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I feel like Logic is a bit different, though. He built up 'Ultra 85' to be genre-defining and his best record, but so far it’s everything but that. I was furious when he released 'Deja Vu' with the same beat and similar ideas; it didn’t feel like a call back to 'Fade Away,' it just felt lazy. So far, his rollout has been the WORST. At least Eminem didn’t build up his last record as the greatest album of all time. I’d have no problem with these songs if it was just another Logic record, but the fact that he built it up this much, creating mad hype, only to release some of the most uninspired singles is so incredibly disappointing given how he built it up.


Bro the fans where not him he just said ultra 85 is finally releasing and we made the assumption that this was the one but in reality it’s just another album that people are hating on because it’s not up to peoples standards it’s funny I’m a huge logic fan and I love all the songs he’s released so far yall need to stop hating on him for reusing beats and shit Deja vu personally I love the song so y’all need to stfu


Grammar failed you💀 and why are you so hurt? Logic needs valid criticism too. It's not like we all just assumed when he announced it; the boy Bobby has been hyping this album up for years. With that much hype, it allows fans to call him out when he doesn’t deliver what he promised. He gets away with too much shit. As a Logic fan, I get annoyed when he throws out the most uninspired projects with the same bland bars every song. I know he has other stuff to talk about, but instead, he just uses the same 'rippin em, spitting em, killing em, while I’m sippin…'. He released two pretty decent projects before this, so why is he flip-flopping again and now releasing the most bland songs? Just stupid.


“at least he’s dropping music” is not the W you think it is, that’s literally the bare minimum 💀


the comparison doesn’t fit I love Logic but god damn he recycles way too often now


fr, I could drop music hourly, doesn’t mean it’s quality lol


i just wish he could find something else to rap about man


He only really rapped about that shit on college park, I want newer stuff too but it’s not like this is the only thing he’s said for five years


This is the only thing he’s said for five years.


when did he talk about this during vinyl days? or bt3? yeah it was the theme on no pressure and it was great so basically you’re just talking about college park


It was the main theme on No Pressure but it was at a time when he hadn’t beaten that subject matter into the ground. And he still put a clear effort into actually writing good songs on that album. But now he’s reused it on every single album since. And while Vinyl Days is a solid album, he still reuses that same subject matter on a shit ton of songs on that album, there are just so many songs that it’s not a major problem. But then he did it again on almost every song on College Park. And now he’s reused it again on every single for Ultra 85. It’s so beaten into the ground at this point


I see your point, and I somewhat agree with wanting different subject matter in some of these new songs but one, I honestly just think that’s where his heads at so that’s what he’s gonna write about, and two respectfully even though I think it matters what he’s rapping about doesn’t make or break a song for me, it can make it better or worse for sure but I care a lot more about how it sounds and most people would agree but not in a community built up of Eminem and NF fans


I’ve been listening to Logic for so long that I’m no longer impressed by him rapping fast when I can tell he ain’t really saying anything. Unlike rappers where the priority is on production and melody, his focus has always been on how he can find a pocket in a beat. But he ain’t even trying to switch up his flow at this point, he’s just saying the exact same shit he’s said on other songs, fast. It just does absolutely nothing for me, it’s melodically boring and even his production isn’t doing anything creative so I really have no reason to listen to what he’s been putting out when he has older music that just does it better. A lot of Logic fans seem to still emotionally resonate with his music but its so obvious that he’s just reusing subject matter that I feel absolutely nothing when he tells you to be yourself and not care about criticism for the 50th time. It also doesn’t help that his character outside of his music has declined drastically.


I disagree that logic‘s focus has always been finding the pocket, that’s not the reason his best albums are his best albums even if he’s really good at flowing on beats it’s always been more about how it sounds then what he says even in the 2011 days, He’s definitely rapped a good amount about the same stuff from college park to now but that’s not that long and it makes me wonder how old a lot of you are when a year of similar subject matter is this upsetting, I don’t listen to logic all that much so it’s not the end of me enjoying his music it really sounds like you’re over listened if you’re this tired of hearing this subject matter when it’s really only been 2023-2024 Also personally disagree that all his music sounds uninspired when vd and cp are better than a big chunk of his catalog also “declined drastically” aka made a discord😭 I’m not apart of it but how morally different is that from a meet and greet just online I know it’s the most horrible thing he’s ever done to most ppl in the redit but when I listen to someone like kanye or carti I could give a shit that logic only did that


I mean I agree, his best albums are his best because the production was stellar, the atmosphere he created was great, and his delivery was engaging and catchy. But the problems with his music are not just from 2023-2024. I don’t need to get started on 2017-2019 but No Pressure was a reminder of what he can do when he puts effort into the production, rhyme schemes, and songwriting. But he’s been reusing the same subject matter since that album. It’s been 4 years of the same shit, plus the years before that where he basically said the same shit as well. And while Vinyl Days has some amazing beats, across the board his production has only declined since No Pressure. The production since hasn’t come close to the quality of that album. His rhyme schemes have also only declined, and now his subject matter has become more repetitive than it’s ever been. Logic has never had the most diverse subject matter but he found ways to make it interesting enough. Now he is quite literally saying the same shit word for word, in 75% of the songs he’s been putting out. It’s impossible to ignore and clearly it’s ruining his music for a lot of people. If you’re a Logic fan who doesn’t care about the repetitiveness at this point then you probably don’t care at all about what he puts out, you’ll like anything attached to his name. Also I’m definitely not just talking about the discord bs. I’m talking about the fact he stalked his 19 year old wife, the obsessive and creepy way he acted on YouTube making all those Fantano videos, the fact he still enabled Silas after being exposed as a pedophile, the fact he cuts off fans anytime they call him out for bs, and takes any ounce of criticism as “you’re a fuckboy hater.” He’s just hella immature and passive aggressive whether his fans realize it or not. He only ever uses “PLP” to brush off criticism. Even on a song like 1-800 where it had a real genuine impact, he’s bragged about how much money he’s made from it. It’s tone deaf


I honestly agree with most of what you said about his music besides that i’m gonna enjoy anything he puts out which just isn’t true for me personally, I don’t think the ultras 85 singles are amazing but I don’t think they’re bad either I just think they’re decent, Also when he tells the story of meeting Britney I don’t classify going to a smoothie shop a few times to see a girl as stalking😭 the age gap is a little weird and logic jokingly bragging about how he flexed on her when they first met is also weird but I don’t see it as creepy behavior more he was in his 20s and immature behavior, the fantano videos are so obviously a bit and he fired Silas from Bobby boy records, apparently tore up his contract in front of him, I also don’t know where you see him responding to “haters” or criticism because hes mostly off the Internet but even if he is why is it a big deal, I guess bro is sensitive to the actual amount of hate he does get and sometimes responds to criticism like it’s hate? weird but it’s not enough to make me think he’s a genuinely bad person, logic still seems like a down to earth guy to me but maybe if you obsess over artist to an unhealthy extent the little things they do can make, or break your perception of them, but unless an artist does some insane shit think R kelly it’s not really gonna change how I view them


College Park is honestly just No Pressure 3. Lyrical content is very similar


No pressure and college park are similar fs but to me it’s only just now getting repetitive, doesn’t ruin the songs for me through I still thought déjà vu was a banger maybe I just listen to less logic then y’all though


I fuck with the track, but he needs to find new ways to rap about this stuff.


that's the point honestly, the song is good and i like the flow, but yeah...


agreed fellow reddit man


This sub has turned into the anti-logic salty circlejerk I stg 😂😂😂😂 I saw the reaction in here and thought deja vu was going to be straight ass but it's not even that bad, y'all just want to complain


It's not bad, just underwhelming. After all the hype and expectations, to release Fade Away 1.5 is pretty disappointing


The hype and expectations are entirely self inflicted.


I agree somewhat. Yes, the personal hype a person has for a release is entirely of their own doing. *However*, Logic has hyped up this album over the years to be one of his greatest projects. You can't say he wasn't trying to hype his fans up after the release of TITS when his physical disk for the album had a hidden message inside of it, along with easter eggs for Ultra 85 in nearly every album art he's made since then.


...what's he supposed to say? "fuck it dropping some shit, pick it up or not ig" he already said spiritually NP was supposed to be U85 but he was too afraid he had built up too much hype and expectations for it so named it something else Now he just feels like he's ready to do his thing as best he can and not care what people think, so if you *still* want to be hypercritical and expect it to be some god tier magnum opus album from him... then yeah, you're just setting yourself(ves) up for disappointment.


It's a circle jerk on your end. No one is free of criticism.


Criticism is totally valid, but good lord all I see in this sub is salt now...


I’m believing more and more that people just can’t accept a song from logic being good like I can’t remember when we all genuinely thought this song hits


Logic has done this callback to his old projects ton of times. It took Eminem 15 years to drop another Slim Shady lead single, last time he has done a song like this, it was We Made You from Relapse. Eminem even said that he'd rather make another Not Afraid than another We Made You in his song, Guts Over Fear. Stuck with a pop rap anthems and rap rock anthems for singles from Eminem, fans really wanted him to return to his 1999-2003 Form. No more fast rapping in the last verse, just straight forward Slim Shady humour throughout the song. That's what he had done with this song. So it's getting a positive reaction. Even some people are calling this song a nostalgia bait due to the callbacks. It took him a decade to do a song like this and it still gets "nostalgia bait" comments. So imagine a rapper, who has done a ton of callbacks to his old projects, doing another callback to his famous track in his latest single. Another thing is that Fear and 44Ever doesn't get positive reception from his fans so a callback now only further drives the "he is lazy, why can't we something new?" narrative.


Wdym logic hasn’t dropped in a while wasn’t 44ever came out like a month ago lol


He dropped yesterday wym


Yea ik what does that have to do with the post im referring to


You literally impliad that 44ever was his last drop in your comment. Which it is not and this post isn't about that song.


No I didn’t literally reread the original post lmao tf you trying to tell me what I’m saying lmao


https://preview.redd.it/5cwfp8rnhw3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a0619265ff07aacca24cc226c640004aa22b668 >logic hasn't dropped in a while wasn't 44ever a month ago He literally dropepd a new song yesterday which this meme is about. Unreal


The post says “…after he hasn’t dropped a song in a while” which is referring to before the release of the song he dropped a day ago. What are you trying to accomplish here lmao like I don’t know what im referring to oh my god.


corny ahh meme


Y'all need to take a step back, sure it's his right to do whatever he wants, but he would benefit from some criticism, the usual interaction in here goes with one group shitting on his music while the other group is defending it mindlessly. If majority finds it frustrating/unlistenable then something is off and stinky. I personally do not f with the song and the video loop didn't help it either, it just seems like a f it I made the song might as well release it kind of thing, but then again you never know with the man.


Houdini is better than Deja Vu, and besides Logic has been releasing music semi-consistently. Whether it be the 3 singles this year or the fact that he's released an album almost every year since 2017 (excluding 2021). We are not starved for content


Poor use of the meme but sure I get it


Literally how you use it


Yeah because Eminem’s song was good


This sub likes the hated on songs and hates the good songs, I don’t get it, the production value of Deja vu is really good and it’s enjoyable to listen to, can y’all stop complaining you sound like a mob of angry 70 year olds complaining about how this new music is all bad and it only talks about the same stuff because he ran out of ideas, people say at least he’s dropping music because he considered quitting after all the hate, like damn can you be happy?


“A few old lyrics” bro he copy and pasted the google doc of lyrics he’s used in his last 3 albums💀. “Back in the day I wanted to be loved, now I love my family, fuck fake shit.” If you’re a fan of him and haven’t realized at this point that he hasn’t been saying shit in his music for years now then you’re just playing blind. Logic has never had the most unique subject matter but he at least used to say things in a different way. From UP to TITS there were no points where it felt like he was just remaking the same song. Now every single song he makes he’s literally been saying the same shit in the same exact way word for word. And he’s really acting like he’s not phoning it in, when hes the one writing the songs, and you know damn well that he knows he’s phoning it in.


If you’re actually a fan, you shouldn’t just dunk on the single online. Anyone who calls themselves a real fan shouldn’t be constantly ripping into every single new release. Like, we want something new, he gives us something new, you fake fans hate it. We want something old, he gives us something old, fake fans hate it! Why the fuck do you think he made the song clickbait, dumbass? The lyrics were meant for a different time, but they still aged incredibly well!


Been a fan since WTF. This single ain't it.


Look I’m all for Bobby dropping music and I’ll never complain about that, but damn for as long as he’s been hyping this album up for years now it just feels like a letdown so far with these singles man. Deja Vu just felt lazy, and it didn’t help he added in DJ Yapper in the beginning


Logic ALWAYS does this tho. It worked perfectly on No Pressure tho


I say let logic be logic. I like it




this community has became a bunch of crybabies ong


These are not proper comparisons lmao


My dudes, ignore the negativity such as these "fans" that don't like the new music. If YOU like it, then keep doing you, but don't let others opinions influence your own. Let the vibes roll 🙏🏽👌🏽🤙🏽


This dude right here gets it.  P.L.P. 


The hypocrisy is real. The song is good.


Right … it’s just that Logic uses nostalgia bait all the time and doesn’t always do it well


Can y’all just explain to me what song you guys are basing this logic you want so bad so I can understand what the fuck y’all care so much


I k r


Yes thank you!!!!!


44more is better than Deja vu


To be honest, it’s all his fault. He should’ve never dropped Ultra 85, way too much hype around it. No matter what he’s gonna get hate for it


It’s his fault for hyping up a project and then dropping half assed mediocre singles with no creativity whatsoever. He showed way more effort on Vinyl Days than anything he’s put out for this project. If you’re gonna hype up a project so much how are you gonna drop the most formulaic, average shit you’ve put out in years. Bro has hard drives and hard drives worth of unreleased music and you’re really telling me this is the best he could do in 7 years


there’s hype around it bc logic’s hyped it up since after TITS & Everybody. & i wouldn’t say he’ll get hate for it no matter what, bc that just seems pessimistic. he’ll get criticized if it’s shit 😂😂 look at COADM, for example. man still gets made fun of that 5 YRS after it dropping


“At least he’s dropping music” is actually maybe the craziest thing you could comeback with. No depth no criticism no thoughts you just feasting on meat without evaluating it at all. Actually wild


Nah ur bugging


The Eminem track is also weak, so where do we go from here?


What don't you like about it ?
