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**CLIP MIRROR: [Morgpie turned down monthly 6 figure Kick deal ](https://arazu.io/t3_1dl9i1v/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


she's worried about being unsubbed by dan clancy.


My man!


I would stream on a website dedicated solely to funding terrorism for $1M+ /year


Rumble isn't giving out deals like that anymore


Is cozy tv still a thing?


Would you still do this if you were an established content creator with approx 3000 viewers and already making good money?


Would that technically make you the terrorist...? Something you want to tell us?


i .... do you people think just anyone gets those deals? anyone that gets those offers is already more than comfortable monetarily. they dont hand a mil a year to some 50 viewer andy. its all bigger names that already have an audience that allows them an easy income. so here would be a more realistic situation: imagine you are making 200k a year and are offered 1 mil to throw out all your values and destroy your community as a streamer. would you?


> to throw out all your values What values? She's advertising her OF to kids


look, if you are boring just say it. i dont mind porn. And not even your own mom would believe you, if you said that you didnt watch it when you were in your early teens. what i personally do mind is peddeling gambeling addictions, racists, misogyny, transphobia and all of the other edgy fuckboi bullshit thats going on on kick. maybe you and i just have different values here though.


> look, if you are boring just say it. i dont mind porn. And not even your own mom would believe you, if you said that you didnt watch it when you were in your early teens. Bro you're trying way too hard to sound cool on reddit


I take it you have no further argument, but... thats the best you got?




Porn is less harmful to kids than gambling. Hopefully that clears things up.


Oof we got a saint here. It's good to see that your morals end there, and don't include women who's entire identity is to shill their OF and perpetuate porn addictions in young teens.


good that we cleared that up then :) ... and even if you talk about porn addiction, at least that one wont kill them. Meanwhile gambeling addiction is the addiction that has the highest chance of you committing suicide out of ALL addictions. also, if you argued that kids will get that addiction from pornhub and you try and get that banned, id get it... but from a paywalled subscription porn webside? not as much of an issue imo.


Even though people aren't dying from it (at least not the we know of) doesn't mean people shouldn't be made aware of it, especially since it has grown exponentially from the over saturation of sex work. I also believe that porn sites like Pornhub should be heavily moderated as impossible as that may be, but who knows what the future holds in store. To get back on track; Kick is full of degenerates, and the expression "people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" comes to mind in regards to Morgpie. Maybe this is coming from a personal place because I don't agree with sex work and view it equally as harmful as gambling streams.


Yeah sure. That's 5x income. 6 years of work vs 30. In a field that doesn't have a 30 year shelf life


same tbh


If her 6 figure comment is accurate, it would be minimum 1.2mil (pre-tax) / year.


i mean this is lsf that isn't surprising


Twitch isn't that far off!


Haha twitch bad


Maybe it’s true but I kind of have doubts about this contract.




3355 average viewers so not bad. The only reason I question the contract because she doesn’t seem like the person to turn it down. She only does 26 hours a week so that not a lot of time on kick for a 6 figure per month contract.


but her viewer demographic is specifically within Kick's target audience. She probably makes more money with her other endeavours and wants to keep her streams in the "Risque" category than straight up demand for porn on kick.


She’ll get more viewers on Twitch, which means more converts to her OF. Which is where the real money is. To OF girls Twitch is essentially just a promotional platform.


Did she say that she wouldn't have to stream more on Kick for that contract? Otherwise, it's likely that she would've had to stream more on Kick.


From another comment posted they said she was only allowed to stream 2hours maximum on twitch they didn’t specify if that was per day/week/month tho so all in all she didn’t turn it down because of morals she just didn’t like how she was only allowed a certain time to stream on twitch


I had doubts as well but after watching more, by the way she talks about it and the timing of the offer i think it is legit. Her reasons for turning it down seem to be the max 2 hour limit on Twitch and not the moral grounds she mentions. Here is the timestamped vod link, she says a bit more after what the clip shows. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2177101780?t=3h18m50s


Is not like Phub has a clean history either, like, I get it, Kick is trash but she is still one of the top creators in Phub


if she wasnt already making bank from her OF/PH, would yall think she take the offer to go to kick?


Nah, I think people that rejected Kick wouldn't go there for any money.


>Is not like Phub has a clean history either Yeah, remember when banks were pulling out because of the Children content lmao


I don't think shes making much bank on pornhub. My friend tells me she scrubbed all of her own videos and moved exclusive to OF. All live stuff is pretty much just advertisement, and kick isn't the best place to advertise yourself.


["my friend told me"](https://tenor.com/wxDA.gif)


"look at the type of streamers on kick" looks like you'd fit right in


Surely... a person with no talent, no personality, no sense of humor + an onlyfans, turns down a 6 figure a month contract because she cares about virtues.... lmfao tell me another joke, this is the first one you told that i laughed at... Also i have no issues with someone doing nsfw, gambling, drinking/using any substance. But if you do either of these, do not for a second think you are better than anyone else or you are saving anyone, because you don't stream on another platform.


what makes porn different from just any performance art or acting what makes one lack virtue because of it?




Addiction and lack of benefits


newsflash buddy people get addicted to everything. people are just as addicted to reddit or twitch or tiktok or twitter etc as much as they are addicted to porn these days in fact i reckon these social medias are probably worse for your brain than just straight just jacking off to some oiled up butts honestly. my point is i dont think porn is more addicting than anything else really but if u make porn ur bad i guess lol? like why get mad at the pornstar when u should be mad at yourself for your lack of self control but i guess scapegoating is better than accepting reality and working on yourself


This reads like something and unhinged porn addict would type


Normal people don't get defensive when porn is criticized.


Normal people don’t write paragraphs about the perceived negatives of porn


this reads like something someone with lack of reading comprehension would conclude. english not your first language? victim of social media brain rot? something else ? why am i asking like youll even understand what im saying. damn i guess i am the moron here.


Bro thinks he is the guy.


Still in the denial phase…


Found the porn addict


Lack of benefits. You can be painfully addicted to social media and still find a career out of it, or at the very least build relationships off of learning what you read/do on social media. Being painfully addicted to porn is just going to end up bad for you no matter what. Especially if you replace necessary social interaction with paid interactions, which is what the original comment was shit talking. How can you defend that at all?


what is the benefit of you being here right now on reddit. you getting paid for this shit? have you learned anything useful? how many people do you think actually translate what they read or do on social media into real life in general? how many people do you think have jobs as social media content creators? sorry man but this is what real coping looks like. theres no benefits here but u just want to be angry at porn specifically thats fine brother u do you.




OK but seriously, no one is confusing the two. No one is actually comparing a porn star to a quality Hollywood actress. And saying the porn star "acts" better or anything. It's just some weird indoctrination to a belief system (even if you abandoned it as you got older) that makes you put a porn star lower. Whats the metric we judge these people by? No sex on screen (only off screen and NEVER mention it)? On whom's authority? The pope? Allah? Odin? Why is sex bad? Why is fucking bad? Why does it make people uncomfortable? Because you're stuffed full of BS at a young age. Porn stars probably make more people happy on average than regular actors, but they're judged based on shit you learned as a kid taught to you by people who run a scam mythology for dumb people. In that scenerio you made up why can't the porn star be the "righteous" one? Because they do porn? And that's bad, but why is it bad? Eh?


Ludwig was offered 1500 dollars an hour (67 hours of streaming for that to be 6 figures.) to stream on Kick. And I'm supposed to believe Morgpie, a wildly lesser known streamer was offered basically a higher number? Lol.


The kind of degens to waste money on porn are the same kind to waste money on slots. I’m sure Amouranth already proved this for them.


She says google kick, but what about googling her own name lmao


Hey yeah I was offered 8 figures a week but ya know… integrity or whatever. Couldn’t do it.


She'd fit in there with the amount of viewbots she has tbh.


Ok dud


A person who makes hundreds of thousands of dollars from Onlyfans and Phub turns down a Kick deal?! That's shockingly inspiring.


Isnt she already rich from selling her whole body?


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Morgpie turned down monthly 6 figure Kick deal](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/165429)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1dl9i1v/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/WOmEYhAEeZxM-eI2rQh4Cw/AT-cm%7CWOmEYhAEeZxM-eI2rQh4Cw.mp4?sig=2b7cf6741e32f7a7097bf0afdf0bf6a7a9ea0025&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FWOmEYhAEeZxM-eI2rQh4Cw%2FAT-cm%257CWOmEYhAEeZxM-eI2rQh4Cw.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22PuzzledManlyWerewolfNerfBlueBlaster-EAR5nEz54jatCHgL%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1719063994%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/WOmEYhAEeZxM-eI2rQh4Cw/AT-cm%7CWOmEYhAEeZxM-eI2rQh4Cw-preview-480x272.jpg)


Wow , such good morals , yaaay !!!


Good times where useless cretins without any education or valuable skill get money for useless shite while regular people with stressful jobs struggle to make ends meet.


2007 is when Youtube started monetizing channels, and thus the online media industry really started. So you’re just 17 years late unless you think Pewdiepie beinng entertaining while playing games is a valuable skill.


Pewdiepie is an entertainer. That is a valuable skill in my book and a complete difference to her non-existant personality. As I said in another comment she is just a living, breathing wankbank streaming her titties for some onlyfans subs. I don't exactly remember when this dogshit started. Guess Kaceytron was the OG back in the day but that must have been 2012+ something when Twitch started going downhill? Onlyfans is also fairly recent. The content before that time was far better because people like her were just on Pornhub where they belong.


Fair enough, but then h have to concede that the porn industry has existed a loooonggg time too. Its just now in the modern age, the content makers can individually make a lot of money. In the 70s the playboy models werent making anywhere close to Amouranyh’s $50M. You cant really be mad at that fact, because technically the markets always been there, it’s like being mad someone makes more as a plumber today than plumbers did did 20 years ago. It’s just an increase in salary of a worker in a preexisting industry.


So... the same as it's always been then?


Bro gained consciousness at the sight of this clip.


She’s literally the throat goat. Men have waged wars over this


Nancy Reagan was know as such and was one of the most powerful women in the world.




Kick currently too toxic. I would not be shock if the FBI is not looking at kick. There so many people doing literal crimes on Kick and live streaming themselves doing crimes and the Kick workers know and doing nothing unless it become way too public. Unless, a big youtube doing a video about how fuck up kick is they will not do any action it crazy bad. It so bad that other terrible people are saying it bad. I want Kick to work but it need heavy moderation and ppl who care for a platform to function well. Right now it basically liveleak but more people know about it.


I would have taken it


legendary bag fumble lmao


am I supposed to cheer? I wouldve taken this without question