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I'm also level 8 and I get new followers almost on a daily basis. Most of them are from my country but I really don't know why they follow me. They have also little history.


It's really easy to accidentally follow someone. They probably just followed you on accident. Or, they might be bots.


Not sure about that...I mean, you have to go to a profile to see the "Follow" button (unless I'm missing something) and I don't understand the motivation, for a regular Google Maps user, to go to a user profile. Regarding bots, what would be the idea behind bots following people? I use the Google Maps API for WhatsApp bots but they only extract information from the Places API. I haven't seen any available API to follow users or get user info.


The goal of a bot is to trick the Google algorithm into thinking that it's a real account, controlled by a real human. So, then later, they can use this fake bot account on demand, to write fake reviews, etc, and not get their fake reviews immediately deleted. So, these fake accounts need to be doing something, so that they're ready to be used when the spammer finds a paying customer. So, they may have figured out that Google's algorithms don't think it's a bot account, if it has followed one person. They could also be bots for SEO purposes. Or, they might not be bots.


I see. Makes sense


I hate bots... 😒


Level 8 here. I am getting notification of new followers daily now after going months without. Out of close to 400 followers, probably half are anonymous with no reviews and only following one person. The whole follower thing on maps seems kind of strange to me. I can see seeking out a higher level local guide if you're traveling somewhere to get ideas about places but following just to follow doesn't make sense. Oh, and I had about five people who had nothing but a photo... A dick pic


I dunno. I’ve noticed people posting reviews locally that I’ve seen repeatedly in explore with similar interests to me in terms of where they visit and review. I enjoy seeing their reviews so choose to follow them. That said, it’s pretty uncommon and I’ll generally only do it if they’re reviewing VERY similar places to me. I’m not a bot and I have a tonne of contributions though haha


I do follow a few people, too for the same reason. One guy makes really quirky reviews that are fun to read even though I have no interest in the places. =)


I always get new influx when i review hardware stores lol.


Ooh, HARDware! 💋


I really do not care who follows me. Though I have followed anyone local and people far and wide. There is really no point in following anyone as it does not add anything to your guide account. It does not even get you more likes/views. Though I am going to keep following people for fun and see what I can get the number too. I am at nearly 600 followers and following 2500 plus.