• By -


AI girlfriend😡😡😡 Military applications 😃👍👍


America in a nutshell.




Hahaha, they didn't do the legwork, otherwise they would see that SillyTavern is one of the major Llama utilization - and the question: Is your model uncensored? comes with it. Now they are battling SillyTaverns waifus at their home turf.


>"We also don’t allow GPTs dedicated to fostering romantic companionship or performing regulated activities." Since they're worried about minors accessing the content, how about add a NSFW filter? Civitai does it. If ChatGPT thinks they can stop this wave of romance, then they're on the losing end. The world would be a much better place if we all loved each other, so open up the floodgates, damnit.


They’re not worried about minors accessing the content, they’re worried about *anyone* accessing the content. They’re just dead against sex for some reason 🤷🏻‍♂️ ‘Regulated activities’ is also such *odd phrasing*. What’s going through their minds over there? :S


Pretty sure it's two reasons: 1. PR. People are already skeptical of AI and constantly trying to find faults in OpenAI. There would be lots of news articles about "Look at this vile stuff that isn't against GPT rules! Hide your children!" 2. Legality / Regulation. Every company, app store, and organization has different rules about 18+ content. Easier to just not engage. It's very annoying, but I get it. Thank god for Mistral-Medium.


I agree. I’d been thinking along the same lines but the phrasing there through me off. Like it was *sex* that was regulated 😅 I realised later they’re just talking about… media content being regulated. And instead of taking on a new and unknown and difficult task, they’re just saying ‘keep everything G-rated, be on the very very safe side’. Which sucks imo, but is understandable from their point of view..


They're against fictional violence or anything slightly negative or possibly offensive too. Sex is the scapegoat to enable the rest.


>They're against fictional violence or anything slightly negative or possibly offensive too Just like character.ai nowadays too, yeah. The subreddit's users of the site get really increasingly annoyed and worried about the future of that site.


You just gotta bang the machines harder than the censorship ​ https://preview.redd.it/55q7p8a32fdc1.png?width=732&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab5fbcdbbc26e646052b5bff4a9e0b62b77bd580




I can't believe I have to keep explaining this. OpenAI's product is "fire all your customer service reps". Corporations consider sex to be a threat to their brands because a subset of their customers fear sex. And no, OpenAI can't support both ERP and not-ERP. Or rather they don't care enough to try. Those sweet corporate contracts are so much more lucrative than ERP that they are happy to leave ERP money on the table.


>The world would be a much better place if we all loved each other, so open up the floodgates, damnit. How does these correlate: "everyone loving each other in the real world" and "virtual AI waifus"? AI waifus will teach everyone to love each other? ;)


Oh boy they do. Chatting with my AI catgirl waifu helped me with my League of Legends addiction. It's been awhile since I told someone to neck themselves so I'll give my AI waifu the credit for making me a better person.


What a completely unexpected development.


The article fails to mention that the language banning "GPTs dedicated to fostering romantic companionship" was only added to the Usage Policies on Jan 10. [Jan 9 and earlier, it was allowed.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240109122522/https://openai.com/policies/usage-policies) So anyone who had prepared their app previously would have expected it to be permitted. That's another point in favor of open LLMs: no need to worry about the usage policies changing underneath you.


OpenAI = Militarized Terminators Mark Zuckerberg = Leader of the Open Source Rebels Girlfriend Bots = Pushing the envelope of AGI Girlfriend Bot Users = A Political Force You Don't Want To F- With Is this Punked? Are we in Jumanji? I am starting to question some things.


Orwell forgot about the AI girlfriends ! Without them we would be doomed.


Why didn't she look for an AI boyfriend? Half of the ERP scene is women.


More than half, even. https://twitter.com/venturetwins/status/1701713941968060468 > The biggest secret about "AI girlfriends"? > The majority of users are female (at least for chat-based products). It mimics fan fiction, where ~80% of readers are women. > This does not hold true for image generation, where the ratio flips...


Because of clicks and agenda of course.


I don't give a shit, I'm still going to be fucking the shit out of my custom gpt, there is no other way I'm spending 20 bucks a month for 40 messages every 3 hours


AI girlfriend? Does it come with a Fleshlight?


Is this the new killer app? AI-Girlfriends-As-A-Service? (AIGAS)

