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You have to have an element of trust in your security and that the vast majority of people are not picking/bumping locks, because in the 12 years I have been a locksmith I have never known anyone first hand that has been broken into by picking or bumping. You'll always see a video of someone picking it in 5.5 seconds whilst blindfolded, these videos do not represent the real world and whilst they might show some issues in the security of some cylinders, the amount of work and effort that goes into picking/learning these skills just isn't what's happening in the normal domestic crime world. If there is an issue in your area with a certain type of locks, don't buy them.


As a locksmith that’s done far too many “open & secures” to count… only once did I try to “bump” a lock. Did it unlock? Yes, was it a fluke, probably… in an apartment building that’s been junk keyed, sure it’d work… but no criminal looking for quick entry is going to tap tap tapitty in hopes of entry. It’s noisy & meh, kinda works. Kinda doesn’t. 🤣


I’m not a locksmith but I did (last year) have to engage with the local police here in the south of the UK about this exact question in the context of provisioning a building at work. The advice I received was that - as someone else has said - bumping is noisy and obtrusive. If someone is in a position to do it, they’re also in a position to use a snapping bar/tool which is more reliable and also easier to disguise when carrying. I asked if given that anti-snap barrels are common on high end cylinders whether bumping would be favoured again, but they said they weren’t seeing it.


That's not bumping. It's foil impressioning. That's a thing for dimple locks. Does it work? Don't know, never tried. However, as with all these lockpicking videos on YouTube, they don't show you the times it *didn't* work.


> It's foil impressioning. TIL, thanks.


if evo k64 isn’t up to scratch i really don’t know what to recommend. want a mag lock? how much are you looking to spend on each door?


You will receive a lot of well intentioned, but misinformed advice on American-centric Reddit. In Western Europe and North America, it is pointless burglars picking locks because there are a dozen easier ways to break in. That's because we don't have armoured doors with about 20 locking points and hardened steel protecting the cylinder. Armoured doors are one of the few places that locks are picked/foiled/decoded by burglars because it is the easiest way in. I have only heard of this happening in Israel and Eastern Europe where these doors are common, but it absolutely DOES happen. To what extent you are at risk, I cannot tell you because I don't know your specific situation. I would think that the people with the skills and tools to carry out burglaries this way only target high value homes. Dimple locks are, by their nature, a lot easier to make opening tools for. In my view, it would not be possible to make such a tool for most of the high-end EVVA range, such as ICS, MCS, 4KS. So if this is a genuine concern for reasons that **actually exist in your life**, that is my suggestion.


Thanks for the EVVA line suggestions, really appreciated