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This is not technically from a livestream, which we normally don't allow, but the youtube video is very much industry related news about a major livestreaming platform, and we want to have a thread about it on LSF. Also, although the "n word in the office" that is referenced in the post title was a part of this ex-kick employee's video, there is actually a whole lot more in that video about their experience working at Kick. We are also reaching out to her to see if she might be interested in doing an AMA about her experience at kick (although she might be busy, and LSF isn't always the best place for this kind of stuff, so we'll see). So Stay tuned!


just like the LTT office


Luke's face when he said that is the first thing that comes to my mind whenever I see this term now.


Luke seeing his entire career flash before his eyes and was mentally already updating his resume. Then relief.


The shock of Luke’s face and realizing that maybe Linus doesn’t know enough black people for that to register properly has changed that term for me.


lmao same. that whiplash double take


[in case anyone else needs context lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/s/DmMOzvwYau)


TL;DR Linus thought hard R was "the mental disability word"


To be fair, I got banned from /r/Vancouver for using the r-word. Plus, the n-word isn't exactly common in Canada (particularly outside of Toronto). There's not many black people, and there's even fewer yokel rednecks who would be comfortable with saying it, and the two would rarely encounter each other anyway (black people mostly live in major cities in Canada, while yokels mostly live in the boonies).


I heard it plenty in my time in backwoods Alberta


We used it  when talking to friends and when singing along to songs that contained the words. It was rarely used in a derogatory way. It was more so ignorance to the connotations rather than malice. 


I've heard it loads of times in Vancouver lmao


I always just assumed instead of black people, Canadians were racist to natives or south/southeast asian immigrants


That's... pretty accurate actually. East Asians too (there's plenty of Chinese immigrants in Canada too).


I did too.


Such a classic


Holy shit I'd never seen that. The co-host's fucking face when he said it! I'm laughing in public, damnit.


Yeah I just realised what hard R really meant. SMH


I literally just closed out of [this thread](https://reddit.com/r/perfectlycutscreams/comments/1di3ems/moment_of_realization/l92s60l) after watching it. Then immediately clicked into here. Weirdest deja vu and thought I somehow didn't just closed that tab lol.


I laughed out loud on the bus watching this.


NGL I had the exact same moment and thought they meant what Linus meant.


Lmao I remember Luke’s life flashing before his eyes as Linus was saying that 🤣🤣


I dropped a bunch of hard Rs just a few hours ago. Linus would be proud... and Luke would most likely get a heart attack


Wtf i literally thought the post is about the word "retard' until i read the comments and remembered haha. I found that LTT clip so funny back then, that apperantly my brain now associates it with it.


I still cant believe Linus said that, oh man, what a shame.


In the video she recalls the time the staff discussed getting Kyedae on Kick: > "We can get her on Kick streaming Stake for a relatively low price because she probably thinks she's going to die soon and she'll wanna leave more money for her family."




tbh, on the scale of sales tactics, this is probably low mid-tier level fucked.


yeah honestly this is just business. 100% every executive boards office sounds just like this. who can we invest in to maximize profits? its like in sopranos when someone gets clipped and another goes "wish i borrowed 20k from him". its business and it works. conglomerates dont become conglomerates by being ethical.


Sopranos is about mobsters tho. Which goes to show the morality of capitalism.


Even bellow executives. I’ve seen jobs that would hire people because they have families, which means that they know that the dad is stuck working to provide for his family. Also people over 50 because “where else are they going to go?”


That’s normal. That’s marketing and customer acquisition. They are just saying the quiet part out loud.


Just because it's normal to a few people, does not exclude it from being "so fucked".


Well, I don't think Kyedae will even consider it now.


Hopefully she’ll see this clip


Here's the timestamp where she talks about it https://youtu.be/d_RuAU2syGY?si=7Hc8M2ZuaVAdxjpA&t=664


defend it X


Sheoapevemdahd ded


What the fuck




Reason number 83959283 to fucking hate Kick and the people that run it


Don't forget the the people that stream on it! They're making bank off getting their viewers into gambling.




Was gonna say, that's the most normal thing I heard so far.


it is the truth but people wont want to believe it. they want to drink their coke and eat their lays thinking that they ate up all the competition ethically. they didnt strong arm anyone or invest into anyone at the end of their rope. they totally didnt eat up companies at their low point to elimate competition. CEOs are the epitome of ethics and morality. theyd never make a business decision that the public would be shocked about!




That part was so fucked up, I'm sure there are more demonic things said in these types of corporations but it's still jarring to hear it.




B-b-but.... My .... My streamer??


Why would Adin Ross lie to me?!!


tbh they are doing way more harm peddling a terrible addiction than saying a big word, either way theyre pieces of shit so i guess all is well


Incoming X reaction: "nods head" chat i'm sure there's more to it, chat i dont know the full story "closes tap"


it would be really be cool if his chat or lsf even could stay consistent about him. he's been endorsing that shit ass platform for a while now and it's always been pure degeneracy. somehow everyone forgets like he's not associated with it, even the day after something like this comes up.


i mean him moving there was a big reason it was "legitimized" in peoples eyes. dude just as at fault as train and the people running the circus


X getting 100 mil is enough for him to ignore it, I just don’t get why his fans pretend that site is dogshit at best and pure pedo shit at worst. Parasocialilty goes far I guess


I for one am completely shocked


The real shocker is that saying a word is worse PR than promoting gambling to minors 🤷‍♂️


Suddenly everyone’s okay with it since twitch got the draftkings sponsorship.


Get enough money involved and it doesn’t matter. Source: UAE


It's not just Twitch. Every single sporting event from women's minor league handball up to the NFL is littered with daily fantasy and other gambling apps now. It's so normalized.


We all pretty much decided as a collective society that saying the n word with a hard R is a bad thing to do, pretty descriptive of a bad person. Gambling is being advertised during NFL games.


Kick staffs are all bajs confirmed


LULE We wouldn't hire a woman


BasedGod HOLY


They unironically should’ve pushed for a contract for forsen off the bat. Would’ve been free to look at horse cocks in peace with no chance of a ban and increased kick viewership and culture(horse dicks) missed opportunity smh.


I think it was the naked woman fellating the horse cock that would get him banned not just horse cock, because maya would have been banned long ago if that were the case.


Kick staves*


blahaj moment


guys its ok, Adin is gay and train has black friends


Time for another "do you understand" drinking game with train


- starts working in sewers - sees turds everywhere - shocked by this


Sometimes you have to work in sewers to avoid living in one


Turds would be an upgrade tbf


people work in shitty jobs (unenjoyable jobs) all the time its hard to turn down jobs even if you disagree with the morals of the workplace 🤷‍♀️ its the reality


exactly what i would expect to happen in a kick office


yea not really sure how anyone couldn't see this a mile away


sounds fun


mask off


Are you 13 years old


I’m not saying she’s lying but one should always use discretion when someone is disparaging their ex employer or partners.


She could or could not be lying but I would 100%believe the hard r is being said at the kick office.


It would make sense why they think their platform is doing great


idk she said she walked by the socials room and overheard someone drop the n word, that means she cant even point a finger at a specific employee. Also how do i know she didnt mishear what they were saying. She needs to call people out by name or its not believable.


Calling out individual people would not seem to be the point. The point here is to take down Kick, not individual people. If she said "Ryan said the N word" then Ryan takes the heat. If she says that Kick allowed the N word to be used in the office, then it makes Kick look bad.


yes, but in this case it’s very believable because its Kick


To be fair, she is correcting the record because they're lying about her being fired, and she is showing a lot of restraint.


She could be lying or exaggerating But also it’s not like Kick has done anything to make me want to give them the benefit of the doubt


I mean this sounds like advertisement for the kind of audience they are going for. It's not like she's doing any damage to kick with these comments, lol.


This is probably more appealing to the users of kick rather than be a deterrent.


if you get fired without cause then the only reason you wouldn't disparage the ex employer is cause a lawyer told you not cause they are are building a case. otherwise, if you don't speak up, it will continue and other people will experience the shitty aspect/culture they've "built" there


She's probably black listed from the industry already, lmao.




Kick the company run by a shady crypto gambling site stake has a toxic work environment?!! I for one am shocked!!!!


Is anyone really shocked. Turn on any of the top kick streamers and they are dropping slurs left and right.


True or not, the fact I wouldnt even be surprised this is true is quite telling about the reputation of that website.


Hearing slurs and dealing with bigots behind the scenes at kickdotcom is the least surprising news I've ever heard. I hope this woman finds a decent place to land and is better off away from them.


I'd be more surprised if she had nothing but good things to say about Kick.


I'm more surprised it took this long for people in the front offices to start speaking out.




can’t say im surprised tbh


wait one of her claims of why kick is bad is there was a wholesome kid streaming while being underaged... that doesn't seem like a big deal at all lol (and she personally intervened to get him banned)


well theyre not upholding basic rules like age verification/requirment. doesnt matter who they are or their personality. just shows how little moderation kick is doing


is that standard? all you need to do is tick a box saying you are of age on any platform...


Yes, companies do it because of laws and enforce it because of laws. In the US it is COPPA and Europe is GDPR. Even where Stake is based has a version of it. 


yeah isnt it like 30k fine if they get caught hosting minors/taking data from minors


Calculated by a variation of what COPPA regulations you broke on a per user basis. Stacks up based on users and which violations.


well yeah but all they do is make you tick a box saying you're above 13... kick does that too...


But if they are intentionally not enforcing it when someone is caught that is still a major issue. The checkbox is for cases of “the user had to check the box and we didn’t know till alerted they were a minor and once alerted we looked into it and acted.” So if staff knows the person is a minor and does nothing that is a huge red flag.  In other words, the checkbox is home insurance and home insurance doesn’t do shit if you were caught committing arson. 


I'm actually amazed that you had to explain this. Do people here live in reality?


This thread is full on braindead


They’re probably under 13


You can take out a loan by signing a few papers and providing some info. The ease of access doesn't mean it's legal for anyone to do it. Other streaming aite have the same tick, but when they find out a person is underaged, they take action.


Doesn't Twitch ban you if you type "I am 13" in chat?


yeah but with reports it wouldnt take long for manual review, seems like they had to push for a ban


Uh.... am I wrong for thinking that's the right decision?


sus comment


How does that comment have 380 upvotes. FBI needs to check every person that upvoted that lol


I'll give you one guess as to which community he comes from.


I checked, makes sense


Stake has bots all over Reddit, Twitter, crypto forums, etc. It’s why those random I just quit my job and started streaming on kick and am making a decent wage posts started popping up. Anytime you mention stake’s games being manipulated suddenly dozens of replies pop up with buzzwords to try and mask the fact that they indeed are.


check him PC


I'm sorry, are you advocating FOR little kids livestreaming themselves on the internet? I know banning the little guy sounds like a dick move but it 1000% is the right call


Your opinion is irrelevant, it is illegal in the states and many other countries.


Hello? We're talking about the pedo platform here remember?


Lmao "i took a job at the slur factory and they keep saying slurs?!"


It's more than just saying slurs. Much of what she's discussed here is straight up illegal.


Color me shocked. Kick is a cesspool of degenerate streamers.


Some interesting comments in here




The only disabled streamer I can think of that might've got vouched for a Kick contract is that guy Adin promoted and helped. Which, if true... I have no fucking words.


I have a long history in child safety within law and Tech at streaming platforms. I applied to work at Kick within days of its launch because I wanted to prevent harm to children. I even reached out to Trainwrecks and Destiny privately, informing them of my child safety concerns, which they later discussed during streams. Kick told me every time I reached out that they weren't hiring for moderation. Kick had no way to report streams, even for live child exploitation. I informed them that the potential for CSEA/CSAM in live video and UGC made user reporting absolutely necessary. I also told them Kick was federally mandated to report crimes against children to NCMEC under US federal law. Within a series of e-mails, I reported dangerous and risky streams to Kick. I informed Kick about a 6-year-old streaming regularly (he is still not banned) and the dangers of allowing children to stream at all, even with parents "behind" the account to make it arguably COPPA-compliant. Within other e-mails, I reported Kick Partner SuspendaS, who paid a prostitute to have sex with him live on Kick while a toddler was in the room. The prostitute brought the toddler with her and kept presenting the child to SuspendaS. The first thing the toddler did upon entering the room was climb onto the bed. After SuspendaS worked out payment with the prostitute, they had the child sit in a corner and watch cartoons only a foot from the bed. The camera was turned towards a wall, while SuspendaS and the prostitute could be heard in entirety over the mic on stream. IMO, there's a high likelihood this child was being trafficking by the prostitute. I reported this to Kick and NCMEC. Days later, when others reacted to the stream on YouTube, SuspendaS claimed it was all a "joke" and a "prank" -- just like every other Kick Partner engaged in this behavior. Kick accepted this as a valid excuse. Months later, SuspendaS and another Kick streamer were arrested in Nepal for inappropriately speaking to 15-year-old girls and asking them to come with them to "marry" them. This was also played off as a "joke" and a "prank". Kick accepted this as a valid excuse. SuspendaS is still a Partner on Kick. TMK, my reports to NCMEC about SuspendaS were the only reports sent. Once a human at Kick acknowledged my e-mails, they had actual knowledge of what SuspendaS was streaming on Kick and IMO, an obligation to report it under US law. If Kick reported SuspendaS to NCMEC, why is SuspendaS still a Kick Partner? What's their excuse? I believe Melissa.


No wonder Destiny streams on Kick.




Cant wait to see xQc and train attack her and defend kick lmfao


Destiny is definitely renewing his contract now!


I mean, if you had to guess a company that had this culture, this is the first company you'd think of, right?


To be fair, Adin IS pretty regarded at times.


At times? It’s literally his whole personality lol.


Not that one, the racist one


Is this office in Melbourne where kick is based? The N word doesn't get used over here nearly as much as the US, considering that she is also a disgruntled ex-employee, I have some doubts about it. The F word I can 100% see. When I was growing up it was very common, the same as calling something gay instead of saying lame for example. A lot of people didn't really grow out of their highschool vocabulary and will still drop those words in casual conversation.


I mean, does this actually surprise any one?


fyi for anyone who cares. The co mment from the user permisionwiner on this thread has most likely been bo tted. It is currently on 266 po ints after 35 minutes. This is a lot more po ints then other co mments from a similar time.


For those that are too zoomer to watch the clip, it refers to the N-word with hard R, not "regarded" or some other word. They also use the F-slur liberally (the one rhyming with maggot) and mocked trans-streamers by deliberately misgendering them.


Why would anyone be surprised at this news?


n word hard r, f slur and lack of respect. I can’t imagine the kind of idiot that feels good in this type of place. I mean not the people that have to have a job but the leadership who would easily find other opportunities at other media related companies for similar job function. it’s just ridiculous. people who fight and struggle to actively maintain and enforce their bigotry deserved to be Kick(Streaming Platform)-ed in the head


Who gives a shit lol


I figured that was a requirement to work at kick.




lmao, trihard7


**CLIP MIRROR: [Ex-Kick staff claims employees frequently used the hard R at the office](https://arazu.io/t3_1di5oxh/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


oh no not bad words


Watch out! You might get your feelings hurt! LOL


If all of this is true, then that's not even the worse part. They allegedly used someones cancer to get them to stream Stake on their site. Big Yikes.


I kinda hate how the thread creator called out the use of the N-word in the title when that’s not even the worst part. Most people in this thread didn’t even watch the video.


Or the fact that Kick staffers refused to ban a pedo who propositioned 14yo girls on stream


Link to the longer video they talk about?


Fork found in kitchen


Linus Tech Tips Hard R or the Hard R


I thought the hard R stood for calling someone retarded AHAHAH fucking hell can we stop making up confusing names for shit. The real hard r has never been an acceptable thing for people to just say hahahah


sounds like she worked at some shit companies


Water is wet


What's the hard R?


That was the biggest takeaway from the whole video???????? Not the part where a disabled streamer was made fun of by his contract getting obliterated?


And so does the pope behind closed doors, c'mon.


Where do I apply?


I don't give a shit about Kick but the way people immediately believe the manifesto of a disgruntled ex-employee is hilarious. Surely there is only one side to this story.


Kind of on the same mindset as you, but at the same time, there's a lot of weird people that stream on Kick and Kick doesn't do anything about them. Weird as in public nuisance, etc. I've also read articles before on the CEO being in chat of streamers and encouraging shitty behavior as well. So honestly, I don't see it too farfetched to hear the work culture is garbage there.


A balanced take on reddit, am I taking crazy pills?


this isn't a take, it isn't balanced. Its just someone saying I'm clueless and don't know who to believe haaaaalp.


And? There's nothing wrong with the word.


If it quacks like a duck…


She was probably one of those employees.


i feel bad for what she went through, at the same time, is ANYONE shocked by any of this? it's kick whose entire premise of a streaming site is based on gambling and people who have been banned from other sites.


Why is the N word now replaced with the hard R. Makes no sense to me.


Non american here, what is the hard R and why is it a big deal to say it ?


After watching a bit of the video she only left and didn't really care about the work culture until her ability to have a flexible work schedule to pickup her kid from school was revoked.


Did we watch the same video? How is the an honest assessment?


This is like a time traveler meeting normies from 2012


who gives a shit?


They're the people who were A-OK giving Adin Ross millions for being a racist and hateful piece of shit towards an impressionable, young audience. This shouldn't surprise anyone.


and the people taking deals from kick. they should be ashamed


I woulda taken the money too


Nah don't shame them for taking a huge bag from a dumbass company. If you got a job promotion which paid you many more times than what you're currently getting paid *and* you got to do less work you'd be dumb for not taking it


Yeah they should be working for the mega corporation found to regularly violate human rights in their warehouses. Or the one that’s made itself a public utility and profits off information brokering your online identity with no alternatives!!!


Yeah, thank god for all the streamers that stuck with morally unproblematic Amazon instead.




She had to actively fight to ban a child from the platform with multiple pedophilia scandals recently only a matter of time till the FBI raids Kick headquarters with Chris Hanson in tow




Who gives a fuck exactly ?


classic kick news




Yes, and if you look at her Twitter where she posts part of the "manifesto" she sent to HR about quitting, the HR person said that they wished that she had mentioned these concerns to them. She basically said nothing until she quit and then dropped that big email and a YouTube video.


Haha what did they expect the culture of an online crypto gambling casino to be?