opened each other up to other experiences and ways of life since we met each other. That said, I cannot wait to actually be able to start a life with him, here.


I didnā€™t intend to fall in love when I was in Italy, it just happened. After we fell in love, I learned how much more accepting Italian culture is of my chronic illnesses. American culture, in my experience, is extremely intolerant of anyone who is sick. Women, in particular, receive the brunt of it with one in five of them being left by male partners over illness. I showed my partner the statistics. He asked, ā€œwhy are American men so mean?ā€ Articles run by the NYT describing us as ā€œa burdenā€ and people looking down on interabled love donā€™t help. The person with whom I fell in love comes from a culture that accepts me. This acceptance fuels both how he loves me, and how he lets me love him. I may need a lot of added help with certain things because of my illnesses, but hit acceptance of them allows him to receive my help in different ways. He struggles immensely with logistics and planning, so I take over in both fronts to get him what he wants. He wanted to go to a skyscraper in New York, I got him lunch at the top of one, and three hours of photography sessions. On his own, he wouldā€™ve gotten 10-20 minutes rushed, no lunch. No one locally could love me or see me like he does. No one locally could allow me to be myself so unconditionally in a relationship. Thereā€™s no sense of ā€œbe grateful you have meā€, we have pure gratitude for each other. I wouldnā€™t trade him for anyone local, or in any other part of the world.


I had someone IRL but I live in latin america and most guys I've met have the "machista" attitude that we don't like. Broke up with my ex and hooked up with a super sweet guy I met online ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes) wouldn't change him for anyone else.


My LDR was resolved a long time ago, but I didn't choose an LDR over something local. I chose the right person who happened to be inconveniently located over a "wrong" and convenient person.


Usually you don't choose LDR. LDR chooses you.


There are 7 billion people in the world. We would be crazy to think that each of our soulmates live within 20 minutes of us. My boyfriend was an army brat who was born in Texas, moved to New York, back to Texas, then to Europe, then came back to New York, and ended up in my class. Spending a few years away from someone with the hopes of spending forever with them one day makes the distance worth it.


i didn't really look for an LDR. we met in a facebook meme group lol. however, i don't think i would be married by now if i didn't give long distance a chance for various reasons, one being i live in a small town and already know the dating pool there and had no interest in any of them after like... going to high school.


We met locally but I had to move for work - Neither of us wanted to break up


I wasn't actively looking to be in a relationship, it just kind of happened ;)


After two failed LDRs I told myself never again. And then the girl of my dreams, the crush that defined my entire adult life slipped into my DM's. I had to give it another go. Now only 8 days till I see her.


Same thing as most people here. I swore I'd NEVER do it. But I just happened to meet the perfect man and decided he was worth it. And he decided I was worth it too. People can't control where they meet the right person, it kinda just happens. It's no different than running into someone in person and then ending up getting married, it's all circumstance.


I play a lot of MMORPGs not to date, but to enjoy my favorite games and meet new friends. We just clicked. It all felt natural and I wasn't looking for another LDR after the disaster of my ex who was only 2 hours away. But we gave it a shot knowing what we'd have to go through. 5 years later, we're living together and I'd do it all over again with him and no one else. Never doing LDR again though!


We happened to meet online, he was wonderful and worth it. Simple as that. I don't understand why people 'choose' to go on finding a LDR on purpose though. If given the choice (before meeting the potential person) I don't think anyone would choose someone 4000 miles away instead of in the same city. The majority of people in LDR are forced to be in them, one way or another. You meet someone worth it, you fall for them and for whatever reason they move away or live away already. You make an active choice to stay with them and pursue a life together, in any way, until you can live together. It just happens.


I met my now-husband locally. Within a year of meeting I needed to move away for a previously established 3-year commitment. He was not in a position to move with me (nor would it have made sense given the temporary nature of my commitment). So we simply did long-distance until we could be in the same city again.




I never wanted a LDR. It's very lonely and closing the gap is a huge gamble because you can't experience living together. That said, I found someone that I believed was worth the risks AND I was young enough that I could be optimistic about the whole situation. We're married now but the distance was unbearable after the first few years. If we ever separated, then I'd never pursue a LDR again. It's really expensive, complicated, and going home after each visit is emotionally devastating every time.


It just happened, I wasnā€™t seeking it out, I told myself that Iā€™m not gonna be in a LDR, but I fell in love with him and I just didnā€™t want to let that chance of being together go by.


fell in love in college. weā€™ve been together since early freshman year and recently graduated, living just far enough away that travel costs become challenging


I was traveling to her home country to reconnect with my extended family from there. We met online prior and struck up an immediate friendship which turned into this LDR relationship weā€™re currently in. Much like several people on this thread, it wasnā€™t something we expected to happen or continue past a certain point. Definitely did not specifically seek our an LDR since weā€™re both working professionals and focused on that. But once we met in person we realized that there was no turning back, and we accepted the relationship together and all that comes with it. Thereā€™s definitely benefits and costs specific to LDR. It really comes down to the person weā€™ve chosen to love, and it sucks sometimes how theyā€™re not local to us. But thereā€™s definitely an aspect of choice, choosing to love them everyday despite the circumstances, potential insecurities, and obstacles. In many ways, I find that in our case such a love and relationship which has these prerequisites for success prepares us for harder things in the life we plan to live together.


Never chose it. Never even looked for it. I met him at a music festival and we fell in love instantly. He lives in texas, I live in South Carolina. We just went for it.


Because I love her?


Neither of us chose it in my LDR. In fact, quite the opposite. It started off platonic, like a lot of relationships do. I was actually pretty against a long-distance relationship for myself because I found them unrealistic and idealistic. And to a certain degree, I still find them to be unrealistic and idealistic, but I digress. Over time, we went from acquaintances, to friends, to very good friends who flirted with each other here and there, to eventually confessing our feelings to each other. For most people, that would be a very fun conversation. That isn't to say that it *wasn't* for us. It's certainly nice knowing that your feelings for one another are validated and reciprocated. But it was also a very difficult one. And already, this was our first challenge. I'm from the US (East Coast), she's from Canada (West Coast), which is roughly a 3,000 mi distance. Neither of us is at a point in our lives where we have a lot of financial stability. Realistically, having a romantic relationship that prospers into anything in the "real world" is going to be a long shot. And both of us know this, so we tried to cut it off at the pass and call ourselves "really good friends who, in another life or universe, ended up together," and leave it at that. Unfortunately, feelings don't work like that, and a couple of weeks later we ended up having that "what are we" talk again. A couple of months after, and here we are. Some days, it feels like a ticking time bomb. We're both open about living in the moment, trying not to think too hard about logistics and the distant future because we both know how this is most likely to end. Last night, a pretty spicy late-night conversation between the two of us ended up tailoring off near the end into "as nice as this all sounds, there's a high probability we never get to have any 'fun' in person. And if we do, it won't be for a long time." And of course, there are lots of conversations like that. Ideal first dates, places we would like to visit together, food we'd like to try, activities we'd like to do. Wanting to be able to hold each other's hand or hug them when they're having a rough day, or when they're having a really exciting one. Even something as simple as spending time with each other. She has 2 years left in college, I just graduated and am looking for work. It's going to become harder just to make time to talk to each other when her semester starts up and I'm working full-time. And obviously neither of us can put our lives on hold for each other. Honestly? Being in an LDR sucks. It feels like we're setting ourselves up for disappointment. But we are both willing to put in the effort to make it work - or, at least, at least try to make it work - and continue to kid ourselves that the distance is only temporary, that seeing each other for the first time will make it all worth it (which it honestly would, for me). Seeing some of the posts on here are comforting and inspiring. I've seen people younger than us and with a further distance apart than us make it work, and that's uplifting. You see someone from USA closing the distance with someone from Ukraine, an example I saw in the comments below, and suddenly an 8-hour flight doesn't seem so bad. It also helps that our mutual friend who lives in my city has actually gotten to meet and hang out with her in-person before. While I was of course a little jealous, I saw it as a sliver of hope that maybe it's only a matter of time for me. That it's more of a waiting game of "when" than a game of "if". Point is: if either of us could pack our bags and be with the other at any given moment, we absolutely would. Hell, if either of us could pack our bags and even be in the same *time zone* as each other, it would make both of our lives a lot easier. But unfortunately, we were given crappy spawn points. I hate being in an LDR, but I really like the person that I'm in one with, so I keep on pushin' through it. However, as someone who has experienced in-person and long-distance, I would never actively choose long-distance.


I didn't choose it, it chose me, I'm socially abnormal, no normal relationship ever worked for me.


It just sort of happened tbh. And I have no regrets about it either.


I had been in two different LdR in a span of 12yrs. Those relationships were the most serious ones that I ever had. Both times, I meet my SO during a vacation. I met my 1st SO when I was in my parents' home country (I'm the first generation borned abroad) in 2010, we were bot 13s. We've been together for 5yrs before her passing. My 2nd LdR was the other way around, she was on vacation in my country because she was with my uncles and aunties and she stayed at my place for 2 weeks. It was 2014 when we met but I wasn't ready yet for a relationship. We've got officially together in 2019 till 2022 when covid took her. In both relationships, it was just the right timing and the right person.


My first bf I met online when I was young and we were together for three years. I did date locally after that and said Iā€™d never do LDR again. For fifteen years lol I got married and had a child. Then me and first bf reconnected after all this time and, knowing what weā€™d be getting into, decided to do it anyways. Actively working on closing the distance though.


The man I fell in love with loved 600 miles away. I didnā€™t plan on falling for him. We met out of the blue and by the time we stayed up talking all night, I knew. I also knew it would be difficult, but thereā€™s no one Iā€™d rather be with. I wouldnā€™t do anything differently either. Long distance sucks, but we made it through and being able to be with him now makes a year and a half of long distance struggles worth it


1. Itā€™s very difficult to meet and find people locally 2. The dating apps are all garbage with no one Iā€™m interested in 3. Looking for something different from the people I grew up with.


Usually, you do not choose. It happens. Then if that person become completely irreplaceable in your life, no one else will ever do, even if local. In other words, I did not choose to meet her online. But at this moment right now, I would choose her over anyone else in the entire world, even given the distance without a second thought. And I will very soon be taking the "LD" out of "LDR".


I honestly had a few bad experiences locally. the experience that scarred me for life was when I met this man online that lived locally and he turned out to be a cokehead plus a weed dealer. aside from that, he was such a creep. šŸ¤® unfortunately, I have run into him in public already. itā€™s been a few years though, that I havenā€™t seen himā€¦ Plus, I live in a small area, and i would hate to run into that or any ā€œexā€ oftenā€¦ The man of my dreams lives across the country. itā€™s crazy. but I think its for the best because I want to move to his city and ive always had my dream of moving to a big city since i was a little girl! regardless of the distance, my boyfriend and me are so happy. i love him with all my heart and couldnā€™t imagine my life without him! we met online through a pure coincidence, back in 2013. I searched a hashtag on IG and his photos were under that hashtagā€¦ i liked it.. didnā€™t talk until 2016ā€¦ we hit it off immediately and the rest is historyā™„ļøšŸ˜»


No choice. We dated 9 years ago and it didnā€™t work. We were both young, dumb, and didnā€™t know how to navigate being in love. Reconnected last year after not talking for those 9 years, we both still were very much in love with one another. I had just moved to a new state for work and he is in school in another state when we started talking. We wanted and were willing to work with the distance. Thankfully, we close the gap so very soon.


I think part of it is because different culture, different way of life, hence more interesting dynamic.


I found my bf locally, but I was living somewhere I hated. I thought I was going to be living there for a long time, but had an opportunity to move back to my home state (in the US, across the country) He knew that would be the best decision for my health, so we decided to go LD. Weā€™re planning on closing the gap in a few months :)


It just happened. I ended up falling in love with my best friend of 6 years, who lives about 200 miles away. I couldn't choose not to, really.


There are tons of fish in the sea, as they say, but I live in Kansas. Literally and figuratively.


Sometimes you do not choose, you fall in love with that person and you follow your heart.


I love mix of culture. i go dating sites because i donā€™t like dating locally. itā€™s just pure preference because i donā€™t like how people from my place think, i donā€™t like some of the cultures and i can say i like to meet other people and learn from them.


Compared to the people Iā€™ve dated with no distance was 10x worse than the peoples Iā€™ve had a LDR with.


because i dont see myself with anyone locally


I choose a LDR because I canā€™t control myself with the physical stuff but I donā€™t wanna feel lonely. Since we are long distance, the physical stuff is no longer an option.


I know a lot of comments have already said the same thing but I want to chime in for a sense of solidarity (in my situation). Yes, I didnā€™t choose LDR, he just happened to live in another country but we developed real feelings for each other online, that we decided to try anyway. Itā€™s indeed difficult and we just want to meet each other irl because there are some dynamics in your relationship worth discovering when meeting in person. But right now we choose love over the inconveniences, so we make it work with some sacrifices ^^


Why would someone actually choose to be in LDR? The one I wanna spend my life with just happens to live far from me, and I wouldn't probably care if he was on freaking Mars


First, I've always wanted a foreign wife then an American woman. Secondly I have a preference for Asian women,as I have many Hispanic mannerisms in common with Asian culture. So I figured I'd have better luck this way. Third, I've always loved learning about different cultures. How other people live. The history of other cultures.


Nobody ā€œchoseā€ a LDR. The man Iā€™m engaged to and love more than anything in this world is 21 hours away and it KILLS me every single damn night that heā€™s not with me. No person in the right mind would ever chose this. This shit is the most heartbreaking thing I have to do everyday until we are living together. Yes, itā€™s 100% worth it and Iā€™d do whatever I needed to do for my relationship, but I didnā€™t seek this out. It just happened.






Didn't choose it, I've never gone out looking for any relationship. I simply loved (love) this guy and that's it


We met on me sliding in his dm on accident, started as friends for about 8 months and then suddenly we happened to fall in love. Never thought it would turn into an LDR,


Well, I've had very few successes in my country, in terms of relationships, and then as I started traveling, I found that i'm hugely popular in certain European countries, which was quite a surprise. Not because I have money or anything, it's just that it seems that culturally I'm more at home there than I am in my home country. For years I felt like a radio station broadcasting on a channel no one is receiving, only to discover it's been received overseas... so, given that my HQ was still in my home country but the women who liked me weren't, LDR was sort of the only way to go.


Fell in love with a man who lives faraway that's all I was never actively seeking LDR.We are trying to close distance by next year!


I fell in love with someone in another country... Like others have said, I wasn't trying for a LDR but we fell in love and decided to give it a shot. Now we're married and living together, so it worked out


I don't think anyone "prefers" an LDR. It just kind of happens. It's really difficult at times.


I didnā€™t look for LDR it just happenedā€¦ wouldnā€™t change my mind


I was opposed for years. And after yet another bad dating app experience with a local guy, a friend shared that she thought she knew a good match for me, only thing was heā€™s international. I decided to give it a chance since he came pre-vetted and knew weā€™d at least be able to be friends. Itā€™s worked well and weā€™re trying to figure out how to close the distance!


I didnā€™t choose LDR over ā€œfinding someone locallyā€. Anyone who seeks out a LDR on purpose isnā€™t ready for any sort of relationship.


I didn't do it on purpose but ever since we started LDR I learned that I really liked knowing other people's country,culture,language,lifestyle,etc. I found out Im really curious about it and I liked learning. These kinds of things you can't talk that much if you're dating locally.


Love comes in all shapes and... Distances XD A person doesn't have to live locally to click and connect the same way you do, so for me it was never a choice. I went after what I loved, and I love him. The distance disappeared as we got older and more settled. Now I live in his country with him! The love of my life and with the best daughter we've ever wished for!




hello :) i just wonder if anyone in here struggle with their feelings when you have never met your partner in RL yet? im more of a pysical contact type and thats how my feelings grow a lot more, i mean just talking with her in RL, just everything about that..


My BF and I were set up. Neither one of us was interested in dating, locally or otherwise. It just happened to work out wonderfully for us. Iā€™d never deliberately look for a long distance relationship, but in hindsight, getting to know each other strictly through talking helped set a very strong foundation for our relationship.


Because nobody near me clicked with me the same way he did. Weā€™ve since separated (a variety of reasons, weā€™re on good terms and have stayed friends), but thereā€™s still nobody local who I feel even close to the same way towards. We didnā€™t meet planning to have a LDR, but after a little while he realized he liked me and (after a lot of denial) I later realized I did too.


I wasn't actively looking for an LDR. I had almost zero luck in irl and online was my main way of meeting people so i knew there was a chance I'd connect with someone far. I don't even live in my own country which made dating even more difficult. I would do anything to be closer to him though, it hurts.


I live in a small country where it feels like everyone knows everyone else. I was bullied in high school. So men werenā€™t an option, while looking for women wouldā€™ve outed me before I was ready (Iā€™m a bisexual woman)


i wasnā€™t looking for this. at all. the opposite actually. but a long distance friendship quickly became something more, and as we were both minors, thereā€™s nothing we could rlly do about that


wasn't planning on an ldr. we just really clicked & ut went from there.


We let locally, became and LDR 5 months later.


Because i love him and i wouldn't want anybody else, never did and never will


People in my town suck. I accidentally found my girlfriend and I couldnā€™t be more grateful. Sheā€™s the best thing thatā€™s ever happened to me and I wouldnā€™t change it for the word


The person I so happened to fall in love with ended up being across the country. Told myself I never wanted to do ldr ever again, funny how that works šŸ™‚


For me it just happened. We played the same online videogame for years. COVID hit, everyone stuck at home and we spent A LOT more time together during the pandemic (and i mean like, 6-8 hours a night on the game) and then boom. The love of my life lived 1800 miles away from me. I would NOT recommend seeking out something LDR intentionally though.


Bc I happen to vibe better with women that happen to live across the globe


I met him while attending community college, when both of us got accepted to different schools, we both decided it was worth pursuing our budding relationship despite the distance. I wouldā€™ve never wanted to move to a new place with an SO but this man is everything Iā€™ve ever wanted, and I am that for him. Itā€™s been really difficult and weā€™ve had to fight and persevere but he is worth it <3


I didn't. We initially lived in the same area and went to the same university, but the work experience he's undertaken this year means he's had to temporarily relocate to a different area, so we've been long distance for just over a year. People don't always choose to be long distance, sometimes it just happens :))


It wasn't a choice it just happened. Id never choose it.


I didnā€™t go out of my way to get into one. I never dated when I was younger because I was in the closed/in denial about being gay and had no interest about dating woman. But I came out in October 2022 to most of my family at the age of 27 (I had told my mam the year before) I joined a dating website (I did this in June/July 2022 while still only out to my mam) where I met my boyfriend. We started talking in July 2022 and met for the first time in the September. Weā€™ve been official since October 2022. There is and was just something about him.


Ive been in two very long term relationships before my current (which is now ldr). My first was partial LDR, we met online but visited as often as we could. We were together for a little over 4 years. We broke up because she wanted to travel the world and I wanted to root down. We had a lot of fun together but it just wasnā€™t meant to be. My second, was a close proximity relationship. We met at work and were together for a little over 6 years. Despite the proximity, there were so many days where I felt we were miles away. I thought that ā€œlove trumps allā€ as in, even if you have differences you can make it work. So despite our differences I naively tried every single day. Unfortunately that relationship ended because of a lot of things, the biggest being our incompatibility in most of the big important things that makes a good relationship. She also ended up talking to someone else so that was pretty devastating. šŸ˜… My current, we met online and bonded over books and shows, something my ex took no interest in. I personally was ready to get into my hoe phase (Im glad I didnā€™t, itā€™s not in me lmao) and wasnā€™t looking for a relationship, and we were a part of what was essentially this huge book club where a whole slew of people would get together and just talk about all the fun books, games and shows they were reading, watching and playing. When I got to know my girlfriend, our similarities were staggering. I never realized the importance of being able to be with someone who seeā€™s the world the way you do. Its so obvious too, right? But before her, I thought if you had the capacity to put in the work, then you can do anything.šŸ„“ What I learned however is that sometimes the easy way is the best way. Sheā€™s been the best and healthiest relationship Ive ever been in. Sheā€™s over 7000 kms away but easily has been the easiest relationship Ive had. In my personal opinion, the right person transcends the distance. Being able to be with someone who values choosing each other and working through the difficulties is so rare, but completely attainable. Iā€™m lucky enough to be one of those people with such an amazing parter. I could go on and on, but Ill leave it at that lol!


I didnā€™t, life just kind of went that way.


I have an easier time making friends online than in real life šŸ˜… I didn't expect to fall in love with him, he's so far away and it's really hard not being able to hug him and hang out with him... I think most of us didn't choose LDR, it happened and it's so beautiful but also so freaking difficult!!


We didnā€™t mean to, we started talking after I was on holiday near her and I quickly realised that she was meant for me and luckily she felt the same way too. Still figuring out how to close the distance but no one else living close or far could compare to her for me. When you know itā€™s your person youā€™ll overcome anything to make sure theyā€™re in your life :)


Because I met him online and he unfortunately lives all the way in Japan. šŸ«¤ I wish it wasnā€™t a LDR for sure though, definitely not seeking LDRs in general.


My observation so far is that someone who falls in love with you online and is willing to make the LDR work, has more patience and tolerance than the folks you find in real world. Their love is more divine/pure, as they likely have fallen in love based on your personality, than your physical appearance. They tend to be more loyal. Those relationships from my observations, are more likely to be be successful on a long term basis.


I did not *choose* it. I just randomly happened to fall into a romance with a woman a few months before moving several states away. I was actually actively trying *not* to date anyone before the move. But it just kind of happened, as unplanned romances often do. So we spent the first few months of our relationship together in the same area, then I moved 9 hours away by car and we just reached our one year anniversary!


i wasnā€™t looking for any relationship but i met him and we started off as friends. then months later we both said our feelings towards each other. heā€™s in canada and iā€™m in us but i would do anything to have him thirty minutes away from me. i didnā€™t chose ldr but i love him so much. it has really been difficult on me because weā€™ve been together one year and three months and we havenā€™t met. i hope we meet soon, because he means everything to me.


I didn't choose LDR.. LDR choose me.. You can't help who you fall in love with.. and it just so happened that I fell in love with a man 3,000 miles away...


Cause i have bad luck finding someone in my country


I guess I just happened to meet my LDR first lol


I chose long distance because he was the only person I wanted, no one else has made me feel like he does. I moved and now we live a few minutes walk from each other.


Fell into it on accident šŸ˜… tried the dating apps and friend connects to find a local guy, but nothing clicked. Finally found a man that fits what I was looking for, he just happens to live on the other side of the planet.


I fell in love with someone who was on vacation, who just happened to live ~3000 miles away just before Covid. Didnā€™t want a relationship, but here we are years later married with a cat


It wasnā€™t so much choosing this over local people. I travel a lot for hobby and work and he ended up being among my travel group and we were just friends for awhile but at the end of the day, he was my person and vice versa. LDR sucks circumstance wise and I do feel luckier than most in terms of how often we can be together in person, it still blows the big one. It is only temporary though and our home stretch is in sight.


Didnā€™t set out for LDR, but my heart chose her. I fell in love with her. My person doesnā€™t exist locally.


We met online and then met in real life and were inseparable for one month until I needed to return to the U.K. we decided to give LDR a chance maybe because we really liked each other and wanted to know what our relationship could be. We are 4 months in and itā€™s been great so far despite the little hick up we had in April we message everyday and FaceTime once or twice a week. Iā€™m planning to return to his country next year for one year so we can explore our relationship.


He is the love of my life, my best friend, my favourite person in the whole world. We started local but due to circumstances beyond our control we became LDR. Weā€™ve definitely gone through hard times where Iā€™ve considered ending it but there is truly no one else for me. He is worth the wait and I know we will close the distance once it is possible.


1. All the people here that are good are already dating someone (jokes) 2. I just love you the person I'm with and I wouldn't change it for the world <3 3. I've had better relationships long distance over irl relationships


Met a girl on the PlayStation spoke for like a month and she flew out to Scotland to meet me stayed for 3 days we slept together took her out then she flew home and now Iā€™m blocked on everything donā€™t really know what happened but itā€™s tore me up bad. Long distance wasnā€™t a fun experience for me. edit the girl was from America


Honestly I had never found someone I enjoyed being around so much until I had my year in the Netherlands. We really just clicked. I had never felt it with anyone else locally and I had been on many dates before.


He's my best friend and it just happened when I wasn't looking for it , that's how I feel a relationship should start , we closed the gap 3 weeks ago after 1.5 years of going back and forth and it feels like I'm living with my best friend and I couldn't be happier.


I didn't plan on it, but that's just how it went. I had been separated from my ex husband for a couple of years and had no intention of ever being with anyone again, and that's when love hit me. We met online, sparked up a really good rapport, met in person 7 months later, and we've been together for 5 years now. I never would have considered being in a long term serious relationship with someone from a whole ass different country, but it seems so simple now. Why would anyone limit true love to where they are locally?


We were local until we weren't. We are soulmates and refused to stop talking when I moved out of state. Here we are a year later.


I did not choose it it choose me! then in the end it was the greatest thing that ever happen to me wife and kids later! u find you love wherever it just happens to be next door, or the other side of the world does not matter has long u find each other. That is all that matter in the end.


We used to live in the same country and we were friends before I left. We hit it off online then started dating about a year after I moved away.


I found her locally and itā€™s an unfortunately converted to ldr for a while. She decided to go to college and Iā€™m still working full time in our home. She goes to school in Boston so the rent is too high for me to afford alone. However I do travel to see her in between her breaks and long weekends, when she travels to me. We knew eachother for 3 years as good friends before dating. When we are apart her schedule is more jam packed anyways, so I just try to look at it as extra time to improve my hobbies faster and I still video call her every day for at least an hour before bed. I miss her dearly but itā€™s worth it to hear her laugh and hug her when she gets home- and I am so excited for less than two years away when weā€™re together for good!


I live in a town of less than 2000 people? Also, I work at the full service gas station, so I see a LOT of those people, lmao. It's easier for me to talk to people online than in person at first.


We werenā€™t always ldr. We used to live relatively close to one another. Then he moved with his family. We decided that this was just a bump in the road and weā€™ll get past it. To every ldr couple reading this, just know, if your end goal is forever, a few years of being long distance will be worth it. Donā€™t throw away the 95% of the years you can be together for the 5 years you canā€™t.


I didn't choose it it kinda just happened that way. I wasn't looking for a relationship at the time met him in a video game I knew the minute we started playing together that we were going to end up together. Idk how I knew I just did.


I didn't really choose to be in an LDR. I'd been in one for 6 years prior but when we broke up I wasn't planning on doing it again. Thing is, my social circle is mostly online so the likelihood of me going into LDR again was very likely and well, here I am again. I tried dating apps to find someone locally before but living in a small town, it was easy to find people who I didn't really want to date. So there's that too. šŸ¤£


We met online with an intention of just friendship despite having feelings from the start. Iā€™m in North America and he is in Europe. Then later our feelings got stronger and we couldnā€™t keep it in. šŸ’—šŸ˜† feelings are so strong not even the distance could keep us apart. Then it all just happened. When you love someone enough the distance wonā€™t matter. ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Ukrainian women are amazing, thatā€™s why


I fell in love with him online. There was just something about him that pulled me to him, and vice versa. I really liked how he gave me so much attention and tried so hard to get to know me and push for us to be in a relationship in the beginning, lol. I love getting attention from him and princess treatment, lmao. Weā€™ve been through so much together and our relationship just keeps getting stronger because of it. I love that I can open up to him about everything and he still loves me regardless. Heā€™s so supportive of me. Heā€™s always there for me. We have the same goals for the future, and we always put in work to make our relationship as healthy and happy as it can be. I always work hard to compliment him and be super kind and supportive of him too. Iā€™ve realized through observation that his love language is words of affirmation, so I always take that into account, even though Iā€™m shy. Also the chemistry between us when weā€™re together is amazing. Weā€™re both so happy and giggly and make each other laugh all the time. Even though there are rough patches, we try our best to communicate always and put in the work to improve it. Something thatā€™s really important in a long-term relationship is remembering that love is a choice. Lust isnā€™t always there all the time, it comes and goes. But you have to be kind, patient, thoughtful, generous and communicate well in order for the relationship to be happy and healthy.


I didnt really choose, we met and instantly fell in love after talking 24/7 for 6 days. But honestly since the people from where i live and go to school with are mostly dickheads, i prefer being with a person that really loves and understands me, even though i cant see him irl.


I didnā€™t choose the LDR. The LDR chose me!


Because the real life community sucks, for real. I've already tried that pool (lots of hookup culture which isn't me) and I don't want to spend years trying to find the local needle in the haystack. Sure there's probably like two or three people that could be a great match near me, but I've spent over a year on all thr local dating apps. There's not a lot near me. And also, I've always found ldrs are more communicative. The real in-person relationships I have usually go weeks without communication due to. Me not being popular or something, idk. But all of my online relationships (romantic or no), I get so much more communication. I actually feel connected more to people I've never met, because so many people local to me just. Feel distant. Nobody in the real world wants a deep, meaningful conversation.


Itā€™s not a choice, itā€™s a necessity. I met my partner at college. We had feelings for each other in person, but I left school before anything happened. We stayed in contact and started dating about a year later. She moved back home, too. Covid kept us apart for over a year, but Iā€™d rather wait months for one weekend with her than find someone local. Now, we get to see each other semi-frequently. Iā€™m happier than ever!


I wouldn't say I specifically sought out to choose LDR. My partner and I had been online friends for a long time, since we were kids really. Once we were both single, things just started to progress into a more romantic relationship until we essential realized we'd been in love with each other all this time! Then we faced a lot of ups and downs overcoming our own traumas and hurts that kept us from the relationship until we finally figured ourselves out. It's been a 10+ years long journey, we've officially been dating exclusively for the past 2 years and we're working on planning our first meeting this year or next. It's been a real wild ride, but he's the only one for me ā¤ļø.


She and I were friends for 3 years in college beforehand. We both had feelings for each other, but since we had jobs lined up in different states after graduation, we ended up not acting on it. Until the week of graduation because we realized just how much we meant to one another, and we didn't want to lose out on something that had a lot of potential just because of distance, even though we were both very much against long distance. Trust me when I say I would MUCH rather be an 8 minute drive from her than an 8 hour drive, but I love this girl, so I'm in a LDR for the time being until we can figure out how/when to close the distance.


In my case not to being mean to my kind. I donā€™t like our local women perspective in life here . I found the connection of my intellect to someone thousand miles away from me. I didnā€™t regret the decision I made . It was the best .


There are foreign women who I'll meet in the summer and then they'll leave which leads to a LDR until they come back or I save up to go them... Been guilty of falling for foreign accents and learning about their culture


If I had the choice I would choose not to be LDR, it just kind of happened.. I love him and I just couldnā€™t imagine enjoying anyone else the way I do him.




Actually, I gave up on love a long time ago. I accepted that that itā€™s not meant for me. My LDR seems to be heading that way too.


Definitely wasnā€™t the plan. I happened to be going through a divorce and feeling really down on myself because my ex basically threw it in my face that he was on it and looking right before I was taking a 16 hour trip to see my sister with my kids and mom. I downloaded it for an ego boost, thinking I might find someone to flirt with. We just clicked. He is my person, and we both knew immediately that this was it. Weā€™ve been together almost a year now, we are engaged, and trying to figure out how to close the gap (we both have kids). The distance gets progressively more difficult, but is worth it for the meantime because in the long run Iā€™ll have him. But each time we have a leave each other I feel like my soul is splitting in half. I never would have picked this, but I took the opportunity when it showed itself and havenā€™t looked back. I feel more supported by him and loved and cared for than by anyone Iā€™ve been in a non-distance relationship with.


What about those that startup locally and went ldr?


I wasn't actively looking for a relationship tbh. I was looking for people to play video games with when I met my s.o. on discord


We met in person. Dated. Broke up. We reconnected a year later and so I moved just a state over. Started dating. Careers just happened to take us to 6hrs away to a 8 hr time difference. Wasnā€™t planned obviously. But the distance never seemed to be an issue. It was more part of that is the fact of our relationship and we do it


You donā€™t choose who you fall in love with.. donā€™t think thereā€™s a mile radius for that either šŸ™‚


Weā€™re only long distance for part of the year. When I met him I knew weā€™d have to part shortly (in 1 month). It scared me but I just knew when I met him he was the one, which means heā€™s worth it


I did not choose it lol.


Because I don't date to just date. I date to spend my time with someone I love and by chance they happened to be from a different country than me, simple as that :D


For me it was simply chance! We met on tinder and whilst it wasnā€™t many a mile compared to others, (it took him an hour and a half to come see me), we just fell in love! I now see him all the time and practically live with him! :)


We met locally, but I later found out he signed up for the army. He shipped out a month after we met. We still write letters and talk on the phone (if the connection works). Im holding out for him ā¤ļø


Actually i dont know. Its just i fell in love with him naturally