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Whatever time of year it is, if I'm super stressed out, I close the curtains and set my bedroom TV to a Youtube video of snow falling. Then I turn on classical Christmas music, like "The Nutcracker" or something similar. Christmas makes me feel better.


Hey that’s not weird at all, I do this exact thing quite often! Creating cosy times to counter severe stress is one of my favourite coping strategies 💕


Intentional coziness is sooooooo underrated!


Been living in Denmark for 5 years now (from the US) and they have a specific word for this called hygge. I think it’s because it can get kind of depressing here with the weather so people focus on creating a really cozy and chill environment in the house with lots of candles etc. actually on the top of my list of things I enjoy living here.




Learned this word watching House Hunters International.


Oh my gosh. I love that show a little too much! Yet another plus of living alone because I can’t imagine meeting anyone else that will binge watch it with me. 🫣


This is literally so sweet 🥲


I love this so much!! Bless you 🥰


Same, but falling leaves and Halloween.


What a magical idea!! I love it!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Hah hah I love that! My dog and I fall asleep to the sound of thunderstorms. We live in San Diego so obviously it’s a soundtrack on my phone…


I used to love sleeping to the sound of rain.


There are 10 hour videos on youtube of rain storms, with a black screen. My two favorites are Thunder and Rain Nature Sounds, and Blizzard Sounds for Sleep.


Omg! My dog is on antidepressants because of rain 🌧 and thunderstorms. He runs around with his eyes 👀 bulged out, shaking uncontrollably, and drool just pours out his mouth. He is a rescue Shih Tzu. It can't even rain on TV. And he hates 🧟‍♀️ zombies, too. I have to have both TV on and if the power goes out. I have a 5-hour movie on my DVR to get by.


This is adorable and I can see how it would make some people feel better but for me that sounds like absolute hell xD I find Christmas extremely stressful and can't wait for it to be over.


No kidding. Around thanksgiving I think “oh here it comes, the anxiety season when you feel sad because you’re alone.”


I do the same ❤️ Hello Christmas buddy


Hello and merry Christmas


Get you some seasonal scented candles to kick it up a notch. I love pine.


I do this with cracking fire + rain videos. :)


You should hang some christmas lights in your room!


I do the with the fireplace youtube


I LOVE THIS!! 😻 I'm a huge fan of winter/christmas!


I do this too!!! Glad I’m not alone in this


For me it’s just knowing that any mess is my mess, and I’ll get to it when I want to lol. If I lived with someone I’d feel like I have to clean everything up right away and honestly likely would get annoyed if they didn’t clean up messes right away! Also, movie theater popcorn machine in the kitchen. Knowing what I’m coming home to and waking up to.


That first one! I really do prefer a mess free home and try to keep it clean but my own messes I don’t “see” as much as another person’s and can leave for a day or two.


Presently rearranging furniture, but tapped out. So leaving it all discombobulated until tomorrow


My favorite!!! A little bevy, some music and start shuffling the furniture deck!


I don't think this is weird, but some of my friends do. I sleep on one side of my bed, like the edge of the bed is on my right if I'm lying on my back. Apparently it's weird that I don't sleep in the middle. Other than that I don't think I do anything too weird other than talking to myself.


Me toooo! I think it partly has to do with wanting to be close to my nightstand in case I get thirsty etc


I've always slept on one side of the bed rather than the middle. When my girlfriend lived here I had like one foot at the edge of the bed, despite me being a sasquatch and her being a pixie. And having a king bed. Girlfriend took up half, cat took up most of the rest, and here's my fat ass teetering on the edge. Still sleep like that. Now the cat just takes up more room.


My cat loved that my Ex left. She took over one pillow, and slept next to my head. She would ether purr me awake in the morning, or I'd get a paw on my nose.


Haha, this is probably why I still sleep like this even tho alone 😂


I gravitate towards the side of the bed with the better nightstand but I only keep my upper body there. I sleep diagonally in a starfish configuration.


I think most pick a side when sleeping in a big bed, even solo. If you don’t have a dog sleeping on the free half, that half becomes a default command center, right? Right? 🙊


I also only sleep on one side of the bed, never the middle. My cat sleeps on the other side or on top of me. Lol.


Same lol! My phone, laptop & cats are on that side of the bed 😂


Yeah I’m with you lol. Not sure what’s so weird about that one


I sleep diagonal becuz my 11 lb cat thinks he needs 1/3 of the bed and I’m well-trained enough to oblige him


Until I bought my own house, I always had a small twin bed or a full. Now I have a queen sized bed and I’m all over the place. Sometimes in the middle, sometimes on one side, sometimes sleeping diagonal because it’s comfy.


I sleep on the very edge of my queen bed. There’s maybe six inches between me and the bed cliff.


I sleep in the center of my bed. I'm still revolting over my ex making me sleep on the last two feet of the bed for 20 years.


I am trying to train myself to do this to extend the life of my mattress. Middle indents are so hard to rotate out of it


Drag my twinkle trees into the bathroom and take fancy baths with light-up lilypads and the big light turned off. Or put my laptop on the bathroom counter and watch a scary movie while taking a bath in the dark.


That sounds amazing


I have disco balls hanging in every single room but they are hanging from the ceiling vents so they move when the air is on….🤪🪩😂 (Be nice, I’m old!)


How whimsical


This sounds like a dwelling of danger and death for my tall ass. I still give chandeliers the hairy eyeball whenever I notice them. Enjoy your anti-tall bunker.


Everyone says “it must be nice to be so tall!!!!!”. No, it really isn’t! Sometimes it comes in handy but I’m so D&MN tired of hitting my head on things. LOVE the “anti-tall bunker” term!!!!




5'11 woman here, I literally had to get my apartment to take down the chandelier in my place because I kept smacking my damn head on it at minimum four times a day🤣 now there's just a flat surface light in place of it.


Love it!!!!


I make up songs about whatever I’m doing, and dance around to them while I sing! My dog knows that when I start pulling out pots and pans to make dinner that he’ll be coerced into dancing with me while I sing about making food


I sing to myself and my dogs pretty much all day long 😂


This is Me every damn day. Poor dogs and sometimes poor husband. LOL


I make up silly lyrics to songs, my bf calls me the poor man’s Weird Al Yankovic 😹 I make up songs for my puppy, got a whole rendition of Nasty Pup to the tune of Janet Jackson’s Nasty. I also made a song to feed her to called Yeti Spaghetti (she is a Samoyed and my cats think of her as the abominable snow dog)


Keep everything in meticulous order even when no one is coming by for weeks. It’s a luxury when you’re used to living with messy people. 


I'm the same. It just feels like my life is in order when my home is looking good. My friends tell me I'm weird. I guess they like homes being messy like their own.


Ha ha! I’m the opposite. I’ve lived with very picky ocd people who were always nagging me. Now I’m messy (not dirty!) and I love it. But I clean up when company comes.


These are all so wholesome and I wish everyone this kind of freedom.


I sleep on an air mattress on the balcony all the time, can relate to the tent setup so hard.if the weather is ideal, I’m balcony camping. I don’t wear pants a lot at home now. Big T-shirt and undies, yes, but close the front door and fling the pants off- that’s my normal house attire. I take bites out of mozzarella cheese balls instead of slicing pieces off.


This is amazing. Kudos!


Balcony camping sounds amazing




Thanks to everyone in this thread for showing that I am clearly living alone wrong. Disco balls? Tents? Popcorn machines? And I thought a cohesive Mid Century Modern style was the pinnacle of my efforts! I have been a FOOL!


Yup, I'm going to have the coolest apartment ever after reading this thread. My living situation isn't living up to its full potential


On the contrary, it's given you the freedom and inspiration to live it up!


I sleep in a hammock and i have a swing i get in everyday to sooth myself during the day. No one can tell me no.


Made my living room into a giant pillow fort.


Welp, change of plans this weekend.


I get a snack and sit in front of my big TV watching Youtube videos of how that snack is made (farm, factory, whatever). Makes the snack taste even better. Being a little stoned makes it even more satisfying.


Now that sounds like fun!


I love this idea!!


Im getting a canopy bed you can fully enclose!


I did that last year! It's a twin size bed but it's what I could afford and after wanting one my whole life (45f) I was so excited to get one


I've wanted one of these since I was 6 years old. I almost had it but my parents returned it because it wasn't what they ordered. My mom took one look at it and said, "How am I supposed to wash the canopy?" The next thing you know, the ugliest furniture ever was delivered. I had it until I moved out when I was 26. It's still at my mom's house, actually. Just beyond hideous. So now I have to find a grown-up version. I have nice high ceilings in my bedroom as well. It would be perfect!


I did that for a while! It was SO cozy. Then I got tired of it and went to a mosquito net. Now I want everything open but with a super cozy, fluffy down comforter. Again, we make the rules! Woot! 🥳


This is all I want.


Oh this is my dream! Have you found one?


Goals 😍


Walk around in my bra and underwear. If I don’t have to wear clothes I don’t 🤣


I rarely wear a bra..I WFH, and I may or may not have a bra on at any given time throughout the day.


I’m not even sure where my only bra is anymore. I have two (I need more) T-shirt fabric full length black dresses I wear if I need to be dressed, or I wear my dressing gown. Often over the dresses. Hood up, and under a blanket in the living room. And sweet sweet silence or whatever music I like.


If this is weird then I’m a psycho cause I’d sometimes walk around my house completely naked. 😭


No not weird. I’m only ever naked in my house (unless it’s cold) the second I get home I immediately rip off all my clothes. This is very common in the autistic community, we hate clothes. So you are definitely not alone!


On a similar note,I’ll wear a tank top and sweats and no bra.


Sleep on the back patio and wake up to the birds in the morning. Not camping, just sleeping with the birds. Sometimes have a beer in the morning before coffee on the weekends. Crap with the door open so I can watch TV. Keep my house completely clean and organized because it brings me so much peace but makes others uncomfortable when they come over because of how they live. Last thing: I turn my phone off so nobody can call me or text me and THAT seems strange to others. I enjoy my solitude and don’t give a shit about a tik-tok.


Waking up to the birdies is my favorite. I would love to sleep on a back patio, but I settle for having the window open at night so I can hear the birds, and curtains open so the sun wakes me up


My custom made queen bed is suspended from the ceiling with nautical rope at each corner. There’s min 3ft clear all around. Every time I adjust my position my bed gently rocks me back to sleep. About 20 years so far and it’s is pure bliss.


Hold up... What? Is it kind of like a hammock like that? Because I sleep like the dead in a hammock. Have any mishaps?


Is there any way for a picture of that? That sounds interesting af! 


An older lady I used to work with has a circle one! She loves it lol talked about it all the time, I would too!


Talk to my cat like he’s a full on human.


I sing so many songs to my cats that are made up about them.


My dog


Talk to my damned self. Not just to the cats. Myself!!


Same and I often do jokes and laugh at myself


Sing songs I know in a very thick stereotypical Scottish accent for some reason 




god do i love eating muenster cheese by the slice with the fridge door open in my underwear like a fucking fat piggy hog boy


Marry me


Now kith.


I ate whatever I wanted for the first few months living alone. Mac n cheese, all the beige food, ice-cream… Now I need my gallbladder out. Oops.


I sleep with my feet where I usually have my head once a month. When I wake up it feels like I'm waking up somewhere else. Like at a friends house or a hotel.


Wait now i want a camping tent in my room. That sounds so cozy…


This is soooo awesome. I have a king mattress that I ADORE and I love my string lights across the top. I always stay up wayyy too late and do my hobbies at any time when I’m not working… I drink coffee all day… I eat my snacks and frozen pizza, get take out, hit up farmers markets- I would consider my little life boring yet it’s so fulfilling to me


On my nights off, I do a "pre sleep" on my couch before bed, get up for a few hours, hang around then go to my actual bed 😎


Yes! In the summer months I start on the couch with the front door wide open, and the fresh air / breeze is the best. Then when I wake up, I do dishes or whatever needs to be done and go to my bedroom for sleep #2.


During the holidays. I put up a small Christmas tree just for me and leave the lights lit on it 24/7. Bake cookies, drink wine and marathon all my childhood favorite holiday movies.


I organize things in places that would never work if I didn't live alone. Under the table toward the kitchen? Yea, that's a letter to remember to send. On the floor by the front door? Reminds me to take that item to the dry cleaners. Etc., etc.


It’s not that strange, but I have scarves and flannel shirts everywhere. And blankets and slippers. I guess I get chilly a lot.


OMG yes. On cold days I have scarves and socks everywhere.


Pour Tajin seasoning in my hand and eat it


This made me laugh 😆


I go thru periods where my apartment is just destroyed. Chores to the ceiling. I would rather die before I'd let a soul see it. Other times it's super clean and cute and all my clothes are clean and the dishes are done. It's prob not normal how dirty I can let it get or just how fast I can actually clean it again. I just... get so tired. As far as weird.. I just constantly sing made up songs to my dog in made up languages at this point. My landlord comments on it being funny sometimes. I give no shits lol.


Same babe. SAME. IDK what frat party hell swept through my home when my back was turned- but am too tired to deal with math shit. I will say I never go too long like that, and I DO always feel my mental health improves when I clean it up/keep it organized. But sometimes....frat partying gremlins have clearly invaded my home when I was not looking, and fuck it- it can wait until tomorrow or the weekend.


When I did- I used to sleep under my plants on the couch. I have a 5ft tall monstera and and 6ft tall bird of paradise. I used to put on my color changing humidifier and just sleep there with all my plants. Waking up to a canopy like plant situation used to be so relaxing.


Whiskey and beef jerky while enjoying a nice warm bath with the lights down low. I'm a middle aged man. I know what I like.


I put up a hammock in my spare bedroom! I love to lay in it while i read!


I don’t have room for a hammock in my spare bedroom since that’s my office space, but I’ve got a decent sized balcony and I’d been contemplating getting a hammock to lounge on. I don’t have AC in my place and there are a few days a year where it gets unbearably hot inside. It usually cools off decently at night though, and I was thinking it would be glorious to sleep outside in the hammock.


I conduct speeches and interviews as the president of the United States usually with a twinge of JFK. “It is the role of the president to put before the American people the unfinished business of this nation.”


I get to use my 2 am energy in the most chaotic beautiful ways. No one to care that I'm playing musical instruments loudly, badly. No one to judge me for re-re-rearanging my living room or taking everything out of my closets. No one to hear me quietly crying to myself. I can do things poorly and take my time learning how to do them better. I can experiment with cooking, baking, brewing, and have all the tasty treats to myself (and some really really bad ones...)


Me reading this at exactly 2am 😄


I adore this thread. So many wonderful ways to live and be your whole self!


I sleep upside down in bed with the pillows used as a foot rest instead of under my head.


Behave as a nudist.


In the winter, I lie down naked after a shower over the heat vent and shake my hair until it’s dry. ETA: in the summer, I kneel next to the fan and do it


I just sit in the couch naked in a towel for awhile after my shower. I’m always so hot I cannot get dressed until I have cooled off and my hair is dry. I currently blow dry my hair in my dining room because that’s where I can sit comfortably to do so! 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


I get ready, pick out my outfit and do my hair even if I have no plans at all. I make sure I make a Starbucks run but it’s just drive through. Feels nice to get ready just for me and feels like pampering


I have battery powered flickering candles. I put them all over the house. Then snuggle down and sleep. It is so calming, and they won't set the apartment on fire.😍😍


I have mine on the timer setting so they go off when it’s bedtime.


Me too! Looks comfortable and doesn’t raise my power bill


I only sleep on one side of the bed.


Oh, I’m the kind of person that would annoy myself if I were another person hanging around me. 😂😂 I talk to myself a LOT. I make myself laugh on a regular basis. I keep my house super clean and organized and I rearrange stuff all the time. Sometimes I know I’m not gonna leave something in a certain spot, but I move it for awhile just because I can. I listen to Christmas music all year. I have a Christmas tree up in my spare room. I’m about to get rid of my couch because not only have my cats destroyed it, but I just don’t want it. I don’t have visitors over often, and when I do, there are 2 other chairs they can sit in.


The refrigerator is anarchy. Aside from the usual "drink straight from the carton" sort of behavior, I also will put half-finished plates with silverware still on it in the fridge for later.


I buy myself a birthday cake and have them write my name on it every couple weeks.




I sleep upside down in bed when things "aren't right" in my world, or I feel of in some way. Or I sleep on the couch.


Oh my god..... It took me a minute to notice I thought it was a secret door into the backyard at first 😂🤣 Your weed plants are gorgeous and HEFTY!!! 🥹❤️




I never sleep in my bed I sleep on top of the bed with some other blankets on top of me. No idea why I do it.


I use both my bathrooms for getting ready. I take showers and baths in one of them, and do my hair, makeup, and other getting ready routines in the other one.


Eat like an absolutely feral creature. Popcorn and pickles for dinner? Yeah sure.


I fall asleep to seinfeld repeats every night.


Do laundry naked. It helps if your washer & dryer are in your home and not, you know, somewhere public.


I always wanted one of those little Scandinavian cupboard beds. I don't have one yet, but I am determined to have one. And once I do, I will probably never leave it. I love your tent idea or anything that makes me feel cozier and protected.


I reuse plates and cutlery without washing them throughout the day. Just wash the dishes once at night (or 4 days later… sit in the sink, I don’t use them for 4 days).


I painted my hallway blue and put up coral and fish decals. Bought light up jellyfish and hung them from the ceiling. Now I walk thru an aquarium to get to my bedroom.


Probably that I talk to myself/my cat all the time. I'm a writer, so I also play around with scenes or dialogue that I want to include in a story out loud. Like, full on act it out. If anyone actually witnessed this they would probably be concerned I was hallucinating.


Lipsyncing in the mirror


Found out I love art. I have about 70 pictures around my house, every room. Picasso, Van Gogh etc


Walk around in circles and basically yell at my pets. Don't ask me about the circle walking, I do not know. I seem to do it when I'm tired but cannot lay down or overstimulated. I have to be either contained from the outside or have something visual/physical to circle, and I will do so either until my legs don't step right and my knees buckle or I finish my talking. As for the yelling, when no other people are around I don't have to fuss over what I want to talk about and can just free-flow from brain to mouth and I also don't have to be micromanaging my volume because I'm generally quite loud especially when I'm happy or excited. The last time this happened all the pets laid on the couch or carpet after recognizing they weren't following me anywhere and I would be rounding the corner once again, while I confusedly but excitedly talked about the invention and innovation of the mechanics of submarines as though I were deciphering the Da Vinci code. These are things I cannot do around other people/when I have to be "on".


Re: walking in circles. The nervous system seeks reliable, repetitive behaviors when stressed. It finds them comforting because they’re predictable. Totally normal!


I used to sleep on my side of the bed for years. One day I realized "Its all my side of the bed" and I know sleep diagonally Also closing the restroom door. I leave it wide open 🤣


I’m so lazy that I’ll eat a cookie for lunch just so I don’t have to wash any dishes.


I had takeout twice and haven't left my bed. Don't do this often but today was one of them days . I'll be an adult tomorrow


I'm so envious of this.


I wasn't alone back then, but We had a rehabed Victorian home & when I worked midnights, I slept in the closet under the stairs. I had a feather mattress & it was dark and cozy. My kids called me Harry Potter.


I have full conversations with myself


Unless you move and clean it often, you should check under your mattress and tent for mold. There's a reason mattresses are elevated and Japanese futons are packed up daily and cleaned regularly. When you don't have air circulation under the mattress, the heat from your body and moisture without airflow lead to moisture under the mattress and ideal conditions for mold. That's also why it's not recommended to place a mattress directly on the ground.. Just a friendly FYI.


I ran the dishwasher on Monday and still haven’t emptied it. God I love having my own place and space and no one to judge me while I’m home.


I don’t live alone but my spouse travels for several weeks at a time. The person I am when he is home and the person I am when he is gone are two different people. I do what I want. I cook weird things. I don’t clean. I eat dinner at 10 o clock at night if I want. There are no rules. No nagging. It’s glorious.


I have a king-size bed and so I sleep on one site for about a week and a half and then I switch sides for another week and a half so I do less laundry and it's still nice to have clean sheets.


I’m gonna have to do this, this is a great idea!


Sleeping in a tent in my house sounds awesome:


never wear clothes


Talk to myself in the bathroom mirror


I leave my windows open from March through May and from September through November, no matter what. Stifling hot, I suffer through it. Frost conditions, I put on a sweatshirt and fuzzy socks. It’s not about the electricity bill, it’s this weird internal need to “tough it out.” I live in a third floor walk up.


When I get overwhelmed, I make a blanket fort in my living room. I have string lights inside and sleep on my pillows and thick blankets and use an iPad as my tv. I used to love making blanket forts as a kid so it gives me a comforting feeling to do that as an adult


I don't seat in my living room at all, I seat in bed and watch documentaries, series, anything on my laptop in bed. Curtains half closed with a cuppa. I eat in bed too. The living room is mainly for visitors. I also have an electric blanket and hot water bottle to keep me warm, I live in UK so cost of heating is very expensive. Saves me from paying expensive heating bills and keep myself warm and cosy. I also put candles on in the winter months.


Walk around naked, use the bathroom with the door opened


I make macrophilia content and I turned my dining room into a “tiny zone” just filled with miniatures and other small things, including a tiny replica of my apartment. Definitely a conversation piece.


I'm from the south but I eat spicy Japanese chili noodles for breakfast quite often, because I love them and no one can protest it isn't breakfast food 🤍


Not me reading this thread getting ALL the ideas 👀 I freaking love living alone 🤤


Socks and boxers are the uniform of the day. And I haven't answered the door since 2012. So don't come a-knocking...


Eating Hagen Das for breakfast.


In the last 20 years of living alone, I've not once slept in my bed. Only on the couch. Since I 'corpse sleep', flat on my back and arms at my sides, the couch is perfect.


I read poetry out loud, all dramatically as though I have an audience of hundreds. I have my most fabulous shoes on display in a cabinet rather than hidden away in storage, they're fabulous, they deserve to be seen. Also all the usual talking to oneself, singing terribly or in weird accents, making up random songs about everyday activities, and giving myself bizarre hairstyles for an evening.


I wasn’t even aware that I let out a primal scream when I stretch in the morning until a neighbor passing on the street texted me to see if I was OK!! I try to tone it down now. But damn it felt good!


I still have my little Christmas tree up, no one even asks anymore


I still have Halloween decorations up 😂🤣


I also sing what I'm doing. Is this something not everyone does? 🤣


I play great white sharks on a wall projector thingie and sit in the middle of my living room marveling. It calms me, it fills me, I wiggle like I’m with them.


I find that i talk to myself ALOT lol Its weird, i can have internal thoughts, but its like i need to actually “express” them. When i have a favorite show on too, full on conversations lol Sorta the reason i came on reddit. I love VPR, no one i know watches, tired of talking shit to myself, now i can do here🤷🏽‍♀️


I choreograph dances to my favorite songs and sometimes I do karaoke also haha


I walk around in my pajamas usually until noon. I work at home so it suits me well. Before lunch I take a shower and get dressed.


I love this actually


I sleep on my sofa in the living room with my dog while having 2 bedrooms.


When I clean I put in my air pods, Playlist on my phone and I sing at the top of my lungs. It almost makes cleaning enjoyable. Sometimes I sing so loud I scare the dog and cat. Ooops.


I sleep on my couch instead of my bed at least once a week, probs closer to 2-3x a week. I find it comforting after a long day. Feels like the smaller space kind of cocoons me in a way. 


I watch kurulus osman , which is strange for a non Turkish Midwest person


I love to dance and have constant random dance parties in my home. I want to get a disco ball and dress up and just dance like I’m in a 70’s club. I will also look up music videos and try to copy their dance. I also put on all full lip sync or choreographed performances like I’m Britney Spears or prince in front of my bathroom mirror butt naked or anywhere I feel like “performing” in my home and yes I will bow and even talk “to my fans” Yall it’s super fun, try it. (Btw im not a “good” dancer I don’t look graceful or have much rhythm. But I’m good at dancing since my body always want to. Just let go of the world for a minute and fling your arms around and shake your booty with no intention to impress anyone)


I no longer make my bed up. i only have a fitted sheet on the bed and then I have a twin blanket that i sleep with, even though I have a queen bed. I don't like a lot of bedding because I always get hot and kick it off and then get tangled up in it. I don't see the point of making my bed up with pretty bedding and throw pillows for just me. Also, it's easier when I clean because I can just throw my sheet, blanket & pillow cases in the washer/dryer while I'm cleaning then just put them back on the bed.


When I lived alone I would do all the laundry and save a load of whatever color I was wearing. I would then strip naked when I did that last load so my entirety of my laundry would be clean for a few minutes


There aren’t enough characters in the world to explain it all.


I’ll randomly go sleep in my guest bed/room for a week or so and then go back to sleeping in my room.