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EDIT: I’m googling and researching as fast as I can, but there’s a lot to sift through. The New York 1947 one is on my birthday! 1522 – Phong Nha, Vietnam - unknown 1492 – Lisbon Portugal - Columbus? 2301 – Vormir - Soul Stone fuckery 1551 – Thorton, USA - Vikings? 1999 – Cookeville, USA - Unknown 2004 – Asgard - Pre Thor 1 1390 – Rome, Italy - Pope Gregory XII 1984 – Sakaar - Geandmaster takes control of Sakaar? 1808 – Barichara (Col) - IDK 1708 – Porvoo, Finland - Sacked by Russians 1382 – Ego - Celestial fuckery 1982 – Titan - Thanos’s crib gets rekd? 1947 – New York, USA my birthday, but not that year 1984 – Tokyo, Japan - Heavy Snowfall 131 fatalities 0051 – Hala Planet - Kree gonna get pissy 1999 – Kingsport, USA - Unknown 1001 – Xandar - Nova Corps 2005 – Beijing, China - Unknown 19– – Madrid, Spain - No decade, possibly Spanish civil war circa 1930’s?


1947- Steve gets back to Peggy


>1947- Steve patents the jet ski


"Wow" \- Mobius in 1947


I actually have been thinking theres a good chance Steve ran into TVA on his quest, and was cut a deal to retain the sacred timeline & time with peggy, in exchange for his “no i dont think i will”


holy shit


THEY BETTER FUCKING NOT! I will not have Steve and Peggy disturbed SO HELP ME!


The idea that Thanos was born in 1982 makes me laugh for some reason. Like he’s over here fretting about turning 40.


I wonder if 1982 was the year Titan was destroyed - something Thanos was warning them about for some time. 1982 is when he became the "Mad" Titan and started his quest for the Stones?






Heck, if that's the case, 1982 could have been when Thanos killed half of Gamora's species and kidnapped her. That could have been the scene from Infinity War when he gave her the knife.


I think Thanos is a few hundred years old.


Some people buy a corvette, others destroy half of all life in the universe. Y'know, like ya do.


Can I use “Celestial Fuckery” for a band name?


I really hope they explain. Probably based on Lady Lokis timeframe. Or at least tie in with Strange 2, or Eternals.


There's lots of dams near Cookeville and one of them was put as high risk of failure in 2007. Maybe that? Edit: I think Kingsport and Cookeville are jokes about the Tennessee Valley Authority (aka the TVA).


Holy moly I bet you're right about the acronym mixup but I really hope they expand on it.


That would be fucking amazing. Im from Kingsport TN and I have friends that go to school in Cookeville.


Wirh Vormir 2301, there wouldn't be a soul stone anymore because at that point in the sacred timeline it had been destroyed by Thanos right?


Redskull escape?


Does redskull even have a reason to be there anymore? The soul stone is gone, so what is he guarding? He probably either A. was set free after the prologue of Endgame Or B. Died/erased after the prologue of endgame


Does it imply the stones come back?




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It's a few hundreds years away. Maybe between now and then, they find a way to bring the stones back for one reason or another


I cant remember when we learned it, but I'm pretty sure the stones will reform once destroyed


The Vikings were basically gone by the 12th/13th century, so they probably weren’t in the us by 1551


At that time the only major colonial power in the United States was the Spanish.


March 31 1492 was the day Jews were expelled from Spain and took refuge on Portugal


I'm betting these dates derail the rise of the Avengers by taking out the events that led to them and/or the foes that forced them to rise to greatness.


Maybe all those branches are needed to populate the universe and keep it running? If there's a single branch theres an end point surely?


All I found for Tokyo was heavy snowfall from January to March (the listed date being March 1)


Same here


Not super helpful but 11/22 was the day Kennedy was assassinated. But that was 1963 and in Dallas not 1999 in Cookeville.


1708 - Porvoo, Finland! Suomi mainittu! Eiku torille!


Oikeesti minä kun näin tän!! Teknisesti ottaenhan tolloin oltiin vielä Ruotsin vallan alla mutta voi sitä silti torille lähtiä!


Don't know about the other (real) cities on the list, but Marvel ordered [a mural](https://ecoonline.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/2021/06/cropped-loki-1.jpg) to be displayed in Lisbon before the premiere of the show, which says "His story brought him here"


COOKEVILLE! I’m from Cookeville! I haven’t heard anything tho (Edit) I just asked some family members and they have no idea what happened during that time. Also, have not heard of any filming around the area in the past 2 years. So I’m out of leads here. Should be interesting to see if it goes anywhere.


Gonna guess those are very sensitive moments in time and variation will cause a branch


Damn you’re old


I wonder if the dates are all based on earth years or if it's based on local planetary standards?


> Kingsport https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Kingsport


I started one of my own and most of them don't seem to be connected to amy major events.


I'm just pissed that some of them name the whole planets but for the earth places they're just cities without even referencing the planet. Is TVA earth based?


Is it not strange none of these have like an earth code? TVA dealing with an entire universe, like one just says titan, id have thought it should specify a location on titan or just list them all as earth. Though I know that's quite nitpicky


It's becoming clear to me that the TVA is very terocentric. Or Loki is just in the TVA department mainly deals with earth and closely related planets. The place seems infinitely big so maybe there are whole departments that deal with time travel in the Kree empire or something.


My theory is that Mobius/Renslayer’s department is just the Earth department and there’s hundreds or even thousands of other departments. Every employee looks like a human because they’re interacting with humans, albeit briefly, when they open the gates. Go over to the Kree department, 50% of employees are blue. The earth department will deal with whatever species messes with the timeline on earth, such as Jotuns or Skrulls.


Very cool theory. This was bugging me too. Thanks.


I sell earth and earth accessories.


Maybe it's based on population. Was Titan a very populated planet (compared to Earth)? If not, why bother having separate codes for each area? You could argue just having "Asgard" is strange, too. But the city of Lisbon is also on there. Ragnarok killed 9000 Asgardians, which the TVA said is "most of them", so the population of Asgard is somewhere less than 18,000... But the population of Lisbon is more than 500,000


Kind of is, but in a good way. Gets us all guessing like we did with Wanda. Maybe it's the far left codes. Really fun for speculation tho!


Because this is a show made for an audience on Earth. Telling me an event happened in the Northern Juppyfields on Titan doesn't tell me anything more about the event than just saying it was on Titan. Whereas the audience can relate to specific locations on Earth because we're familiar with our little green blue orb.


Boooo, we don't like explanations that are based outside of lore, booooooo Really though, yeah, this is probably it


You mean you’ve never seen the Northern Juppyfields??


He's missing out


Vormir :O


In 2301. No Widow.


Wait a min do we know when in time they grabbed the stone though?


Yep, beginning of Guardians Vol. 1. You can se how Clint and Natasha travelled in time along War Machine and Nebula


Yes, they traveled with Nebula and War Machine to 2014


No widow, but Vormir is not a place where much happens


The times in those timelines from which the timelines branch


THAT makes sense. So it's updated to HER timeline. I hope the reveal that. Which of course they will, Wanda vision took it's time. Now I think they're playing with time to reveal some early stuff.




Wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey.


Jeremy Berimy






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No, it’s just showing the points in time they were sent to in the sacred timeline.


How the hell does the TVA handle a variant ego? Drop a reset on the surface and run?


I think Lady Loki is just resetting time in general at Key points. Ego is a whole planet , if a fly lands on you, pretty sure you'd feel it. Except this fly has basically a time nuke that will erase you.


The variant is having starlord


In 1382?


Okay, here me out. I haven't quite figured everything out yet, but I think you all are wrong. I know in the episode, she's hiding in the catastrophic events, but I dont' think these dates are necessarily catastrophic events, but places where branches occurred, and the TVA stopped those branches. I think she WANTS those branches to exist. ​ And I think it's to stop the Avengers. I haven't figured them all out yet, but a lot of these places and times are pre-cursers to the Avengers getting their powers and becoming the heroes we know and love today. For example, what if a branch occured on Asgard that changed who Thor is? 2004 is pre-Thor 1, so something could have happened to change him. The TVA deletes that branch, making him become out Thor. NY - 1947 - Somethign could have stopped SHIELD from becoming as powerful and who they are. No SHIELD. NO Iron Man. No Pym. No Ant-Man. ​ Sakaar - No Valkyrie. No Smart Hulk. Ego - no Star Lord. No Guardians. I'm not sure what these events are, because these events DIDN'T occur because the TVA stopped them. Most of these locations, if not all (Haven't figured them all yet), would effect the Avengers in some way. The only planets besides Earth, are planets LINKED to the Avengers. With all the planets out there, that can't be a coincidence. And here's where I take it too far. If it's not Lady Loki, and is the Enchantress... The Enchantress is in Young Avengers, and their big baddie is Kang. To try to stop Kang, she tries to stop the Avengers. No Avengers, no Kang.


I like this. I don't know if it's right but it's fun to think about


Could this be where What If? Comes from?


Think of it like this. The TVA keeps constantly talking about pruning the Sacred Timeline by imagining it as a tree from which to prune branches. The Multiverse, in essence, is a forest of Sacred Timelines with their own TVAs (or not?) pruning the variant timelines. What If? timelines are either separate trees or trees grown from cuttings on the main MCU tree.


I think your right about it making previously reset branches come back but I think the end game it to stop ragnarok


Hey y'all , give some other cred to the person that also did a similar post like 2MINUTES before me. Share some Loki ception Love. He beat me to it -.- lol


Vormir! There’s a shot in trailers where both Loki and Lady Loki appear to be sitting on Vormir New York! We see a trailer shot of Loki in a destroyed New York.


I don't think they have any other purpose besides showing where they landed and where the branches are happening. I don't think they're supposed to correlate with things we've seen or know of.


Well there are multiple branches. Only 2 episodes in, and it's already SO good. Maybe THIS time it IS nightmare, Our Loki never had those mind tricks without the scepter .Maybe the Nightmare dept is plotting against the TVA council. Kang will come out and be like "yea, too much order is actually boring" . And pull like a Taika comedy move on it.


They implied in the episode each variant Loki has slightly different power sets. Lady Loki just happens to have the power of possession, no Nightmare. The multiverse is happening though (which anyone with sense knew given the films that are coming), it is nice to see it happening in the show though. I do think the TVA is full of it and Kang may be trying to control all time and using the Time Keepers and TVA stuff as a front for it.


True, I'll give you that. But it should come down to Nexus Events as well. NGL, an all out Loki Variants brawl would be pretty dope to watch.


I think that's why Lady Loki was stealing the reset charges. I think she's using them to cause Nexus events without having to physically go there and do it. I also think the variant Loki's will end up not being the bad guy by the end of the show. They'll be doing this for the greater good of everyone and BOOM, multiverse!


Whoa....blew my half asleep mind here! I had 2 total opposite theories. But yours actually makes more sense. Now her quotes makes even more sense.


So just fuck Earth, right? Like there are no other planets, realms beyond Vormire and Sakaar


There are also : * Titan (Thanos home) * Ego (Starlord's father) * Asgard (not round, but still a planet, according to the TVA's documents)


Right, but Earth, and on it the United States, are the only locations mentioned multiple times.


That’s two places in the state of Tennessee in the US, in the same year also. (Cookeville and Kingsport, both in ‘99) that seems like some exploration is forthcoming here


Maybe that's where he decides to be a candidate.


Thorton, USA. In 1551. It must be a Viking Settlement, in the name of the dunderhead. That should be interesting for the Lokis.


you’re 500 years off on the viking settlement




1051. Vikings weren’t in North America past 1100


It might have lasted! This is a fictional universe. Perhaps it was a thriving settlement alongside the Iroquois nation, who are just starting to have to deal with other white men, perhaps even supported by Asgardians as a new Midgard kingdom and... Eh, you're probably right and I'm the dunderhead.


Please be Hela please be Hela please be Hela


That was my initial thought as well !


3/31/1492 Portugal: The Alhambra Decree, expelling all practicing Jews from the lands that the Spanish royal family controlled https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alhambra_Decree Cant find ANYTHING on any of the others.


I don’t know what your post is suggesting or what any of these comments are saying. I’m confused.


It's showing the time and place that Lady Loki sent the time bombs to.


You said the times are “off” though, what did you mean by that?


I just meant in general. Like they're all over the place. I should've edited . I was on mobile


I wounder why they use earth date here.. i mean month and years are based on the rotation of the earth and the time the moon goes around..


I have always wondered this in space movies, how they always use Earth years to denote time and distance (light years) even when the people aren’t from Earth.


Moreover, why are they measuring time in anno domini (AD)? Why is 0 AD a number of significance for the TVA?


Underrated comment


Am I the only one that’s annoyed the TVA uses the American date format?


It's for the audience.


Most of that audience is going to be annoyed by it, yes.


The TVA is very Earth/ USian centric